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综合运用钻井岩心、野外剖面、镜下薄片和常规测井曲线等资料对四川盆地东部长兴组礁滩相储层测井地质特征进行了分析研究。结果表明:长兴组测井相主要包括箱型、复合型、钟型、漏斗型和尖指型,箱型和复合型代表了台地边缘生物礁相带中的礁核微相,是长兴组最有利储层发育的测井相类型;钟型和漏斗型代表了台地边缘浅滩相带中的生屑滩微相;而尖指型则代表了最不利储层发育的滩间微相。研究区孔洞缝型储层最好,储集空间以原生孔洞为主;针孔型和裂缝型-针孔型其次,储集空间类型以晶间孔为主,在研究区最发育;而裂缝型最差,储集空间以不同成因的裂缝为主。通过测井模型的解释,峰18井长兴组储层自上而下逐渐变好,顶部为裂缝型储层,上部为针孔型储层,下部为孔洞缝型,与岩心观察、薄片鉴定和录井资料分析相符,确定了该模型的可靠性,为研究区未取心井储层类型的识别提供了依据。  相似文献   
Taken as an example the Upper Permian reef section on the carbonate platformmargin at Ziyun, Guizhou, the paper discusses the missing time of a hiatus surface, an impor-tant problem in chemical sequence stratigraphy, with the concept of cosmic chemistry. Then thepaper proposes a series of new concepts for chemical sequence stratigraphy, including the con-densation surface, relative compaction factor and time missing factor. Finally a quantitativecurve of Late Permian relative sea-level change in the Ziyun area is presented with timecoordinates.  相似文献   
珊瑚礁工程地质初论──新的研究领域珊瑚礁工程地质   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
珊瑚礁是一种特殊的岩土类型。珊瑚礁工程地质是工程地质学的一个新领域。本文概述了珊瑚礁的工程建设简史和二战后期以来珊瑚礁工程地质研究的兴起, 提出了必须加强我国珊瑚礁工程地质的研究。  相似文献   
The Lower Triassic Mineral Mountains area (Utah, USA) preserves diversified Smithian and Spathian reefs and bioaccumulations that contain fenestral‐microbialites and various benthic and pelagic organisms. Ecological and environmental changes during the Early Triassic are commonly assumed to be associated with numerous perturbations (productivity changes, acidifica‐tion, redox changes, hypercapnia, eustatism and temperature changes) post‐dating the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. New data acquired in the Mineral Mountains sediments provide evidence to decipher the relationships between depositional environments and the growth and distribution of microbial structures. These data also help to understand better the controlling factors acting upon sedimentation and community turnovers through the Smithian–early Spathian. The studied section records a large‐scale depositional sequence during the Dienerian(?)–Spathian interval. During the transgression, depositional environments evolved from a coastal bay with continental deposits to intertidal fenestral–microbial limestones, shallow subtidal marine sponge–microbial reefs to deep subtidal mud‐dominated limestones. Storm‐induced deposits, microbialite–sponge reefs and shallow subtidal deposits indicate the regression. Three microbialite associations occur in ascending order: (i) a red beds microbialite association deposited