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渤海及北黄海河流悬浮颗粒碳氮同位素时空分布及源解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于靖  张华 《海洋科学》2017,41(5):93-102
选择流入渤海和北黄海的36条主要河流为研究对象,对比了平水期、丰水期和枯水期水体中悬浮颗粒物和河流表层沉积物的碳和氮稳定同位素的地球化学特征,并对颗粒物有机质碳和氮来源进行分析。结果表明,水体悬浮有机质碳同位素总体上表现为δ13C平水期δ13C丰水期δ13C枯水期的特点,δ15N值呈δ15N丰水期δ15N平水期δ15N枯水期的特点。渤海和北黄海的主要入海河流悬浮颗粒物有机质的来源具有明显的季节性差异,悬浮颗粒有机质碳平水期(春秋季)来源以C3植物、土壤有机质和水生藻类为主,丰水期(夏季)碳的各来源中浮游植物的贡献率明显增大,枯水期(冬季)则表现为陆源C3植物分解和水源性有机质的混合来源;悬浮颗粒态氮的来源与季节性降水量、生活污水、合成化肥及河流内源性水生植物密切相关。  相似文献   
The relative contribution of chemosynthesis in heterotrophic fauna at seeps is known to be influenced by depth and by habitat. Using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, we investigated macro‐ and megafaunal nutritional patterns in Norwegian margin cold seeps by comparing food webs both among habitats within a seep site and between different sites. The very active Håkon Mosby mud volcano (HMMV) is characterized by geochemical gradients, microbial activity and faunal zonation from the centre to the periphery. The Storegga Slide (600–900 m depth) has pockmarks with patchy less active seeps, and also shows concentric zonation of habitats but at much smaller spatial scale. The dominant carbon source for macrofaunal nutrition in both areas was chemosynthetically fixed and the bulk of organic carbon was derived from sulphur‐oxidizing bacteria. In HMMV, food chains were clearly separated according to habitats, with significantly lighter δ13C signatures on microbial mats and adjacent sediment (?33.06 to ?50.62‰) than in siboglinid fields (?19.83 to ?35.03‰). Mixing model outputs revealed that the contribution of methane‐derived carbon was small in siboglinid fields (0–17%) but significant (39–61%) in the microbial mats. Moreover, the variability of macrofauna signatures within this later habitat suggests the co‐occurrence of two food chains, one based on primary production via methanotrophy and the other via sulphide oxidation. The length of the food chains also varied among habitats, with at least one more trophic level in the siboglinid fields located at the periphery of the volcano. Conversely, in Storrega pockmarks, faunal δ13C signatures did not vary among habitats but among species, although separate food chains seem to co‐occur. The small size of the seepage areas and their lower fluxes compared to HMMV allow more background species to penetrate the seep area, increasing the range of δ15N and the trophic level number. Probably due to the higher flux of photosynthetic particulate organic carbon, the overall chemosynthesis‐based carbon contribution in invertebrate nutrition was lower than that in HMMV.  相似文献   
