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红树林海岸的沉积物输运和碳沉降特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mangroves play an important role in sequestering carbon and trapping sediments. However, the effectiveness of such functions is unclear due to the restriction of knowledge on the sedimentation process across the vegetation boundaries. To detect the effects of mangrove forests on sediment transportation and organic carbon sequestration, the granulometric and organic carbon characteristics of mangrove sediments were investigated from three vegetation zones of four typical mangrove habitats on the Leizhou Peninsula coast. Based on our results, sediment transport was often "environmentally sensitive" to the vegetation friction. A transition of the sediment transport mode from the mudflat zone to the interior/fringe zone was often detected from the cumulative frequency curve. The vegetation cover also assists the trapping of material, resulting in a significantly higher concentration of organic carbon in the interior surface sediments. However, the graphic parameters of core sediments reflected a highly temporal variability due to the sedimentation process at different locations. The sediment texture ranges widely from sand to mud, although the sedimentary environments are restricted within the same energy level along the fluvial-marine transition zone. Based on the PCA results, the large variation was mainly attributed to either the mean grain size features or the organic carbon features. A high correlation between the depth and δ13C value also indicated an increasing storage of mangrove-derived organic carbon with time.  相似文献   
气候变化和人类活动制约下的红树林演变是一种长时间尺度效应,而沉积物则是记录这种响应的最佳档案。采用古生态学研究思路,选择有效的示踪参数是解读这一档案的有效途径。本文通过广西钦州湾红树林区1根柱状沉积物中有机碳同位素(δ13C)、C/N分析和孢粉鉴定,以沉积物中的红树林源有机碳贡献和红树植物孢粉组合为示踪参数,在210Pb年龄框架构建的基础上,通过对比研究红树林源有机碳贡献和红树孢粉组合特征,揭示百年来钦州湾红树林兴衰和群落演替规律;进而重塑其红树林演变历史:兴盛期(1864-1918年)、衰退期(1918-1968年)和低谷期(1968-2007年),这与土地替代、遥感分析和现场勘测数据较为吻合。结合气候变化和人类活动资料,发现钦州湾红树林的近期衰退主要源于人类活动的影响,尤其是虾塘围垦;而与气候变化关系不大。  相似文献   
The Strait of Malacca (SoM), the world’s busiest sea-route, is increasingly polluted as the rapid development of world trades, affecting phytoplankton primary productivity therein. The variations of surface phytoplankton biomass, size-structure and carbon fixation were investigated across the SoM during the spring period (May 4 to 9, 2011). Chlorophyll a concentration increased from 0.12 μg/L at the northwest entrance of the SoM to a maximal 0.63 μg/L at narrowest section, and decreased to 0.10 μg/L at the southeast entrance. Photosynthetic carbon fixation by phytoplankton coincided well with Chl a biomass, and increased from 10.8 to 22.3 μg C/(L d), then decreased to 9.21 μg C/(L d); while the carbon fixation rate showed an inverse pattern to the changes of Chl a, and decreased from 87.1 to 35.5 μg C/(μg Chl a d) and increased thereafter to 95.3 μg C/(μg Chla·d). Picophytoplankton cells (<3 μm) contributed to more than 60% and 50% of the total Chl a and carbon fixation at both the entry waters; while the contributions of pico-cells decreased sharply to the minimum of 18.3% and 27.5% at the narrowest part of the SoM. In particular, our results showed that the silicate concentration positively regulated Chl a biomass and carbon fixation, reflecting that the higher silicate favoured the growth of phytoplankton and thus led to higher primary production in this strait.  相似文献   
