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利用Micaps常规天气资料和NCEP 1°×1° 6h再分析资料.采用天气学诊断方法.对2006年2月27日十堰市出现的一次区域性暴雪天气过程的环流特征和物理量场特征进行了分析。结果表明,此次区域性暴雪天气过程是在比较有利的天气背景条件下发生的,高空东移小槽、中低层切变线和地面冷锋是其主要的影响系统;中低层较强的暖湿气流(暖平流)沿低层冷空气垫爬升是产生强降雪的动力条件;强烈的水汽辐合为暴雪的产生提供了充足的水汽,暴雪区位于近似西南-东北向水汽通量轴线的左侧。  相似文献   
王璐璐  贾浩松  刘静 《暴雨灾害》2023,37(2):134-143

利用常规观测资料、地面加密观测资料、FY-4A卫星云图资料、多普勒天气雷达资料和ERA5再分析资料,对2021年6月14日傍晚到夜间豫南一次对流性暴雨过程进行了分析。结果表明:此次过程发生时,850 hPa以上为西南到偏西气流,边界层内冷空气侵入豫南,风场形成了气旋性切变和辐合,过程中水汽条件和热力条件较好,动力强迫主要位于边界层。本次降水可分为两个阶段:14日18∶00—15日00∶00时为对流的触发与演变阶段,冷空气南下形成的地面中尺度辐合线南压到豫南触发了准线状对流,之后辐合线断裂,位于驻马店的东段辐合线进一步南压,对流随之南压减弱,而南阳盆地内风场形成了中尺度气旋性旋转和辐合,对流在此维持;15日00∶00—06∶00为对流的再次增强与维持阶段,随着近地面冷空气再次增强,南阳中部到驻马店西部一带的对流增强并稳定少动。南阳站附近形成了中尺度气旋式辐合中心并长时间维持,利于此处对流不断生成并东移,驻马店西部山地的喇叭口地形对风场的辐合抬升作用也促进了对流的维持。

一种隧道整体变形监测方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 提出了采用隧道多点整体监测取代传统单点监测的方法,将三维激光扫描技术应用于隧道变形监测领域,介绍了作业流程和作业中应注意的问题,讨论了点云配准和坐标转换问题,给出了应用实例。研究表明,采用ICP配准方法在隧道进行外业扫描的测站距离不能超过隧道直径,外业扫描的合理分辨率以高分辨率为宜,当扫描遮挡率过大时,为了避开障碍物影响需要在隧道中心线两侧分别扫描;采用本方法可以一次快速、全面地获取隧道表面的完整数据,克服了传统方法的不足。  相似文献   
重磁位场转换计算中迭代法的综合分析与研究   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
处理转换计算在重磁资料解释中发挥着重要的作用,但一些计算如向下延拓、化极等有时是很不稳定的,在频率域中则表现为其转换因子具有明显的放大作用,所以其FFT理论计算结果是不稳定的.因此,很多研究工作都是围绕增加计算的稳定性、提高计算效果进行的,其中迭代法是近来在研究中受到普遍重视的方法技术,并取得了较好的成果.但也存在对迭代法研究还不够深入,对其存在的缺点认识不够充分、客观等问题,例如,迭代法进行延拓及化极等计算时,对一些具体应用虽能在一定程度上获得较好的计算结果,但却存在计算结果并不会随着迭代次数的增加而得到持续改善的问题,对于原本不稳定的计算,迭代法在迭代次数比较大时,所得的结果依然是不稳定的.为此,本文在对迭代法进行分析研究的基础上,进一步推导了迭代法的通式,并分析了对迭代法收敛性影响的各种因素.分析结果表明:迭代法收敛到FFT理论直接计算结果的决定因素是计算过程中如何选择原始数据到目标数据的映射函数;在选择了合适的映射函数的情况下,迭代次数不仅仅是决定计算成本,而是决定结果好坏的关键因素;增加迭代次数虽然能够使计算收敛到FFT直接计算理论结果,但如果该理论结果本身就是不稳定的,则迭代法计算如果收敛,也是收敛到一个不稳定的结果.所以针对位场处理转换中一些不稳定计算采用迭代法,并没有从根本上解决计算的不稳定性问题.  相似文献   
基于融媒体技术的地震专业知识服务系统是服务社会工程科技、地震及相关行业的专业信息平台,具有信息集成、科学技术创新、集管理与决策于一体的特点。本文论述了该服务系统的设计模式特点、服务内容及对象、系统技术架构和功能,并对其未来应用及发展方向进行讨论。  相似文献   
A cavity expansion–based solution is proposed in this paper for the interpretation of CPTu data under a partially drained condition. Variations of the normalized cone tip resistance, cone factor, and undrained-drained resistance ratio are examined with different initial specific volume and overconsolidation ratio, based on the exact solutions of both undrained and drained cavity expansion in CASM, which is a unified state parameter model for clay and sand. A drainage index is proposed to represent the partially drained condition, and the critical state after expansion and stress paths of cavity expansion are therefore predicted by estimating a virtual plastic region and assuming a drainage-index–based mapping technique. The stress paths and distributions of stresses and specific volume are investigated for different values of drainage index, which are also related to the penetration velocity with comparisons of experimental data and numerical results. The subsequent consolidation after penetration is thus predicted with the assumption of constant deviatoric stress during dissipation of the excess pore pressure. Both spherical and cylindrical consolidations are compared for dissipation around the cone tip and the probe shaft, respectively. The effects of overconsolidation ratio on the stress paths and the distributions of excess pore pressure and specific volume are then thoroughly investigated. The proposed solution and the findings would contribute to the interpretation of CPTu tests under a random drained condition, as well as the analysis of pile installation and the subsequent consolidation.  相似文献   
