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滇西南二叠纪放射虫化石   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
冯庆来  刘本培 《地球科学》1993,18(5):553-564,T006
Conodont colour alteration index (CAI) data in Upper Ordovician rocks from several areas of the Variscan domain in the Iberian Peninsula indicate conditions ranging from diagenesis to low-grade metamorphism. In most of the areas, where studies using other indicators, such as illite crystallinity (IC) or where vitrinite reflectance are lacking, the CAI method has permitted a preliminary estimation of the metamorphic grade. In the Almadén syncline (Central-Iberian Zone), where IC studies are available, the thermal conditions inferred from CAI data agree with those obtained by the IC method. In the Puertollano–Almuradiel syncline, the thermal interval obtained primarily from fluid inclusions (270–370°C) overlaps considerably with that obtained from CAI data (180–340°C). In general, cleavage in rocks is present in anchizonal or epizonal conditions, whereas in diagenetic conditions with CAI 2.5, cleavage is scarce. The conodont texture changes with increasing metamorphism, and apatite recrystallisation appears in general with CAI 5. Variation of CAI values within a single sample and/or within short stratigraphic distances observed at several localities is due to hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   
Offneria arabicanov. sp. (rudiste, Caprinidae) est caractérisé par la simplicité de l'architecture de la valve supérieure, bien exprimée par la forme subrectangulaire des canaux où les planchers sont relativement rares, et le faible développement des tabulae. La valve inférieure est beacoup plus complexe, ce qui traduit un taux d'evolution différencié des deux valves. L'espèce a été) trouvée dans l'Aptien inférieur (Formation Shuaiba) du Jebel Madar, dans l'avant pays des nappes des Montagnes d'Oman. Son organisation la rattache au groupe des formes arabo-africaines. A côté de ses caractères évolutifs, elle est intéressante par son potentiel biostratigraphique et paléobiologéographique.


Offneria arabicanov. sp. (rudist, Caprinidae) is characterized by the simplicity of the upper valve, well expressed by the subrectangular shape of the canals where horizontal partitions are relatively rare, and the weak development of the tabulae. The lower valve is far more complex, which means distinctive evolutionary rates for the two valves. The species was found in the Lower Aptian (Shuaiba Formation) of the Jebel Madar, in the foreland of the Oman Mountain nappes. By its overall organisation it belongs to the Arabo-African group of species. Besides its evolutionary characters this form is interesting because of its biostratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic potential.  相似文献   
新疆柴窝堡盆地侏罗纪孢粉地层学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据孢粉组合特征及其与国内外有关资料的对比、分析,认为三工河组的孢粉组合时代为早侏罗世晚期,西山窑组和头屯河组的孢粉组合时代为中侏罗世。对柴窝堡盆地侏罗系沉积发育特征、各岩组所含孢粉组合面貌及其地质时代作了研究,建立了可信的侏罗系层序:水西沟群包括下统的八道湾组和三工河组、中统下部的西山窑组,艾维尔沟群包括中统的头屯河组和上统的齐古组与喀拉扎组。研究证实,早至中侏罗世早期该盆地气候温湿,植被发育,沉积以河湖相为主,为重要成煤及生油期;中侏罗世晚期至晚侏罗世受燕山运动影响盆地抬升,气候逐步变得干热,沉积以红色粗碎屑河流或山麓河流相为主。  相似文献   
Planktonic foraminiferal analysis of the Erto section in the Vajont valley (Southern Alps, northern Italy) reveals a relatively complete succession across the Cretaceous–Tertiary (K–T) boundary. The turnover of planktonic foraminiferal fauna was studied for a stratigraphic interval spanning theAbathomphalus mayaroensisZonep.p., Pseudotextularia deformisZone,Guembelitria cretaceaZone,Parvularugoglobigerina eugubinaZone,Eglobigerina eobullioidesSubzone, andParasubbotina pseudobulloidesZonep. p.The extinction of most large, ornate, late Maastrichtian species occurs