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王新志  谌民  魏厚振  孟庆山  余克服 《岩土力学》2018,39(11):4093-4101
钙质土颗粒因形状不规则而产生咬合嵌固效应,导致土压力传递特性不同于一般黏性土。为研究不同工况下钙质土地基及挡土墙土压力的分布与响应特征,在某珊瑚礁场地对在建的护岸和道路路基在填土和车辆动荷载作用下的土压力进行了动态监测,重点对填土自重、车辆移动荷载及压路机振动碾压荷载下钙质土中土压力的传递与分布特征进行研究。结果表明:填土过程中钙质土中的侧压力系数为0.2~0.3,平均值为0.25;实际观测到的路基竖向土压力远高于按照理论公式计算的土压力;经过碾压的路基在深度为3.28 m处,重型车辆的附加荷载很小。22 t振动压路机在振动碾压时,地基在深度为2.73 m处附加应力增量极小,因此难以提高该深度处土体的密实度;而浅层土体的土压力增量较大,可有效得到压实。  相似文献   
纪文栋  张宇亭  王洋  裴文斌 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):282-288
对普通硅质砂和西沙群岛珊瑚钙质砂开展多级正应力下循环单剪试验,对比多循环周期下两种砂土剪切性质和颗粒破碎的差异。研究发现,两种砂样在循环剪切下体积变化都比较微弱,剪切过程中存在阶段性剪胀,使得试样的轴向位移呈波动变化;循环单剪下剪应力峰值包络线可以用联合型指数函数表达;剪应力随循环周期变化分为同步阶段和差异阶段,两个阶段转变节点对应的循环周期数随着正应力的增大而迅速减小;同步增长阶段珊瑚钙质砂和普通硅质砂的剪应力变化一致,在差异阶段普通硅质砂的剪应力要高出珊瑚钙质砂。两种砂剪应力差异程度随试验正应力不同而变化,普通硅质砂剪应力最大可高出珊瑚钙质砂14.7%;珊瑚钙质砂和普通硅质砂的颗粒破碎存在明显差异,珊瑚钙质砂全粒径范围内颗粒破碎分布更均衡,普通硅质砂在特定粒径区间内出现了剧烈的颗粒破碎,颗粒级配曲线存在明显拐点。普通硅质砂和珊瑚钙质砂滞回曲线的形状及随循环次数的变化规律有显著差异,是两种砂样剪切性质不同的重要体现。  相似文献   
陈杨  杨敏  魏厚振  李卫超  孟庆山 《岩土力学》2018,39(8):2851-2857
针对取自南沙群岛的钙质砂,通过室内模型试验对钙质砂中单桩轴向抗拔承载特性进行研究,讨论了地基相对密实度与桩基埋深对于其抗拔承载力的影响特征。结果表明,在一定范围内,增大地基相对密实度和埋深均能显著提高桩基的承载能力;降低相对密实度或埋深不仅会降低其承载能力,也会增加其在同级荷载下产生的变形;模型桩的桩身轴力从桩顶随深度增加而逐渐降低至0;相对密实度的增加不仅能提高极限桩侧摩阻力的大小,还会在一定程度上影响桩侧摩阻力的分布形式;0.1倍的桩径可以看作是模型桩出土破坏的临界位移量。  相似文献   
Abstract: Tizapa volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit is hosted in greenschist facies metamorphic rocks; footwall is green schist of felsic to mafic metavolcanic rocks and hanging wall is graphite schist of metasedmentary pelitic rock. Pb-Pb dating of ore samples indicates 103. 4Ma to 156. 3Ma for the age of mineralization (JICA/MMAJ, 1991).  相似文献   
单颗粒强度及形状是影响钙质砂强度、变形和破碎的重要因素。以0.5~1.0 mm和1.0~2.0 mm粒径范围的钙质砂颗粒为研究对象,开展了颗粒形状及尺寸分类统计和单颗粒破碎试验,研究了力—位移关系、单颗粒强度—平均粒径关系和单颗粒破碎能量。结果表明:块状颗粒是钙质砂的主要形状颗粒,粒径较大颗粒的形状不规则程度较高。块状颗粒的破碎过程根据力—位移关系曲线中第一次颗粒破碎力、颗粒破碎峰值力和颗粒完全破碎力出现位置的不同分成5种情况,以颗粒发生多次破碎为特征的情况Ⅰ和情况Ⅱ出现次数最多,其余情况仅在0.5~1.0 mm粒径范围的颗粒中出现。单颗粒强度随平均粒径的增大而减小,1.0~2.0 mm和0.5~1.0 mm粒径范围的单颗粒强度分形维数分别为2.95和1.53,粒径较大的钙质砂颗粒更容易破碎。提出了钙质砂单颗粒破碎能量的简化计算公式,1.0~2.0 mm粒径范围的单颗粒破碎能量较0.5~1.0 mm的更大。  相似文献   
Due to its restricted connection with the Indian Ocean, the desert-enclosed Red Sea is extremely sensitive to global sea level changes and thus ideally suited for paleoceanographic studies of what occurred during the last glaciation. The understanding of its glacial history is, however, still limited. A serious obstacle to obtain satisfactory paleoecological information has been the rarity of microfossil proxy species caused by high salinities. Here, we present a continuous and well-dated calcareous nannoplankton record from the northern Red Sea, covering the interval from 60–14.5 ka BP. Our investigation shows that the composition of the calcareous nannoplankton community varied between  32 ka BP and 14.5 ka BP in response to rapid environmental changes which are closely correlated to climatic fluctuations described from the North Atlantic region. Heinrich events H3, H2 and H1 are dominated by Emiliania huxleyi. Gephyrocapsa oceanica and especially Gephyrocapsa ericsonii are abundant between H3–H2 and H2–H1. A less pronounced response of the calcareous nannoplankton to the high latitudinal climatic oscillations is documented prior to  32 ka BP, suggesting that a strong atmospheric coupling between the northern Red Sea and the North Atlantic realm was established in the late Marine Isotope Stage 3. In contrast to the previously held view of a sea level related salinity increase as the major cause for changes of the plankton communities within the glacial Red Sea, we interpret the documented variations as being caused by local hydrographic changes under the atmospheric control from the extratropics. Temperature changes and especially variations of the water stratification appear to be critical selective factors for the calcareous nannoplankton composition.  相似文献   
