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J.P. Emery  R.H. Brown 《Icarus》2004,170(1):131-152
We present the results of spectral modeling of 17 Trojan asteroids. The surface composition of this group of objects (located just beyond the main belt, trapped in Jupiter's stable Lagrange points) remains uncertain due to an absence of diagnostic absorption features in their spectra. We quantitatively analyze spectra of these objects covering the range 0.3-4.0 μm using the formulation for scattering in a particulate medium developed by Hapke. Since the widest spectral range possible is desired to provide the most robust results, recently measured near-IR spectra are combined with previously published visible and near-IR data. These composite spectra are converted to and modeled in terms of geometric albedo to provide the additional constraint of the absolute brightness of the asteroids. It is important that this modeling is performed for a large number of objects, and results are derived based on trends among best-fit models. Under this rigorous examination, we find that it is unlikely that the red spectral slope is a result of organics on the surfaces, due mainly to the lack of absorptions in the L-band. Instead, anhydrous silicates adequately describe the spectral characteristics of this group of objects. A significant fraction of carbonaceous material is also likely present, but is not responsible for the red spectral slope in these models. Also, using these models, we estimate that these surfaces contain at most a few wt% of H2O ice and no more than 10-30 wt% of hydrated silicates.  相似文献   
从剪切带及原岩建造分析入手,论述了工作区内金矿的分布特征和主要控矿因素。区内的金矿床(点)无论其物质来源和时代如何,就其空间位置而言绝大多数金矿直接产在剪切变形变质带─—脆性及脆-韧性剪切带中。Fe/(Fe+Mg)高比值的容矿岩石有利于金的沉淀富集。  相似文献   
We study the transfer process from the scattered disk (SD) to the high-perihelion scattered disk (HPSD) (defined as the population with perihelion distances q > 40 AU and semimajor axes a>50 AU) by means of two different models. One model (Model 1) assumes that SD objects (SDOs) were formed closer to the Sun and driven outwards by resonant coupling with the accreting Neptune during the stage of outward migration (Gomes 2003b, Earth, Moon, Planets 92, 29–42.). The other model (Model 2) considers the observed population of SDOs plus clones that try to compensate for observational discovery bias (Fernández et al. 2004, Icarus , in press). We find that the Kozai mechanism (coupling between the argument of perihelion, eccentricity, and inclination), associated with a mean motion resonance (MMR), is the main responsible for raising both the perihelion distance and the inclination of SDOs. The highest perihelion distance for a body of our samples was found to be q = 69.2 AU. This shows that bodies can be temporarily detached from the planetary region by dynamical interactions with the planets. This phenomenon is temporary since the same coupling of Kozai with a MMR will at some point bring the bodies back to states of lower-q values. However, the dynamical time scale in high-q states may be very long, up to several Gyr. For Model 1, about 10% of the bodies driven away by Neptune get trapped into the HPSD when the resonant coupling Kozai-MMR is disrupted by Neptune’s migration. Therefore, Model 1 also supplies a fossil HPSD, whose bodies remain in non-resonant orbits and thus stable for the age of the solar system, in addition to the HPSD formed by temporary captures of SDOs after the giant planets reached their current orbits. We find that about 12 – 15% of the surviving bodies of our samples are incorporated into the HPSD after about 4 – 5 Gyr, and that a large fraction of the captures occur for up to the 1:8 MMR (a ⋍ 120 AU), although we record captures up to the 1:24 MMR (a ≃ 260 AU). Because of the Kozai mechanism, HPSD objects have on average inclinations about 25°–50°, which are higher than those of the classical Edgeworth–Kuiper (EK) belt or the SD. Our results suggest that Sedna belongs to a dynamically distinct population from the HPSD, possibly being a member of the inner core of the Oort cloud. As regards to 2000 CR105 , it is marginally within the region occupied by HPSD objects in the parametric planes (q,a) and (a,i), so it is not ruled out that it might be a member of the HPSD, though it might as well belong to the inner core.  相似文献   
