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对取自热带西太平洋暖池核心区的WP7岩心进行了底栖有孔虫和钙质超微化石研究。在利用氧同位素曲线对比和AMS14C测年数据进行地层划分的基础上,依据底栖有孔虫和钙质超微化石指标,分析了距今近250ka以来区域生产力和上层海水结构的演变特征,探讨了其控制因素和所指示的古海洋学意义。计算结果显示WP7岩心所在的暖池核心区约在距今250ka以来初级生产力在冰期(MIS6期、4期和2期)高,在间冰期(MIS7期、5期、3期和1期)低,表明该区古生产力在长的轨道时间尺度上受北半球高纬度冰量变动的影响。钙质超微化石下透光带属种Flori-sphaera profunda百分含量指示的温跃层深度变化表明冰期温跃层浅、间冰期温跃层加深,这说明类ENSO式变化导致的冰期—间冰期温跃层深度波动可能是MIS7期以来暖池核心区古生产力在冰期高而在间冰期显著降低的直接控制因素。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地北缘白垩系-古近系界线研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
白垩系—古近系界线,亦即中生界—新生界界线,是全球最重要的地质界线之一。塔里木盆地北缘的这一界线,由于上白垩统是否存在、巴什基奇克组和塔拉克组的时代等问题存在较大分歧一直悬而未决。本文通过对巴什基奇克组和塔拉克组首次发现的钙质超微化石、化学地层学及事件地层学等的研究,确定了本区上白垩统的存在,并将白垩系—古近系的界线置于巴什基奇克组与塔拉克组之间。  相似文献   
In this account we present estimates of nannofossil fluxes in four sections and one borehole all belonging to the Early Jurassic western Tethys. This study aims to map the distribution of pelagic carbonate production across the Early Toarcian anoxic event (T-OAE), and to understand which environmental parameters did control such production. Our results indicate important changes in carbonate production by nannoplankton occurring within the western Tethys and its variations through time. Nannofossil fluxes (specimens per m2 per year) are extremely low during the T-OAE in all the studied settings. Higher fluxes are encountered in the westernmost part of the Tethys Ocean before the T-OAE, whilst pelagic carbonate production shifted towards the northern margin of the Tethys after the recovery from anoxic conditions. The dramatic decrease in nannoplankton production during the T-OAE has been interpreted in previous works as a biocalcification crisis related to high pCO2 in the atmosphere/hydrosphere system. Although a high pCO2 may have lowered the carbonate saturation state of Early Jurassic oceans and finally hampered biocalcification, we speculate that the most important effects of CO2 increase were indirect, and affected pelagic producers via changes on climate and sea-level. Namely, it seems that precipitation/evaporation budgets and continental runoff that controlled nutrient levels and salinity in surface oceanic waters were important factors for pelagic biocalcifiers.  相似文献   
本文通过对冲绳海槽D-086孔颗石藻化石的研究,自下而上划分出三个颗石藻化石组合:Gephyrocapsaaperta-G.oceanica组合,Gephyro-capsaericsonii-Coccolithuscrassipons组合,Emilianiahuxleyi-Gephyrocapsao-ceanica组合;划分出E.huxleyi带和E.huxleyi高峰带的界线;每一个颗石藻化石组合代表一个气候期,它们分别与标准气候期的玉木亚间冰期,晚玉木冰期和冰后期相当。  相似文献   

Hollow cylinder torsional shear tests on loose isotropically and anisotropically consolidated calcareous sand were conducted to investigate the cyclic behavior under three different linear stress paths, including horizontal line, oblique line, and vertical line stress paths, in a coordinate system of the normal stress difference and the horizontal shear stress. The dominant strain components of the isotropically consolidated specimens are affected by the stress paths. With increasing consolidation stress ratio, axial strain gradually becomes the dominant strain component under the three different stress paths. The cyclic strength of the isotropically consolidated specimens under the three different stress paths are almost the same, while for the anisotropically consolidated specimens, the cyclic strengths are strongly affected by the stress paths. These results indicate that conventional cyclic triaxial tests may overestimate cyclic strength in some cases. Irrespective of the stress paths and cyclic stress ratios, the terminal residual excess pore pressure ratio decreases with increasing consolidation stress ratio. Moreover, an empirical equation is proposed to describe the relationship between the normalized shear work and the normalized residual excess pore pressure ratio. The comparative study reveals that the relationship proposed for silica sand is not suitable for the dynamic analyses of calcareous sand.  相似文献   
