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针对目前常规水准测量在山区公路高程控制测量中的局限性,本文提出了一种三角高程与常规水准测量相结合的混合构网方法,并通过实例得出,这种方法充分利用了两者的优势,在保证成果的可靠性和精度的同时,大大提高了工作效率,缩短了生产周期。  相似文献   
The black shale formed under anoxic conditions usually contains high concentrations of many metals. Weathering of such black shale might cause the emission of many metals. Moreover, soils derived from black shale (SBS) are believed to be affected by black shale weathering. In recent years, many studies such as Lee et al. (2002), Woo et al. (2002), Fang et al. (2002), Pasava et al. (2003), and Peng et al. (2004) have approached the heavy metal contaminations of SBS, but systematical geochemical study is rare. Presently, the SBS and its corresponding black shales (CBS) were both sampled from central Hunan (China), and analyzed for a large number of elements, using an Elan6000 ICP-MS/AES machine at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, CAS. In this paper, some preliminary results are reported. The analytical results show that the SBS in central Hunan contains very high concentrations of heavy metals such as Co, Cu, Hg, Mo, Pb, Zn, U, Th, Sb, T1, Cd, Cr, Sc, V, Sn, As, Se, and Ni.  相似文献   
Four of the major plutons in the vicinity of the Candelaria mine (470 Mt at 0.95% Cu, 0.22 g/t Au, 3.1 g/t Ag) and a dike–sill system exposed in the Candelaria open pit have been dated with the U–Pb zircon method. The new geochronological data indicate that dacite magmatism around 123 Ma preceded the crystallization of hornblende diorite (Khd) at 118 ± 1 Ma, quartz–monzonite porphyry (Kqm) at 116.3 ± 0.4 Ma, monzodiorite (Kmd) at 115.5 ± 0.4 Ma, and tonalite (Kt) at 110.7 ± 0.4 Ma. The new ages of the plutons are consistent with field relationships regarding the relative timing of emplacement. Plutonism temporally overlaps with the iron oxide Cu–Au mineralization (Re–Os molybdenite ages at ∼115 Ma) and silicate alteration (ages mainly from 114 to 116 and 110 to 112 Ma) in the Candelaria–Punta del Cobre district. The dated dacite porphyry and hornblende diorite intrusions preceded the ore formation. A genetic link of the metallic mineralization with the quartz–monzonite porphyry and/or the monzodiorite is likely. Both of these metaluminous, shoshonitic (high-K) intrusions could have provided energy and contributed fluids, metals, and sulfur to the hydrothermal system that caused the iron oxide Cu–Au mineralization. The age of the tonalite at 110.7 Ma falls in the same range as the late alteration at 110 to 112 Ma. Tonalite emplacement may have sustained existing or driven newly developed hydrothermal cells that caused this late alteration or modified 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar systematic in some areas.  相似文献   
Apatite fission track analysis was performed on 56 samples from central Spain to unravel the far field effects of the Alpine plate tectonic history of Iberia. The modelled thermal histories reveal complex cooling in the Cenozoic, indicative of intermittent denudation. Accelerated cooling events occurred across the Spanish Central System (SCS) from the Middle Eocene to Recent. These accelerated cooling events resulted in up to 2.8±0.9 km of denudation in the western Sierra de Gredos and 3.6±1.0 km in the central and eastern Gredos (assuming a paleogeothermal gradient of 28±5 °C and a surface temperature of 10 °C). The greatest amount of denudation (5.0±1.6 km) occurred in the Sierra de Guadarrama. Accompanying rock uplift was 4.7±1.0 and 5.9±1.6 km in the eastern Gredos and Guadarrama, respectively. Most denudation in the Gredos occurred from the Middle Eocene to the Early Miocene and can be related to the N–S stress field, induced by the Pyrenean compression. In the Guadarrama, the greatest denudation was Pliocene to Recent of age and seems related to the ongoing NW–SE Betic compression. The fact that the formation of the E–W trending Gredos coincides with the N–S Pyrenean compression and the creation of the present day morphology of the NE–SW trending Guadarrama with the younger NW–SE Betic compression, indicates that they record the far field effects of Alpine plate tectonics on Iberia. The trend of pre-existing lineaments was of major importance in influencing the style and magnitude of these of far field effects.  相似文献   