in low‐energy hypersaline supratidal conditions where microbialites consist of microbial mats and poorly preserved microbially induced sedimentary structure; (ii) a Smithian microbialite association formed in moderate to high‐energy, tidal conditions where microbialites include stromatolites and associated carbonate grains (oncoids, ooids and peloids); and (iii) a Spathian microbialite association developed in low‐energy offshore conditions that is preserved as multiple decimetre thick isolated domes and coalescent domes. Data indicate that the morphologies of the three microbialite associations are controlled primarily by accommodation, hydrodynamics, bathymetry and grain supply. This study suggests that microbial constructions are controlled by changes between trapping and binding versus precipitation processes in variable hydrodynamic conditions. Due to the presence of numerous metazoans associated with microbialites throughout the Smithian increase in accommodation and Spathian decrease in accommodation, the commonly assumed anachronistic character of the Early Triassic microbialites and the traditional view of prolonged deleterious conditions during the Early Triassic time interval is questioned.  相似文献   
大量研究证实,对环境变化非常敏感的珊瑚能够记录越来越多的环境信息。由于浮游生物过度繁殖而引发的赤潮对珊瑚礁生态系统有明显的影响。赤潮爆发时,赤潮区海水pH值和铁、锰含量异常;赤潮生物覆盖海水表面,阻碍珊瑚共生藻的光合作用;后期赤潮生物大量死亡。还会大量消耗溶解氧。排放有害化学物质,导致珊瑚死亡。理论上讲。幸存的珊瑚在其骨骼中能够记录这些环境异常过程。通过采用硼同位素法、铁锰微量元素法和生长特征观测法等方法,研究珊瑚骨骼的化学特征,从而可能揭示过去赤潮发生的规律。目前,关于珊瑚礁对赤潮的生态响应和记录研究仍处于探索之中,如果能够结合赤潮的机理、特征、生态影响以及珊瑚本身的特性而成功实现这项研究的话,则不仅对珊瑚礁环境记录研究领域是个重要的补充,而且还提供了一把记录赤潮的新钥匙。  相似文献   
文章利用钻井、测井、地化以及地震资料,分析研究了南海北部琼东南盆地深水区松南低凸起的油气成藏条件。松南低凸起位于中央坳陷带5大(潜在)富生烃凹陷包围中,烃源充足。中新世早期三亚组大型海底扇、中新世早期—渐新世晚期陵水组生物礁、渐新世早期崖城组扇三角洲—滨海相沉积、前古近系古潜山风化壳等多类型储层发育。生烃凹陷深部沟源断裂、崖城组大型疏导砂体和多条古构造脊构成了本地区主要的垂向+侧向输导体系。多层系多类型大中型构造、构造+岩性圈闭发育。研究表明,多成藏要素的耦合促使松南低凸起成为深水区的独有的复式油气聚集区,其成藏模式为它源-侧向-复式成藏,主要成藏组合是三亚组海底扇、三亚组—陵水组生物礁、前古近系古潜山,成藏主控因素为储层与运移。此结论可为南海北部深水区进一步的勘探提供参考。  相似文献   
鄂西利川见天坝长兴组生物礁内部构成及成礁模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鄂西利川见天坝位于川东碳酸盐岩台地与鄂西海槽之间的台地边缘相带,晚二叠世长兴期该区水体逐渐由深变浅,发育了一套规模巨大的加积—进积型台地边缘生物礁沉积。通过野外露头剖面精细地质写实研究,对该区生物礁内部构成特征进行了深入解剖,探讨了该区生物礁发育模式。研究表明利川见天坝生物礁礁体位于长兴组层序1的高位体系域,其内部由4...  相似文献   
贵州紫云县猴场镇扁平村的上石炭统中的叶状藻礁及其周边灰岩中发育强烈的成岩作用和胶结物,这些胶结物在猴场研究区内是显著的和有代表性的。通过观察、分析野外露头、光片、薄片、薄片的阴极发光和染色,来研究礁体岩石的成岩作用,确定了成岩作用序列、成岩环境、成岩阶段。成岩作用类型主要有泥晶化、溶蚀、胶结、新生变形、机械压实、剪切或...  相似文献   
马伸桥岩体是由同源不同期次的超基性-硷性-碳酸岩构成的三位一体的杂岩体,其中超基性岩体是一个多韵律的层状岩系,产有9层磷矿,累计厚度68.25m.该类杂岩在世界各古老地台均有产出,半数以上产有磷、铁、稀有金属、稀土元素等矿产.马伸桥岩体是一个比较典型的超基性-硷性-碳酸岩三位一体杂岩,在我国属首例.马伸桥硷性杂岩体产于...  相似文献   
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