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气候舒适的程度及持续时间的长短,是影响旅游发展和人类居住环境适应性的重要因素。基于1981 2010年普洱市10个县区气象站的日平均气温、相对湿度及风速等常规气象观测资料,对季节划分、气温极值和平均气温空间分布进行了分析,计算舒适度指数(包括温湿指数、风寒指数、人体舒适度指数),研究了普洱市的宜居气候舒适性。结果表明:普洱市夏季90%的区域平均气温为20~24℃,仅有东部和中部少数河谷地带超过24℃;冬季90%的区域平均气温均在10℃以上。冬半年全市最低气温低于0℃的年平均日数不足1天,夏半年全市最高气温高于35.0℃的年平均日数不足4天。因此普洱市"冬无严寒、夏无酷暑",全年有6~9个月的春秋宜人气候,是典型的全年"人体感觉舒适"的宜居气候区,尤以夏半年最为舒适。近10年普洱市快速增长的旅游总人数和完成的GDP进一步说明普洱市的宜居和旅游的气候适宜性。  相似文献   
Source identification of PM2.5 particles measured in Gwangju, Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The UNMIX and Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor models were used to investigate sources of PM2.5 aerosols measured between March 2001 and February 2002 in Gwangju, Korea. Measurements of PM2.5 particles were used for the analysis of carbonaceous species (organic (OC) and elemental carbon (EC)) using the thermal manganese dioxide oxidation (TMO) method, the investigation of seven ionic species using ion chromatography (IC), and the analysis of twenty-four metal species using Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AES)/ICP-Mass Spectrometry (MS). According to annual average PM2.5 source apportionment results obtained from CMB calculations, diesel vehicle exhaust was the major contributor, accounting for 33.4% of the measured PM2.5 mass (21.5 μg m− 3), followed by secondary sulfate (14.6%), meat cooking (11.7%), secondary organic carbon (8.9%), secondary nitrate (7.6%), urban dust (5.5%), Asian dust (4.4%), biomass burning (2.8%), sea salt (2.7%), residual oil combustion (2.6%), gasoline vehicle exhaust (1.9%), automobile lead (0.5%), and components of unknown sources (3.4%). Seven PM2.5 sources including diesel vehicles (29.6%), secondary sulfate (17.4%), biomass burning (14.7%), secondary nitrate (12.6%), gasoline vehicles (12.4%), secondary organic carbon (5.8%) and Asian dust (1.9%) were identified from the UNMIX analysis. The annual average source apportionment results from the two models are compared and the reasons for differences are qualitatively discussed for better understanding of PM2.5 sources.Additionally, the impact of air mass pathways on the PM2.5 mass was evaluated using air mass trajectories calculated with the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) backward trajectory model. Source contributions to PM2.5 collected during the four air mass patterns and two event periods were calculated with the CMB model and analyzed. Results of source apportionment revealed that the contribution of diesel traffic exhaust (47.0%) in stagnant conditions (S) was much higher than the average contribution of diesel vehicle exhaust (33.4%) during the sampling period. During Asian dust (AD) periods when the air mass passed over the Korean peninsula, Asian dust and secondary organic carbon accounted for 25.2 and 23.0% of the PM2.5 mass, respectively, whereas Asian dust contributed only 10.8% to the PM2.5 mass during the AD event when the air mass passed over the Yellow Sea. The contribution of biomass burning to the PM2.5 mass during the biomass burning (BB) event equaled 63.8%.  相似文献   
大采深岩移观测阶段性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探 讨大 采 深 (780m )的 开采 沉 陷 规 律 ,在 5074工 作 面 上 方 建 立 孟 佃 大 寨 岩 移 观 测 站 ,对 观 测 成 果 的 分 析 ,得 到 如 下结 论 :①大 采 深 开 采情 况 下, 地表 移 动 的 活跃 期( 《规程 》规定 判 断) 存 在 ;或 者 说 地 表 移 动 活 跃 期 的 下 沉 按不速 度小 于 50m m / 月;②随 着 开采 深度 的 加 大 ,地 表 移动 期 推 迟 ,对 地 面 建筑 物 的 破 坏也 比 较 迟 缓;③大 采深 单 一 煤 层的 非充 分 采动 ,地 面建 筑 物受 损程 度 很小 。  相似文献   
