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地质雷达探测技术的应用研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
地质雷达是一种新发展起来的物探方法, 在许多部门得到广泛应用。本文简要介绍了地质雷达的理论、原理, 以及目前的应用发展状况, 并通过不同类型的工程实例说明地质雷达的应用效果。实施地质雷达探测的费用较低, 效果好, 因此经济效益显著, 是一种值得推广、有广阔应用前途的物探方法。  相似文献   
双参数展开CRP叠加和速度分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
椭圆展开共反射点(CRP)方法可以获得比常规倾角时差校正(DMO)方法更近似的零偏移距时间剖面和相应CRP速度场.大量研究和实践证实,在非均质性较弱的地区,该方法取得的成果显著.但由于该方法没有考虑速度的横向变化和转换波等情况,当地下介质存在较强非均质性时,该方法不再准确,需要引进反映速度横向变化的双参数(上行波与下行波的平均速度和速度比)进行改进.本文详细推导了引入双参数后的叠加和速度分析算法,并通过数值模型和地震资料处理证实,修正后的算法可以更好地解决地质复杂地区速度建模和叠加成像问题.  相似文献   
A legacy seismic section across the Luzon Strait was reprocessed using the pre-stack depth migration method to reveal thermohaline structures in the water column. Distinct finescale and mesoscale features can be seen from the seismic image. Vertically, reflective patterns are associated with three water layers: upper layer, intermediate layer, and deep layer. The upper layer can be divided into three areas by two opposing weak-to-transparent zones from west to east with individual thicknesses: ~400, 550, and 700 m. They are interpreted as the South China Sea upper water, the Kuroshio water, and the Pacific upper water, respectively, separated by two Kuroshio frontal zones. Internal waves are ubiquitous in the Kuroshio water fluctuating in different amplitudes and wavelengths laterally. The finestructure shows the western Kuroshio front zone is composed of three subparallel blanking zones with an average eastward dipping angle of 2.3°. They are regarded as the well-mixed frontal interfaces developed in and along a multi-frontal frontal zone. The transparent reflection of the intermediate water above the Hengchun is suggestive of a well-mixed layer by the near-bottom turbulence. In the Pacific intermediate water near the eastern mouth of the Bashi Channel, there is an inverted crescent-shaped structure, which is likely associated with the intrusion of the South China Sea intermediate water through the Bashi Channel. These imaged features are consistent with the observed oceanographic phenomena in the region.  相似文献   
岩石圈结构和深部过程对理解成矿带和大型矿集区的形成十分重要。岩石圈尺度的地球动力学过程将在地壳中留下各种结构的或物质的"痕迹",这些"痕迹"可以通过地球物理的手段去探测。为深入理解长江中下游成矿带形成的深部动力学过程,作者在国家深部探测专项(SinoProbe)和国家自然科学基金重点项目支持下,在长江中下游成矿带开展了综合地球物理探测。方法包括宽频地震、深地震反射、广角反射/折射和大地电磁测深。数据处理和反演结果取得一系列新发现:(1)成矿带上地幔顶部存在低速体,在中心深度300km处有一向SW倾斜的高速体;(2)S波接收函数证实成矿带岩石圈较薄,只有50~70km;横波分裂结果显示,成矿带上地幔各向异性方向和强度与邻区有较大区别,显示平行成矿带(NE-SW向)的上地幔变形和流动;(3)深反射地震揭示成矿带上地壳曾发生强烈挤压变形,以紧闭褶皱、逆冲和推覆为特征;在宁芜火山岩盆地、长江断裂带和郯庐断裂之下出现"鳄鱼嘴"构造,指示上下地壳在挤压变形过程中解耦;深反射地震证实发生过陆内俯冲和叠瓦,并认为是岩石圈增厚和拆沉的主导机制;(4)广角反射和大地电磁反演给出了跨成矿带地壳剖面的速度和电性结构,速度和电阻率分布总体上与构造单元相吻合。本文分析和解释了这些发现的地质意义,并结合近年在长江中下游地区的地球化学研究进展,提出了成矿带地球动力学模型。该模型认为:中、晚侏罗世陆内俯冲、岩石圈拆沉、幔源岩浆底侵和MASH过程造就了长江中下游世界级成矿带的形成。  相似文献   
椭圆展开共反射点叠加方法的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文详细介绍了均匀介质条件下椭圆展开共反射点(CRP)叠加原理,并引入双参数(上行波与下行波的速度比和平均速度)来解决非均匀介质条件下的叠加成像,严密论证了所求得的速度是真正的共反射点叠加速度,并结合理论模型计算和地震资料处理证实,利用椭圆展开CRP方法可以对复杂地质剖面求取准确的共反射点叠加速度和正确的零偏移距剖面,得到的成像效果远优于传统共中心点(CMP)方法.  相似文献   
高分辨率浅地层剖面资料显示,南黄海浅部大范围存在有埋藏古河道、埋藏古三角洲、埋藏古湖泊和埋藏古潮流沙脊等古地貌形态.根据声学反射特征可将这些埋藏古地貌进行识别,获得其类型、成因、分布、内部组成、外部形态及与周围地层接触关系等多方面较为详细的认识.同时,埋藏古地貌是一种海洋地质灾害现象,对海洋工程有着直接或者间接的影响.  相似文献   
嫩江断裂带对探讨松辽盆地的演化、 与大兴安岭的盆山耦合关系以及兴安地块与松嫩地块的归属问题具有重要研究意义。本文利用深地震反射剖面, 揭示了嫩江断裂带中段的深部几何形态, 表明它目前呈花状构造样式; 它也并非松辽盆地内部的拆离断层, 而是一条超壳断裂, 控制了大兴安岭的物质东移和松辽盆地的中生代沉积; 现今的嫩江断裂带同晚古生代兴安地块与松嫩地块拼合的嫩江构造拼贴带并没有继承性关系; 莫霍面可能在后期的演化过程中扮演了滑脱层的作用, 致使向西俯冲的地幔体向东位移。  相似文献   
The origin of regional sedimentary basins is being investigated by the ESTRID project (Explosion Seismic Transects around a Rift In Denmark). This project investigates the mechanisms of the formation of wide, regional basins and their interrelation to previous rifting processes in the Danish–Norwegian Basin in the North Sea region. In May 2004 a 143 km long refraction seismic profile was acquired along the strike direction of a suspected major mafic intrusion in the crust in central Denmark. The data confirms the presence of a body with high seismic velocity (> 6.5 km/s) extending from a depth of  10–12 km depth into the lower crust. There is a remarkable Moho relief between 27 and 34 km depth along this new along-strike profile as based on ray-tracing modelling of PmP reflections. The lack of PmP reflections at a zone of very high velocity in the lowest crust (7.3–7.5 km/s) suggests a possible location of a feeder channel to the batholith. The presence of volcanic rocks of Carboniferous–Permian age above the intrusion (mafic batholith) suggests a similar age of the intrusion. An older obliquely crossing profile and two new fan profiles deployed perpendicular to the main ESTRID profile, show that the batholith is about 30–40 km wide. The existence of this large mafic batholith supports the hypothesis that the origin of the Danish–Norwegian Basin is related to cooling and contraction after intrusion of large amounts of mafic melts into the crust during the late Carboniferous and early Permian. The data and interpretations from project ESTRID will form the basis for subsidence modelling. Tentatively, we interpret the formation of the Danish–Norwegian Basin as a thermal subsidence basin, which developed after widespread rifting of the region.  相似文献   
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