Based on 25-year(1987–2011) tropical cyclone(TC) best track data, a statistical study was carried out to investigate the basic features of upper-tropospheric TC–environment interactions over the western North Pacific. Interaction was defined as the absolute value of eddy momentum flux convergence(EFC) exceeding 10 m s~(-1)d~(-1). Based on this definition, it was found that 18% of all six-hourly TC samples experienced interaction. Extreme interaction cases showed that EFC can reach~120 m s~(-1)d~(-1) during the extratropical-cyclone(EC) stage, an order of magnitude larger than reported in previous studies.Composite analysis showed that positive interactions are characterized by a double-jet flow pattern, rather than the traditional trough pattern, because it is the jets that bring in large EFC from the upper-level environment to the TC center. The role of the outflow jet is also enhanced by relatively low inertial stability, as compared to the inflow jet. Among several environmental factors, it was found that extremely large EFC is usually accompanied by high inertial stability, low SST and strong vertical wind shear(VWS). Thus, the positive effect of EFC is cancelled by their negative effects. Only those samples during the EC stage, whose intensities were less dependent on VWS and the underlying SST, could survive in extremely large EFC environments, or even re-intensify. For classical TCs(not in the EC stage), it was found that environments with a moderate EFC value generally below ~25 m s~(-1)d~(-1) are more favorable for a TC's intensification than those with extremely large EFC.  相似文献   
The successful designs of hulls for ships employing drag reduction by air bottom cavitation have been based on solutions of inverse problems of the theory of ideal incompressible fluid. However, prediction of the drag reduction ratio, the air demand by ventilated cavities and the cavity impact on the hull–propeller interaction is impossible in the framework of this theory because all mentioned characteristics depend on interaction of air cavities with the ship boundary layers. Because the known CFD tools are not fitted to ventilated cavitation at low Froude numbers, an analysis of this interaction requires a novel flow model. This model includes the incompressible air flow in the ventilated cavity, the compressible flow of a water–air mixture in the boundary layer on cavities and downstream of them and the curl-free incompressible outer water flow. The provided 2D computations employing this model allows for explanations of the earlier observed effects and for prediction of the air demand by ventilated cavities. The computed velocity profiles downstream of cavities are in the accordance with the available experimental data.  相似文献   
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北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou navigation satellite System, BDS)已于2020年7月正式建成并开通, 北斗三号(BDS-3)在旧信号B1I和B3I的基础上, 增加了B1C、B2a新信号. 为了全面评估BDS-3的新信号B1C、B2a的定位性能, 试验了GPS (Global Positioning System)、BDS-3、BDS-2/BDS-3新旧信号的定位性能和BDS系统不同频点与GPS组合定位性能, 对BDS (B1I+B3I、B1C/B2a)+GPS (L1+L2)组合静态PPP (Precise Point Positioning)定位性能进行分析, 并与单卫星系统对比分析. 试验结果表明: BDS-3 (B1C/B2a)在East (E)、\lk North (N)、Up (U)方向的定位精度优于1.25cm、0.89cm、1.67cm, BDS-3新旧频点在E、N方向上定位精度与GPS L1/L2在同一水平上, U方向上新频点定位精度高于GPS L1/L2和BDS-3旧频点, 较旧频点定位精度提升了34.2%, 新频点收敛时间25.9min比旧频点提升了12.7%; 相较于BDS、GPS单系统, 组合系统BDS/GPS定位精度和收敛时间有了明显的提高, BDS-3 (B1C/B2a)+GPS在E、N方向上与BDS-3 (B1I/B3I)+GPS定位精度相当, 在U方向上定位精度前者较后者有了明显的提升, 提升了17.2%, 组合系统新频点收敛时间20.1min比旧频点提升了17.6%.  相似文献   
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