基于能源消费的中国不同产业空间的碳足迹分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
Using energy consumption and land use data of each region of China in 2007,this paper established carbon emission and carbon footprint model based on energy consumption,and estimated the carbon emission amount of fossil energy and rural biomass energy of dif-ferent regions of China in 2007.Through matching the energy consumption items with indus-trial spaces,this paper divided industrial spaces into five types:agricultural space,living & industrial-commercial space,transportation industrial space,fishery and water conservancy space,and other industrial space.Then the author analyzed the carbon emission intensity and carbon footprint of each industrial space.Finally,advices of decreasing industrial carbon footprint and optimizing industrial space pattern were put forward.The main conclusions are as following:(1) Total amount of carbon emission from energy consumption of China in 2007 was about 1.65 GtC,in which the proportion of carbon emission from fossil energy was 89%.(2) Carbon emission intensity of industrial space of China in 2007 was 1.98 t/hm2,in which,carbon emission intensity of living & industrial-commercial space and of transportation in-dustrial space was 55.16 t/hm2 and 49.65 t/hm2 respectively,they were high-carbon-emission industrial spaces among others.(3) Carbon footprint caused by industrial activities of China in 2007 was 522.34 106 hm2,which brought about ecological deficit of 28.69 106 hm2,which means that the productive lands were not sufficient to compensate for carbon footprint of industrial activities,and the compensating rate was 94.5%.As to the regional carbon footprint,several regions have ecological profit while others have not.In general,the present ecologi-cal deficit caused by industrial activities was small in 2007.(4) Per unit area carbon footprint of industrial space in China was about 0.63 hm2/hm2 in 2007,in which that of living & indus-trial-commercial space was the highest (17.5 hm2/hm2).The per unit area carbon footprint of different industrial spaces all presented a declining trend from east to west of China.  相似文献   
报道一种合成2,2-二甲基-4-戊烯酸的新方法。由异丁醛与烯丙醇缩合得到2,2-二甲基-4-戊烯醛,后者经氧化银选择氧化生成2,2-二甲基-4-戊烯酸。此法氧化产率(96%)高于分子氧氧化法(61%)和歧化法(41%)。反应中析出的金属银能定量回收,循环使用。  相似文献   
肖琼  赵海娟  章程  贺秋芳  吴夏 《第四纪研究》2020,40(4):1058-1069

