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黑云母化学成分差异可反映出岩浆岩的性质(全岩铝饱和指数、I/S型花岗岩)、氧逸度、挥发分特征并指示岩浆源区。为了探究不同岩浆体系的性质对成矿差异性的影响,本文选择与长江中下游成矿带的武山铜矿和江南造山带的竹溪岭钨(钼)矿相关的花岗闪长斑岩中的黑云母作为研究对象,对其开展了岩相学、主量元素和原位微量元素分析。结果表明,两地黑云母均富镁贫铁,竹溪岭岩体中的黑云母相对富集Li、Nb等不相容元素,而武山岩体的黑云母富集Ni、V等相容元素。基于黑云母地球化学特征建立了成岩体系与成矿体系的联系:武山铜矿与黑云母相平衡的岩浆体系具有高Cl、高氧逸度特征,有利于Cu富集成矿;而竹溪岭钨(钼)矿的岩浆体系具高F、低氧逸度特征,有利于W富集成矿。  相似文献   
沙拉哈达钨矿区处于内蒙地轴北缘和大兴安岭地槽褶皱系的交接处.矿化主要分布在安山玢岩内,矿体主要由含矿石英脉组成,矿脉中普遍含黑钨矿、白钨矿、黄铁矿及多金属硫化物.与钨矿有关的侵人岩体主要是燕山期黑云母花岗岩及花岗斑岩.围岩蚀变以硅化、云英岩化、绢云母化为主.该矿床属高温热液成因类型.  相似文献   
Gneiss-distilled water interaction at room temperature was investigated with batch-reactors to study water-rock reaction and geochemical evolution of the aqueous phase with time. The ion concentrations in water were controlled not only by the dissolution of primary minerals, but also by the precipitation of secondary minerals. The decreasing fraction sizes of gneiss could favor dissolution and precipitation simultaneously. Ca^2 and K^ were the major cations, and HCO3^- was the major anion in water. All the ions except Ca^2 increased in concentration with time. The Ca^2 release from the rock to the aqueous phase was initially much faster than the release of K^ , Na^2 and Mg^2 . But after about 5 - 24 hours, the Ca^2 concentrations in water decreased very slowly with time and became relatively stable. During the experiment, the water varied from the Ca-( K)-HCO3-type water to the K-Ca-HCO3-type water, and then to the K-(Ca, Na)-HCO3-type water. The water-gneiss interaction was dominated by the dissolution of Kfeldspar in the solution. The remaining secondary minerals were mainly kaolinite, illite and K (Mg) -mica.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地东南缘的阿克塔什塔格地区,保存有较为完好的早前寒武纪基底变质岩——阿克塔什塔格杂岩,主要由米兰岩群、新太古代TTG花岗片麻岩和侵入其中的各类古元古代花岗片麻岩构成。其中米兰岩群和TTG片麻岩发育塑性流变褶皱和高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相变质,具有强烈的混合岩化,并遭受后期的角闪岩相变质改造。米兰岩群中的长英质片麻岩和TTG岩系的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄分别为(2 567±32)Ma和(2 592±15)Ma,二者普遍低Si高Al、富Na贫K、富Sr贫Mg、富集LILE和LREE,亏损HSFE和HREE、轻重稀土分馏强烈、Eu异常不明显,具有类似于埃达克岩的岩石地球化学特征,表明它们形成于俯冲带的岛弧环境,为岛弧玄武岩俯冲至下地壳部分熔融的产物,指示了塔里木盆地东南缘新太古代晚期古老克拉通的大陆地壳水平增生。在此基础上,文章还探讨了塔里木盆地周缘早前寒武纪基底岩系的年代格架问题,认为塔里木盆地具有统一的早前寒武纪变质基底。  相似文献   
续海金  宋衍茹  叶凯 《岩石学报》2013,29(5):1594-1606
威海-荣成地区混合岩化花岗质片麻岩为研究超高压地体折返过程中的部分熔融提供了理想的窗口。本文通过对荣成地区鲍村花岗质片麻岩中浅色条带野外观察、岩相学以及锆石的CL图像、U-Pb定年、微量元素和Lu-Hf同位素的系统研究表明,鲍村花岗质片麻岩中的浅色条带为部分熔融的产物,其主要矿物组成为石英+斜长石+钾长石+黑云母。锆石CL图像显示清楚的核-边结构:继承岩浆核和新生岩浆边。继承核的206Pb/238U协和年龄为620±8~784±7Ma(Mean=701±33Ma);具有典型的岩浆锆石的微量元素特征,如重稀土(HREE)和Y富集,强烈的正Ce异常和负Eu异常,以及极低的(Gd/Lu)N和Hf/Y比值;εHf(t=700Ma)值为-13.0~-8.0(Mean=-10.9±0.8),相应的tDM2为2120~2429Ma(Mean=2303±51Ma)。新生边的206Pb/238U协和年龄为211±6~244±5Ma(226±10Ma);虽然微量元素的整体含量低于继承核,但也具有岩浆锆石的微量元素特征,如稀土元素配分模式显示HREE明显上翘的特征,正Ce异常和负Eu异常,以及极低的(Gd/Lu)N比值;εHf(t=225Ma)值为-17.3~-14.2(Mean=-15.2±0.6),相应的tDM2为2152~2347Ma(Mean=2214±33Ma)。上述特征表明,部分熔融的原岩是由古元古代(2.2~2.3Ga)的地壳物质在新元古代(701±33Ma)重熔而成,部分熔融可能发生在超高压地体折返早期的热折返阶段(榴辉岩相-高压麻粒岩相条件下),时代应为226±10Ma。威海-荣成混合岩化片麻岩内广泛发育的富含钾长石和石英的酸性岩脉(约220~210Ma),可能为折返晚期的角闪岩相冷凝阶段,部分熔融形成的熔体经历了结晶分异作用的产物。  相似文献   