Abstract Syn-metamorphic re-imbrication of the internal part of thrust belts can result in distinct pressure–temperature–time–deformation ( P–T–t–d ) pathways for different structural–metamorphic domains. In the early Proterozoic Cape Smith Thrust Belt (Canada), an external (piggyback-sequence thrusting) domain is characterized by thermal peak metamorphism occurring after deformation. In contrast, thermal peak metamorphism in an internal domain occurred during re-imbrication by out-of-sequence thrusting. The interactions of tectonic and thermal processes have been studied using three methods: (i) qualitative evaluation of the timing between mineral growth and deformation; (ii) analytical P–T paths from growth-zoned garnet porphyroblasts; and (iii) numerical modelling of vertical heat conduction. Derived P–T–t–d pathways suggest that uplift in the external domain resulted in part from erosion and isostatic unloading. In contrast, paths for the internal domain indicate that the out-of-sequence portion of the thrust belt may have experienced faster unroofing relative to the external domain. This is attributed to thickening by out-of-sequence thrusting and possibly to extensional faulting at (now eroded) higher structural levels. Observations on the timing of metamorphism, coupled with numerical modelling, suggest that the thermal peak metamorphism documented in the external domain is a consequence of the emplacement of the out-of-sequence thrusts stack in the internal portion of the thrust belt.  相似文献   
Abstract A detailed field and petrological study of rocks from nappes cut by the Valle dell'Orco (Italian Western Alps), in particular the Sesia–Lanzo composite unit, has revealed geological and metamorphic histories which started in pre-alpine times and lasted up to the alpine subduction-collisional processes. During these processes the nappes sustained an early high P–low T stage and a later low P greenschist facies stage, but followed partly distinctive P–T–time trajectories. This paper discusses the kinematic evolution and the thermal history of the alpine belt from the early subduction/underthrust to the later exhumation stage. The metamorphic crystallization is often governed by incomplete and/or local equilibrium, and the pervasive syn-metamorphic deformation and the composition of the syn-metamorphic fluid phase (if present) have exerted an effective local control on reaction kinetics.  相似文献   
Abstract The Hercynian granitic basement which forms the Tenda Massif in NE Corsica represents part of the leading edge of the European Plate during middle-to-late Cretaceous (Eoalpine) high P metamorphism. The metamorphism of this basement, induced by the overthrusting of a blueschist facies (schistes lustrés) nappe, was confined to a major ductile shear zone (c. 1000m thick) within which deformation increases upwards towards the overlying nappe. Metamorphism within the basement mostly records lower blueschist facies conditions (crossite + epidote) except near the base of the shear zone where the greenschist facies assemblage albite + actinolitic amphibole has developed instead of crossite. Study of the primary mafic phase breakdown reactions within hornblende granodiorite reveals the following metamorphic zonation. Zone 1: biotite to chlorite. Towards zone 2: biotite to phengite. Zone 2: Hornblende to actinolitic Ca-amphibole + albite + sphene, and biotite to actinolitic Ca-amphibole + albite + phengite + Ti-ore + epidote. Zone 3: Hornblende to crossite + low Ti-biotite + phengite + sphene, and biotite to crossite + low Ti-biotite + phengite + Ti-ore + sphene ± epidote. P-T conditions at the base of the shear zone are estimated to have been 390-490°C at 600-900 M Pa (6-9kbar) and the Corsican basement is therefore deduced to have been buried to 20-30 km during metamorphism. This relatively shallow metamorphism contrasts with some other areas in the Western Alps where the Eoalpine event apparently buried the European continental crust to depths of 80 km or more. As there is no evidence for a long history of blueschist facies metamorphism prior to the involvement of the European continent, it is deduced that the Eoalpine blueschists were produced during the collision of the Insubric plate with Europe, rather than during Tethyan intraoceanic subduction. Coherent blueschist terrains such as the schistes lustres probably record buovant feature collision and obduction tectonics rather than any preceding oceanic subduction.  相似文献   
