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依据野外及钻井岩心的宏观、微观特征,结合相应的地化资料,对川北地区灯影组灯二段的储层特征及主要控制因素进行了较为详细的研究。研究认为,其储集岩主要为颗粒粘连白云岩、藻叠层白云岩和白云质岩溶角砾岩,储集空间以次生成因的藻粘连格架溶孔、顺层溶孔—溶洞—溶缝和穿层葡萄花边溶洞最为常见,储层类型多为孔洞型,常规物性具有低孔—低渗特征;颗粒粘连滩和藻丘为区内优质储层的发育提供物质基础,压实—压溶和多期胶结作用是原生孔隙消失的基本原因,桐湾运动Ⅰ幕导致的表生岩溶作用是储层形成的关键。颗粒粘连滩、藻丘与表生岩溶水平潜流带的叠加使其储层主要分布在灯二段的中部。该研究结果可为川北地区震旦系灯影组油气勘探提供依据。  相似文献   
本研究采用现场定量观测为主的研究方法,在2017年5月期间对苏北浅滩竹根沙收紫菜养殖筏架作业过程进行跟踪调查;对养殖筏架绠绳附生绿藻自然脱落和收筏架作业过程人为刮落附生绿藻,以及收筏架作业前后入海的漂浮绿藻生物量进行定量观测。结果表明:筏架绳附生绿藻自然脱落率低,为3.58%±0.78%;收筏架作业过程中绠绳上刮落绿藻生物量为(12±3)kg湿重/根,由此估算2017年整个苏北浅滩刮落的生物量估算可达到万吨湿重;收筏架作业后海域漂浮绿藻生物量是作业前的7.6倍。研究结果进一步明确了收筏架作业过程中人为刮落绿藻是目前筏架附生绿藻最主要的入海方式。刮落绿藻是海水中漂浮绿藻的主要来源,其生物量对南黄海绿潮的规模大小有重要的影响。研究结果为绿潮防控措施的制定和实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   
基于2011年3至5月对南黄海及长江口附近海域的水体与沉积物样品采集及实验室萌发培养实验,分析了绿潮暴发前期该海域微观繁殖体的时空分布特征。结果表明,在调查期间,南黄海水体中微观繁殖体空间分布趋势表现为近岸高远岸低,高值区主要集中在紫菜筏架养殖区附近海域,在122°30'E以东区域未发现有微观繁殖体存在。3,4,5月份该区域海水中平均微观繁殖体数分别为144 ,164和140株/dm3,最大值分别为278,426,和537株/dm3;南黄海沉积物中微观繁殖体数量分布范围介于19~127株/层,表层微观繁殖体数高于底层。长江口以北靠近江苏近岸区域有微观繁殖体存在,数量介于1~10株/dm3,31°N以南区域和河口内未发现有繁殖体分布,由此可排除黄海浒苔等绿藻微观繁殖体由长江水携带入海或来源于长江口南部海域。在春季绿潮暴发前开展该海域微观繁殖体的研究,可为查明绿潮发源地及早期发生发展过程提供基础资料,为预测和预警绿潮发生提供科技支撑。  相似文献   
Kelp holdfasts are highly reticulated structures which host a large diversity of small fauna. These microhabitats have been reported to play a crucial role in the biodiversity associated to kelp forest ecosystems. This study aimed at identifying trophic links and the main food sources sustaining food webs within communities associated with kelp holdfasts, through a stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) approach. Sampling of the main invertebrates inhabiting Laminaria digitata holdfasts, and of their potential food sources, took place in February and May 2007. Stable isotope results reveal that most of the primary consumers, including filter-feeders and deposit-feeders, rely on the particulate organic matter sedimented within kelp holdfasts. Only three grazers departed from this general pattern. The correspondence between the stable isotope ratios of predators and sediment consumers indicated that this source is at the base of the main pathway through which energy and matter transit in the food web. δ15N ranges found for consumers revealed that the food web associated with kelp holdfasts is composed of 3.5 levels. In spite of the low diversity of food sources at the base of the food web, these microhabitats can therefore be considered micro-scale ecosystems, from a functional perspective.  相似文献   
