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INTRODUCTIONSystematizationofknowledgeofspatialandtemporalrela tionsbetweenregionalmetamorphismanddeformationsresult ed ,atthebeginningof 1970s,indistinctionoftectonometa morphiccycles (TMC)whichreflectone actmanifestationofmetamorphismandaccompanyingendoge…  相似文献   
采用摩擦垫层及阻尼器对外套加层结构体系的减振研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种耗能减震加层结构新体系,即利用旧有建筑顶层与加层结构之间的摩擦垫层井依靠在两结构各层连接点处增设的耗能阻尼器来吸收耗散能量的减振体系。在进行非线性动力分析过程中,首次建立了系统的结构模型,引入了一种新的库仑摩擦力表达式并对影响体系减振率的有关参数进行了研究。最后通过对一实际工程的设计和计算,验证了这种加层减振做法的有效性。  相似文献   
Complementary geophysical surveys on large landslides help revealgeologic structures and processes, and thus can help devise mitigation strategies. The combined interpretation of these methods enhance the result of each data set interpretation and makes it possible to derive a geological model of the landslide.We chose a test site on the Boup landslide (Wallis, western SwissAlps) to test high-resolution seismic reflection surveyscombined with ground penetratingradar (GPR), electromagnetic (EM) and electrokinetic spontaneous potential (SP) measurements.The results of the high-resolution seismic surveys suggest thatthe sliding is within a gypsum layer at 50 m depth and not as previously believed along a deeper (70 m) gypsum-shale boundary, also mapped seismically. Inversion of electromagnetic profiles (EM-34) with constraints from seismic data provided a model cross-section of conductivity values of the landslide (20–25 mS/m) and of the surrounding stable ground (10–15 mS/m), and it helped outline their boundary at depth.The accurate surface location of the landslide limit could be detected withelectromagnetic measurements of shallower depths of investigation (EM-31). Positive PS anomalies revealed an upward flow of mineralised water interpreted to follow the lateral boundary of the Boup landslide on its east side. Limited success was obtained withGPR profiling. This method can be hampered by conductive shallow layers, and itssuccessful application on landslides is expected to be strongly site dependant.  相似文献   
曾胜  李振存  韦慧  郭昕  王健 《岩土力学》2013,34(6):1536-1540
针对红砂岩顺层岩质边坡稳定性问题,建立顺层岩质边坡力学模型,对降雨渗流条件下边坡受到的力学作用进行了计算;选取典型结构面,通过室内干湿循环试验,分析了结构面强度参数衰减规律;综合考虑降雨渗流及结构面强度弱化,对降雨渗流及干湿循环综合影响下红砂岩顺层岩质边坡稳定性进行了分析,获得了边坡稳定性衰减变化规律;通过炎汝高速公路边坡稳定性监测对理论计算结果进行了验证。结果表明,边坡受到的水力作用与后缘张拉裂隙充水高度呈正比;干湿循环作用下,结构面黏聚力呈幂指数形式衰减,内摩擦角呈二次函数衰减;边坡稳定性与后缘张拉裂隙充水高度呈线性关系,而与干湿循环呈指数关系,且干湿循环对边坡稳定性影响比后缘裂隙充水高度大;在降雨渗流及干湿循环综合作用下,边坡稳定性系数降低了约66%,较考虑单一影响因素有了大幅度降低;边坡稳定性监测结果与理论计算结果吻合较好,进一步证明了理论计算结果的正确性。  相似文献   
����InSAR�����Ļ����ֺ����   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
????InSAR??????????????????????????????L???ε??????PALSAR??????????????????????????????????????????μ???????????????????????????????????????????2008-2010??7??ALOS PALSAR????????????????????????4???????????????????ε???·????????λ??????????λ??????????з??????????????????????????????????????????????л??μ??????????????????Ч?????????  相似文献   
兴义坝戎喀斯特峰林区的削顶滑坡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王春华  姚智  况顺达 《贵州地质》2004,21(1):58-61,66
兴义坝戎喀斯特峰林区连续出现顺层面将锥状、圆锥状的山顶削平的削顶滑坡表明,在垄头组纯灰岩布露的单斜岩层区发育的锥状、圆锥状峰林,坡体是不稳定或处于临界状态的,其根本原因在于岩层的倾角值。结合其紧邻的丫口寨发育的喀期特单面分析,坝戎地区峰林坡体滑动的岩层倾角临界值是14^o。  相似文献   
2014年8月3日,云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生了MS6.5地震,地震诱发了大量滑坡。文中以牛栏江沿线鲁甸县、巧家县和会泽县交界处面积为44.13km2的区域为研究区,开展地震震前与同震滑坡的空间分布规律对比分析。根据震前Google Earth高分辨率影像与震后0.2m分辨率的超高分辨率航片数据,分别建立了震前滑坡与同震滑坡数据库。结果表明,研究区内震前有284处滑坡,本次地震触发1 053处滑坡。借助10m×10m分辨率的数字高程模型(DEM)数据,基于GIS平台提取研究区的高程、坡度、坡向、曲率、岩性、烈度、河流共7个主要因子,并利用滑坡的面积百分比(Landslide Areas Percentage,LAP)和点密度(Landslide Number Density,LND)对比分析震前与同震滑坡的空间分布规律。结果表明,震前与同震滑坡的易发高程区间分别为1 200m与1 200~1 300m。坡度越大越容易发生滑坡,其中坡度10°的区域由于距离河流很近,也为滑坡易发区。震前与同震滑坡发育的优势坡向都是近S向。当斜坡为凹坡时(曲率值为负值),滑坡易发性较高。地震烈度越大,越易发生同震滑坡。灰岩夹白云质灰岩分布区很容易发生滑坡,玄武岩和火山角砾岩分布区在地震力的作用下边坡的稳定性也大大降低。震前、同震滑坡的发生与到河流的距离大致呈现正相关性。震前滑坡LAP的峰值大多数都与震前已经存在的大型滑坡有密切的对应关系。  相似文献   
