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 The aim of the study is to investigate the interaction between waters of Lake Girdev and groundwater in the allochthonous limestone units exposed in the area between Lake Girdev and Kazanpınarı Spring, southwestern Turkey. The features analyzed include the flow direction and apparent groundwater velocity, their relationship with Lake Girdev, and the effect of lithological and structural features on the groundwater circulation. The results of a fluorescein tracer test indicate that groundwater flows east-northeast and the apparent flow velocity ranges from 26.2 to 35.6 m h–1 between the injection site and various observation points. Tritium data suggest that the water of Lake Girdev and groundwater are probably similar in age, and oxygen-18 isotope data indicate that water derived from Lake Girdev is the main source of recharge to the aquifer. The aquifer is fed not only by Lake Girdev but also by rainfall percolating through allochthonous limestones; together, these provide the discharge of springs in Elmalı Polje. The permeability of the allochthonous limestone aquifer has been enhanced as a result of jointing and faulting. Received, June 1997 / Revised, June 1998, March 1999 / Accepted, July 1999  相似文献   
The Cretaceous deposits of the Southern Petén Basin, an oil-producing province, are located to the south of the Yucatan Platform and to the east of the Chiapas Carbonate Platform of Mexico. The succession in the southern part of this basin has been studied both in wells and at outcrop by microfacies analysis. It is composed of 5000 m of shallow marine carbonates and evaporites with a few thin layers of pelagic limestones rich in organic carbon and planktic foraminifera deposited during peak transgressions or maximum flooding. The sedimentation of this thick succession was not continuous, and the section is punctuated by subaerial erosional bounding surfaces and a single hardground which marks the final drowning of the carbonate platform during the late Maastrichtian. New age determinations have been obtained on the basis of planktic and benthic foraminifera from the Aptian to Santonian Cobán Formation, D, C, B and A Members. Cobán C (Albian) and B (Cenomanian) Members are the present oil reservoirs. The rudist and alveolinid limestones of late Campanian and Maastrichtian age referred to the Campur Formation in the Southern Petén Basin are here reassigned to the Angostura Formation, as recognized in the Chiapas area. The Actela Formation is defined here to encompass the limestone breccia deposits that occur at the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary and extend into the Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina Zone of early Danian age. The D, C, B and A Members of the Cobán Formation and the Angostura Formation represent second order transgressive and regressive trends in a passive margin area where the deposits indicate a succession of various environments, including fluviatile, salinas, shallow marine carbonate platform, outer shelf and intrashelf basin. High subsidence rates, sea-level changes and tectonic uplift controlled the sedimentation.


Les formations crétacées du sud-est du Bassin du Petén, région pétrolière du nord du Guatemala, sont situées au Sud du Yucatan et à l'Est du Chiapas au Mexique. Ces sédiments ont été étudiés à la fois dans deux puits et à l'affleurement par l'analyse des microfaciès. Cet ensemble sédimentaire est composé de 5000 m de carbonates de plate-forme de faible profondeur et d'évaporites, dans lesquels s'intercalent de minces couches de calcaires pélagiques riches en matière organique et en foraminifères planctoniques. Ces calcaires pélagiques se sont déposés lors des maximums de transgressions. La sédimentation de cette épaisse série n'est pas continue et est ponctuée par quelques surfaces d'érosion sub-aérienne et une surface durcie qui souligne l'ennoyage définitif de la plate-forme carbonatée au Maastrichtien terminal. De nouvelles datations ont été obtenues sur la formation Cobán et ses membres D, C, B et A qui s'étagent de l'Aptien au Santonien. Les membres C (albien) et B (cénomanien) constituent les réservoirs productifs. Les calcaires à rudistes et à alveolinidés du Campanien supérieur–Maastrichtien ont été appelés à tort au Petén formation Campur. Ils doivent, selon nous, être attribués à la formation Angostura comme au Chiapas voisin, où affleurent des faciès comparables et de même âge. Une nouvelle formation est créée (formation Actela) pour les brèches calcaires de la limite Crétacé–Tertiaire et de la Zone à Eugubina du Danien inférieur. Les membres D, C, B, A de la formation Cobán et la formation Angostura représentent des cycles transgressifs–régressifs de deuxième ordre. Sur cette marge passive du Petén, les dépôts correspondent à des environnements variés comme des terres émergées soumises à une altération karstique et à des dépôts fluviatiles, des salinas, des plates-formes carbonatées marines, des shelf externes et des bassins intra plate-forme. La sédimentation a été, ici, contrôlée par une forte vitesse de subsidence, les variations du niveau marin et des soulèvements tectoniques.  相似文献   