When combined with the Miocene-Recent volcanic record of Baja California, a parallel drawn between the Chile and Mexico triple junction areas substantiates slab window development beneath northwestern Mexico during the past 12-10 Myr. The slab-free zone manifestations challenge the notion that ridge subduction has not occurred beneath the southern Baja California peninsula. The geochemically distinctive rocks from the Santa Clara volcanic field of west-central Baja California, including coeval adakites and niobium-enriched basalt, are commonly inferred to signal partial melting of the subducting plate at shallow depths and relatively high temperatures, before slab dehydration occurs. Such PT conditions for slab melting have only been observed in association with spreading-ridge subduction. We propose that slab window development beneath southern Baja California and mainland Mexico (30° to 18°N) resulted from subduction of the East Pacific rise.  相似文献   
山东省省际边界地区发展研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
省际边界地区有其自身的发展特点,对于区域的发展起着特殊的作用。文章分析了山东省省际边界地区的特点,并根据康维斯(P.D.Converse)断裂点理论,对山东省及周边中心城市的引力范围进行了计算,比较分析了目前山东省省界城市和省内城市吸引范围及竞争力差异,提出了山东省发展省际边界地区的相应对策。  相似文献   
Data from 25 local catalogues and 30special studies of earthquakes in central,northern and northwestern Europe have beenincorporated into a Databank. The dataprocessing includes discriminating eventtypes, eliminating fake events and dupletsand converting different magnitudes andintensities to Mw if this is not givenby the original source. The magnitudeconversion is a key task of the study andimplies establishment of regressionequations where no local relations exist.The Catalogue contains tectonic events fromthe Databank within the area44°N–72°N,25°W–32°E and the time period1300–1993. The lower magnitude level forthe Catalogue entries is setat Mw == 3.50. The area covered by thedifferent catalogues are associated withpolygons. Within each polygon only datafrom one or a small number of the localcatalogues, supplemented by data fromspecial studies, enter the Catalogue. Ifthere are two or more such catalogues orstudies providing a solution for an event,a priority algorithm selects one entry forthe Catalogue. Then Mw is calculatedfrom one of the magnitude types, or frommacroseismic data, given by the selectedentry according to another priority scheme.The origin time, location, Mw magnitude and reference are specified for eachentry of the Catalogue. So is theepicentral intensity, I0, if providedby the original source. Following thesecriteria, a total of about 5,000earthquakes constitute the Catalogue.Although originally derived for the purposeof seismic hazard calculation within GSHAP,the Catalogue provides a data base for manytypes of seismicity and seismic hazardstudies.  相似文献   
滇中昆阳群火成碳酸岩的发现及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在武定西矿带发现的已大理岩化的滇中昆阳群(Pt2k)火成碳酸岩富含钠长石、更长石、金云母、黑云母等硅酸盐矿物,发育火成结构构造,如斑状结构、隐晶结构,流纹构造、带状构造、气孔、杏仁构造等,与沉积围岩相比,岩石高Si、Al、Fe、Mg、Mn、P,富K2O Na2O,低钙,轻稀土富集,富含Nb、Zr、Hr、U、Th、Sr、Ba、稀土等不相容元素,与粗面质、粗安质等碱性硅酸盐岩共生。(铁)白云石(>50%)内,含有粗面南、碳酸质熔融包裹体;流体包裹体均一温度可达450℃以上。其发现证明滇中元古代曾有碳酸质岩浆活动。  相似文献   
高秉璋 《江西地质》1997,11(4):33-40
火山作用-深成作用的相互联系是研究岩浆活动从侵入到喷出,以及演化和发展的重要内容。高位深成岩体是其过渡类型,其中中心式环状杂岩体尤为重要,关键是要识别含棱角状捕掳体及破碎捕掳晶的侵入凝灰岩,包括侵入角砾岩,爆发角砾岩等一系列具侵入特征的火成碎屑岩类;大量的上覆火山岩碎块作为捕掳体出现在充气岩浆中,模糊了深成岩类和火山岩类,但根据产出形态及接触关系等特征仍可加以区别,本文对此问题作了明确的阐明,并以玉华山杂岩体为实例加以简要的论述  相似文献   
The Qiangtang basin is located between Kekexili-Jingshajiang suture belt and Bangong-Lujiang suture belt, and is divided into the north part and south part by the central uplift that has no crop out of Mesozoic strata. When the Jinshajiang Ocean was closed, the subducting plate was subducted southward. In the central part of the Qiangtang basin, the cushioning effect of the asthenosphere resulted in the thermal doming of the mantle and subsequent large-scale anatexis. Mantle source materials and antectic materials were upwelled and extruded into the middle crust, leading to the thickening of the middle crust and the heating and weakening of the middle to upper crust, and resulting in the rapid deformation (detachment) and tectonic erosion, and in the isostatic uplifting and the formation of metamorphic core complex. The upwelling of anatectic materials would further enhance the buoyant repercussion, which would combine with the side stress due from extrusion in resulting in the formation of an extension  相似文献   
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