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在天然气水合物发育区海底沉积物中甲烷厌氧氧化作用(AOM)是碳循环的重要组成部分。通过定量计算表层沉积物中甲烷迁移转化通量,可以更准确评估甲烷来源碳对沉积物碳库和海洋深部碳库影响。本文利用反应―运移模型对采集于南海神狐水合物发育区两个站位(SH-W19-PC、SH-W23-PC)采集的孔隙水SO42-、溶解无机碳(DIC)、Ca2+剖面进行拟合,同时对DIC碳同位素进行分析,确定近海底沉积物中的碳循环。研究显示两个站位孔隙水中SO42-和Ca2+浓度在剖面上随深度呈线性减少,DIC浓度随深度逐渐增加,其δ13CDIC值随深度逐渐降低至约-25‰,表明两个站位存在一定程度的AOM。模拟计算两个站位沉积物孔隙水溶解甲烷向上的通量分别为25.9和18.4 mmol·m^-2 a^-1,AOM作用产生的DIC分别占其总DIC量的70.7%和60%。由沉积物向海水中释放的DIC通量占DIC汇的约60%。因此,在天然气水合物发育区向海底渗漏甲烷大部分以DIC的形式进入上覆海水,这些具有极负碳同位素值的甲烷来源的DIC可能对局部深海碳库产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
用点种法从大黄鱼肠道优势菌群中筛选出104株病原性副溶血弧菌的拮抗菌,进一步研究拮抗效果最好的11株拮抗菌的抗菌谱和生长曲线,其中NAC平板上筛选的4株拮抗菌的抗菌范围较广,锰营养琼脂培养基上筛选的3株拮抗菌具有生长优势。用BIOLOG板测定了抗菌谱较广、有一定生长优势3株拮抗菌(R22,Y58和J312)的碳源利用情况,结果表明,3株拮抗菌的碳源谱都比较广,都能利用糖类、有机酸和氨基酸等,而且与鱼类营养的竞争较小。16S rRNA基因同源性分析的结果显示与R22,Y58,J312同源性达99%以上的菌株分别来自弧菌属、芽孢杆菌属和假单胞菌属。进一步对R22,J312和Y58三株拮抗菌进行生化鉴定,结果显示R22为溶藻弧菌,J312为荧光假单胞菌,但Y58的种属未能得到确认。所得到的3株拮抗菌R22,Y58,J312在拮抗病原菌、抗菌谱、生长特性和营养利用等方面都初步满足益生菌的筛选条件,有待进一步检测其安全性和实用效果以便能够成为能实用的益生菌。  相似文献   
Molecular organic biomarkers together with trace element composition were investigated in sediments east of Barrow Canyon in the western Arctic Ocean to determine sources and recycling of organic carbon in a continuum from the shelf to the basin. Algal biomarkers (polyunsaturated and short-chain saturated fatty acids, 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol, dinosterol) highlight the substantial contribution of organic matter from water column and sea-ice primary productivity in shelf environments, while redox markers such as acid volatile sulfide (AVS), Mn, and Re indicate intense metabolism of this material leading to sediment anoxia. Shelf sediments also receive considerable inputs from terrestrial organic carbon, with biomarker composition suggesting the presence of multiple pools of terrestrial organic matter segregated by age/lability or hydrodynamic sorting. Sedimentary metabolism was not as intense in slope sediments as on the shelf; however, sufficient labile organic matter is present to create suboxic and anoxic conditions, at least intermittently, as organic matter is focused towards the slope. Basin sediments also showed evidence for episodic delivery of labile organic carbon inputs despite the strong physical controls of water depth and sea-ice cover. Principal components analysis of the lipid biomarker data was used to estimate fractions of preserved recalcitrant (of terrestrial origin) and labile (of marine origin) organic matter in the sediments, with ranges of 12–79%, 14–45%, and 37–66% found for the shelf, slope, and basin cores, respectively. On average, the relative preserved terrestrial organic matter in basin sediments was 56%, suggesting exchange of organic carbon between nearshore and basin environments in the western Arctic.  相似文献   
