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我国相继在多个盆地陆相页岩油勘探中获得突破,展示了良好的发展前景。基于现阶段勘探认识,本文认为陆相页岩油富集主要条件是:(1)稳定且有规模和适宜热成熟度的富有机质页岩是重要物质基础,以TOC含量>2%,最佳为3%~4%、母质类型Ⅰ和Ⅱ1型为主,Ro>0.9%或更高(咸化环境0.8%);(2)有一定容积规模的微纳米孔隙且具脆性的多类储层是重要条件,页岩储层有效孔隙度宜>3%~6%;成岩阶段偏低时,纯页岩段不是中高熟页岩油富集段,致密砂岩和混积岩黏土含量宜<20%;成岩阶段高时,页岩黏土含量可高至40%左右;(3)滞留烃数量大且品质好是重要保证,以S1>2 mg/g为门限,最佳>4~6 mg/g;气油比>80 m3/m3,最佳150~300 m3/m3;(4)顶底板具封闭性保持超压且滞留足够多轻-中组分烃类。陆相页岩油分布特征是:(1)有外物质注入的深-半深湖相是页岩油主要富集区;(2)具备“四高...  相似文献   
利用2004-2006年FY-2C卫星云图资料,统计了云顶亮温与焦作市降水量的关系;并根据相邻两张云图中云顶低亮温中心移动的距离和时间,确定云的移速。在此基础上,建立了层状云和积状云降水估算方程。经对2005-2006年估算结果统计,层状云有无降水预报准确率为80%;对4次积状云降水的估算结果为1次漏报、1次降水量级误差较大、2次预报正确,准确率达50%。  相似文献   
早侏罗世托阿尔期早期大洋缺氧事件(Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event,~183.8 Ma)是一次全球性的多幕式生物—环境事件,其在四川盆地下侏罗统自流井组大安寨段亦有显示。对采集自川东北地区大安寨段的鱼粪化石进行形态学描述和内含物分析,发现鱼粪化石中含有大量的磷质成分,多为未经消化的鱼骨化石,另有大量介壳类化石与有机质混杂在一起。据露头岩性和显微薄片特征认为: (1)粪化石呈螺旋状,生产该粪化石的鱼类为大型肉食性鱼类,其喜食小型鱼类和软体动物等,推测可能是肺鱼类(角齿鱼);(2)鱼粪化石形成于开放型淡水湖泊中的半深湖—深湖区,其中湖泊表层含氧量丰富,主要由生产者、消费者构成了研究区早侏罗世托阿尔期大型湖泊生态系统,食物链较为复杂,而湖底为水动力条件较弱的还原环境。该研究成果可为早侏罗世托阿尔期大洋缺氧事件在湖泊中的沉积响应及生态影响研究提供依据。  相似文献   
When trying to improve gas productivity from unconventional sources a first aim is to understand gas storage and gas flow potential through the rock by investigating the microstructure, mineralogy and matrix porosity of unfractured shale. The porosity and mineralogy of the Mulgrave Shale member of the Whitby Mudstone Formation (UK) were characterized using a combination of microscopy, X-ray diffraction and gas adsorption methods on samples collected from outcrops. The Whitby Mudstone is an analogue for the Dutch Posidonia Shale which is a possible unconventional source for gas. The Mulgrave shale member of the Whitby Mudstone Formation can microstructurally be subdivided into a fossil rich (>15%) upper half and a sub-mm mineralogically laminated lower half. All clasts are embedded within a fine-grained matrix (all grains < 2 μm) implying that any possible flow of gas will depend on the porosity and the pore network present within this matrix. The visible SEM porosity (pore diameter > 100 nm) is in the order of 0.5–2.5% and shows a non-connected pore network in 2D. Gas adsorption (N2, Ar, He) porosity (pore diameters down to 2 nm) has been measured to be 0.3–7%. Overall more than 40% of the visible porosity is present within the matrix. Comparing the Whitby Mudstone Formation to other (producing) gas shales shows that the rock plots in the low porosity and high clay mineral content range, which could imply that Whitby Mudstone shales could be less favourable to mechanical fracturing than other gas shales. Estimated permeability indicates values in the micro-to nano-darcy range.  相似文献   
渝东南地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩孔径分布测试方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
低温氮气吸附法已普遍用于评价页岩的孔隙结构,但是文献中报道的脱气温度和脱气时间等测试条件不尽相同,此外测试结果中经常出现滞后环不闭合的情况,严重影响了孔径分布等结构参数测试的准确性。为了评价和探索有效的页岩孔径分布测试方法,本文选取渝科1井下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色页岩,重点研究应用低温氮气吸附法分析其孔径分布的测试条件,系统探讨了样品质量、脱气温度、升温速率和脱气时间对测试结果的影响,通过进一步优化参数建立了可靠的孔径分布测试方法,并成功用于测定其他页岩样品。结果表明:吸附-脱附等温线呈反C型,属于Brunauer等提出的BDDT等温吸附曲线分类中的V型,滞后环完全闭合,属于IUPAC分类中的H4型,对应狭窄的狭缝型孔隙,说明此类页岩中除了含有峰值孔径主要集中在3.5~4.5 nm的中孔和一定数量的大孔外,还存在大量微孔。研究认为脱气温度是影响测试结果的主要因素。该研究是页岩孔径分布测试方法的一项补充,为我国页岩气的深入研究提供了关键参数支持。  相似文献   
The Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) fingerprints global environmental perturbations and biological extinction on land and oceans and is potentially linked to the Wrangellia Large Igneous Province (LIP). However, the correlation between terrestrial environmental changes and Wrangellia volcanism in the Ordos Basin during the CPE remains poorly understood. Records of negative carbon isotopic excursions (NCIEs), mercury (Hg), Hg/TOC, and Hg enrichment factor (HgEF) from oil shales in a large-scale terrestrial Ordos Basin in the Eastern Tethys were correlated with marine and other terrestrial successions. The three significant NCIEs in the study section were consistently correlated with those in the CPE successions of Europe, the UK, and South and North China. The U-Pb geochronology indicates a Ladinian–Carnian age for the Chang 7 Member. A comprehensive overview of the geochronology, NCIE correlation, and previous bio- and chronostratigraphic frameworks shows that the Ladinian–Carnian boundary is located in the lower part of Chang 7 in the Yishicun section. HgEF may be a more reliable proxy for tracing volcanic eruptions than the Hg/TOC ratio because the accumulation rates of TOC content largely vary in terrestrial and marine successions. The records of Hg, Hg/TOC, HgEF, and NCIEs in the Ordos Basin aligned with Carnian successions worldwide and were marked by similar anomalies, indicating a global response to the Wrangellia LIP during the CPE. Anoxia, a warm-humid climate, enhancement of detrital input, and NCIEs are synchronous with the CPE interval in the Ordos Basin, which suggests that the CPE combined with the regional Qinling Orogeny should dominate the enhanced rate of terrigenous input and paleoenvironmental evolution in the Ordos Basin.  相似文献   
This article is a discussion and critique of public intellectualism in the present. Rather than reify a self-aggrandized form of public intellectualism within academia that centers individualized intellectual development and that encourages a greater flow of findings outward to communities, I highlight black women public intellectuals who have used their skills, talents, and station within the university and society in novel ways. Moreover, I suggest that scholars take seriously the questions, research methods, and analyses emerging from the general public, particularly from within communal and political organizations. These encouragements are illustrated by highlighting three political education workshops that have been developed across the United States.  相似文献   
深入探究页岩气富集机理是保障勘探开发高效推进的基础。本研究通过对四川盆地五峰组—龙马溪组页岩气勘探开发实践的系统分析,梳理总结前人研究成果,从生成机理、运移机理、赋存机理和保存机理四个方面对海相页岩气富集机理进行了深入分析,并讨论了深层和常压页岩气的勘探开发潜力。结果表明:在生成机理方面,埋藏史和热演化史控制了页岩生排烃史、生排烃量和现今含气量;页岩气运移机理涉及运移动力、运移相态、运移方式和运移通道四方面内容,页岩气运移主要是烃源岩内的初次运移,同时讨论了初次运移的影响因素;在赋存机理方面,甲烷—页岩间表现出单/多分子层吸附和微孔充填等多种赋存机制,组分润湿性和孔隙有效性是决定甲烷吸附赋存和解吸运移的关键;在保存机理方面,盖层和物性自封闭是主要的保存机理,构造运动引起的裂缝—流体活动是页岩气保存条件遭到破坏的主要原因,流体活动时间和期次研究是页岩气保存条件和含气量定量评价的重要内容。页岩气富集机理的系统分析和创新认识为页岩气勘探开发评价提供了重要依据,建议加强页岩气演化历史全过程的动态评价。结合深层和常压页岩气勘探实践,分析了深层和常压页岩气的成因机制及主要特征,指出了下一步攻关内容及勘探方向。  相似文献   
New UBV-photoelectric observations of the well-known massive X-ray binary system Cyg X-1/V 1357 Cyg are obtained near the primary minimum. The detailed analysis of these observations confirms the existence of additional blue radiation which appears as a narrow peak with an amplitude of 0.01–0.02 mag near phase 0.00 on the light curve (the superior conjunction of the relativistic component), firstly detected by Lyuty (1985). This emission does not appear at every orbital cycle. The appearance of this narrow peak of additional blue radiation on the light curve of Cyg X-1 can be explained as the radiation of relativistic electrons in the disturbed magnetic field of the optical star in frames of the model proposed by Ikhsanov and Fabrika (1990).  相似文献   
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