裂隙岩体非稳态渗流场与损伤场耦合分析模型   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文从流体扩散能量迭加原理,建立了裂隙岩体介质的渗流张量解析表达式,综合应用断裂力学与损伤理论,探讨了复杂应力状态下裂隙岩体的本构关系以及压裂裂纹的起裂准则,建立了裂隙岩体在压剪,拉剪应力状态下损伤演化方程,提出了渗透张量随裂隙损伤发展的关系以及裂隙岩体非稳态渗流场与与损伤场耦合模型。  相似文献   
为解决海洋中大量观测数据只含有温度剖面而缺乏盐度观测的问题, 基于历史观测的温盐剖面资料, 考虑到盐度卫星数据的发展, 采用回归分析方法, 在孟加拉湾建立了盐度与温度、经纬度、表层盐度的关系, 并对不同反演方法的反演结果进行检验评估。结果发现, 在不引入海表盐度(sea surface salinity, SSS)时, 最佳反演模型是温度、温度的二次项与经纬度确定的回归模型, 而SSS的引入则可以进一步优化反演结果。将反演结果与观测结果进行对比, 显示用反演的盐度剖面计算的比容海面高度误差超过2cm, 而引入SSS后的误差低于1.5cm。SSS的引入能够较为真实地反映海洋盐度场的垂直结构和内部变化特征, 既能够捕捉到对上混合层有重要影响的SSS信号, 又能够反映盐度在跃层上的季节内变化以及盐度障碍层的季节变化。水团分析显示, 与气候态相比, 盐度反演结果可以更好地表征海洋上层水团的变化特征。  相似文献   
一次冬季降雹过程的CINRAD/SA回波特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
冯晋勤  罗保华 《气象》2004,30(5):21-24
利用新一代天气雷达 (CINRAD/SA)对 2 0 0 2年 1 2月 1 9日一次冬季降雹观测资料进行分析 ,从中得出冬季降雹的回波特征 ,并对这次过程中出现的三体散射现象及相应的雷达产品做初步分析 ,得出“三体”散射现象是降大雹的一指示性标志和降雹的一些雷达产品指标。  相似文献   
Measurements were performed in spring 2001 and 2002 to determine the characteristics of soil dust in the Chinese desert region of Dunhuang, one of the ground sites of the Asia-Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia). The mean mass concentrations of total suspended particle matter during the spring of 2001 and 2002 were 317 μg m?3 and 307 μg m?3, respectively. Eleven dust storm events were observed with a mean aerosol concentration of 1095 μg m?3, while the non-dusty days with calm or weak wind speed had a background aerosol loading of 196 μgm?3 on average in the springtime. The main minerals detected in the aerosol samples by X-ray diffraction were illite, kaolinite, chlorite, quartz, feldspar, calcite and dolomite. Gypsum, halite and amphibole were also detected in a few samples. The mineralogical data also show that Asian dust is characterized by a kaolinite to chlorite (K/C) ratio lower than 1 whereas Saharan dust exhibits a K/C ratio larger than 2. Air mass back-trajectory analysis show that three families of pathways are associated with the aerosol particle transport to Dunhuang, but these have similar K/C ratios, which further demonstrates that the mineralogical characteristics of Asian dust are different from African dust.  相似文献   
在中国最大的铬铁矿罗布莎周边地区有着数目众多的含铬超镁铁岩体;分布广阔,具有很好的找矿前景,选择泽当岩体进行了重、磁、大地电磁法的剖面探测,结果表明:泽当岩体被近南北向断裂切割成多块,其西端岩体向北推移的距离远于东段的岩体,总体上呈北西西向展布;岩体磁异常由蛇纹石化产生的磁铁矿和岩体生成时剩余磁化引起,磁异常指出了岩体浅部的范围;航磁较大范围的异常表明存在较深部的磁性体;重力异常说明岩体局部存在高密度体,且与磁异常相吻合,地表出露的矿点多分布在此范围内;岩体表层为高阻薄层,在剖面中段高阻体厚度最大处达1.5 km,范围不大.在薄高阻体下为薄层低阻层.电阻率剖面两侧以高阻体为主,中段有多个低阻体,且与深部5~25km深度上的低阻体相连,中地壳范围的低阻体与幔源物质上涌在地壳范围留下的熔融体有关,与地壳上部的超镁铁岩体有关.综合各种地球物理场的特征认为在磁异常分布区内具有局部重力异常、低阻体异常较多的地段是泽当岩体最有利于进一步详细探测找矿的部位.  相似文献   
四川盐边冷水箐岩体的形成时代和地球化学特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
四川盐边冷水箐岩体主要由辉长岩组成,它侵位于中元古代盐边群上部岩系中,盐边群接触变质作用发育,岩体分带清楚,是一个典型的同心环状侵入体。因此,它不属于蛇绿岩套范畴,锆石U-Pb年龄为936±7Ma,表明它是新元古代早期岩浆活动产物,该岩体的主要元素显示拉斑玄武质分异趋势;富集大离子不相容元素(Ba,Sr),亏损高场强元素(Nb,Ta,Zr,Hf);LREE轻微富集((La/Yb)_N=1.19~4.28),分配型式略呈右倾型;ε_(Nd)(t),(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i和δ~(18)O值分别为3.0~4.3,0.70446~0.70452和5.9‰~7.5‰;在构造环境判别图上,它们都投影子岛弧拉斑玄武岩区域内。上述特征表明,冷水箐岩体可能是在一个相对原始的岛弧环境中形成,岩浆源区已受到俯冲组分影响而产生不同程度富集。  相似文献   
圆弧形滑坡反分析技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从滑坡体运动的动力学原理入手,探讨了滑体的起动、滑动及制动的机理,并推导出滑体变形时边坡上任意点的位移与时间的关系式,揭示了边坡上任意点位移与边坡几何、物理参数间关系的内在规律,以此为基础,提出了滑体位移反分析的方法,并进行了实例分析。  相似文献   
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