The metamorphic history of mafic exotic blocks from a tectonic melange zone within an allochthonous ophiolitic terrane (Marmora Terrane) of the Pan-African Gariep orogenic belt in south-western Namibia was studied, based on mineral parageneses and amphibole composition. Glaucophane described previously from these rocks could not be verified. Instead, two types of blue amphiboles were distinguished: (i) rims of (ferro-) edenitic to pargasitic to barroisitic hornblende composition around brownish amphibole phenocrysts replacing magmatic clinopyroxene, and (ii) deep blue porphyroblasts of magnesio-riebeckite with little ferro-glaucophane component in a highly metasomatized albite-rich rock. Textural and mineralogical evidence, particularly the existence of up to three different amphibole generations in metagabbro samples, supports a multiphase metamorphic history experienced by these exotic blocks. The first metamorphic event, M1, is interpreted as very low- P hydrothermal oceanic metamorphism that affected the igneous protoliths at up to amphibolite facies temperatures. Subsequent M2 metamorphism was syntectonic and is characterized by temperatures similar to those attained during M1 but higher pressures indicating burial to 15–20 km. This event is related to a subduction process. The third metamorphic event, M3, was low grade and of regional nature. It is the only one recorded in the sedimentary envelope of the exotic blocks. The formation of magnesio-riebeckite is considered a retrograde reaction at greenschist facies during M2. The results indicate that in the Gariep belt subduction and subsequent obduction have occurred, although blueschist facies metamorphism has not been reached.  相似文献   
WILLNER  ARNE P. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(9):1805-1833
In the Chilean Coastal Cordillera, two units, the Western andEastern Series, constitute coeval parts of a Late Palaeozoicpaired metamorphic belt dominated by siliciclastic metasediments.The Western Series also contains rocks from the upper oceaniccrust and represents an accretionary prism. Omnipresent high-pressureconditions are reflected by Na–Ca-amphibole and phengitein greenschists. Peak PT conditions of 7·0–9·3kbar, 380–420°C point to a metamorphic gradient of11–16°C/km. Three unique occurrences of blueschistyield deviating conditions of 9·5–10·7 kbar,350–385°C and are interpreted as relics from the lowermostpart of the basal accretion zone preserving the original gradientof 9–11°C/km along the subducting slab. Pervasiveductile deformation related to basal accretion occurred nearpeak PT conditions. Deformation and PT evolution of the metapsammopeliticrocks is similar to that of the metabasites. However, a raregarnet mica-schist yields peak PT conditions of 9·6–14·7kbar, 390–440°C reflecting a retrograde stage aftercooling from a high-temperature garnet-forming stage. It isconsidered to be an exhumed relic from the earliest siliciclasticrocks subducted below a still hot mantle wedge. A retrogradeoverprint of all rock types occurred at 300–380°C.Continuous reactions caused crystal growth and recrystallizationwith abundant free water mostly under strain-free conditions.They record a pressure release of 3–4 kbar without erasingpeak metamorphic mineral compositions. The Eastern Series lacksmetabasite intercalations and represents a less deformed retro-wedgearea. In the study area it was entirely overprinted at a uniformdepth at 3 ± 0·5 kbar with temperatures progressivelyrising from 400°C to 720°C towards the coeval Late Palaeozoicmagmatic arc batholith. The interrelated pattern of PT datapermits a conceptual reconstruction of the fossil convergentmargin suggesting a flat subduction angle of 25° with continuousbasal accretion at a depth of 25–40 km and a short mainintrusion pulse in the magmatic arc. The latter was accompaniedby the formation of a thermal dome in the retro-wedge area,which remained stable relative to the vertically growing accretionaryprism characterized by cyclic mass flow. KEY WORDS: paired metamorphic belt; greenschist; blueschist; central Chile; thermobarometry  相似文献   
The Dabieshan Orogenic belt is well known for the exhumation of early Mesozoic ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks and Jurassic–Cretaceous emplacement of voluminous granitoids. However, the tectonic evolution in the orogen during the Paleozoic, especially its magmatic response to tectonism has not received much attention. As indicated by published data, the Dabieshan orogenic belt contains different records of Paleozoic magmatic-tectonic association in different tectonic units. Occ…  相似文献   
The main portion of the inner radiation belt en-countered by spacecraft in low-Earth orbits (LEOs) is concentrated over the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) where satellites observed the highest particle flux. The anomaly arises from the Earth’s magnetic field being less intense in the region centered near the east of the Atlantic coast of South America. The trapped radiation belt particles therefore have their lowest mirroring altitudes over the center region of the SAA. Drift shells in t…  相似文献   
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