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Reactions occurring on the surfaces of biogenic carbonate minerals can have important consequences for the biogeochemical cycle of carbon. In this study, carbonate mineral surface reactions with ambient seawater were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). A sampling method was developed in which calcite surfaces were hung at discrete depths on a sediment trap array line for a three-day deployment period in subtropical North Pacific waters. Changes in surface morphologies were examined at nanometer resolution and evaluated using as a constraint the depth profile of calcite saturation in these waters. Evidence suggests that: (1) organic films which develop on carbonate surfaces exposed to shallow seawater may be responsible for the oversaturated state of the upper oceanic water column, (2) dissolution of carbonate minerals within the shallow warm layer of the ocean could be responsible for part of the alkalinity anomaly observed in the North Pacific.  相似文献   
Carbonate minerals and water (or geofluids) reactions are important for modeling of geochemical processes and have received considerable attention over the past decades.The calcite dissolution rates from 50℃to 250℃at 10 MPa in deionized water with a flow rate varying from 0.2 to 5 mL/min were experimentally measured in a continuous flow column pressure vessel reactor.The dissolution began near the equilibrium with c/c_(eq)>0.3 and finally reached the equilibrium at 100℃-250℃,so the corresponding solubility was also determined as 1.87,2.02,2.02 and 1.88×10~(-4)·mol/L at 100℃,150℃,200℃and 250℃respectively,which was first increasing and then switching to decreasing with temperature and the maximum value might occur between 150℃and 200℃.The experimental dissolution rate not only increased with temperature,but also had a rapid increase between 150℃and 200℃at a constant flow rate of 4 mL/min.The measured dissolution rates can be described using rate equations of R=k(1-c/c_(eq))n or R=kc~(-n).In these equations the reaction order n changed with temperature,which indicates that n was a variable rather than a constant,and the activation energy was 13.4 kJ/mol calculated with R=k(1-c/c_(eq))~n or 18.0 k J/mol with R=kc~(-n),which is a little lower than the surface controlled values.The varied reaction order and lower activation energy indicates that calcite dissolution in this study is a complex interplay of diffusion controlled and surface controlled processes.  相似文献   
四川盆地西部须家河组致密砂岩成岩作用与孔隙演化模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用各种实验分析手段,对四川盆地西部上三叠统须家河组致密砂岩成岩作用进行研究,找出砂岩结构致密的症结所在;成岩作用与油气的研究,建立起该区致密砂岩成岩作用序列以及孔隙演化模式,为储层、油气藏的形成、研究提供了重要依据和信息。  相似文献   

尖扎盆地地处青藏高原的东北缘,位于青藏高原寒旱区、西北内陆干旱区和东部季风区的交汇地带,同时又处在东亚季风和西风环流的汇聚地带,属于气候极度敏感区域,盆地内部沉积了巨厚且连续的新生代沉积物。青海省尖扎县城西面的加让剖面主要以风成红粘土沉积为主体,但发生过多次沉积微相变化,夹杂有短暂的湖相及河流相沉积。红粘土中主要的碳酸盐矿物由方解石和白云石组成,通过对红粘土中方解石和白云石含量的实验测定,将方解石含量变化曲线和磁化率变化曲线进行对比分析,可将厚度为361 m的加让剖面经历了11.8~5.8 Ma沉积序列划分为以下4个气候阶段:11.8~9.8 Ma气候干冷期;9.80~8.57 Ma气候温暖湿润期;8.57~6.15 Ma气候温暖湿润期及6.15~5.80 Ma气候干冷期。在约8.57 Ma沉积物方解石含量和磁化率急剧变化,由于青藏高原的隆升,夏季风明显加强,约7.2 Ma之后,夏季风的变化受高原隆升、全球变冷和北极冰盖扩张综合影响。白云石含量在10~8 Ma变化显著增加,可能是由于这一时期青藏高原快速隆升,盆地周缘山脉风化剥蚀加快,近源物质增多所致。

以库车坳陷克拉苏构造带白垩系巴什基奇克组为研究层段,分别通过层间泥岩硼元素含量和碳酸盐胶结物流体包体显微测温,对不同成岩期地层流体盐度进行示踪对比.由于自沉积初始至埋藏成岩期碳酸盐胶结阶段,研究层段经历一段较为稳定的构造时期,再加上沉积及构造疏导体系的缺失,地层流体始终缺乏大规模交换与改造,不同成岩场之间水-岩体系在这一阶段呈现出一定的封闭性特征,使得研究层段在碳酸盐胶结期孔隙流体盐度时空分异较好地延续了同沉积期水体盐度的分异规律,这种延续性不仅体现在平面上,也体现在垂向上.研究层段在碳酸盐胶结期后经历了强烈的构造活动,但由于断层的封堵并未对流体介质进行有效的疏导,先期形成的碳酸盐胶结分异规律因而未受到明显干扰,从而呈现出同沉积地层水体盐度时空分异特征造就了埋藏成岩期碳酸盐胶结作用的时空分异规律.  相似文献   
Summary The Lower Lias Clay at Blockley, 20 km due south of Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, is thought to be representative of this clay formation over much of the Severn Basin. As far as the mineralogy of the clay is concerned, illite is the dominant clay mineral, kaolinite being subsidiary, with quartz, calcite, pyrite and chlorite/vermiculite present in subsidiary or accessory amounts. Weathering changes the mineralogy, with illite being degraded and calcite and pyrite being removed. Furthermore free iron oxide coatings become important as a result of weathering, with the maximum concentrations being present in the highly weathered material.The unweathered clay possesses a preferred orientation associated with turbostratic structures. At certain horizons microfolding and remoulding occurs in the unweathered clay and silty layers are displaced. Weathering has progressively destroyed the micro-structures