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为研究高温岩体储留层注水过程中缝网间距对储留层岩体温度的影响规律,建立了考虑热对流和热传导效应的热流固耦合力学模型。以水平井多簇缝网地热开发为例,将缝网及其周围岩体简化为等效的多孔介质,利用ABAQUS二次开发功能实现了流固耦合和热对流耦合。模拟结果表明:储留层岩体温度的变化按注水持续时间分为3个阶段:初温保持阶段,该阶段储留层岩体温度保持原始温度,缝网间距的不同对储留层岩体整体温度无影响;快速降温阶段,该阶段储留层岩体温度下降随注水时间呈现负指数变化规律,缝网间距与储留层岩体温度呈正相关关系;温度缓慢下降平稳阶段,该阶段初期缝网间距与储留层岩体温度的关系和快速降温阶段一致,但后期缝网间距与储留层岩体温度呈负相关关系。空间上,在岩体温度高的区域,缝网间距越小,岩体温度变化梯度越大;在岩体温度较低的区域,缝网间距越小,岩体温度变化梯度越小。  相似文献   
肖世国  程富强 《岩土力学》2015,36(1):111-116
为了进一步合理确定悬臂式抗滑桩桩间距,在对以往关于开挖边坡抗滑桩桩间距分析模型缺陷讨论的基础上,提出在抗滑桩桩后局部所形成的拱脚处,两侧土拱在此交汇形成的是倒梯形受压区。在计算确定悬臂式抗滑桩桩间距时,除满足桩间静力平衡条件、土拱跨中及拱脚处的强度条件等基本控制条件外,还需满足桩计算宽度条件、桩土变形协调条件等附加条件,得到了确定桩间净距的方程组,通过迭代试算可以求解。依托一工程实例,定量地说明了在其他因素不变的情况下,桩间净距随桩后土体黏聚力或内摩擦角的增大而非线性增大,且桩间净距受黏聚力的影响更为敏感,同时桩间净距随着桩后坡体推力的增大而呈非线性减小。所提出的方法除可用于黏性土外,还可用于无黏性土。  相似文献   
为了查明钠基蒙脱土的水合演化过程,以天然钠基蒙脱土为研究对象,开展在相对湿度( )为0~0.98区间的水汽等温吸-脱附试验,通过吸附速率曲线、BET曲线界定钠基蒙脱土各水合阶段及相应的水合主控因素;通过测定晶层 值变化规律,从吸附水影响黏土矿物晶层厚度的角度探讨钠基蒙脱土的水合演化特征;基于傅里叶红外光谱,从水分子结构伸缩振动信息角度对钠基蒙脱土水合演化过程进行定性定量验证;通过热重/差热分析,以吸附水相变所需能量与吸附水重量变化的角度解释钠基蒙脱土的吸附水特征与其水合机制的关系。试验结果表明:在较低相对湿度下(0 0.15),以钠基蒙脱土矿物外表面吸附为主,形成表面吸附水;0.15 0.40为钠基蒙脱土层间阳离子水合阶段;0.40 0.98,为晶层内外表面水合阶段,水分子逐步完整的包裹蒙脱土,形成多层吸附层。钠基蒙脱土的水合演化过程受控于层间钠离子与晶层基面,层间钠离子的水合能影响了钠基蒙脱土水合演化的起始顺序。  相似文献   
New techniques to determine distributions of cleat aperture, cleat orientation and cleat spacing from CT scans have been developed. For cleat orientation and spacing distributions, two different coal blocks were scanned. The CT scans have been analyzed for the three orthogonal directions. Histograms of the cleat orientations are bimodal, expressing the typical cleat texture of face and butt cleats and bedding perpendicular relaxation fractures. Deviations up to 20° from the peak values in the cleat orientation distributions were used as input for automated image analysis of cleat spacing. Distributions of the cleat spacing measurements are related to the face and butt cleat directions. The term “relevant cleat length” is introduced as a measure to extract the amount of cleat length involved with the cleat spacing measurements. The ratio ranges from 0.03 to 0.38 and expresses the difference in cleat texture in both samples. Cleat spacing versus relevant cleat length shows sample specific patterns for face cleat, butt cleat and bedding. To describe cleat aperture quantitatively, peak height and missing attenuation have been used. The image of a cleat was seen as a convolution of a rectangular fracture profile with a Gaussian point spread function.  相似文献   
一个地区的水资源量,相对来说无论是地表水资源还是地下水资源均处于相对动态平衡之中。天然状态下,水资源总量等于地表水径流量与地下水天然排泄量之和,再减去地下水枯月天然排泄量(即地下水恒转化为河川基流量的部分)。  相似文献   
根据截齿侵入岩石的断裂特征和相关试验数据,分析了破岩机制及不同截线间距对破岩效果的影响。在单刀旋转截割试验平台上,以不同切削深度和截线间距进行组合试验,并结合比能耗、粗度指数及截割载荷3个评价指标,对截线间距进行优化,研究截割该类型砂岩时截线间距与切削深度的最佳比值。试验结果表明,岩石在单齿旋转截割作用下的破碎过程大致可以分为初始压碎区细粒岩屑生成、密实核形成并储能、各向裂纹的扩展与连通、断裂体崩落、二次压碎区细粒岩屑生成5个阶段,且岩屑的断裂是以拉伸为主并伴随着挤压和剪切的共同作用;在最佳截割条件下,粗度指数较高,岩屑成块率增加,且比能耗低。通过分析岩石破碎过程及对截线间距的优化,可为掘进机破岩机制研究及截齿布置提供参考。  相似文献   
