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对于变质岩 Sm-Nd 和 Rh-Sr 同位素年代学来说,其中一个重要问题是等时线矿物之间在一特定的变质事件过程中是否达到并在随后保持同位素平衡。矿物 O 同位素地质测温也是如此。由于许多情况下 Nd、Sr 和 O 在变质矿物中的扩散速率具有可比性,变质矿物之间 O 同位素平衡状况能够为矿物 Sm-Nd 和 Rb-Sr 内部等时线定年结果的有效性提供制约。为了验证其适用性,本文对大别造山带双河超高压榴辉岩和片麻岩 Sm-Nd 和 Rh-Sr 等时线矿物进行了 O 同位素地质测温。尽管Sm-Nd 等时线给出一致的三叠纪年龄(213~238Ma),同一样品 Rb-Sr 等时线却给出侏罗纪年龄(171~174Ma)。片麻岩、榴辉岩和榴闪岩矿物对 O 同位素测温得到600~720℃和420~550℃两组温度,分别对应于约225±5Ma 榴辉岩相变质和约 175±5Ma 角闪岩相退变质条件下停止同位素扩散交换的温度。同一样品三叠纪 Sm-Nd 等时线年龄的保存、侏罗纪 Rh-Sr 等时线年龄的出现以及有规律的 O 同位素温度,表明在角闪岩相退变质过程中,Sr 和 O 在含水矿物(如黑云母和角闪石)中的扩散速率在手标本尺度上比石榴石 Nd 和多硅白云母 Sr 的扩散速率快。在退变质作用过程中,等时线矿物之间的初始同位素比值均一化速率主要受扩散速率慢的矿物控制,而矿物等时线时钟的启动主要受具有高母/子体比值的矿物控制。只有当高母/子体比值矿物具有快的放射成因同位素扩散速率时,才能够应用合理的矿物等时线确定变质再造的时间。  相似文献   
周潭群变质岩中石榴石、斜长石和黑云母微区化学成分变化明显,石榴石变斑晶具典型的生长环带,由晶体中心向两侧边缘XMg、XFe值以光滑曲线递增,XCu、XMn值以光滑曲线递减,反映其增温过程;晶体最边缘的化学成分反映变质峰期的温度条件。通过石榴石变斑晶生长环带剖面分析,应用Grt-Bi温度计和GASP压力计,确定本区变质作用PT轨迹为顺时针形式,发生于大陆碰撞造山带环境。  相似文献   
黄陵野马洞基性岩脉中锆石的U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用激光剥蚀-等离子质谱(LA-ICP-MS)分析技术测定野马洞基性岩脉中锆石的U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成,以探讨黄陵地区TTG片麻岩原岩的形成及变质时间、是否存在比崆岭群更古老的地壳等问题。野马洞辉绿岩脉(1850 Ma)侵入TTG片麻岩,并从TTG片麻岩中捕获了大量捕掳晶锆石。捕掳晶锆石岩浆结晶核部的U-Pb年龄分别为2842 Ma、2900 Ma和2949 Ma,指示TTG花岗岩体为复式岩体,其至少经历了2949 Ma、2900 Ma和2842 Ma三期岩浆作用。捕掳晶锆石变质边部的U-Pb年龄为2557 Ma,指示TTG花岗岩体转变为TTG片麻岩,是"水月寺运动"及其构造热事件共同作用的结果,其变形变质的时间为2557~2511 Ma。捕掳晶锆石的εHf(t)为-9.85~0.89、平均值为-4.07,亏损地幔模式年龄TDM为3.6~3.2 Ga,指示黄陵地区存在比崆岭群(3.2 Ga)更古老的陆壳。  相似文献   
王少轶  刘宝山 《世界地质》2014,33(4):780-786
张广才岭中段东风经营所一带发现新元古代花岗质片麻岩,岩石具有高硅、富碱和低钙、镁及偏铝质-过铝质特点,稀土元素配分模式中轻稀土元素富集且缓向右倾斜,重稀土元素曲线较为平坦,为具有铕亏损的海鸥型,富集高场强元素Th、Zr、Hf,亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti、Nb、Ta等大离子亲石元素,微量元素特征指示其形成于大陆地壳的部分熔融。锆石LA--ICP MS U--Pb定年结果表明,岩石加权平均年龄为(850.2±2.0)Ma,形成于新元古代。构造环境显示研究区花岗质片麻岩形成于挤压造山环境,为造山期的深熔产物。新元古代花岗质片麻岩的发现,表明研究区之前存在一古老的微陆块。  相似文献   
齐大山铁矿黑云变粒岩单锆石年龄及意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王守伦  张瑞华 《矿床地质》1995,14(3):216-219
齐大山特大型鞍山式铁矿的成矿时代,以往都是根据铁矿的构造和建造特征,以及与铁矿伴生的花岗岩类岩体的同位素年龄数据间接推断的。本文最近获得了该铁矿的黑云变粒岩中,单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素年龄为(2533±53)×10 ̄6a。这是迄今为止研究该矿床成矿时代较为可靠的直接测年数据。  相似文献   
青藏高原片麻岩穹窿与找矿前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
片麻岩穹窿是研究俯冲-折返和碰撞-折返造山过程的重要窗口。已查明的大量青藏高原片麻岩穹窿(群)分布在古特提斯和新特提斯大洋俯冲-折返以及地体碰撞-折返过程中。松潘-甘孜造山带中雅江甲基卡片(麻)岩穹窿的三叠纪变质片岩的含矿伟晶岩脉中发现了超大型锂矿床,揭示片(麻)岩穹窿构造与同构造花岗岩、含矿伟晶岩脉以及大型印支滑脱带在时空和成因上有天然联系,为片麻岩穹窿的找矿前景提供了范例。  相似文献   
The petrography and chemical composition of minerals of quartz-rich diamondiferous rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, especially the zonation of garnet, were studied and compared with diamondiferous quartzofeldspathic rocks from the Saxonian Erzgebirge. Many compositional and textural features were found to be similar. For instance, microdiamonds are enclosed systematically in a specific intermediate growth zone of garnet in these rocks. On the basis of experimental data, a magmatic scenario was constructed to check if the quartz-rich diamondiferous rocks are of magmatic origin. By this, the P-T paths, derived here for the Kokchetav rocks, and the textural observations it is concluded that the minerals