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CAUSE FOR FL OODS IN MIDDL E REACH OF YANGTZERIVERFlood,a kind of interface disaster,occurs atthe interfacebetween atmosphere and lithosphere. Flood happens when at-mosphere and lithosphere interplay and couple each other(ofcourse,biosphere may also join in this) . Both meteorologicaland geographical factors can bring about flood;the formercontrols the time of flood and the latter controls the place ofdisaster. The second Neocathaysian tectonic subsidence area(L i,1973) is the…  相似文献   
本文结合作者从事的压密注浆加固软土地基的设计及检测的工程.叙述了压密注浆的加固原理、加固效果;影响加固效果的各种因素、适用范围等,并例举了二个项目成功加固案例,同时指出了压密注浆在建筑工程上其它方面的应用前景。  相似文献   
长江口南汇边滩冲淤变化规律与机制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据1842—2004年海图资料分析发现,南汇边滩存在近百年尺度的强烈冲刷—淤积旋回。长江主泓走南港或北港是造成冲刷期"北滩、东滩淤积,南滩、过渡带冲刷"或淤积期冲淤态势反相的主要原因;冲刷期内风暴强度和频数明显多于淤积期,造成冲刷期滩面叠置记忆的是暴风浪成因的"高滩冲刷、低滩淤积"的冲淤态势,而淤积期保存的是弱风浪成因的"高滩淤积、低滩冲刷"叠置增强的剖面特征。尽管三角洲整体冲淤态势的转变主要受流域来沙量的控制,但不同岸段受河口河势分水分沙作用、潮流和波浪等共同作用,明显存在此冲彼淤、冲淤动态调整等特征。已有的入海泥沙含量阈值研究以点代面或以局部代整体,这是造成阈值估算偏高的主要原因。2003年三峡水库开始蓄水后平均年输沙量154 Mt/a已低于低阈值184 Mt/a,但三角洲尚未如预测那样发生由净淤积向净侵蚀的转变。已有的河口水文观察资料显示,水体含沙量也未发生明显下降,这可能是潮控型三角洲潮流对泥沙在河口的再分配起主导作用,并可能由此延长三角洲冲淤转变对入海泥沙量减少的滞后。今后需进一步加强潮控型河口复杂过程的综合研究,提高对泥沙含量阈值估算和应对可能面临的海岸侵蚀及其相关的环境地质灾害的能力。  相似文献   
秦岭特长隧道涌水量的预测研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述了模糊聚类理论用于隧道涌水量预测的基本思路与方法, 提出了影响隧道涌水量的主要因素及其量化公式, 并以秦岭特长隧道 (Ⅱ线)为对象, 预测出其涌水量介于 1.0~ 3.0m3/d·m之间, 与该隧道开挖后的实际涌水量 2.07m3/d·m基本吻合, 从而证明了用该方法进行预测的合理性。  相似文献   
在露天转井工开采条件下,地下开采引起的地表沉陷以及井工开采对露天边坡的稳定性影响预测一直是矿山开采过程中的重大技术难题。针对当前两者计算方法均存在的不足,本文应用FLAC数值模拟方法,对山西平朔安太堡煤矿B902井工开采工作面进行了分步开挖模拟,总结出了地下开采引起的地表沉陷规律,并对地表沉陷位移值进行预测及边坡稳定性进行分析。与现场实测位移资料对比结果表明,FLAC3D以实际的煤岩物理力学参数为计算依据,克服了常用的计算方法的不足,其结果与现场实测结果比较接近,为露天转井工开采条件下地表沉陷预计及边坡稳定性分析探求了一种新的简单易行的方法。  相似文献   
This paper presents the procedure of a computational scheme leading to approximate general solution of the axi-symmetric,2-degrees of freedom dynamical systems. Also the results of application of this scheme in two such systems of the non-linear double oscillator with third and fifth order potentials in position variables. Their approximate general solution is constructed by computing a dense set of families of periodic solutions and their presentation is made through plots of initial conditions. The accuracy of the approximate general solution is defined by two error parameters, one giving a measure of the accuracy of the integration and calculation of periodic solutions procedure, and the second the density in the initial conditions space of the periodic solutions calculated. Due to the need to compute families of periodic solutions of large periods the numerical integrations were carried out using the eighth order, variable step, R-K algorithm, which secured for almost all results presented here conservation of the energy constant between 10-9 and 10-12 for single runs of any and all solutions. The accuracy of the approximate general solution is controlled by increasing the number of family curves and also by `zooming' into parts of the space of initial conditions. All families of periodic solutions were checked for their stability. The computation of such families within areas of `deterministic chaos' did not encounter any difficulty other than poorer precision. Furthermore, on the basis of the stability study of the computed families, the boundaries of areas of `order' and `chaos' were approximately defined. On the basis of these results it is concluded that investigations in thePoincaré sections have to disclose 3 distinct types of areas of `order' and 2 distinct types of areas of `chaos'. Verification of the `order'/`chaos' boundary calculation was made by working out several Poincaré surfaces of sections. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The galactic dynamical system expressed by a third-order axisymmetric polynomial potential is investigated numerically by computing periodic solutions. We define as Sthe compact set of initial conditions generating bounded motions, and as S p , with S p ? S, the countable set of all initial conditions generating periodic solutions. Then, we consider the subsets S s p and S a p of S p , where S s p S a p = S p , S s p S a p = Ø, the first of which corresponds to symmetric periodic solutions, and the second to asymmetric solutions. Then, we approximate the set S s p , leaving treatment of the set S a p of asymmetric solutions for a future publication. The set S s p is known to be dense in S (‘Last Geometric Theorem of Poincar;’, Birkhoff, 1913). Using a computer programme capable to locate all elements of the set S s p that generate symmetric periodic solutions that re-enter after intersecting the axis of symmetry from 1 to ntimes. The results of the approximation of S s p in the total domain and in the sample sub-domains of zooming, we present in graphical form as family curves in the (x, C) plane. The solutions located with the largest periods re-enter after 440 galaxy revolutions while the families calculated fully (initial conditions, period, energy, stability co-efficient) include solutions that re-enter after 340 galaxy revolutions. To advance further the approximation of the set S s p thus obtained, we applied the same procedure inside eight sub-domains of the domain Sinto which we ‘zoomed’ through selection of finer search steps and double maximum periods. The family curves thus calculated presented in the (x, C) plane do not intersect anywhere in some sub-domains and their pattern resembles that of laminar flow. In other sub-domains, however, we found family curves from which branching families emanate. The concepts of completeand non-completeapproximation of S s p in sub-domains of laminar and sub-domains with branching family curves, respectively, is introduced. Also, the concept of basic family of order1, 2, ..., n, are defined. The morphology of individual periodic solutions of all families is investigated, and the types of envelopes found are described. The approximate set S s p was also checked by computing Poincar; sections for energy values corresponding to the mean energy range of the eight sub-domains of zooming mentioned above. These sections show that most parts of the compact domain in Sgenerating non-periodic but bounded solutions correspond to with well-shaped tori that intersect the x-axis, a fact that implies that dominant to exclusive type of periodic solutions are the symmetric ones with two normal crossings of this axis. The presence of non-symmetric periodic solutions as well as of chaotic regions is encountered. All calculations reported here were performed using the variable step R-K 8th-order direct integration and setting the allowable energy variation Δ C= |C start? C end| < 10?13. The output, consisting of many thousands of families and their properties (initial conditions, morphology, stability, etc.), is stored in a directory entitled ‘Atlas of the Symmetric Periodic Solution of the Galactic Motion Problem’.  相似文献   
苏北沿岸水的去向与淡水来源估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于2006—2007年春、夏、秋、冬季CTD观测的盐度资料分析了苏北沿岸水盐度的季节变化特征,并利用冬、夏季盐度场变化估算了苏北沿岸水的淡水来源。结果表明:冬季苏北沿岸水在东北季风的驱动下顺岸南下,在离开苏北浅滩后转向东南进入东海;夏季低盐的苏北沿岸水分多支向北、向东流出沿岸区,后者汇入南黄海夏季冷水团环流中。估算结果表明苏北沿岸水的淡水来源主要是苏北沿岸的入海径流水,约占总量的65%,次之是降水/蒸发量通量和长江冲淡水沿江苏沿岸的北向扩展。  相似文献   
红崖山水库径流量减少与民勤绿洲水资源危机分析   总被引:43,自引:14,他引:43  
民勤绿洲是武威、金昌等重要经济区的生态屏障。近半个世纪以来,随着石羊河中游工农业经济的持续发展,用水量不断增加,致使红崖山水库入库径流量不断减少,进而引起了下游民勤绿洲一系列生态环境问题,已到了"崩溃"的边缘。本文在定量分析入库径流量减少原因的基础上,全面阐述了民勤绿洲生态环境恶化的严重程度,并以流域水资源承载能力为依据,提出了解决民勤绿洲水资源危机之途径。  相似文献   
滨海工业入海排污口位置的合理选择对于减轻陆源排污对海洋环境污染有很重要的作用.本文以湛江钢铁项目为例,从海洋功能区要求、海洋环境容量、环境保护目标和扩散条件等因素考虑,对滨海工业入海排污口的选址进行了多方案的比选研究.通过比选研究结果,推荐符合当地海洋功能区划、远离主要环境保护目标、离岸深海排放(10m)、环境容量较大...  相似文献   
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