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黄海夏季典型站位的底边界层动物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年8月25~26日,在黄海夏季冷水团区域内的抛锚站位(35°22′N,121°59′E),使用柱状界面采样器进行了昼夜连续取样,对底边界层动物的种类组成与昼夜丰度变化进行了研究,以获得对黄海底边界层动物的初步认识。共记录底边界层动物21种,隶属18科、19属。超底栖动物和中型浮游动物是黄海夏季底边界层动物的2个重要类群,主要种类有尖额真猛水蚤(Euterpina acutifrons)、挪威小毛猛水蚤(Microsetella norvegica)、异厚盖钩虾(Synchelidium miraculum)、双刺纺缍水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)和小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus),其丰度皆有明显的昼夜波动现象。以桡足类无节幼体为代表的小型浮游动物也是底边界层动物中不容忽视的类群之一。采集到5个黄海区的新记录物种:美丽猛水蚤(Nitocrasp.)、跛足猛水蚤(Mesochrasp.)、咸水剑水蚤(Halicyclopssp.)、掌刺梭剑水蚤(Lubbockia squillimana)和异厚盖钩虾(Synchelidi-um miraculum),显示出底边界层动物种类组成的特殊性。  相似文献   
The polychaete fauna of muddy bottoms off the Rhone delta (NW Mediterranean) was seasonally sampled at two sites at 70 m depth, from 1993 to 1996. During this period, five severe flood events occurred. A clustering analysis (distance coefficient of Whittaker) and three way fixed factor ANOVAs (site x season x year) showed strong year-to-year changes in species density and community structure, changes that masked seasonal variations. Total density increased by a factor of 3 and density of most species significantly increased following the first flooding event. Changes in the community structure were due to the successive dominance of a few species. The opportunistic species, such as Cossura sp., Mediomastus sp. and Polycirrus sp., exhibited peaks in density 1-3 months after the flood. These peaks were followed by a drastic decline. For species with a long life span, such as Sternaspis scutata, a slower but continuous increase in density was observed which was maintained for several months. The density fluctuations of these species exhibited a good correlation with river flow with time lags of 1-2 years. The successional dynamics observed are explained according to the geographical origin of the floods and the biology and feeding ecology of species.  相似文献   
新疆哈密地区早泥盆世珊瑚动物群及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张孟  郑飞  南玲玲  张雄华  黄兴  靳锁锁 《地质通报》2018,37(10):1789-1797
新疆哈密地区下泥盆统发育,南部图拉尔根地区下泥盆统为大南湖组,北部三道白杨沟地区为卓木巴斯套组。在大南湖组中共发现四射珊瑚2属5种,床板珊瑚7属12种,并建立四射珊瑚组合Syringaxon moriense和床板珊瑚组合Pseudofavosites giganteus;在卓木巴斯套组共发现四射珊瑚5属7种,床板珊瑚2属2种,并建立四射珊瑚组合Orthopaterophyllum junggarense和床板珊瑚组合Pachyfavosites junggarensis。通过珊瑚在地层中的分布及组合的时代对比,确定前者的时代为早泥盆世埃姆斯期早期,后者的时代为埃姆斯期中晚期。通过与国内外典型的早泥盆世埃姆斯期珊瑚动物群的对比,认为哈密地区的珊瑚动物具有典型的早泥盆世温带动物群特征,在生物古地理区系上属于北方大区准噶尔-兴安省。  相似文献   
华北地台北缘拴马桩煤系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张泓 《地层学杂志》1997,21(1):20-21,T001
狼山—色尔腾山和大青山的拴马桩煤系曾被认为是分布于华北地台北缘“内蒙地轴”上的晚古生代纯陆相山间盆地沉积。新的研究证明,上述两地的拴马桩煤系的时代并不完全等同,也不是纯陆相地层,更不是同一盆地的含煤沉积  相似文献   
Freshwater mussels are a major component of the zoobenthos and they therefore play an important role in freshwater ecosystems. The community composition and the standing crop of freshwater mussels in Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China and one of two lakes connected to the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, were investigated from February 2008 to May 2009. Mussels were sampled in hydrologically and geographically distinct sampling areas. A total of 42 species and 13 genera were identified, of which 32 species were endemic to China. Two species, Unio douglasiae and Lamprotula caveata, dominated all sampling areas. The number of genera and species, and the number of species within each genus, differed significantly among sampling areas. Freshwater mussels were very abundant, with an overall density of 0.28 ± 0.22 ind./m2 and biomass of 4.08 ± 3.96 g/m2. Significant variation observed among sampling areas and among genera was probably due to the variety of habitats among the areas sampled and to the adaptability of different freshwater mussels to environments. This study suggests that Poyang Lake and other freshwater lakes in the region are important sites of freshwater mussel biodiversity and conservation.  相似文献   
