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The Ohori deposit, one of the base metal deposits in the Green-Tuff region, NE Japan, is composed of two types of mineralization; a skarn-type (Kaninomata orebody) made by the replacement of the Miocene calcareous layer, and a vein-type (Nakanomata orebody). While the ore mineral assemblage of the deposit (chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite and galena) has been known for being rather simple, some Pb-Bi-S minerals have been discovered for the first time in the present study. The minerals mainly occur in the chalcopyrite-rich ores of both orebodies. They essentially belong to the Pb-Bi-S system and contain Cu and Ag in minor amounts, which correspond to the lillianite–gustavite solid solution series (phases Z and X), cosalite, neyite, felbertalite, krupkaite and Bi-bearing galena. The chalcopyrite-rich (Bi-bearing) ores from both orebodies are richer in chalcopyrite, pyrite and chlorite, and have higher homogenization temperatures (>300°C) of fluid inclusions, and higher FeS contents in sphalerite compared to the Bi-free ores. In the Green-Tuff region, Bi-minerals have been reported from many base metal deposits. Most of these Bi-bearing ore deposits are referred to as xenothermal-type deposits, and are characterized by the following common features; composite mineralization of high- and low-temperatures in the shallower environments, and close relationships with the Tertiary granitic rocks. The whole mineralization at the Ohori deposit also has a similar xenothermal character because of the coexistence of high-temperature chalcopyrite-rich ores with Pb-Bi-S minerals, which were formed by the influence of the Tertiary granitic rocks at a shallow depth.  相似文献   
高莲凤      张振国      姚纪明      左文喆      马亚杰      张鹏      万晓樵 《地质通报》2012,31(06):907-914
藏南江孜一带的侏罗纪—白垩纪海相地层被划分为维美组和甲不拉组。通过偏光显微镜和扫描电镜观察和分析,发现甲不拉组黑色页岩中含有保存较为完好的钙质超微化石。研究区的生物丰度和分异度偏低,经鉴定以椭圆球石科(Ellipsagelosphaeraceae)生物群为主,数量相对丰富,但属种比较单调。超微化石指示甲不拉组为早白垩世沉积的产物。结合菊石和双壳类化石,认为甲不拉组地层时代属于早白垩世贝利阿斯期至凡兰吟期 (Berriasian-Valanginian)。这一发现标志着西藏特提斯东部早白垩世地层中钙质超微化石的存在。甲不拉组早白垩世钙质超微化石的发现,为该地区海相地层的时代划分、对比提供了新的资料,也为寻找海相侏罗纪—白垩纪地层界线指示了目标。  相似文献   
在阿拉善高原广泛分布不同地质历史时期的植物钙质根管,探索从这些植物钙质根管中提取可靠的环境信号并进行古环境重建,是一项具有一定指示意义的工作。本文共采集了腾格里沙漠14组全新世植物钙质根管样品,在14C测年结果的基础上,通过X射线荧光光谱法对其进行元素测定,结果显示:8~5cal.ka B.P.阶段植物钙质根管中Sr/Ca比值较高;5~2cal.ka B.P.阶段时Sr/Ca比值较小。本文尝试用植物钙质根管中Sr/Ca比值的变化和植物钙质根管时间分布,重建该区域全新世千年尺度上的有效湿度变化:早全新世时期(8cal.ka B.P.之前)气候干旱,中全新世时期(8~5cal.ka B.P.)气候湿润,晚全新世时期(5~2cal.ka B.P.)气候由湿润转向干旱。上述重建结果与腾格里沙漠猪野泽地区以及毗邻的石羊河中游红水河地区的全新世千年尺度有效湿度变化重建结果基本一致,说明植物钙质根管中的Sr/Ca比值可以指示腾格里沙漠地区全新世千年尺度的有效湿度变化。因此,可以从植物钙质根管中提取可靠的古环境信号并将其应用于古环境重建研究中。  相似文献   
江浩  汪稔  吕颖慧  孟庆山 《岩土力学》2010,31(3):780-784
根据钙质砂中桩基工程的现状,针对取自南沙群岛永暑礁的钙质砂,设计一个室内模型试验装置来研究钙质砂中钢管桩的承载和变形性能以及影响因素,并进行了石英砂中的对比试验。试验结果表明,钢管桩在钙质砂和石英砂中的表现有着显著差异。钙质砂中钢管桩承载能力很低,仅为石英砂的66%~70%,钙质砂中桩身轴力衰减速率缓慢,桩侧摩阻力远远小于石英砂的,仅为石英砂的20%~27%,并具有深度效应,开口钢管桩和闭口钢管桩的桩侧摩阻力相差不大。同时表明,钙质砂中桩侧摩阻力对相对密度的变化没有石英砂敏感,受相对密度影响很小。由颗粒破碎引起的桩周水平有效应力的大幅降低是造成钙质砂中钢管桩桩侧摩阻力低的主要原因。  相似文献   
The sedimentary record of the Arabian Shelf offers a unique opportunity to study the Cretaceous (Albian–Turonian) greenhouse climate from a palaeoequatorial perspective. In particular, hemipelagic to pelagic carbonate successions from the extensive Shilaif intra‐shelf basin have the potential to produce an excellent record of carbon cycle perturbations during this interval. This study presents a 269 m thick chemostratigraphic (carbonate δ13C and δ18O) record from the Middle Albian to Early Turonian of central Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), representing over 14 Myr of uninterrupted carbonate sedimentation. The Mauddud to Shilaif formations represent outer ramp to basinal intra‐shelf carbonates with variations from laminated organic‐rich to clean bioturbated intervals. Isotopic evidence of the latest Albian Anoxic Event (Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d), Middle Cenomanian Event I and the Cenomanian–Turonian Anoxic Event (Oceanic Anoxic Event 2) are confirmed and biostratigraphically calibrated by means of calcareous nannofossils. The carbon isotope record allows correlation with other regional records and well‐calibrated records across the Tethyan Ocean and represents a significant improvement of the chronostratigraphic framework of the United Arab Emirates (Shilaif) and Oman (Natih) intra‐shelf basins. The study further confirms that low carbon isotope values corresponding to the two source rock intervals in the Shilaif Formation clearly precede the isotopic expressions of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d and Oceanic Anoxic Event 2.  相似文献   