空间分辨率对总初级生产力模拟结果差异的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用模型分析气候变化对陆地生态系统功能的影响,是当前全球变化生态学的研究热点,然而模型模拟不确定性来源之一就是空间异质性的问题。空间异质性是尺度的函数,基于气象和遥感数据驱动的生态系统过程模型(BEPS模型),分别模拟2003-2005年中国生态系统通量观测与研究网络(ChinaFLUX)长白山站、千烟洲站、海北站及当雄站在1 km和8 km空间分辨率下的总初级生产力(GPP)的时间动态变化,并结合土地覆盖类型及叶面积指数(LAI)的差异,探讨两种空间分辨率输入数据对GPP模拟结果的影响。结果表明:① 差异性主要是由于8 km范围内混合像元导致LAI的不同,4个站点月均差异值分别为0.85、1.60、0.13及0.04;② 两种空间分辨率均能较好地反映各站点GPP的季节动态变化,与GPP观测值的相关性R2为0.79~0.97 (1 km)、0.69~0.97(8 km),月均差异值为11.46~29.65 gC/m2/month (1 km)、11.87~24.81 gC/m2/month (8 km);③ 4个通量站点在两种空间分辨率下的GPP月均差异值分别为14.43,12.05,4.79,3.22 gC/m2/month,不同空间分辨率的模拟结果在森林站的差异大于草地站,且生长季的差异大于非生长季。因此,模型在模拟大尺度、长时间序列GPP时,为了提高模型模拟效率,适度降低空间分辨率是可行的,但应尽量减小低空间分辨率对于森林生态系统以及生长季GPP模拟上的误差。  相似文献   
海南岛土壤有机碳空间分布特征及储量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2005年海南岛生态地球化学调查获得的8713件表层土壤和2197件深层土壤样品,计算分析海南岛土壤有机碳的空间分布特征,结果显示:0~20 cm、0~100 cm、0~180 cm 3个深度的土壤有机碳密度分别为2.86、9.48、13.72 kg/m2,与国内其他典型地区相比,几乎处于最低水平.区域土壤有机碳密度图显示,海南岛土壤有机碳的分布与地貌类型关系密切,高值区分布在山地、丘陵、火山岩台地等地区,其次是平原区,最低为滨海地区.统计显示,土地利用类型、土类不同,土壤有机碳密度差异明显,不同地类土壤有机碳密度:园地>林地>其他土地>耕地,土壤有机碳主要贮存在林地和耕地中;不同土类土壤有机碳密度:黄壤>赤红壤>砖红壤>水稻土>燥红土,土壤有机碳主要贮存在砖红壤、赤红壤和水稻土中;0~180 cm土壤有机碳库储量为478.13 Mt.  相似文献   
本文基于常用的统计方法,通过与WOA09观测的海洋溶解氧浓度数据进行比较,定量地评估了9个CMIP5地球系统模式在历史排放试验中海洋溶解氧气候态特征的模拟能力。在海表,由于地球系统模式均能很好地模拟海表温度(SST),模式模拟的海表溶解氧浓度分布与观测一致,模拟结果无论是全球平均浓度偏差还是均方根误差均接近0,空间相关系数与标准偏差接近1。在海洋中层以及深层这些重要水团所在的区域,各模式的模拟能力则差异较大,尤其在溶解氧低值区(OMZs)所在的500m到1000m,各模式均出现全球平均偏差、均方根误差的极大值以及空间相关系数的极小值。在海洋内部,模式偏差的原因比较复杂。经向翻转环流和颗粒有机碳通量均对模式的偏差有贡献。分析结果表明物理场偏差对溶解氧偏差的贡献较大。一些重要水团,比如北大西洋深水,南极底层水以及北太平洋中层水在极大程度上影响了溶解氧在这些海区的分布。需要指出的是,虽然在海洋内部各模式模拟的溶解氧浓度偏差较大,但是多模式平均结果却能表现出与观测较好的一致性。  相似文献   
中国居民食物消费碳排放时空演变趋势及其驱动机制分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
食物生产是影响温室效应气体排放的重要方面,由于食物类型不同其碳排强度存在较大的差异,因此当前中国居民食物消费快速演替必然会对生态碳环境产生重要影响。论文利用洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数,研究1997—2016年中国城乡居民食物消费在生产过程中碳排放时空演变及其主要驱动因子。主要结论如下:① 在数量上,中国居民食物消费碳排放总量和人均量整体都呈现逐渐的增长刚性,但仍属于低碳消费模式;② 在结构上,各类型食物碳排放演变呈现显著的分异态势,整体上动物性食物碳排放增长速度快于植物性食物碳排放减少速度;③ 在城乡差异上,城镇和乡村居民食物消费碳排放在数量、结构和趋势上表现出显著的城乡二元属性,但近年城乡差异表现出减缓趋势;④ 在空间上,各地食物消费碳排放呈现较显著的民族性、地域性、集聚性和中心“塌陷”的特征,碳排放密度高值主要分布在直辖市和沿海经济相对发达地区;⑤ 在驱动力上,结构演替是全国居民食物消费碳排放总量整体变化的主要驱动因素,而人口数量是各地地域空间差异分布的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   
范庆超  徐兆凯 《海洋科学》2020,44(2):138-145
系统总结了白垩纪OAEs的研究进展,重点讨论了OAE1a、OAE1b和OAE2时期的有机碳(TOC)含量、碳同位素、古温度和锶同位素特征及其古环境指示意义,综合分析了白垩纪OAEs的成因机制。结果表明白垩纪OAEs的发生可能与该时期海底大规模的火山活动以及由其引起的气温升高、碳水化合物大量分解、水文循环加快和海洋生物生产力提高等一系列变化有关。对于白垩纪OAEs演化特征和成因机制的深入研究具有重要借鉴意义。通过对白垩纪OAEs的综合分析发现,当前的研究区域主要集中在大西洋/特提斯盆地及其周边陆地,而对南半球高纬度地区的研究报道迄今未见,从而无法对白垩纪OAEs进行全球性对比和系统性研究。今后我们将重点围绕南半球高纬度地区白垩纪OAEs的演化特征、成因机制及其古气候环境效应等进行深入研究。  相似文献   
The temporal and spatial variability of dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), nitrogen (DIN), carbon (DIC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were studied in order to determine the net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) of San Diego Bay (SDB), a Mediterranean-climate lagoon. A series of four sampling campaigns were carried out during the rainy (January 2000) and the dry (August 2000 and May and September 2001) seasons. During the