-,The well-known Suichang silvengold field is located inZhejiang Province of SOutheast China. It is the largest silver-gold deposit associated with copper and zinc in the Cathaysianmetallogenic province.There are a series of silver-gold dePOsits in the shear zonesof Proterozoic gneiss terrene, Suichang region. The volcanicapparatus at Mesozoic has complicated rpineralization. Respectively, there are two pieces of understanding on the origin ofore-formigg nuid: (l ) metamorphic fluid (Lia…  相似文献   
大别山北部变质镁铁- 超镁铁质岩带中的中酸性片麻岩主要可分为三类:①英云闪长质片麻岩、②花岗闪长质片麻岩和③二长花岗质片麻岩,其原岩属于一套钙碱性的中酸性花岗岩系列。岩石地球化学特征表明,它们分别形成于板块碰撞前消减地区( 消减的活动板块边缘) 、板块碰撞后隆起花岗石区和同碰撞花岗岩区。其中,形成于800 ~1000 Ma 左右的英云闪长质片麻岩经受过麻粒岩相变质作用并与该带中属于蛇绿岩成员的变基性熔岩有亲缘关系, 可能属于蛇绿岩中的浅色组分。  相似文献   
江西庐山─星子地区早前寒武纪片麻岩基底的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
庐山-星子地区原称的混合花岗岩和混合岩实为以奥长花岗质片麻岩为主体的灰色片麻岩(TTG岩套)和花岗质片麻岩.后者是前者经钾质成分改造交代的结果。其常量元素和微量元素特征与早前寒武纪低铝型灰色片麻岩一致,构成扬子克拉通的晚太古代基底。其上的星子群属表壳岩,与赣北片麻岩一起构成花岗-绿岩地体,因燕山运动和新构造而出露地表。  相似文献   
The Alaçam region of NW Turkey lies within the Alpine collision zone between the Sakarya continent and the Menderes platform. Four different tectonic zones of these two continents form imbricated nappe packages (including the Afyon zone), intruded by the Alaçam granite. Newly determined U-Pb zircon ages of this granite are 20.0 ± 1.4 and 20.3 ± 3.3 Ma, indicating early Miocene emplacement. Rb-Sr biotite ages of the granite are 20.01 ± 0.20 and 20.17 ± 0.20 Ma, suggesting fast cooling at a shallow crustal level. Geochemical characteristics show that the Alaçam granite is similar to numerous EW-trending plutons in NW Anatolia.

Gneissic granites of the Afyon tectonic zone were intruded by the Miocene Alaçam granite and have been interpreted in earlier studies as sheared parts of the Alaçam granite, which formed along a crustal-scale detachment zone under an extensional regime. We determined a U-Pb zircon age of 314.9 ± 2.7 Ma for a gneissic granite sample of the Afyon zone, demonstrating that these rocks are unrelated to the Miocene Alaçam granite. The early Miocene granitic plutons bear post-collisional geochemical features and are interpreted as products of Alpine-type magmatism along the Izmir–Ankara suture zone in NW Turkey, and seem to have no genetic relation to the detachment zone.  相似文献   
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