冯振  李滨  贺凯 《地质力学学报》2014,20(2):123-131
近水平厚层高陡斜坡岩层倾角小于10°,具有软硬相间或上硬下软的结构,常形成高陡斜坡或陡崖地形,主要以大型崩塌的形式发生破坏。在梳理国内外文献的基础上,从岩体破坏机制出发,对近水平厚层高陡斜坡崩塌的形成过程、破坏机制、失稳模式进行分析,总结归纳了6种地质力学模型,包括滑移-拉裂、塑流-拉裂、倾倒-拉裂、剪切-错断、剪切-滑移、劈裂-溃屈,并提出了相应的野外识别特征。   相似文献   
Forests can decrease the risk of shallow landslides by mechanically reinforcing the soil and positively influencing its water balance. However, little is known about the effect of different forest structures on slope stability. In the study area in St Antönien, Switzerland, we applied statistical prediction models and a physically‐based model for spatial distribution of root reinforcement in order to quantify the influence of forest structure on slope stability. We designed a generalized linear regression model and a random forest model including variables describing forest structure along with terrain parameters for a set of landslide and control points facing similar slope angle and tree coverage. The root distribution measured at regular distances from seven trees in the same study area was used to calibrate a root distribution model. The root reinforcement was calculated as a function of tree dimension and distance from tree with the root bundle model (RBMw). Based on the modelled values of root reinforcement, we introduced a proxy‐variable for root reinforcement of the nearest tree using a gamma distribution. The results of the statistical analysis show that variables related to forest structure significantly influence landslide susceptibility along with terrain parameters. Significant effects were found for gap length, the distance to the nearest trees and the proxy‐variable for root reinforcement of the nearest tree. Gaps longer than 20 m critically increased the susceptibility to landslides. Root reinforcement decreased with increasing distance from trees and is smaller in landslide plots compared to control plots. Furthermore, the influence of forest structure strongly depends on geomorphological and hydrological conditions. Our results enhance the quantitative knowledge about the influence of forest structure on root reinforcement and landslide susceptibility and support existing management recommendations for protection against gravitational natural hazards. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Arias intensity is considered as a shaking parameter suitable for characterizing earthquake impact on ground stability. Within the framework of a study aimed at providing tools for the assessment of hazards related to earthquake-induced slope failures, Arias intensity attenuation relations were determined for the Zagros Mountains region, an active tectonic belt elongated NW–SE in the western and south-western part of Iran. The calculation of relation coefficients was based on strong-motion data of earthquakes located in the Zagros area and recorded by Iranian stations managed by the Building and Housing Research Center of Iran (BHRC). Five models of attenuation relation were considered and their coefficients were estimated through a least-square regression analysis. The relations obtained were then applied to a data sample different from that used for regression and the root mean square (RMS) of residuals was examined in order to compare effectiveness of different relations in probabilistic estimates. Furthermore a comparison made with attenuation relations obtained for Alborz and the central part of Iran showed significant differences possibly related to structural differences.  相似文献   
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