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We explore developments in tephra science that consider more than chronology, using case studies of morphological transformations of tephra deposits. Volcanic processes and prevailing weather conditions determine the distribution of tephra deposits immediately after an eruption, but as these freshly fallen tephra become part of the stratigraphic record, the thickness, morphology and definition of the layers they form changes, reflecting the interplay of the tephra, climate, Earth surface processes, topography and vegetation structure, plus direct or indirect modification caused by people and animals. Once part of the stratigraphic record, there can be further diagnostic changes to the morphology of tephra layers, such as the creation of over folds by cryoturbation. Thus, tephra layers may contain proxy evidence of both past surface environments and subsurface processes. Transformations of tephra deposits can complicate the reconstruction of past volcanic processes and make the application of classical tephrochronology as pioneered by Thorarinsson (Sigurður Þórarinsson in Icelandic) challenging. However, as Thorarinsson also noted, novel sources of environmental data can exist within transformed tephra sequences that include the spread or removal of tephra, variations in layer thickness and internal structures, the nature of contact surfaces and the orientation of layers.  相似文献   
Abstract: The temporal distribution of the diagnostic biofabrics in the Lower and Middle Ordovician in North China distinctly illustrates that the sedimentary systems on the paleoplate have been changed markedly as consequences of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE). The pre-GOBE sedimentary systems deposited in Tremadoc display widespread microbialite and flat-pebble conglomerates, and a less extent of bioturbation. Through the transitional period of early Floian, the sedimentary systems in the rest of the Early and Mid- Ordovician change to GOBE type and are characterized by intensive bioturbation and vanishing flat-pebble conglomerates and subtidal microbial sediments. The irreversible changes in sedimentary systems in North China are linked to the GOBE, which conduced the increase in infaunal tiering, the expansion of infaunal ecospace, and the appearance of new burrowers related to the development of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna during the Ordovician biodiversification. Thus, changes in sedimentary systems during the pivotal period of the GOBE were consequences of a steep diversification of benthic faunas rather than the GOBE’s environmental background.  相似文献   
水丝蚓生物扰动对东洞庭湖沉积物氮释放的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了不同投放密度和不同环境条件下水丝蚓的生物扰动对东洞庭湖沉积物氮释放的影响.研究表明:水丝蚓的生物扰动作用对沉积物氮释放有明显的促进作用,水丝蚓生物扰动促进下的NH4+-N释放构成沉积物氮释放的主要动因.与未投放水丝蚓的空白组相比,当水丝蚓密度为1和2 ind./cm2时,上覆水中总氮的浓度分别增加了15%和32%...  相似文献   
Molluscs are a diverse and ubiquitous group of organisms which contribute to the formation of biogenic sediments and are one of the major prey taxa for the neritic‐stage loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) worldwide. Here we investigated to what degree molluscs contribute to the diet of individual turtles, and what role the feeding strategy of loggerheads might play in bioturbation, one of the key processes in nutrient transport in marine ecosystems. We performed a detailed analysis of benthic molluscs from the digestive tracts of 62 loggerhead sea turtles (curved carapace length: 25.0–85.4 cm) found in the Northern Adriatic Sea. From 50 of the turtles that contained benthic molluscs, we identified 87 species representing 40 families and three classes (Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Scaphopoda), including 72 new dietary records for loggerhead turtle. Most of the identified molluscs were small‐sized species (shell length ≤ 3 cm) and were often found in a subfossil condition. Their intake may be considered a byproduct of infaunal mining, while larger molluscs were mainly found crushed into smaller fragments. Through such foraging behaviour loggerheads actively rework sediments, increase the surface area of shells and the rate of shells disintegration, acting as bioturbators in this system. We conservatively estimate that loggerheads in the neritic zone of the Adriatic Sea bioturbate about 33 tonnes of mollusc shells per year, and hypothesize about the possible effects of bioturbation reduction on environmental changes in the Northern Adriatic ecosystem.  相似文献   
Abstract. Dark respiration rates, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) fluxes and nitrification rates were measured at two sites in the microtidal Sacca di Goro lagoon in September 2000. DIN fluxes correlated with the biomass of the dominant macrofauna species (the amphipod Corophium spp. at station Giralda and the polychaete Neanthes spp. at station Faro). Respiration (> 6 mmol O2 m−2h−1) and ammonium fluxes (> 80μmol N m−2h−1) were higher at station Giralda despite the lower organic matter content (4.5 %) and lower macrofauna biomass (4 g AFDW m−2). At both sites ammonium fluxes were significantly correlated with the biomass of the benthic infauna, but Corophium stimulated ammonium NH4+ fluxes 3-fold compared to Neanthes. The amphipod also enhanced nitrification rates (> 300 μmol N m−2h−1) due to the high density of its burrows, the higher NH4+ regeneration rates and the enhanced oxygen supply to the bacteria.  相似文献   
以螃蟹扰动作用下黄河口刁口地区潮滩表层沉积物为例,对沉积物的物理力学性质及其运移进行了试验研究,结果表明:螃蟹扰动作用使表层20 cm以内沉积物的含水率明显增加,渗透性略有提高,表层30 cm以内土体贯入强度降低,下层土体贯入强度增高;螃蟹每日掘出的细粒物质达502.08 g/m2(干重),远大于螃蟹洞穴在涨落潮过程中所捕获的细颗粒物质,并使潮滩表层沉积物细化。从螃蟹扰动对沉积物组成、性质和运移产生的作用,可以得出生物活动对黄河口潮滩的稳定性具有一定的影响。  相似文献   