钙质砂室内载荷试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为保护和开发海洋资源,在珊瑚礁上进行工程建设时必须要查明岛礁上钙质砂地基的承载力和变形特性。室内载荷试验的结果表明,相同密实度的钙质砂具有比石英砂大得多的承载力和变形模量,变形量则小得多;钙质砂的承载力随着相对密实度的增大而增大,破坏时的变形量显著减小;相同密实度下饱和钙质砂比干燥钙质砂的承载力和变形模量低很多。钙质砂地基中土压力随深度急剧衰减,荷载的有效影响深度为2~3倍基础宽度;随着荷载的增大,土压力从表层逐渐传递到更深的土层。  相似文献   
金沙江某电站钙质砂(砾)岩溶蚀对岩体质量的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拟建电站位于金沙江上。其坝址区区域地质构造复杂,分布侏罗系中统河湖相沉积的厚层砂(砾)岩。其下部钙质砂(砾)岩在地下水作用下产生溶蚀现象。这些溶蚀岩体的发育使得岩体强度降低,影响坝基的抗滑稳定和压缩变形。论文在坝址区工程地质条件评价及岩体质量分级的基础上,利用岩体弹性波速的变化,深入研究了钙质砂(砾)岩溶蚀对岩体质量的控制作用,提出初步的岩体质量分级修正标准,得到坝区的岩体质量分级体系。其结果可直接为工程岩体稳定性评价提供基础依据。  相似文献   
上海地区新构造隐伏活动断裂的标志──石灰华   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海地区沿基岩断裂带表面,有零星分布的石灰华,成因与泉水(温泉)活动有关,形成时代下限为新第三纪晚期,上限为第四纪更新世早期。本文初步确定,区内自新第三纪晚期以来,具有活动性的隐伏断裂,除北北东向及近东西向的两组断裂外,还新发现一组北西西向活动性显著的断裂,它们均与石灰华分布有着密切的关系,这种现象与山区新构造活动断裂带的特征相似。区内分布的石灰华,可以作为识别隐伏活动断裂的标志。  相似文献   

The behavior of loose anisotropically consolidated calcareous sand obtained from an island in the South China Sea was investigated under undrained monotonic and cyclic loading in a hollow cylinder torsional apparatus. The tests were conducted on specimens which consolidated under various initial effective confining pressures and consolidation stress ratios. The monotonic test results show that the failure and phase transformation line are essentially independent of the consolidation conditions, while the initial contractive tendency of the specimens decreases with an increasing consolidation stress ratio. During monotonic loading of the anisotropically consolidated specimens, a same major principal stress direction is observed at the constant stress ratio lines up to the phase transformation line, irrespective of initial effective confining pressure. The cyclic strength of the sand increases with an increasing consolidation stress ratio. Moreover, a pronounced stress dependence is observed in the sand with higher consolidation stress ratio. During cyclic loading, the generated excess pore water pressure presents considerable fluctuations. The normalized terminal excess pore water pressure is described as a function of consolidation stress ratio. The tests show that the particle shape, rather than particle crushing, plays an important role in the monotonic and cyclic behaviors of the calcareous sand.  相似文献   

Hollow cylinder torsional shear tests on loose isotropically and anisotropically consolidated calcareous sand were conducted to investigate the cyclic behavior under three different linear stress paths, including horizontal line, oblique line, and vertical line stress paths, in a coordinate system of the normal stress difference and the horizontal shear stress. The dominant strain components of the isotropically consolidated specimens are affected by the stress paths. With increasing consolidation stress ratio, axial strain gradually becomes the dominant strain component under the three different stress paths. The cyclic strength of the isotropically consolidated specimens under the three different stress paths are almost the same, while for the anisotropically consolidated specimens, the cyclic strengths are strongly affected by the stress paths. These results indicate that conventional cyclic triaxial tests may overestimate cyclic strength in some cases. Irrespective of the stress paths and cyclic stress ratios, the terminal residual excess pore pressure ratio decreases with increasing consolidation stress ratio. Moreover, an empirical equation is proposed to describe the relationship between the normalized shear work and the normalized residual excess pore pressure ratio. The comparative study reveals that the relationship proposed for silica sand is not suitable for the dynamic analyses of calcareous sand.  相似文献   
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