of the diamondiferous rocks have crystallized from silicate melts. These melts originated by anatexis of deeply submerged metasediments (Erzgebirge: at T as high as 1200°C, Kokchetav Massif: at 50-100°C lower T) and ascended from at least 200 km depth. Relics of the pre-anatectic evolution are still present, for instance, as garnet cores. After ascent and emplacement of the magma in deep portions of thickened continental crust (Kokchetav Massif: 45-50 km close to 800°C, Erzgebirge: 55-60 km at 30-50°C lower T) considerable quantities of (white and/or dark) micas formed by peritectic reactions from melt. For instance, garnets could be resorbed at this stage and biotite grew instead. After the magmatic stage, retrogression took place much stronger in the Kokchetav Massif. This was accompanied by deformation transforming broadly the magmatic texture of quartz-rich diamondiferous rocks from the Kokchetav Massif to a gneissic texture.  相似文献   
通过对德尔尼铜钴矿床与塞浦路斯铜矿的对比,进一步明确了德尔尼铜钴矿床为与印支期黑云花岗岩有成因联系的岩浆热液矿床。矿区的超基性岩或超基性火山角砾岩都是不含矿的,与矿床无成因联系;底辟上升侵位也不存在。将德尔尼铜钴矿床作为火山岩块状硫化物矿床系列中的最基性端员缺乏依据。  相似文献   
The source rock from which the sillimanite gneisses derive mainly was the biotite plagioclase gneiss in the Larsemann Hills. It is the deformation-metamorphism process under special pressure and temperature condition, not the original rock compositions, that controls the presence of sillimanite. To a great degree, the sillimanite gneiss was the mixture of the detaining materials of the migrating felsic melt from the bt-plagioclase gneiss that underwent partial melting and the relics when the melt was removed. In sillimanitization the original rock had been changed substantially in chemical composition. The related metamorphism process severely deviated from the isochemical series, the process was of, therefore, an open system. In addition, the Al2O3 contents of the original rock was an important, but not critical factor for the formation of sillimanite, i.e., the sillimanite-bearing rock need not be of aluminum rich in composition, and vise contrarily, the aluminum rock may not produce sillimanite. The authors of the present paper postulate that the source rock from which the aluminum rich rock derives need not be of aluminum rich, but sillimanitization is generally the Al2O3 increasing process. The aluminum rich sediments such as clay or shale need not correspond directly to sillimanite-rich gneisses. No argillaceous rock present equals to sillimanite-rich gneiss in chemical composition. The protoliths to the sillimanite gneisses from the Larsemann Hills, east Antarctica, and their adjacent area may be pelite, shale greywacke, sub-greywacke, quartz sandstone and quartz-tourmalinite. If correct, the conclusion will be of significant implication for the determination of the sillimanite gneiss formation process and the reconstruction of the protolith setting.  相似文献   
高硅花岗岩对于理解浅部岩浆房的行为具有重要意义.本文对西藏甲玛矿区南坑矿段的花岗斑岩开展了岩相学、岩石地球化学及黑云母矿物学研究.结果显示,该花岗斑岩具有高SiO2(73.39%~77.99%)、高K2O(4.34%~6.45%)和低P2O5(0.03%~0.06%)特征,铝饱和指数为0.97~0.98,富集Rb、Th...  相似文献   
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