Surface sediments from the Changjiang River(Yangtze River) Estuary,Hangzhou Bay,and their adjacent waters were analyzed for their grain size distribution,organic carbon(OC) concentration,and stable carbon isotope composition(δ13C).Based on this analysis,about 36 surface sediment samples were selected from various environments and separated into sand(0.250 mm,0.125–0.250 mm,0.063–0.125 mm) and silt(0.025–0.063 mm)fractions by wet-sieving fractionation methods,and further into silt-(0.004–0.025 mm) and clay-sized(0.004mm) fractions by centrifugal fractionation.Sediments of six grain size categories were analyzed for their OC andδ13C contents to explore the grain size composition and transport paths of sedimentary OC in the study area.From fine to coarse fractions,the OC content was 1.18%,0.51%,0.46%,0.42%,0.99%,and 0.48%,respectively,while theδ13C was –21.64‰,–22.03‰,–22.52‰,–22.46‰,–22.36‰,and –22.28‰,respectively.In each size category,the OC contribution was 42.96%,26.06%,9.82%,5.75%,7.09%,and 8.33%,respectively.The OC content in clay and fine silt fractions(0.025 mm) was about 69.02%.High OC concentrations were mainly found in offshore modern sediments in the northeast of the Changjiang River Estuary,in modern sediments in the lower estuary of the Changjiang River and Hangzhou Bay,and in Cyclonic Eddy modern sediments to the southwest of the Cheju Island.Integrating the distribution of terrestrial OC content of each grain size category with the δ13C of the bulk sediment indicated that the terrestrial organic material in the Changjiang River Estuary was transported seaward and dispersed to the Cyclonic Eddy modern sediments to the southwest of the Cheju Island via two pathways:one was a result of the Changjiang River Diluted Water(CDW) northeastward extending branch driven by the North Jiangsu Coastal Current and the Yellow Sea Coastal Current,while the other one was the result of the CDW southward extending branch driven by the Taiwan Warm Current.  相似文献   
食物生产系统的碳排放占人类活动碳排放总量的 30%, 碳汇渔业是一种重要的面向人类社会高质量食物蛋白质供给 的低碳发展路径。本文基于常见的 11 种养殖贝类的固碳系数和蛋白质含量特性研究,系统评估了我国2019 年养殖牡蛎 、蛤 类、扇贝、贻贝和蚶类等在养殖周期内碳捕集特性以及对低碳发展的贡献。研究表明: (1) 11 种养殖贝类之间贝壳和软体 组织含碳量的差异并不明显,但干重比和出肉率差异显著。因此,贝类固碳量核算不能忽视种类差异。 (2)所选 11 种贝类 软体组织皆属于高蛋白食品,虾夷扇贝软体组织 (干重) 的蛋白质含量最高。针对单位质量贝类养殖,长牡蛎的碳封存贡献 度最大,而华贵栉孔扇贝提供的蛋白质最多,两者都是碳汇渔业的优势种。(3) 据估算,我国2019 年海水养殖贝类中牡蛎、蛤 类 、扇贝和蚶类总共吸收固定了约 117.98 万吨 C02,提供了 40.65 万吨蛋白质 。这些蛋白质相比于牛肉源蛋白质可减少 4 048.74 万吨 C02 当量的排放量。由于贝类固碳强度大,探索低碳可持续的贝类养殖是绿色渔业经济的重要引擎, 也是建立可持续高质量“蓝色粮仓”和生物固碳的重要路径, 将在我国低碳产业发展中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
Abstract. Benthic fluxes of dissolved N. Si and P nutrients, alkalinity, dissolved inorganic C (DIC), and O2 from sediments in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic, Italy) were measured monthly for 16 months, using laboratory incubated flux chambers at in siru temperatures in the dark. The annual average fluxes were: 02 = -19.3 ± 8.2, DIC = 13.7 ± 9.6, NO3 = -0.04 ± 0.16, NH4 = 0.3 ± 0.4. PO4= 4.001 ± 0.01, Si = 0.9 ± 0.1 mmol m-2 d-1, with strong temporal fluctuations. The highest effluxes of all nutrients and DIC were observed in the summer. Small effluxes of DIC and NH4 and influxes of Si and PO4 were observed in late winter. Only NH4 (ca. 50%) and Si (ca. 70%) fluxes were significantly correlated with temperature. This correlation suggests that the rate of downward input and the quality of sedimented organic matter (autochthonous and allochthonous) were superimposed on the temperature fluctuations. High DIC, NH4 and Si effluxes observed in May 1993 during low temperature were due to the degradation of sedimentary organic matter produced by an early spring bloom of benthic microalgae which occurred about 6 weeks earlies while the autumn phytoplankton bloom was simultaneously reflected in enhanced benthic fluxes due to higher temperature. The role of benthic biological advection in this transport across the sediment-water interface, evaluated by comparison between measured benthic and calculated diffusive fluxes from nutrient pore water concentrations, was of minor importance. This is probably due to low infaunal activity throughout the year it was localized mostly in the narrow surficial layer. The annual average diffusive fluxes of NH4 and PO4 were higher than those measured, probably due to the presence of nitrificationdenitrifi-cation processes and redox-dependent chemical reactions at the oxic sediment-water interface, respectively. Only during