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苏新  郭宪璞  丁孝忠 《现代地质》2003,17(4):370-377
库车前陆盆地是中国大型油气基地之一,盆地中的白垩系及古近系为盆地油气的主要储层。对本区白垩系的时代划分和沉积环境的精确确定直接关系到对油气田的规模、储量和分布范围的正确评价。本研究在前人划分为陆相下白垩统巴什基奇克组的顶部首次发现了由10属15种组成的晚白垩世海相钙质超微化石组合Arkangelskiellacymbiformis—Quadrumgartneri。此外,在由前人定为古新统—始新统的塔拉克组下段也发现了晚白垩世Arkangel skiellacymbiformis—Quadrumgartneri组合,在该组上段发现了古新世化石Biantholithussparsus。该成果既为准确确定这两个岩组的地质时代提供了可靠的古生物证据,又为本区存在晚白垩世地层和海相沉积提供了佐证,表明巴什基奇克组顶部存在晚白垩世的海相沉积,塔拉克组下段属于上白垩统,上段属于古新统。  相似文献   
桂西天峨—凤山地区碳酸盐岩台地韧性剪切变形带   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桂西天峨—凤山地区泥盆纪至二叠纪碳酸盐岩台地相地层均不同程度地发生过韧性剪切变形变质作用。在碳酸盐岩台地边缘,主要沿石炭系、二叠系的一定层位,形成了一套浅变质强变形、面型展布的钙质韧性剪切变形带,剪切变形带由强、弱变形亚带及两者之间过渡亚带组成。显微镜下观察发现:强变形带内变质变形岩石具糜棱结构,韧性剪切变形构造发育,属糜棱岩系列。研究表明,区内钙质韧性剪切变形带属浅层次逆冲型,主要是弧—陆碰撞挤压构造环境下变形分解作用的产物。  相似文献   
巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊及其下游地下水同位素分析   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:37  
本文通过环境同位素水化学等分析方法研究了祁连山北侧、龙首山、巴丹吉林沙漠、古日乃、拐子湖和额济纳盆地的泉水和井水的来源,揭示了巴丹吉林沙漠等下游地区的地下水来自于祁连山降水的补给,平均补给高程为3 300m,祁连山顶部存在大片裸露的灰岩地层,雪水融化后沿着喀斯特地层或山前大断裂补给到深部,穿过龙首山直接补给到巴丹吉林沙漠及其下游地区,在沙漠湖泊中发现的钙华与钙质胶结证明地下水经过了石灰岩地层,承压水通过越流补给到浅部含水层,通过蒸发量计算得到的地下水补给量接近6×108m3/a,承压水中地下水的年龄为20~30 a.  相似文献   
扬子地区寒武纪纽芬兰世广泛发育富含有机质的黑色细粒混积沉积岩系,开展细粒混积沉积岩的元素地球化学研究,对于恢复沉积期物质来源、源区构造背景、古气候、沉积环境及演化,以及泥页岩储层评价和页岩气勘探具有重要理论和现实意义.本文利用下扬子地区最新完钻的XYZ-1钻井资料,综合钻井岩芯、岩石薄片、XRD分析、ICP-MS分析等手段,开展寒武系纽芬兰统幕府山组细粒混积沉积岩系的地球化学研究.结果表明,幕府山组为一套形成于局限海湾—碳酸盐岩台地—潮坪体系的细粒混积沉积岩系,岩性以深灰色、黑色(含钙质碳质)泥岩、浅灰色泥质灰岩为主,夹云灰岩、泥晶灰岩、白云岩、含陆屑碳质灰岩、安山岩和角砾岩.幕府山组沉积期,具有干旱炎热-温暖潮湿交替的古气候,总体指示正常盐度的浅水-较深水古海洋环境,垂向上显示从贫氧—缺氧到滞留硫化环境的演变.幕府山组细粒混积岩物源来自江南造山带和南京台地,源区岩石未曾经历沉积再循环作用,形成于大陆岛弧和活动大陆边缘构造背景.具有相对高海平面的近岸局限海湾、半封闭滞留还原环境、较高的有机碳含量和古生产力水平,是形成富有机质黑色细粒混积沉积岩系的有利条件.  相似文献   
The electrochemical impedance spectra for bare steel and sample covered with calcareous deposit in artificalseawater were determined; the dependence of the impedance on the potential was investigated, thesignificance of the impedance parameter R_f reflecting the effective protectiveness of the deposit is emphasized.Optimization of the cathodic polarization condition is discussed.  相似文献   
New studies have been carried out on the Tertiary of the Stilo Unit, the uppermost of the Calabria–Peloritani Arc southern sector, and the Stilo–Capo d'Orlando Formation, sealing the whole nappe stack. The Tertiary terrains linked to the Mesozoic cover of the Stilo Unit consist of the lowermost Oligocene Palizzi Formation and the Late Rupelian–Aquitanian Pignolo Formation. The possibility that they deposited before the emplacement of this unit as the highest tectonic sheet of the sector is suggested. The base of the Stilo–Capo d'Orlando Formation resulted of Burdigalian age in both type areas. This interpretation, together with the existing and new data, allows proposing an age close to the Aquitanian–Burdigalian boundary for the stacking of the whole Calabria–Peloritani Arc southern sector. To cite this article: G. Bonardi et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 423–430.  相似文献   
Recognition of the Campanian stage on the Brazilian Continental Margin, using calcareous nannofossils, has been historically problematic. This paper constitutes an overview of earlier works, showing how nannofossil biostratigraphic ideas have evolved since Troelsen & Quadros provided the first biozonation of this region in 1971. Recent studied have provided data which have helped to clarify these apparent biostratigraphic problems, and allows this region to be placed in a global biostratigraphic context.The earliest researchers identified the Santonian/Campanian boundary by the last occurrences of ‘Lithastrinus grillii’ andPetrobrasiella venata. P. venatawas later abandoned as an index species due to its rarity and, instead, the last occurrences ofMarthasterites furcatusand ‘Lithastrinus grillii’ became the most-used markers. However, the stratigraphic age of these biohorizons diverged from those quoted in the literature. In the Brazilian basins, these extinctions, rather than having occurred in the Campanian as was recorded