岩溶作用所产生的岩溶碳汇对全球碳循环有着重要的影响。岩溶水生生物通过CO2富集机制(CCM)固定岩溶水中的HCO3-,将其转化为有机碳。惰性有机碳(RDOC)为水生生物和微生物不能利用和降解的溶解性有机碳。RDOC长时间滞留水体,形成稳定碳汇。多次培养实验发现可以用原位微生物法对岩溶区地表水中的RDOC进行检测。以桂林漓江为对象,研究由外源水补给并流经岩溶峰林平原区的岩溶地表水中的RDOC及其相关因子,结果显示:1)漓江水中Ca2+,HCO3-浓度从上游到下游逐渐升高,表明外源水进入岩溶区,发生了岩溶作用。漓江水的C/N为6.29~10.50,表明水中有机碳的来源为外源水和水生生物作用。受岩溶作用和水生生物光合作用双重影响,δ13C-DIC值从上游到下游逐渐偏正,水生生物优先利用无机碳中的12C使得δ13C-POC从上游到下游逐渐偏负。C/N与δ13C-DIC、δ13C-POC的变化以及相关性体现了岩溶地表水体中无机环境和有机环境相关联;2)岩溶区地表水中检测出RDOC且浓度远大于非岩溶区,RDOC浓度的时空变化与水生生物利用岩溶作用所产生的HCO3-有关。漓江地表水中DOC、BDOC、RDOC浓度与HCO3-浓度变化趋势一致,从上游到下游逐渐升高,下游L6(岩溶区)RDOC浓度为上游L1(非岩溶区)的3倍,在季节上表现出秋季>冬季>夏季>春季,RDOC的含量平均占水体中DOC含量的78%左右,体现了岩溶作用强度和水生生物活动对岩溶地表水中RDOC的影响;3)结合流量数据计算RDOC通量:桂林水文站RDOC的通量为0.75×107 kg/a,阳朔水文站的RDOC通量为1.3×107 kg/a,是桂林水文站断面的1.7倍。

INTRODUCTIONDissolvedorganiccarbon (DOC)makesupthesecondlargestofthebioactivepoolsofcar bonintheocean ,secondtothelargestpoolofdissolvedinorganiccarbon .Theglobaldissolvedorganiccarbonpoolisestimatedtobe 6 85Gt,avaluecomparabletothemassofCO2 intheat mosphere (Hedges,1 992 ) .Thesizeofthereservoir,aswellasitsdynamics ,indicatesthatDOCplaysacentralroleintheoceancarboncycle .AsitrelatestogreenhousegasessuchasCO2 andassociatesclimatecycle ,oceanicDOCbiogeochemicalcycleshavebeenoneoftheh…  相似文献   
河流-河口-近海连续体(简称连续体)是连接陆地和大洋的过渡地带,也是目前全球碳收支估算的薄弱环节.这个复杂的海陆交互生态系统不仅可以通过光合作用、溶解作用吸收大气中的CO2,陆地和流域光合作用或化学风化作用固定的碳也可以被横向输送到陆架和大洋中.本文以国际上著名的切萨皮克湾以及长江-长江口-东海等为例,综述了连续体碳循...  相似文献   
卫星遥感器中的CO21.6μm弱吸收带通道测量信号可以反映CO2的近地层浓度分布,是温室气体卫星反演的重要通道之一。HITRAN数据库是建立卫星遥感CO2浓度算法依赖的重要分子光谱参数数据库,目前已经更新到了2012版,不同版本中大气分子谱线参数存在差异。本文利用逐线积分模式LBLRTM,研究了最近3个版本HITRAN数据库(04、08、12版)在CO2的弱吸收带通道上大气光学厚度、透过率的差异,发现04版计算的气体光学厚度普遍偏高,可对CO2造成约38 ppm的低估;08版本得到的气体光学厚度与12版本接近,反演相差2 ppm以内。在此基础上,分析了不同HITRAN数据库对整层CO2变化和近地层CO2变化的敏感性,结果表明:04版对整层和近地面大气的变化敏感性最强,并且放大了近地层信号;08版与12版对整层或近地层CO2的敏感度接近,两者经过卷积后得到的信号无差异。  相似文献   
赵明松  李德成  张甘霖  王世航 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2206-2217
利用安徽省第二次土壤普查资料和2010-2011年土壤调查数据,运用GIS技术,研究1980-2010年安徽省表层(0~20 cm)和1 m土体中土壤有机碳(SOC)密度和储量的时空变化,并探讨土地利用变化对SOC储量变化的影响。研究表明:① 1980-2010年安徽省表层和1 m土体中SOC密度平均减少0.37 kg/m2和1.63 kg/m2,但耕地的SOC密度增加。② 1980-2010年,全省SOC密度空间变化呈现北增南减的趋势,且增加幅度由北向南依次减小。表层和1 m土体的SOC密度增加的面积为56.97%和58.21%。③ 1980-2010年,全省表层SOC储量减少34.23×109 kg,1 m土体中SOC储量减少197.26×109 kg。淮北平原、江淮丘陵岗地和沿江平原的SOC储量增加,皖西大别山区和皖南丘陵山区减少。④ 非耕地转换为耕地,比保持用地类型不变或变为其他非耕地类型,SOC密度和储量减少较慢。耕地类型内部转换(水田和旱地间转换)比保持类型不变的SOC密度和储量增加较多。研究成果为区域土壤固碳潜力、土壤肥力变化等研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   
基于EBA模型的中国碳排放稳健性影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
依据环境经济学理论,运用极值边界分析(the extreme bounds analysis, EBA)模型,拓展了Kaya恒等式,利用中国30个省际区域2001~2010年的面板数据,实证研究中国省际区域人均碳排放量“稳健性”的影响因素。结果表明,地方财政决算支出、产业结构、能源效率、能源消费结构、能源价格、客运量等6个因素对中国人均碳排放量具有抗干扰的“稳健性”显著影响,并根据实证结论提出了一些政策建议,如调整产业结构,控制高碳产业发展;优化能源消费结构,积极发展新能源和可再生能源;发展循环经济开发清洁技术,提高能源利用效率;提倡低碳生活,提倡低碳生活方式。这些建议为政府制定环境保护与经济发展政策提供经验证据和决策参考。  相似文献   
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