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在密山一带休物探震源孔,外遇地层为胶泥、沙土、风化岩、青石板及河流石等。为此研制了一系列新式钻头,包括98mm三牙轮钻头、98mm刮刀式PDC钻头及118mm砾石流沙炮眼防卡钻头,前2种钻头现场共应用930口井,创造了极好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
单轴压缩下含孔脆性材料的力学行为研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
段进超  唐春安  常旭  陈奇栓 《岩土力学》2006,27(8):1416-1420
运用材料破裂过程分析MFPA2D系统,在单轴压缩条件下对含单孔和双孔脆性材料破坏过程进行数值模拟。结果表明:原始的萌生裂纹不一定是最后形成宏观贯通破坏的主裂纹。岩石等脆性材料破坏的局部化特征,说明非均匀性是岩石类脆性材料发生局部破裂的根本原因。分析了孔的分布对材料强度以及破坏模式的影响,并给出破坏过程的应力-应变关系。指出了有的孔洞分布会增加应力的集中程度,而有的孔洞分布可以降低应力集中。数值模拟与试验结果具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
江西九江ZK08钻孔孢粉记录及其反映的古环境信息   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢振东  范淑贤 《地质通报》2005,24(2):170-175
根据江西九江永安ZK08孔中的孢粉记录,划分出7个孢粉带和10个亚带,并探讨孢粉源区约12700aBP以来的古环境演化。初步研究表明,约12700-10200aBP,经历寒冷期和温暖期,森林植被为寒温带针阔叶混交疏林、亚热带常绿阔叶林和温带落叶阔叶疏林的演化;约10200-9400aBP为孢粉缺乏带;而后约9400-8600aBP升温期以温带乔木林为主,约8600-3300aBP为大暖期,期间有2个低温期,植被以亚热带乔木林为主,约3300aBP进入新冰期,其中约3300~2100aBP的降温期以温带乔木林为主;约2100-380aBP为寒冷期,约890aBP以前为干冷,其后为湿冷,植被以山地的寒温带针阔叶混交林和温带落叶阔叶林交替变化为特征。约380aBP以来受人类活动影响,孢粉记录小冰期气候特征不明显,但约150aBP以来的气温上升显著。  相似文献   
提出一种定义感兴趣局部显著特征的新方法。首先根据注意力转移机制,采用迭代法提取注意焦点作为局部显著点,根据Canny边缘图与显著图的融合提取显著边缘点;然后提取显著点的色调、纹理及边缘点的方向直方图特征,用于表征兴趣目标的局部细节和轮廓信息。该方法强调影像中的显著对象,既提高了处理效率又符合人类视觉感知特性,提高了对不同影像内容的适应性。  相似文献   

The Lina Moutains show a typical example of karst formation associated to recent and active tectonics. The limestone samples were collected from giant potholes present beneath the heavy rainforest, during speleological expeditions to the Bird’s Head of Irian-Jaya. Micropalaeontological data allow us to give a Middle Pleistocene age for the most recent karst formation. A detailed stratigraphy between the Upper Lutetian and the Middle Pleistocene was recorded, with tectonic events during the Oligocene and Pleistocene. The edge of the resurgence layer was also dated. We also conclude the probable existence of a subterraneous network downhill of the karst within the most recent levels of the Kais Limestone formation. We replace this formation within the tectonic evolution of this area between the Eocene and the Middle Pleistocene, in conjunction with the oblique convergence of the Pacific plate carrying volcanic arc fragments and the Australian margin, which resulted in folding, normal faulting associated with local extension, and wrench motion, which are settings capable of creating uplift of the carbonated platform. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
在传统静态爆破的基础上,提出了一种新型大孔径静态爆破技术,使用新型扩孔钻头结合机械堵孔器解决了大孔径静态爆破的冲孔问题。由于孔径的增大,使得破碎剂膨胀压力增大,膨胀剂反应速度加快,加大了堵孔难度。设计的新型扩孔钻头和新型堵孔器进行了孤岩块的大孔径静态爆破试验,试验结果证实了该新型大孔径静态爆破技术的可行性,达到了提高爆破能力和缩短破坏时间的预期目的。为今后的敏感地区岩石爆破工程开挖提供了新途径。  相似文献   
We solve for the structure of a hot accretion disc with unsaturated thermal Comptonization of soft photons and with advection, generalizing the classical model of Shapiro et al. The upper limit on the accretion rate due to advection constrains the luminosity to ≲ 0.15 y3/5 α7/5 of the Eddington limit, where y and α are the Compton and viscosity parameters, respectively. The characteristic electron temperature and Thomson optical depth of the inner flow at accretion rates within an order of magnitude of that upper limit are ∼ 109 K and ∼ 1, respectively. The resulting spectra are then in close agreement with the X-ray and soft γ-ray spectra from black hole binaries in the hard state and Seyferts. At low accretion rates, bremsstrahlung becomes the dominant radiative process.  相似文献   
《浅层低温能评价规范》对浅层低温能的定义为:地表深度不超过200 m,温度不超过25℃。《地源热泵工程技术规范》也未对利用的钻孔深度做具体要求。根据实际工程经验与计算,常用100~120 m。其影响深度的因素主要有:地层可钻性,如钻孔越深,可钻性差,相对成本提高;管道直径也影响水流阻力,深度较大则驱动水流功耗增大;管道间距的大小对热短路、回填材料热物性参数等产生较大的影响。该文将根据传热基本原理,进行各种影响因素分析,通过建立数值传热模型,求解一定条件下的换热能力,分析各参数之间的关系,以便于工程设计参考,有助于浅层低温能工程推广应用。  相似文献   
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