bottom-water hypoxia in September 1993 did strong PO4 effluxes prevail. Calculations based on the Redfield stoichiometry of oxic decomposition of organic N to NH4 and NO3, and differences between diffusive and measured NH4 fluxes showed that denitrifkation averaged 0.8 mmol m-2 d-1. Significant correlations between NH4 and PO4 DIC and Si, and NH4 and Si fluxes suggested their parallel regeneration and utilization at the sediment-water interface. The nutrient fluxes observed were not significantly linked to O2 consumption, suggesting also that anaerobic oxidation processes were important at the sediment-water interface in the gulf. The N, P and Si nutriqnts released from sediment pore waters are probably utilized in benthic microalgal and bottorn-hater primary production. This indicates that pelagic and benthic communities in the central part of the Gulf of Trieste function relatively independently of each other.  相似文献   
There is an apparent dichotomy between the metal-poor  ([Fe/H]≤−2)  yet carbon-normal giants and their carbon-rich counterparts. The former undergo significant depletion of carbon on the red giant branch after they have undergone first dredge-up, whereas the latter do not appear to experience significant depletion. We investigate this in the context that the extra mixing occurs via the thermohaline instability that arises due to the burning of  3He  . We present the evolution of [C/Fe], [N/Fe] and  12C/13C  for three models: a carbon-normal metal-poor star, and two stars that have accreted material from a  1.5 M  AGB companion, one having received  0.01 M  of material and the other having received  0.1 M  . We find the behaviour of the carbon-normal metal-poor stars is well reproduced by this mechanism. In addition, our models also show that the efficiency of carbon-depletion is significantly reduced in carbon-rich stars. This extra-mixing mechanism is able to reproduce the observed properties of both carbon-normal and carbon-rich stars.  相似文献   
Taxonomic composition, size composition, standing stock, and chemical composition of mesozooplankton were determined to examine the contribution of their fecal pellets to the vertical flux of organic carbon at the outside, the edge, and the center of the warm core ring. The warm core ring significantly affects not only their taxonomic composition and size composition but also their standing stock and chemical composition. The zooplankton at the center of the warm core ring was characterized by the absence of carnivores at the top of the size-trophic relation and filter feeding planktonic tunicates at the bottom. Zooplankton carbon biomass at the outside of the ring was one-third less than that at the center of the ring. The vertical flux of fecal pellets obtained from the pellet volume (12.3 mgC m−2d−1) contributed 19 to 96% of the flux (13 to 64 mgC m−2 d−1) estimated from the body carbon and the fecal pellet production rate. The estimated flux of fecal pellets was 6 to 27% of vertical carbon flux (236 mgC m−2d−1) determined by the sediment traps. Microscopic determination of fecal pellets and plankton in the sediment trap samples indicated high grazing activity during the sinking process. Those observations might suggest that particles other than fecal pellets contributed significantly to the vertical carbon flux and fecal pellets were settled directly without loss or being recycled within the surface mixed layer.  相似文献   
透明胞外聚合颗粒物碳输运新途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
孙军  郭聪聪  张桂成 《海洋学报》2019,41(8):125-130
目前大家普遍认为,透明胞外聚合颗粒物(Transparent Exopolymer Particles,TEP)因其独特的凝聚效应导致碳通量向海底输出。但是,近几年的研究表明TEP不仅影响了碳沉降途径,其本身能够悬浮甚至向海水表层迁移,导致其在海洋微表层(Surface Micro-layer, SML)积累,最终显著影响海洋表层碳通量。TEP和其他颗粒物聚集形成凝聚物后,其运动趋势则由凝聚物中TEP的含量占比,即最终颗粒物密度所决定。一个新的值得注意的现象是,密度低的TEP通过与其他微粒聚合形成表面活性物质(Surface-active Substances, SAS),会在海洋–大气界面形成薄膜,显著影响海–气CO2交换通量,甚至对全球气候变化造成影响。  相似文献   
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