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首先根据原始资料构造货物配送方案的数学模型,其中考虑了行车距离和成本,同时对有时间窗的情况进行了分类处理,然后利用编程进行软件的实现,最后得到了一个可用于教学和科研的货物配送方案管理系统。  相似文献   
讨论了奇异线性模型最好线性无偏估计(BLUE)的计算问题。利用分块求逆的技术,给出BLUE的一种新的表达式,其计算量比直接利用C.R.Rao所给公式的小。对新表达式的计算,给出半正定矩阵广义逆的分块求逆算法及消去变换算法。  相似文献   
Representation of agricultural conservation practices with SWAT   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Results of modelling studies for the evaluation of water quality impacts of agricultural conservation practices depend heavily on the numerical procedure used to represent the practices. Herein, a method for the representation of several agricultural conservation practices with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is developed and evaluated. The representation procedure entails identifying hydrologic and water quality processes that are affected by practice implementation, selecting SWAT parameters that represent the affected processes, performing a sensitivity analysis to ascertain the sensitivity of model outputs to selected parameters, adjusting the selected parameters based on the function of conservation practices, and verifying the reasonableness of the SWAT results. This representation procedure is demonstrated for a case study of a small agricultural watershed in Indiana in the Midwestern USA. The methods developed in the present work can be applied with other watershed models that employ similar underlying equations to represent hydrologic and water quality processes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Stormwater best management practice (BMP) design must incorporate the expected long‐term performance from both a water quantity and water quality perspective to sustainably mitigate hydrologic and water quality impacts of development. Infiltration trench structures are one of many infiltration BMPs that reduce runoff volume and capture pollutants. Research on the longevity of these structures is sparse, leading to concerns about their long‐term value and impeding implementation. In the present study, an infiltration trench was monitored from its inception to determine its hydrologic performance over time and total suspended solids (TSS) capture efficiency. The infiltration trench was intentionally undersized to accelerate longevity‐related processes. The infiltration trench provided a 36% TSS removal rate and displayed a distinct decrease in its ability to infiltrate stormwater runoff over the first three years of operation. Results indicate that infiltration through the bottom of the BMP became negligible, while infiltration through the sides of the BMP remained active over the 3‐year study period. The results lead to recommendations for BMP design. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
将费希尔(Fisher)最优分割法引入到临夏盆地早更新统东山组地层孢粉带的划分中,结合地层特征,共划分出了3个孢粉带。这3个孢粉带分别为:带Ⅰ(深度78.5~45.5m)柏科-禾本科组合带、带Ⅱ(深度45.5~12.5m)云杉属-榆属-禾本科组合带、带Ⅲ(深度12.5~0.5m)云杉属一禾本科组合带。孢粉带分带揭示,临夏盆地早更新世气候变化经历了干-湿-干3个阶段,这一结果同以往获得的粒度、碳酸钙和Cl-等无机指标高分辨率分析结果相一致。  相似文献   
沈雷  张鑫  马福诚 《海洋测绘》2005,25(6):41-44
在总结公交网络特点的基础上,提出了运用“燃烧”算法来计算公共交通系统的最优路径算法.并用一个简化的例子来说明这种算法的流程,最后结合北京公交网络的一些数据,对这种算法以及经典的Dijkstra算法做了几点比较,无论在空间还是时间复杂度上这种算法都大大优于Dijkstra算法.  相似文献   
滨德高速公路所经地区主要由黄河冲积而成,场区地层以粉土和粉质黏土为主。在试验区不同地层深度处埋设孔隙水压力计,通过观测、分析强夯各个过程中超孔隙水压力的变化规律,得出以下结论:在2 000 kN.m夯击能的作用下,第1~2遍夯击时最佳夯击数为8~9击,第3遍夯击时最佳夯击数为6~8击;夯击后,浅层的超孔隙水压力基本均大于深层的超孔隙水压力,消散时间也相对较长,并且浅层孔隙水压力受夯击影响的水平距离较深层的大;在2 000 kN.m夯击能的作用下,强夯最大影响深度为8~9 m,有效加固深度为6~8 m,有效加固深度系数α=0.134~0.179;6~7 m深处孔隙水压力水平最大影响距离小于10 m,有效影响宽度基本为5~7 m。  相似文献   
孙伟 《海岸工程》2000,19(2):73-76
三角高程测量的精度一方面取决于仪器的精度和采用的方法,另一方面还取决于自然条件的影响,对测得的成果进行评差、改正才能大大的提高精度。在外业观测中,由于受自然条件的影响和局限,诸如地形起伏、大气折光、气流、云雾等因素对于我们的观测都是有害的。并且,这些因素不是人为的,对成果的影响很难确定。随着一些先进仪器的不断出现,从现行的规范标准对用全站仪诸类仪器进行三角高程测量可替代“四等水准测量”这一规定可看出:如果解决了垂直角观测这一受外界自然条件影响较大的难题,三角高程测量在特殊条件下可替代水准测量,其应用是很有前途的。  相似文献   
Case deletion diagnostics are developed for detecting observations that are influential in estimating the covariance function of a spatial random field. Diagnostics are developed within the context of universal kriging. Computational formulae are given that make the procedures feasible and the diagnostics are illustrated in an example.  相似文献   
Geostatistical interpolation of chemical concentration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of contaminant concentration at a hazardous waste site typically vary over many orders of magnitude and have highly skewed distributions. This work presents a practical methodology for the estimation of solute concentration contour maps and volume averages (needed for mass calculations) from data obtained from the analysis of water and soil samples. The methodology, which is an extension of linear geostatistics, produces a point estimate, i.e., a representative value, as well as a confidence interval, which contains the true value with a given probability. The approach uses a parsimonious model that accounts for the skewness by adding only one parameter to those used in linear geostatistics (variograms or generalized covariances). The resulting nonlinear kriging method is not substantially more difficult to use than linear geostatistics. The methodology is most appropriate when concentration measurements are available on a reasonably dense grid and no additional information (based on modeling flow and transport) can be used. We present and illustrate through an application, a practical approach to estimate all the parameters needed and to select and test the model.  相似文献   
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