In the northern part of the Kattegat, western Sweden, a series of marine depressions remain since the last glaciation. One of these, the well-oxygenated Alkor Deep, is about 3 km long and 800 m wide and with a depth of 138 m. Random depth-stratified sampling was made along four transects on the slopes including benthic macrofauna (0·1 m2grab samples) and sediment profile imaging. A significant positive correlation was found between depth and the faunal variables abundance and biomass. Deposit feeders such as Maldane sarsi, Heteromastus filiformis andAbra alba were among the dominants and may have been supported by down-slope advected organic material. In many images, pockets and extensive burrows were seen in the sediment that appeared to be constructed by the crustaceans Calocaris macandreae and Maera loveni. The ecological significance of their irrigation of the sediment is discussed. Due to the faunal activity deep down in the sediments of the slopes, the mean apparent redox potential discontinuity (RPD) was found as deep as between 8·0 and 11·3 cm depth, and RPD was significantly positively correlated with water depth. On the slopes there appears to be a balance between the input of organic material and the capacity of the benthic organisms to assimilate that carbon.  相似文献   
The impact of bioturbation in Lake Baikal sediments, particularly on rhythmic layering and mixing, was assessed by studying the actual vertical distribution of benthic animals in continuous accumulation zones selected by seismic survey (Vydrino Shoulder, Posolskoe Bank, Continent Ridge). To assess the influence of the bioturbation, animals were extracted from short cores and identified at the relevant taxonomic level. The faunal distribution is examined in parallel with the bioturbation tracks observed in thin section. Oligochaeta, Nematoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda, Gammaridae, Chironomidae and Hydrachnidia were found inhabiting the sediment. Among them, only oligochaete worms were assumed to have a significant impact on sediment mixing because of their “conveyor belt” feeding. The other two most abundantly sampled groups, nematods and copepods, belong to the interstitial fauna that has no significant impact on the vertical displacement of sediment particles and do not ingest the sediment. The presence of a benthic fauna as deep as 15 cm in the sediment indicates that the possibility of sediment disturbance by invertebrate activity cannot be dismissed in Lake Baikal. The effect of biological mixing is more limited in the deepest stations because the number of potential bioturbators is reduced, qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Located in the abyssal zone, Continent and Vydrino (but outside turbidites) deep stations appear to be most promising sediment records for tracking climate signal at high resolution.  相似文献   
The suitability of marsh sites for sea‐level studies was examined based on field experiments along a transect from low to high marsh. Bead distributions were determined both seasonally and after 7 years. Seasonal sediment mixing was greatest in the low marsh and in the late spring and early summer, when biological activity is greatest. However, after an initial interval of relatively intense reworking, the bead concentrations reached an approximate equilibrium profile characteristic of each marsh environment as reflected by the profiles obtained after 7 years. Mixed‐layer thickness is greatest (>10 cm) in the intermediate and low marsh, and burial rates are rapid (3.7–11.1 mm yr?1). Moreover, burial rates are comparable to or even surpass longer‐term (30 to >150 yr) radiotracer‐derived sediment accumulation rates and rates of local and regional sea‐level rise (~4 mm yr?1). Therefore, sediment accumulation rates appear to reflect primarily sediment resuspension/redeposition within the system due to bioturbation. Thus, bioturbation may be critical to the ability of marshes to keep pace with sea level, while seemingly precluding the use of low marsh for high‐resolution sea‐level studies. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We have studied the impact of the bioturbating macrofauna, in particular the lugworm Arenicola marina and the bivalve Cerastoderma edule, on abundances and distribution patterns of total bacteria and of bacteria of selected functional groups in sandy intertidal sediments. The selected groups comprised the colourless sulphur-oxidising bacteria and the anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, which are expected to occupy small zones at the oxygen–sulphide interface in stable (non-bioturbated) sediments. The presence of a wooden wreck buried in the sediment at 10 cm depth within a large area of intertidal sand flat colonised by lugworms provided a unique opportunity to confront field observations with laboratory simulations. The site with the wooden wreck, which was used as control site, was devoid of both A. marina and C. edule, while the composition of the rest of the zoobenthic community was rather similar to that of the surrounding area. In the field, the density of total bacteria was approximately one order of magnitude higher in the control site than in the natural (bioturbated) site. This can be explained by the higher contents of silt and clay particles (higher surface-area/volume ratio) and higher total organic-carbon contents found at the control site. It appears that the presence of macrofauna affects sedimentation processes, which indirectly influence bacterial dynamics. Samples from the control site have been incubated in the laboratory with A. marina and C. edule added (bioturbated core), while an unamended core served as a control. The laboratory experiments contrasted with the field observations, because it was found that total bacteria were actually higher in the deeper layers of the bioturbated core. Moreover, the populations were more homogeneous (less stratified) and colourless sulphur bacteria were on average less numerous in the bioturbated core. In general, laboratory incubations resulted in a decrease of total bacteria with a concomitant increase of colourless and phototrophic sulphur-oxidising bacteria and thus in modifications of the bacterial community structure. Hence, our results demonstrate that care must be taken in extrapolating results from laboratory experiments (e.g. mesocosm research) to field situations.  相似文献   
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