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无人机低空摄影测量技术在应对各类地质灾害方面有着明显优势。本文以安康市白河县茅坪镇山体滑坡灾害为例,介绍了灾害应急中两大无人机系统以及IBIS微形变监测设备所发挥的巨大作用,阐述了无人机飞行设计、现场快速影像处理技术、灾区三维模型构建技术以及潜在危险区域形变量实时监测,并通过获取的数据成果对灾情进行了分析。  相似文献   
选取2018—2021年汛期短时强降水天气过程,利用相关性分析、箱线图法和极值统计法,尝试研究FY-4A卫星产品在短时强降水天气过程中的监测预警指标。研究表明:(1)FY-4A卫星多通道数据可以作为短时强降水监测预警的定量化指标予以应用。(2)筛选出相关性较好的13项产品统计出短时强降水的监测预警指标,其中赋值类指标4项,数值判别类指标9项(含辅助指标3项);初步设定13项指标中有9项达标时,短时强降水会发生。(3)在评估基础上完善了指标,监测预警效果有所提高,TS评分提高5.4%,空报率降低2.7%,漏报率降低1.9%。  相似文献   
通过大量实测数据分析了系统误差的时空变化规律,论证了具有时空相关性的双差观测值系统误差残差的存在,实现了观测值的滤波及求差,提高了分离微小形变量的精度。  相似文献   
海洋环境无线传感器网络监测体系与应用技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前海洋环境监测中急需解决的主要技术问题.对海洋环境无线传感器网络监测的体系结构进行了研究,通过对Crossbow无线传感器网络的拓扑结构和软件架构进行分析与试验.提出其技术优势和有待解决的应 用问题.  相似文献   
基于3S技术的土地动态监管系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:针对目前县级国土资源土地利用动态监管的现状和要求,探讨了采用信息化手段如移动执法和在线分析等工具辅助土地执法监察管理,建立土地动态监管新模式.研究方法:采用全B/S架构,ArcGIS Server Standard 9.3 GIS平台和ArcPad 7.1嵌入式GIS平台,建立土地动态监管系统.研究结论:利用3S技术建立的土地动态监管系统可以满足土地监管工作信息化需求,操作简单便捷,适合基层土地管理人员使用,同时有助于提高工作效率,降低调查成本,规范土地执法监察行为.  相似文献   
不透水面是衡量城市化程度的重要指标之一,对京津唐城市群的不透水面进行深入研究,可以量化城市群扩张过程及其影响,对该区域多城市协调发展及规划布局具有重要意义。本文结合高分辨遥感影像、生长季及落叶季的Landsat TM遥感影像和夜间灯光数据等,采用分类和回归树(Classification and rRegression Tree, CART)算法,构建了适于京津唐地区不透水面盖度提取的技术方案,获取了京津唐地区1995-2016年共5期地表不透水面盖度专题信息,并分析了地表不透水面的时空演变规律,结论为:① 适于京津唐地区不透水面盖度提取的CART算法的最佳输入变量组合为:生长季和落叶季的Landsat TM图像以及对应的夜间灯光数据;其次为生长季Landsat TM遥感图像和夜间灯光数据组合方案。利用该组合方案,ISP估算输出结果的交叉验证精度R值可以达到约0.85,可以满足地表不透水面纵向对比分析的需要。② 从地表不透水面总面积数量值来看,1995-2016年京津唐主体城市区域整体上呈增长趋势,其中2011-2016年地表不透水面积增加愈加明显;③ 从地表不透水面盖度值的高低来看,1995-2016年京津唐中、高盖度不透水面的占比都是在不断增长的,低盖度不透水面占比存在少量下降现象,且京、津、唐3城市的主体城区各阶段变化差异较大,反映出了各城市扩张具有各自不同的时空演变特征。  相似文献   
Recently ocean acidification as a major threat for marine species has moved from a consensus statement into a much discussed and even challenged conception. A simple meta-analysis of Hendriks et al. (2010) showed that based on results of pooled experimental evidence, marine biota may turn out to be more resistant than hitherto believed. Dupont et al. (in press) indicate the importance of evaluating the most vulnerable stages in the life cycle of organisms instead of only adult stages. Here we evaluate additional material, composed of experimental evidence of the effect of ocean acidification on marine organisms during adult, larval, and juvenile stages, and show that the observed effects are within the range predicted by Hendriks et al. (2010). Species-specific differences and a wide variance in the reaction of organisms might obscure patterns of differences between life stages. Future research should be aimed to clarify underlying mechanisms to define the effect ocean acidification will have on marine biodiversity. Conveying scientific evidence along with an open acknowledgment of uncertainties to help separate evidence from judgment should not harm the need to act to mitigate ocean acidification and should pave the road for robust progress in our understanding of how ocean acidification impacts biota of the ocean.  相似文献   
梁书艺 《矿物岩石》1997,17(1):90-95
作者在桂东北发现由生物-热卤水作用形成的新类型铅锌矿床,本文提供了生物成因的硫、碳同位素证据并着重讨论矿床的生物成因。矿床产于寒武-奥陶系与下泥盆统间不整合面之下的构造角砾破碎带,有机碳含量高的地段对矿化有利。生物组构和生物踪迹在金属硫化物和蚀变岩中普遍可见  相似文献   
An integrated study on biological stabilisation of a dump slope has indicated that biological reclamation with grass and tree species should be considered for long term stability of this coal mine dump in India. The grasses have greater soil binding capacity and help to control soil erosion and improve dump stability. Native grasses such as Bamboo (Dendrocalmus strictus) and Kashi (Saccharum spontaneum) are the important constituents of grass species which can stabilise the dump slopes. Field observation of growth performance of grasses have indicated that mean grass height, root depth and below-ground root biomass are 185 cm (±68), 45 cm (±5) and 467 g m–2 (±170), respectively after three years of grass growth on Mudidih overburden dump slope in India. The growth performance of tree species, namely Sisum (Dalbergia sisoo) and Subabool (Leucena lecocephala), in terms of height, diameter increment, below-ground biomass and root depth have shown mean values of 219 cm (±94), 48 mm (±6), 4.0 kg m–2 (±1.5) and 1 m (±0.1), respectively. This acts as biological fertility which helps in root proliferation and enhancement of dump stability. From the numerical modelling it is suggested that roots of these grass and tree species have significantly enhanced the factor of safety of dump from 1.4 to 1.8 and therefore have a positive role in maintaining long term stability.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了基于GIS的水土流失定量评价模型的组成、各参数因子的算式算法 ,以及该模型在贵州省 (原 )安顺市的应用结果。模型是以修正的通用土壤流失方程 (RUSLE)为核心 ,在GIS中建立模型各因子空间数据 ,并通过PAMAP对它们进行综合分析。定量评价结果表明 ,(原 )安顺市年平均土壤流失总量为 86777吨 ,平均侵蚀模数为 4 0 9.4t/km2 ·a;轻度以上侵蚀面积 72 .7km2 ,强度以上侵蚀面积 53 .2km2 (含剧烈侵蚀面积 3 0 .9km2 )。其平均侵蚀模数与以往实测调查结果相比有 97.5%的一致性 ,表明该方法在贵州省岩溶地区的水土流失监测中具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   
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