Microbioerosion rates and microbioeroder community structure were studied in four Kenyan protected coral-reef lagoons using shell fragments of Tridacna giant clams to determine their response to the influence of terrestrial run-off. Fourteen different microbioeroder traces from seven cyanobacteria, three green algae and four fungi species were identified. The river discharge-impacted reef and ‘pristine’ reef showed similar composition but higher microbioeroder abundance and total cyanobacteria- and chlorophyte-bioeroded areas when compared with the other study reefs. Cyanobacteria dominated during the north-east monsoon (NEM) relative to the south-east monsoon (SEM) season, with algae and cyanobacteria being major microbioeroders in the river-impacted and pristine reefs. The rate of microbioerosion varied between 4.3 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1 (SEM) and 134.7 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1 (NEM), and was highest in the river-impacted reef (127.6 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1), which was almost double that in the pristine reef (69.5 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1) and the mangrove-fringed reef (56.2 g CaCO3 m?2 y?1). The microbioerosion rates measured in this study may not be high enough to cause concern with regard to the health and net carbonate production of Kenya’s coral reefs. Nevertheless, predicted increases in the frequency and severity of stresses related to global climate change (e.g. increased sea surface temperature, acidification), as well as interactions with local disturbances and their influence on bioerosion, may be increasingly important in the future.  相似文献   
对绿藻门和褐藻门8种大型海藻的脂肪酸组成进行了研究,发现两类海藻都有其特征脂肪酸或有几种特征脂肪酸组合做为其化学分类的标记。4种绿藻的主要脂肪酸是16:0、16:1ω7、18:4ω3、18:1ω7、18:2ω6、18:3ω3、18:1ω9,其中18:1ω7和18:3ω3的含量相对较高;4种褐藻中16:0、18:1ω9、18:2ω6、18:3ω3、18:4ω3、20:5ω3、20:4ω6的含量占绝对优势,十八碳和二十碳多不饱和脂肪酸是褐藻门脂肪酸的典型特征。另外,褐藻中含有较高含量的EPA,海带和裙带菜尤为明显。对2门类5属8株海藻所含脂肪酸进行聚类分析的结果显示海藻各门及种间的亲缘关系,表明利用静态条件下海藻脂肪酸的聚类分析结果,可在一定程度上判别海藻在分类上亲缘关系的远近,海藻脂肪酸组成的差异可以作为海藻分类的一个辅助技术手段。  相似文献   
扎龙湿地是我国北方同纬度地区保留最完整、最原始、最开阔的湿地生态系统,地处中温带,属大陆性季风气候。为了探究其藻类植物群落的变化特征及其与水环境的关系,本文于2011年春、夏、秋季对扎龙湿地的藻类植物群落进行调查分析,共发现藻类植物349个分类单位(包括变种、变型),隶属于8门105属,藻类植物群落全年均以绿藻为主导,其组成呈绿藻-硅藻型。优势种中绿藻门主要以镰形纤维藻(Ankistrodesmus falcatus)和四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)为主,硅藻门以弯棒杆藻(Rhopalodia gibba)和隐头舟形藻(Navicula cryptocephala)为主,优势种组成具有明显的季节演替现象。藻类植物细胞密度呈现明显的单峰型,夏季最高,平均为10.74×10~4ind./L。湿地研究区域分为开阔型水域、小型封闭水域、湿地型水域和湖泊型水域四个生态类型,不同水域藻类植物群落结构特征明显不同。经聚类和多维尺度分析,将不同采样点的藻类植物群落分为四组,多样性指数表明湿地水体处于轻度污染或无污染状态。综合研究结果可以认为扎龙湿地的水体基本处于贫营养-中营养状态,只有极少数水域处于富营养状态。  相似文献   