dry season, temperature, salinity and DIP, DIC and DOC concentrations increased from oceanic values in the outer bay to higher values at the innermost end of the bay. DIP, DIC and DOC concentrations showed a clear offset from conservative mixing implying production of these dissolved materials inside the bay. During the rainy season, DIP and DOC increased to the head, whereas salinity decreased toward the mouth due to land runoff and river discharges. The distributions of DIP and DOC also showed a deviation from conservative mixing in this season, implying a net addition of these dissolved materials during estuarine mixing within the bay. Mass balance calculations showed that SDB consistently exported DIP (2.8–9.8 × 103 mol P d−1), DIC (263–352 × 103 mol C d−1) and DOC (198–1233 × 103 mol C d−1), whereas DIN (5.5–18.2 × 103 mol N d−1) was exported in all samplings except in May 2001 when it was imported (8.6 × 103 mol N d−1). The DIP, DIC and DOC export rates along with the strong relationship between DIP, DIC or DOC and salinity suggest that intense tidal mixing plays an important role in controlling their distributions and that SDB is a source of nutrients and DOC to the Southern California Bight. Furthermore, NEM ranged from −8.1 ± 1.8 mmol C m−2 d−1 in September to −13.5 ± 5.8 mmol C m−2 d−1 in January, highlighting the heterotrophic character of SDB. In order to explain the net heterotrophy of this system, we postulate that phytoplankton-derived particulate organic matter, stimulated by upwelling processes in the adjacent coastal waters, is transported into the bay, retained and then remineralized within the system. Our results were compared with those reported for the heterotrophic hypersaline coastal lagoons located in the semi-arid coast of California–Baja California, and with those autotrophic hypersaline systems found in the semi-arid areas of Australia. We point out that the balance between autotrophy and heterotrophy in inverse estuaries is dependent on net external inputs of either inorganic nutrients or organic matter as it has been indicated for positive estuaries.  相似文献   
We report radiocarbon measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in surface water samples collected daily during cruises to the central North Pacific, the Sargasso Sea and the Southern Ocean. The ranges of Δ14C measurements for each cruise (11–30‰) were larger than the total uncertainty (7.8‰, 2-sigma) of the measurements. The variability is attributed to changes in the upper water mass that took place at each site over a two to four week period. These results indicate that variability of surface Δ14C values is larger than the analytical precision, because of patchiness that exists in the DIC Δ14C signature of the surface ocean. This additional variability can affect estimates of geochemical parameters such as the air–sea CO2 exchange rate using radiocarbon.  相似文献   
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