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The paper reports on analytical case studies on the loop manoeuvre of an underwater towed cable-array system to give an insight into the tactical aspects of their naval applications. The analytical formulation and the solution procedure adopted for this three dimensional dynamic problem is also described. The case studies have been carried out for different loop radii, tow lengths, tow speeds and truncated loops. The resulting X,Y,Z co-ordinates of the towed cable-array and tow-point tensions have been computed. Based on these results, the tow-length to loop radii ratio, leading to cable-array system looping, has been found. The values of speed reduction and turning radius, causing dangerous relaxation in tow-point tension have been worked out. After exit from the loop, the timing required for realignment of the cable-array system with the ship's heading can be obtained from plots of the results. These timings help to plan ship manoeuvres to optimise reestablishment of stable listening conditions during underwater surveillance.  相似文献   
对单芯电缆传输这种通讯技术的原理进行了阐述;分析提出了部分电路、部件的技术指标;作为一种数据传输的手段,对单芯电缆传输技术在海洋专用CTD中的应用进行了相关论述.  相似文献   
埕岛油田海上石油平台基础冲刷研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
海洋石油平台的建立会改变平台周围的水动力条件,其中平台的基础及与之连接的海底管缆(输油管道、注水管道、海底电缆等)附近产生冲刷现象,对平台和海底管缆的安全造成威胁。根据对研究区典型平台的4次实洲水深并结合以往资料,分析了埕岛油田海上石油平台基础冲刷的过程及其规律。  相似文献   
测井电缆因长途颠簸、拉伸及绞车缠绕挤压,电缆连接器、电缆、绞车滑环、滑环连线等部位极易出现故障。电容测试法是一种简易、快速的检测方法,该法可在现场准确诊断出故障电缆的位置。以四芯铠装电缆为例,每根缆芯的正常阻值约为80Ω/1 000m,两缆芯间的分布电容约为170PPF/1 000m。在实际检测中,根据电容较小时测点的位置,可以有效判断故障部位;而电缆故障位置则可利用电阻及电容的线性关系进行计算予以确定。  相似文献   
(六)寨-(水)任二级公路施工后,滑坡、坍塌、崩塌现象甚多,边坡治理迫在眉睫。桩锚支挡体系是一项主动性加固边坡技术,具结构轻巧、用材合理、施工简单、工期短、费用低等特点。论文通过其在(六)寨-(水)任二级公路K56段高边坡治理工程中的应用,对桩锚支挡体系的设计及施工要点作了介绍。  相似文献   
龙王嘴边坡系坡高达70 m、坡角达70 °的高陡岩质边坡。分析了宜-秭公路石峡段龙王嘴高边坡变形的地质条件,在定量评价龙王嘴高边坡稳定性的基础上,进行了该高边坡的施工图加固设计。根据其特点将350 m长的坡段分为A,B,C三个区,分别采取预应力锚索与锚杆加固、挂网喷射混凝土支护和喷射混凝土支护等措施,实践证明,工程治理效果良好。  相似文献   
The dynamic behaviour of two curved cable‐stayed bridges, recently constructed in northern Italy, has been investigated by full‐scale testing and theoretical models. Two different excitation techniques were employed in the dynamic tests: traffic‐induced ambient vibrations and free vibrations. Since the modal behaviour identified from the two types of test are very well correlated and a greater number of normal modes was detected during ambient vibration tests, the validity of the ambient vibration survey is assessed in view of future monitoring. For both bridges, 11 vibration modes were identified in the frequency range of 0ndash;10Hz, being a one‐to‐one correspondence between the observed modes of the two bridges. Successively, the information obtained from the field tests was used to validate and improve 3D finite elements so that the dynamic performance of the two systems were assessed and compared based on both the experimental results and the updated theoretical models. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A Markov method of analysis is presented for obtaining the seismic response of cable‐stayed bridges to non‐stationary random ground motion. A uniformly modulated non‐stationary model of the random ground motion is assumed which is specified by the evolutionary r.m.s. ground acceleration. Both vertical and horizontal components of the motion are considered to act simultaneously at the bridge supports. The analysis duly takes into account the angle of incidence of the earthquake, the spatial correlation of ground motion and the quasi‐static excitation. A cable‐stayed bridge is analysed under a set of parametric variations in order to study the non‐stationary response of the bridge. The results of the numerical study indicate that (i) frequency domain spectral analysis with peak r.m.s. acceleration as input could provide more r.m.s. response than the peak r.m.s. response obtained by the non‐stationary analysis; (ii) the longitudinal component of the ground motion significantly influences the vertical vibration of the bridge; and (iii) the angle of incidence of the earthquake has considerable influence on the deck response. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
文章通过广西右江百色水利枢纽地下发电厂房进水口与尾水洞高边坡的治理,介绍在此工程中具有特殊性的一些施工方法。该工程地质体为弱风化硅质泥岩夹泥化夹层、强风化含洞穴硅质泥岩石、强风化硅质岩及全强风化辉绿岩,地质条件非常复杂,对坡体的稳定极其不利。根据三维有限元的分析计算和国内有关权威专家的调查研究需施工1500kN、1000kN的锚索方能保证坡体的永久稳定。大吨位的锚索需锚固在强风化岩土体上,锚索设计采用能提高锚固力的防腐型压力分散锚索。通过现场锚索基本试验,其锚固力完全能满足工程需要。为保证进水口总体施工的进度,在施工进水口约30m高的垂直壁上的锚索时,笔者采用了通常施工中较少采用的垂直壁悬吊式施工法,满足了水电站的整体施工进度和要求。  相似文献   
目前,在我国地质灾害防治及道路建设工程中,岩土锚固施工大多采用单一的拉力型锚索工法。一般锚索索体的长效防腐问题没有得到应有的重视。文章对云南省个旧-冷墩公路边坡工程中所采用的压力分散型锚索工法从设计、试验及成功应用等多方面进行了详细介绍。①在一些复杂地形条件下,锚索防护方案有其独特的经济实用性。②在地基承载力较低的软弱地层中,常用的拉力型锚索无法提供防护工程所需的大吨位锚固力。而有多个受力体的压力分散型锚索则因其对锚固段全长范围内地基承载力的充分利用来提供较大吨位的锚固力;③永久锚索防护工程作为一项具有隐蔽性强特点的结构工程,为保证在其报务年限内锚索能够可靠地工作,在设计阶段,锚索体的长效防腐应为不能忽略的主要考虑因素。在该工程中首次应用了新型高强材料——环氧全喷涂无粘结钢绞线作为锚索体的杆材,较好地解决了永久锚固工程中的锚索防腐问题。  相似文献   
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