为研究1989—2013年河北省近海有害藻华灾害分级、时空分布和优势肇事生物变化特征,对河北省近海累计58次有害藻华记录的发生时间、位置与范围、面积和优势有害藻华生物种类进行了统计分析。结果表明:小型(面积0~100 km2)、中型(100~1 000 km2)、大型(≥1 000 km2)和面积不详的有害藻华中,小型藻华为多发性藻华,发生次数占全省海域累计发生次数的60.35%;5-8月份是藻华多发期,发生次数占累计发生次数的86.21%;2000年后藻华发生频率大增,由原来年均发生1次演变为年均发生4次;秦皇岛海域发生藻华次数最多,占全省海域累计发生次数的57.14%,沧州海域次之,唐山海域最少;秦皇岛海域发生藻华累计面积最大,占全省海域累计发生面积的64.25%,沧州海域次之,唐山海域最小。河北省优势海洋有害藻华生物共计15种,易发性藻华生物夜光藻Noctiluca scintillans引发藻华次数最多,占全省海域累计发生次数的44.83%,2009年前是河北省近海最主要的藻华肇事生物;高发性藻华生物抑食金球藻Aureococcus anophagefferens引发有害藻华累计面积最大,占全省海域累计发生面积的55.57%,2009年后该藻和夜光藻共同成为河北省近海优势藻华肇事生物。  相似文献   
江苏近岸紫菜养殖筏架区定生绿藻群落结构及其受控因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于2010年10月至2011年4月对苏北紫菜养殖筏架区定生绿藻及环境因素调查数据,分析研究了紫菜筏架上定生绿藻种群结构和数量变化及重要环境因子对其的影响并估算了调查区绿藻总生物量.结果表明,筏架上定生绿藻种类有浒苔(Ulva prolifera)、盒管藻(Capsosiphon groenlandicus)、缘管浒苔(Ulva linza)、肠浒苔(Ulva intestinalis)、条浒苔(Ulva clathrata)和扁浒苔(Ulva compressa).绿藻生物量变化呈倒抛物线型,4月份为主高峰14898吨,11月份为次高峰2034吨,2月份最低,仅为729吨,3-4月份绿藻几乎呈暴发性增长.种类多样性随季节变化有很大差异,养殖筏架刚入海的9、10月份,绿藻种类丰富,生物多样性高;12月至笠年2月,尽管生物量很低,但仍是多种并存;3-4月份随着生物量的猛增,种类多样性降至最低,盒管藻优势地位明显,生物量比例最大能到80%,浒苔比例呈指数增长,达20%~40%.水温对绿藻生物量及种类演替有直接调控作用,在水温< 10℃时,绿藻即能快速生长;而盐度作用不明显.开展紫菜筏架上定生绿藻群落动态变化及其生物量的估算,为追溯南黄海大规模绿潮发源地提供佐证,为绿潮预防和治理提供基础数据支撑.  相似文献   
Surficial sediment (about 5 mm) was scraped off in 15 stations selected in the Vie Estuary, a small estuary on the French Atlantic coast. The samples, prepared using the suitable methods, were used for comparing the behaviour of periphytic algae, sporopollinic and other palynologic material, ostracoda and foraminifera for proposing a synthetic evaluation of the information provided by each of them. Dinoflagellate cysts, which are found in an almost monospecific assemblage in low-salinity water, are dispersed by tidal currents, but the location of tintinnids in only the lower reaches shows a limited inward transport. Sporopollinic material is clearly related to the adjacent vegetation, indicating a local origin, and then little influence of transport on the microbenthos, even if fragments of freshwater crustaceans and of Pediastrum alga are found down to the mouth in the sporopollinic deposits. This limited transport of microbenthos allows the use of periphytic algae, benthic ostracoda and benthic foraminifera as indicators of local environmental conditions. It was then possible to determine the extent of marine influence in the estuary, to discriminate between the main channel and adjacent basins, and between different stages of evolution of the basins, from a recently dug basin to a eutrophicated one.  相似文献   
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