本文针对采自印度洋深海中最常见的两类生物成因沉积物——钙质软泥和硅质软泥,开展了全岩样和不同粒级组分中常微量元素、稀土元素和Y(REY)含量的系统分析,探讨了两类沉积物中REY的组成特征、物质来源和富集机制。研究表明,钙质软泥以富含CaO和Sr为主要特征,硅质软泥则富集SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3等。钙质软泥中∑REY平均含量为40.56×10-6,轻稀土元素(LREE)略有富集,REY有向细粒沉积物中富集的特征,PAAS标准化后全岩样和不同粒级组分均表现为Ce负异常、Eu和Y正异常;REY以自生来源为主,继承了海水的组成特征,同时也受到了热液流体物质和洋底玄武岩风化产物的影响。硅质软泥中∑REY的含量为248.54×10-6,LREE相对富集,REY在4φ以细的沉积物中富集;研究站位沉积物中∑REY含量处于边界品位附近,但在细粒级沉积物中重稀土元素(HREY)含量则达到了工业品位;该类沉积物细粒组分中REY主要来自陆源或火山碎屑组分中黏土矿物和铁锰氧化物吸附作用,粗粒组分中REY来源则主要与生物作用相关;硅质软泥中REY的富集与沉积物中磷灰石等矿物相关,部分不同来源的REY可能是在沉积之后的成岩过程中再次分配向磷灰石、钙十字沸石等矿物中富集。  相似文献   
钙质砂动强度试验研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
虞海珍  汪稔 《岩土力学》1999,20(4):6-11
钙质砂是一种CaCO3含量超过50%以上的特殊岩土介质,具有独特的力学和工程性状。利用动三轴试验,研究钙质砂在循环荷载作用下动应变,动孔压,动强度及液化特性。  相似文献   
The Burren region in western Ireland contains an almost continuous record of Viséan (Middle Mississippian) carbonate deposition extending from Chadian to Brigantian times, represented by three formations: the Chadian to Holkerian Tubber Formation, the Asbian Burren Formation and the Brigantian Slievenaglasha Formation. The upper Viséan (Holkerian–Brigantian) platform carbonate succession of the Burren can be subdivided into six distinct depositional units outlined below. (1) An Holkerian to lower Asbian unit of skeletal peloidal and bryozoan bedded limestone. (2) Lower Asbian unit of massive light grey Koninckopora‐rich limestone, representing a shallower marine facies. (3) Upper Asbian terraced limestone unit with minor shallowing‐upward cycles of poorly bedded Kamaenella‐rich limestone with shell bands and palaeokarst features. This unit is very similar to other cyclic sequences of late Asbian age in southern Ireland and western Europe, suggesting a glacio‐eustatic origin for this fourth‐order cyclicity. (4) Lower Brigantian unit with cyclic alternations of crinoidal/bryozoan limestone and peloidal limestone with coral thickets. These cycles lack evidence of subaerial exposure. (5) Lower Brigantian bedded cherty dark grey limestone unit, deposited during the maximum transgressive phase of the Brigantian. (6) Lower to upper Brigantian unit mostly comprising cyclic bryozoan/crinoidal cherty limestone. In most areas this youngest unit is truncated and unconformably overlain by Serpukhovian siliciclastic rocks. Deepening enhanced by platform‐wide subsidence strongly influenced later Brigantian cycle development in Ireland, but localized rapid shallowing led to emergence at the end of the Brigantian. A Cf5 Zone (Holkerian) assemblage of microfossils is recorded from the Tubber Formation at Black Head, but in the Ballard Bridge section the top of the formation has Cf6 Zone (Asbian) foraminiferans. A typical upper Asbian Rugose Coral Assemblage G near the top of the Burren Formation is replaced by a lower Brigantian Rugose Coral Assemblage H in the Slievenaglasha Formation. A similar change in the foraminiferans and calcareous algae at this Asbian–Brigantian formation boundary is recognized by the presence of upper Asbian Cf6γ Subzone taxa in the Burren Formation including Cribrostomum lecomptei, Koskinobigenerina sp., Bradyina rotula and Howchinia bradyana, and in the Slievenaglasha Formation abundant Asteroarchaediscus spp., Neoarchaediscus spp. and Fasciella crustosa of the Brigantian Cf6δ Subzone. The uppermost beds of the Slievenaglasha Formation contain a rare and unusual foraminiferal assemblage containing evolved archaediscids close to tenuis stage indicating a late Brigantian age. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
钙质砂颗粒的形状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈海洋  汪稔  李建国  张家铭 《岩土力学》2005,26(9):1389-1392
钙质砂是一种含碳酸钙达50 %以上的海洋生物成因的粒状材料。颗粒棱角度高、形状不规则,影响钙质砂的压缩、填充等力学性能。通过光学显微镜获取钙质砂颗粒的几何投影图像,借助Matlab图像处理软件,分别运用常规统计方法和分形理论对钙质砂颗粒的几何形态进行了描述,并结合钙质砂特殊的生物成因对其表现出的特性进行了分析。结果表明:钙质砂颗粒的形状具有分形特性,且随着颗粒粒径的减小,分形特性越明显。  相似文献   
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