通过对钙质砂进行不排水条件下声发射试验,探讨了不同围压、剪切速率、初始孔隙比和级配下钙质砂声发射规律。试验结果表明:低围压(围压低于400 kPa)时,钙质砂声发射活动频率随着围压的升高而增加;围压增至800 kPa时,声发射活动频率有所下降。低剪切速率下,钙质砂剪切试验明显分为颗粒破碎阶段和颗粒滑移阶段,随着剪切速率增大,二者之间较模糊,不能明显区分;松散和密实状态下,钙质砂声发射活动规律相似,钙质砂声发射活动频率均高于中密状态钙质砂;级配较好的钙质砂,声发射率峰值出现在试样发生剪切破坏前;级配稍差,试样声发射率相对均匀,声发射率峰值出现在邻近试验结束时。  相似文献   
Holocene paleoenvironmental changes have been interpreted on the basis of benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils recovered in samples from Napostá Grande Stream, Bahía Blanca estuary, southern Buenos Aires Province. Samples are fine sands and clay sediments from a Holocene outcrop and were studied with quantitative techniques. The benthic foraminiferal assemblage is dominated by Ammonia parkinsoniana, Ammonia tepida, Bolivina pseudoplicata, Bolivina striatula, Bolivina sp., Buccella peruviana, and Elphidium spp. The calcareous nannofossil assemblage recovered is a typical cold-water association, dominated by Calcidiscus leptoporus, Coccolithus pelagicus, Emiliana huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica. A dendrogram classification by cluster analysis was made for each microfossil group. The results of these analyses were coincident, showing a liaison between changes in the assemblages of benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. Those results, jointly with the sedimentological information, lead to the identification of three different paleoenvironments along the Napostá N1 site. The lower part of the succession represents an estuarine environment with larger marine connection. The middle part represents a gradual passage to a more restricted estuarine environment, and the upper part represents the establishment of the modern continental fresh-water environment.  相似文献   
The effects of carbonate dissolution on the taxonomic composition of ancient nannofossil assemblages were investigated by deploying them on a deep mooring at depths of 1039 m–5500 m for 117 days in the Sargasso Sea. The relative proportions of only a few taxa change significantly with increasing dissolution: Cruciplacolithus primus is by far the most susceptible and Micula staurophora by far the most resistant species. The average dissolution indices calculated for the deployed assemblages closely follow the gradients of other dissolution indicators in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   
Logging Data High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONOutcrop,core ,and logging data sequence stra-tigraphy began in the early 1980s . The developmentis founded on the use of petrogeological informationto verify seismic sequence stratigraphy (Van Wagon-er et al .,1990 ,1988 ; Posamentier and Vail ,1988 ;Vail , 1987) . Research has continued to progress ,and outcrop, core , and logging data have advancedresearch methods in sequence stratigraphy . Thisstudy presents“logging data high-resolution sequencestratigraphy”, whichis ba…  相似文献   
针对微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积 (MICP)固化钙质砂脆性强、抗拉强度低等问题,通过制备“8”字形MICP固化钙质砂试样并开展直接拉伸试验,对纤维加筋的改善作用、纤维-MICP联合加固机理及纤维掺量、纤维长度等影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:纤维加筋能够显著提高抗拉强度、峰值位移和残余强度,减轻峰值强度点的脆性破坏现象,但受纤掺量和长度的影响,总的来说,抗拉强度随纤维掺量的增加和长度的加长呈先增后减的趋势。相比无纤维试样,添加最优纤维掺量(0.6%)时,试样的抗拉强度增长了172.4%,峰值变形提升了158.1%。机理可解释为纤维增加了微生物的吸附量,促进碳酸钙在纤维与钙质砂之间以及纤维表面的沉积,增大纤维与钙质砂之间的界面作用力,整体提升钙质砂的抗拉强度特性。纤维的添加能够显著改变试样的变形特征,无纤维添加试样曲线仅有初始误差阶段和弹性阶段两个阶段,添加纤维后曲线表现为四个阶段包括初始误差阶段、弹性阶段、损伤破坏阶段和残余阶段。纤维掺量影响的内因是纤维与钙质砂的界面作用力和纤维空间分布状态随纤维掺量的变化而变化,纤维长度的影响主要和破坏面附近纤维数量和单位长度所能承担的拉应力相关。研究成果对以钙质砂为地基的岛礁工程的稳定性、安全性具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
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