below a black ‘boundary clay’ (2–4 cm thick); however, part of the Late Cretaceous species, mainly heterohelicidids and hedbergellids, were found over an interval of more than 100 cm above the boundary. Although a relatively high number of species occur for the last time in the main extinction phase, the abundance of these outgoing species is less than 20% of the total population; unkeeled or weakly keeled, simple-shaped forms (heterohelicids, globotruncanellids, hedbergellids) constitute the bulk of the planktonic foraminiferal population both in uppermost Maastrichtian and lowermost Danian beds. The first Tertiary species (‘Globigerinaminutulaand ‘Globigerinafringa) appear just above the ‘boundary clay’;Parvularuglobigerina eugubinaoccurs a few centimeters above. A marked increase in abundance and diversity in the Tertiary planktonic foraminiferal population occurs at the base of theEoglobigerina eobulloidesSubzone.  相似文献   
<正> 山东滩海地区位于胜利油气区东部沿海一带,自北向南依次为埕北凹陷、埕子口凸起及沾化凹陷东部的桩西、五号桩和孤东等地(图1)。多年来的石油地质勘探表明本区下第三系构造单元复杂,沉积类型多样,地层的超覆、剥失现象普遍,为地层油气藏  相似文献   
This paper presents a conodont biostratigraphic study on the Upper Cambrian Sesong and Hwajeol Formations in the Sabuk area, Korea. Two samples near the base of the Sesong Slate at the Pukil section contain lower Upper Cambrian conodonts, comprising Furnishina furnishi, F. kranzae, F. pernical, F. triangulate, Hertzina elongata, Laiwugnathus doidyxus?, Phakelodus elongatus, Muellerodus? obliquus, Westergaardodina matsushitai and W. moessebergensis. This is the first conodont record of the Upper Cambrian formations recovered yet in the northern limb of the Paekunsan syncline. The faunal assemblage is correctable with the lower Upper Cambrian W. matsushitai Zone of North China. Four local biozones are recognized in the Hwajeol Formation, i.e. the Proconodontus, Eoconodontus notchpeakensis, Cambrooistodus minutus and Cordylodus proavus Zones in ascending order. This zonal scheme is essentially equivalent to that of the southern limb of the Paekunsan syncline and they are correlatable with zones in other pa  相似文献   
The Llandeilo and Caradoc volcanic rocks that form an inlier near Llanwrtyd, south-west of Builth, Powys, consist of acidic tuffs and basaltic rocks. They are interbedded with marine mudstones deposited in conditions of low oxygenation, and turbidites, slumps and debris flows. The cored Gilfach Farm No. 1 Borehole shows that this igneous activity is of Llandeilo age, extending from the teretiusculus Biozone to the gracilis Biozone. Evidence from exposures suggests that this igneous activity ceased at about the end of gracilis Biozone times (early Caradoc) and was probably extrusive; but evidence from the core, especially the presence of peperites towards its base, also indicates intrusion into wet sediments. Evidence is given for an early Caradoc basin-wide sedimentary event.  相似文献   
牙形石在以碳酸盐岩为主的华北奥陶系划分对比中占有举足轻重的地位。针对华北奥陶纪牙形石的研究已持续近半个世纪,总体上可以分为两个阶段:第一阶段自20世纪70年代到21世纪初,第二阶段为最近10年(2010—2020)。第一阶段以建立牙形石生物地层序列为目标,主要为解决石油勘探过程中地层时代的确定和地层对比的需求;第二阶段的研究以修订化石带为主,目的是与国际地层研究接轨。近年来在华北板块西北缘的工作显示,该区奥陶纪牙形石在纵向上具有显著的生态变化,可分为达瑞威尔期中期、达瑞威尔期晚期—桑比期中期、桑比期晚期—凯迪期中期3个时段。第一时段以介于北美中大陆区和北大西洋区之间的热带台地边缘型牙形石为特征;第二时段以北大西洋型为主混有少量亚澳型牙形石为特征;第三时段以亚澳型和北美中大陆型牙形石混生为特征。在华北西北缘尽可能使用广布性标准牙形石属种进行化石带厘定,共识别牙形石带12个,自下而上分别是达瑞威尔期Histiodella cf. holodentata间隔带、Histiodella kristinae谱系带、Histiodella bellburnensis延限带、Dzikodus tablepointensis间隔带、Eoplacognathus suecicus间隔带、Pygodus serra间隔带和Pygodus anserinus(早期型)间隔亚带,桑比期Pygodus anserinus(晚期型)间隔亚带和Belodina compressa间隔带,凯迪期Belodina confluens间隔带、Yaoxianognathus neimengguensis间隔带和Yaoxianognathus yaoxianensis间隔带。由于部分化石带与国际同名带的对比还存在一些矛盾,尚需今后进一步解决。  相似文献   
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