本文在西藏南部吉隆盆地新生代沉积中获得丰富的介形类化石,根据介形类动物群在地层剖面上的分布规律,建立了8个介形类群落,自下而上为:Leucocytherella trinoda-Ilyocypris群落;Ilyocypris pentanada-Leucocytherella hyalina群落;Candoniella zadaensis-Leucocytherella群落;Eucypris subgyrongensis-Candoniella zadaensis群落;Leucocytherella-Cadoniella zadaensis群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella hyalina群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella glabra群落和Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella trinoda群落。通过对介形类群落进行详细的特征分析,并结合磁性地层年代学数据,将吉隆盆地7.2~1.67Ma的古气候划分为5个期次:①7.2~6.7Ma为暖湿期;②6.7~5.8Ma为凉湿期;③5.8~3.6Ma为暖湿期;④3.6~2.6Ma为凉湿期;⑤2.6~1.67Ma为冷干期。将研究区的7.2Ma以来的气候演化特征与全球气候演变对比认为:吉隆盆地7.2~5.8Ma间的气候以暖湿为主,可能与来自印度的东南季风加强有关;5.8~3.6Ma间吉隆盆地古气候分析显示为相对暖湿期,可能与来自印度洋的东南季风再次加强有关;3.6Ma后,由于是受全球气候变冷、冬季风加强及青藏高原强烈隆升的影响,吉隆盆地气候向更寒冷干旱的环境转变。  相似文献   
The Adriatic coast of Punta Marina (Ravenna) is protected by 3-km long low crested breakwater structures (LCSs). Through a 3-years long multidisciplinar study, we assessed the impact of such defensive structures on environmental and biological condition. LCSs create pools where conditions are very different from the surrounding nearshore system. Mechanical disturbance by currents and waves varied greatly in intensity and frequency between seaward and landward sides of the structures. Sedimentary budget was positive at the landward side, but it was due to a gain on the seafloor and not on the emerged beach. The budget at seaward was negative. LCSs determine differences in benthic assemblages, alter the seasonal pattern of communities, and modify seasonal fluctuations of animal assemblages. Landward sheltered areas can be seen as “lagoonal island” surrounded by a “sea of marine habitat”. Differences in ecological quality status, obtained through M-AMBI, are due to the sum of these factors.  相似文献   
Remarkable Species Diversity on Adjacent Salt Lakes in South Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正Lakes Acraman,Gairdner,Harris and Everard are a cluster of large episodic salt lakes on Eyre Peninsula,South Australia.These lakes have a characteristic terrestrial invertebrate fauna including various spiders,  相似文献   
The Bivalve Yangtzedonta is not the Brachiopod Xianfengella   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The alleged "holotype"of the bivalve Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu.1985 figured by Qian (2001) is a broken and distorted specimen of the brachiopod Xianfengella prima He and Yang, 1982 and not the holotype of Y. primitiva. Qian contends that the oldest recognized monoplacophoran, Maikhanella pristinis (Jiang, 1980), is neither a monoplacophoran nor the oldest molluscan fossil in the Meishucunian Stage of China. Furthermore, he considers that the oldest bivalve Xianfengoconcha eUiptica Zhang, 1980 is an inarticulate brachiopod, not a mollusc. WatsoneUa yunnanensis (He and Yang, 1982), is associated with Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu but indicates no evolutionary relationship between the Classes Rostroconchia and Bivalvia in the Lower Cambrian Zhongyicun Member of the Yuhucun Formation. Qian's confusion in using non-molluscan fossils to discuss the early evolution of shelled molluscs also confuses the basic concepts of the respective groups.  相似文献   
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