通过统计1978—2000年北京东南低地形区有关台站在春季、夏季、秋季、冬季的逐日平均气温和水汽压的结构函数, 分季节分析了该地区这两个二类气象要素的线段及平面内插精度和台站间距的对应关系, 并根据内插标准误差不超过观测标准误差的原则, 对上述两要素在北京东南低地形区的合理布站方案及间距进行了估算, 可以为2008年北京奥运会气象服务系统建设中气象台站布网建设提供一定的依据。结果表明, 正三角形排列方案为北京东南地区二类气象台站的最佳布站方案, 且布站精度应小于等于16 km。  相似文献   
正1 Introduction In the present paper,MgCl2·6H2O,FeCl3·6H2O,and CeCl3·6H2O were used as raw materials in the precipitationhydrothermal method to synthesize MgF eC e hydrotalcite.The effects of the Fe:Ce molar ratio on the composition,crystal structure,and thermal stability of hydrotalcite are examined.Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS),X-  相似文献   
With the purpose of improving the ice physics underpinning time–dependent glacier flowline models, three independent approaches for solving longitudinal stresses in glaciers are discussed and verified by application to Haut Glacier d'Arolla. To highlight any shortcomings, the reduced and much utilised driving stress approximation is also applied and compared. Modelled velocity patterns using the three full stress schemes exhibit consistency with one another and good coincidence with observed velocities for the 1991 summer melt season. Furthermore, these stress patterns indicate that longitudinal stresses are significant and of a similar order of magnitude as the basal shear stress components. However, the driving stress approximation yields erratic fluctuations in the stress and velocity fields which are neither realistic in terms of mass continuity nor agree with observations. Basal decoupling experiments indicate a complex relationship between basal velocity and englacial stresses with considerable dampening of any basal perturbation occurring as it is dissipated towards the surface and transferred throughout the ice mass. The driving stress approximation fails to account at all for any such coupling. Experiments to identify the length scale over which longitudinal effects operate indicate that they are significant even up to 10 ice thicknesses. The implication here is that longitudinal stresses play a significant role in determining glacier dynamics on length scales up to at least 2 km and that the predictive power of models of glacier flow based purely on the driving stress approximation is therefore subject to significant limitations. Inclusion of longitudinal stresses overcomes one of the main limitations imposed on such models and, given the potential ease of incorporation of the schemes described here, this deficiency may readily be resolved.  相似文献   
超小净距隧道爆破振动现场监测及动力响应分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱正国  孙明路  朱永全  孙星亮 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3747-3752
以南京地铁超小净距隧道为工程背景,结合国内外现有研究成果和规范,研究确保小净距先行隧道安全稳定的后行隧道爆破施工控制技术。以现代信息化施工理论为依据,充分运用现场监控量测,对先行隧道爆破质点振动速度进行监测分析和施工中爆破采用减振和隔振两方面控制技术;最终现场监测结果表明,优化后的循环进尺、段最大装药量与分段爆破差等爆破参数设计合理,该爆破设计在施工中未对先行隧道安全产生较大影响;同时,通过三维数值模拟计算,得到先行隧道壁面的质点振动速度随时间的变化规律,所得最大振速符合规范要求,也再次验证了优化后的爆破设计是合理的。通过数据分析得出隧道边墙的切向和径向振速比拱脚相应振速大,爆破面前方先行洞衬砌受爆破振动的影响稍大于后方衬砌,临近爆破点的左线隧道衬砌表面振动大于远离爆破点的衬砌表面振动。该研究成果为本工程施工提供了科学依据与技术指导,也可为类似隧道工程的爆破掘进工程在理论和施工方法上提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
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