elsewhere, were considered to mark the top of the Santonian, as suggested by correlations with other microfossil groups (primarily foraminifera and palynomorphs). To explain this phenomenon, the existence of a condensed sequence was postulated for most of the Brazilian marginal basins, where the uppermost Santonian deposits were apparently indistinguishable from those of the lowermost Campanian. In line with current correlations presented in the nannofossil literature, and with new information obtained from core and side-wall samples, it is now believed that the extinction of these speciesdidoccur in the Campanian in the Brazilian basins, whilst the last occurrence ofLithastrinus moratus(previously misidentified asLithastrinus grillii) has become a useful Santonian marker. Thus the Santonian/Campanian boundary in Brazil lies in a stratigraphic position similar to elsewhere in nannofossil terms, that is below CC18.The Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary was initially characterised in nannofossil terms in Brazil by the last occurrence ofBroinsonia parca constricta, and later by the last occurrence ofEiffellithus eximius. Recently acquired data has shown that the sequence of events in the Brazilian marginal basins is similar to that of the Sissingh/Perch-Nielsen standard biozonation scheme through this interval. Again, correlations in the literature with the recently defined boundary (in macrofossil terms) thus allow the boundary to be determined between the last occurrences ofBroinsonia parca constrictaandUniplanarius trifidus, that is, in CC23b.  相似文献   
本文研究了《海洋四号》87—88两个航次CC—48和CC(c)—9两岩心的钙质超微化石。共鉴定出7属13种。CC—48岩心自上而下可分为3个钙质超微化石组合,其中组合3和2分别相当于NN2和NN3带;CC(c)—9孔722cm以下的钙质超微化石属于一个组合,大致相当于NN3—4带。两孔所见最老沉积皆为早中新世。同时根据CC(c)—9孔NN3—4带中广泛见有Discoaster exilis化石,认为在该区其地史分布可下延至NN3带(最迟不晚于NN4带)。并结合CaCO_3含量、溶解指数及丰度变化,在早中新世钙质软泥沉积中识别出两个较强的溶蚀期,认为是南极底层水强烈活动所致。  相似文献   
The study of calcareous nodules from four organic-rich black shale series allows us to suggest a prominent part for benthic organisms in creating heterogeneities in the sediment, thus favouring microbially mediated early diagenesis based on organic matter consumption. To cite this article: J.-G. Bréhéret et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
Abstract Shipboard and shore‐based investigation on siliceous and calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy, magneto‐stratigraphy and tephrostratigraphy identified numerous datum events from the sedimentary sequences of Sites 1150 and 1151 drilled on the forearc basin of northern Japan by the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186. Some 83 datum events were selected to construct new age–depth models for the sites. Based on the reliable magneto‐stratigraphy from the Pleistocene to the Upper Miocene, which were correlated to the standard geomagnetic polarity timescale, and on excellent records of diatom and radiolarian biostratigraphy throughout the sequences, the shipboard age model was revised. Major revisions referred to stratigraphic position of the Miocene–Pliocene boundary that has been shifted more than 200 m downward in each sequence. The age–depth relations of the forearc sites represent drastic changes in the sedimentation rate—extremely high (40 cm/k.y. on average) in the Early Pliocene and low (less than 2 cm/k.y. on average) in the Middle Miocene—and several hiatuses exist throughout the sequence. The drastic changes can be related mostly to changes in diatom sedimentation and the tectonics of the Japanese Island Arc. Local ages for some foraminiferal, calcareous nannofossil and radiolarian bioevents are estimated from the age–depth models at each site. These newly calibrated bioevents and biozones as well as established diatom biostratigraphy are incorporated into the updated magneto‐biochronologic timescale, which will contribute to an improvement in biochronologic accuracy of Neogene sediments in northern Japan and adjacent areas.  相似文献   
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