present in the weathered clay horizons.The fissures in the Lower Lias Clay occur in five uniplanar sets. In the unweathered clay the intensity is fairly constant but it increases in a narrow zone just below the weathered horizons. The number of curved fissures also increases at this depth. This intense fissuring continues into the lowest zone of weathered clay where weathering is confined to the fissure surfaces. Fissures become less apparent in the more weathered horizons as more and more degradation has taken place. However, new smaller fissure systems are developed in the weathered clay, as are desiccation cracks.Engineering index properties and values of shear strength are given. Relationships between moisture content and strength, liquid limit and iron (Fe) content were observed, and a relationship between weathering zones and the shear strength-depth curve was established.  相似文献   
近年来,工业和科技的快速发展使得重金属污染土固化/稳定化的修复研究成为热点。运用微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀(MICP)技术联合吸附材料对锌铅复合重金属污染土进行固化/稳定化的修复,通过无侧限抗压强度试验、毒性浸出试验,评价处理前后污染土的固化效果与重金属的稳定化效果,结合扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)等检测手段,揭示MICP技术处理锌铅重金属污染土的修复机制。研究结果表明,采用MICP技术对锌铅重金属污染土进行固化/稳定化之后,可以有效降低污染土中有害重金属的浸出性。当矿化时间为10d时,试样无侧限抗压强度为942.5k Pa;铅的浸出浓度为4.20mg/L,比未处理时降低了44.81%;锌的浸出浓度为4.31mg/L,比未处理时降低了46.19%,效果显著。在此基础上,添加10%的多孔硅吸附材料后,试样无侧限抗压强度可达到1 021 kPa,强度提高了8.3%;铅的浸出浓度为2.45mg/L,与未经处理时相比,降幅达到了67.81%,与单纯MICP方法处理时相比,铅浸出浓度被二次降低了41.67%;锌的浸出浓度仅为2.93 mg/L,与未经处理时相比,降幅达到了63.4%,与单纯...  相似文献   
<正>顺层方解石脉是页岩油储层中比较常见的一种构造,虽然它的体量不大,但是携带的地质信息很多,近年来颇受重视,取得了很多成果(何文渊等,2022,2023;杨勇等,2023)。近期大庆油田在古龙凹陷青山口组获得了页岩油的资源量可达15.1 Gt,已引起广泛关注,但还有一些地质问题没有解决,严重地影响了页岩油的勘探开发。因此,对古龙凹陷青山口组页岩的基础地质进行深入研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
微生物矿化是近年来在土体改良工程发展起来的一个新分支,主要研究微生物活性在改善土体颗粒特性方面的应用。微生物诱导碳酸盐沉积(MICP)是实现土体生物胶结最常用的方法之一,该技术借助脲酶菌的代谢行为诱导碳酸钙,将松散的砂颗粒胶结成整体,从而提高了土体的力学性能。文章系统性地介绍了MICP研究中的脲酶菌矿化机理、相关处理方法、影响因素、衍生新工艺脲酶诱导碳酸盐沉积EICP及MICP技术在岩土领域的相关现场试验,并对MICP的实用性进行了总结,最后简要讨论了现研究阶段MICP工程应用所面临的挑战和潜在解决方案。  相似文献   
Bosten Lake is a mid-latitude lake with water mainly supplied by melting ice and snow in the Tianshan Mountains. The depositional environment of the lake is spatially not uniform due to the proximity of the major inlet and the single outlet in the western part of the lake. The analytical results show that the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of recent lake sediments is related to this specific lacustrine depositional environment and to the resulting carbonate mineralogy. In the southwestern lake region between the Kaidu River inlet and the Kongqi River outlet, carbon isotope composition (δ13C) values of the carbonate sediment (?1‰ to ?2‰) have no relation to the oxygen isotope composition of the carbonate (δ18O) values (?7‰ to ?8‰), with both isotopes showing a low variability. The carbonate content is low (<20%). Carbonate minerals analyzed by X-ray diffraction are mainly composed of calcite, while aragonite was not recorded. The salinity of the lake water is low in the estuary region as a result of the Kaidu River inflow. In comparison, the carbon and oxygen isotope values are higher in the middle and eastern parts of the lake, with δ13C values between approximately +0.5‰ and +3‰, and δ18O values between ?1‰ and ?5‰. There is a moderate correlation between the stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, with a coefficient of correlation r of approximately 0.63. This implies that the lake water has a relatively short residence time. Carbonate minerals constitute calcite and aragonite in the middle and eastern region of the lake. Aragonite and Mg–calcite are formed at higher lake water salinity and temperatures, and larger evaporation effects. More saline lake water in the middle and eastern region of the lake and the enhanced isotopic equilibrium between water and atmospheric CO2 cause the correlating carbon and oxygen isotope values determined for aragonite and Mg–calcite. Evaporation and biological processes are the main reasons for the salinity and carbonate mineralogy influence of the surface-sediment carbonate in Bosten Lake. The lake water residence time and the CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the water body control the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the carbonate sediment. In addition, organic matter pollution and decomposition result in the abnormally low carbon isotope values of the lake surface-sediment carbonate.  相似文献   
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