微生物地质工程技术是将微生物参与的生化过程加以控制和利用,来解决工程地质问题的一类新型岩土体水—力学特性改性技术。研究表明该技术具有低成本、环境友好、低能耗和过程可控的优点,是工程地质界近些年的一个热门研究内容,也是现代工程地质学科的重要发展方向。文章基于当前该技术取得的研究进展,系统总结了能被加以控制和高效利用的三种代表性微生物地质工程技术(微生物成矿作用、微生物膜作用及微生物产气作用)的原理及其应用领域。着重对研究最多、应用前景最广的微生物成矿作用改性岩土体力学特性、渗透特性、抗侵蚀性等工程性质及机理进行了阐述,并深入探讨了影响微生物成矿作用改性效果的关键因素(细菌种类、菌液浓度、环境温度、pH值、胶结液、土体性质及灌浆工艺)。此外,文章还详细论述了微生物成矿作用在地基处理、岛礁建设、防风固沙、水土保持、抗裂防渗、文物保护、地灾防治等领域的应用现状,并探讨了该技术当前面临的主要挑战及未来的重点研究方向。  相似文献   
The carbonate factories, their controlling factors and their palaeoecological and sedimentological signals recorded in sedimentary successions are key elements for understanding the evolution of carbonate platform systems. Luis Pomar has dedicated most of his academic life to the study of carbonate rocks and carbonate factories. The idea for this special issue to celebrate Pomar’s career arose during a session at the 34th International Association of Sedimentologists meeting held in Rome, entitled ‘Understanding carbonate factories through palaeoecological and geochemical signals’. The proposal encountered great response among participants, and additional contributions followed an email invitation to other specialists. This issue contains a variety of papers on carbonate sedimentology and carbonate factories. Here, an introduction that contextualizes the papers and key concepts discussed in this thematic issue is provided. It reviews Luis Pomar’s major achievements in carbonate sedimentology and discusses the evolution of the concept of the carbonate factory and the series of palaeoecological and sedimentological signals used to characterize the wide spectrum of carbonate depositional systems found in the natural world.  相似文献   
通过铸体薄片、AxioVision图像分析、岩芯常规分析、地层水测试等方法,在明确了碳酸盐胶结物类型的基础上,采用多方法进行了碳酸盐胶结物含量的测定,探讨了准噶尔盆地车排子地区北部沙湾组碳酸盐胶结物差异性分布控制因素,并揭示了其对储层物性、油水分布的影响.研究表明,车北地区沙湾组储层中发育大量的早期碳酸盐胶结物,不均匀...  相似文献   
地震属性分析在块碳酸盐岩储层研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马伯林 《安徽地质》2007,17(1):40-45
通过对也门1区块地层特征及电测资料的分析,从目的层段精细层位标定入手,确定属性提取的时窗大小,沿层提取1区块西北部盐上、盐下两套碳酸盐岩储集层地震属性.综合应用地震属性技术研究碳酸盐储层的剖面和平面分布特征,预测碳酸盐储层"孔-洞-缝"发育区.  相似文献   
桩侧泥皮和桩底沉渣对钻孔桩承载力影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周红波 《岩土力学》2007,28(5):956-960
运用有限元软件模拟分析了桩侧泥皮和桩底沉渣对钻孔桩承载力的影响。通过对不同桩底沉渣厚度和强度下单桩承载力模拟计算,研究了沉渣对钻孔桩承载力的影响规律,指出沉渣厚度的影响存在临界值,当沉渣厚度超过临界值300 mm时沉渣厚度对单桩承载力影响不是很明显,主要是沉渣强度的影响。引入桩侧泥皮摩阻力折减系数来考虑泥皮强度的影响,计算分析了泥皮高度和强度对钻孔桩承载力的影响,并指出泥皮高度是主要因素。  相似文献   
在总结前人研究资料和实地观测豫西北太行山奥陶系5处露头区的基础上,运用地质统计学与构造应力场分析的方法,对豫西北太行山奥陶系露头区裂缝发育特征及其主控因素进行了研究。结果表明:研究区以高角度裂缝为主,可分为北北西、北西西、北北东和北东东向4组,裂缝切深变化较大,野外可见的切深多为0.15~1.4 m,裂缝线密度为1~10条/m,裂缝张开度一般介于0.1~3 cm之间;裂缝充填程度包括未充填、半充填和全充填3种,以未充填裂缝为主,半充填和全充填裂缝次之;裂缝充填物以方解石为主,灰泥质充填和铁质充填次之。通过对研究区裂缝主控因素和成因机制分析,认为其主要形成于古近纪、中新世、上新世至更新世早期、中更新世以来4个时期;构造作用、岩性和岩层厚度是影响其发育的最主要因素,其中构造作用对裂缝的倾向、倾角、张开度、切深、充填状况等影响较大,岩性及层厚与裂缝线密度关系密切,岩层内白云质含量愈高裂缝越发育,且裂缝线密度平均值与岩层厚度平均值具有良好线性关系。  相似文献   
The Paleogene sections of Kutch are the reference for the regional chronostratigraphic units of India. The ages of these dominantly shallow marine carbonates are mainly based on larger benthic foraminifera (LBF). The taxonomic revisions of the LBF and the progressively refined shallow benthic zonations (SBZ) have necessitated the present study on updating the stratigraphy of the area. The sedimentation in Kutch commenced with the deposition of volcaniclastics in terrestrial environments in the Paleocene. The marine transgression in SBZ 5/6 deposited finer clastics and carbonates, designated as Naredi Formation, in early Eocene. There is no evidence of marine Paleocene in Kutch. A major hiatus spanning SBZ 12 to SBZ 16 was followed by the development of a carbonate platform and deposition of Harudi Formation – Fulra Limestone during the Bartonian, SBZ 17. The hiatus corresponds to a widespread stratigraphic break in Pakistan and India to Australia, referred as the ‘Lutetian Gap.’ The Maniyara Fort Formation is assigned to SBZ 22 B and SBZ 23, and its age is revised to Chattian. Climate played a major role in building up of the Paleogene stratigraphic succession of Kutch, the carbonates formed during the warming intervals and the stratigraphic gaps were in the intervening cooling periods.  相似文献   
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