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统计鲁03,04井流水作业闰的气压效率b值发现,在华北及其周缘绝大多数地震前两井前兆异常形态各异,经分析井孔定位断层走向与地震前兆场主应力的组合模式不同是产生上述现象的根本原因。  相似文献   
甘肃古浪长岭山北麓断裂新活动特征与地震危险性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过野外调查和探槽开挖,并结合b值计算结果,对位于甘肃省中部古浪县的长岭山北麓断层的几何学、运动学特征、活动性分段及地震危险性进行了研究.研究认为长岭山北麓断裂主要由四条断层组成,总体呈反“S”形展布;断层最新活动在西段f1表现为倾向南的左旋正断性质,在西段f2和中段f3表现为向北倾的左旋正断性质,东段f4又转变为倾向南的左旋正断活动性质,断裂西端以秦家大山南北向隆起及第三系褶皱与古浪断裂隔断,东端以白墩子左旋拉张盆地与罐罐岭断裂左阶排列,阶距3.5 km;断裂带全新世早中期以来有过地震活动,最后一次活动离逝时间较长,现代应力积累较快,为未来地震危险区.  相似文献   
青藏高原东南缘及邻区近年来地震b值特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于青藏高原东南缘空间数据库及系统建立成果的基础上,综合整理青藏高原东南缘地区的1980—2013年地震信息、地震地质资料及国家基础地理信息,通过Arcgis软件及其脚本编写应用,利用空间模型初步实现了区域内1980—2013年地震活动信息的地统计分析。依据区域地震b值与地壳内部应力分布状态的负相关原理,利用b值进行大面积空间与时间扫描方法对青藏高原东南缘当前应力分布特点进行研究。以2°×2°为单元网格将研究区分为若干区,分别对其进行分时间、分单元b值计算,针对重点低b值区形成时空曲线总结大地震发生前b值曲线的时空规律,并结合之前划出的地震围空区对本区地震危险性进行综合性的中长期预测,结果表明:1汶川地震、芦山地震验证大震发生前后b值时间曲线会有水平—负增长—正增长—负增长—水平的曲线变化;2地震震级越大b值负增长的低值危险区形成时间越早,持续时间越久;3汶川大地震前川北出现大面积低b值异常区;4目前b值低值区持续时间较长的区域有:东喜马拉雅构造结、玉树—甘孜断裂、安宁河断裂—则木河断裂—鲜水河断裂—小江断裂和畹町断裂—南汀河断裂,澜沧断裂—景洪断裂与地震空区危险性预测有较多重叠。  相似文献   
An intraplate earthquake of magnitude (M c) 6.9 (Anon 2001a) struck Bhuj and the adjoining region of Kachchh in Gujarat on January 26th, 2001 at about 0316 hrs (GMT) and was followed by a number of aftershocks. The epicentre of this earthquake was located at 23.4‡N and 70.28‡E close to the Kachchh mainland fault. The intensity observed around the epicenter was X on the MSK scale. A study of 531 aftershocks, in the magnitude range of 3.0–5.7, recorded at Vadodara Seismological Observatory till March 31st, 2001 has been carried out and various statistical parameters calculated. The total energy released during the study period is calculated to be 8.2 × 1014 joule. Sudden occurrence of the main shock without any foreshock in the same tectonic system is a unique feature of this sequence. Theb- value (0.86), value of M0-M1 (1.2), high M1/M0 (0.89) and high value of the decay constanth (0.91), all support the tectonic origin of the present study.  相似文献   
IntroductionIt is well accepted that the seismic activity follows a self-similarity way lgN=a--bMproposedby Gutenberg and Richter (1944), where Mis the magnitude, N the sum of events in a certain timeinterval with magnitude larger than or equal to M a and b the constants. Both constants (a and b)are believed to reflect the seismic activity and the seismotCctonic environmellt. This frequencymagnitUde relation simply describes how often the earthquake will happen in one return period.It is b…  相似文献   
应用1966年以来的辽西地震资料和华北地震资料,通过对比分析,讨论了华北中强以上地震活动对辽西地区的影响。  相似文献   
b-value in the magnitude-frequency(G-R)relationship plays a vital role in seismicity research and seismic hazard analysis, and the most commonly used techniques to simulate it are least square approach and maximum likelihood method. Least square method is simple and easy to apply, therefore widely used in China. However, many researches show that there exist some limits in least square estimation of b-value. Earthquakes with different magnitudes are not equally weighted in this method, and larger events have higher weights, so b-value is vulnerable to the fluctuation of several big earthquakes; meanwhile, least square method needs to divide magnitude intervals artificially. With a small sample size, data points could be not enough if the magnitude interval is too wide, and events in a magnitude interval may be lacking if it is divided to be too narrow. Especially for incremental G-R relationship, it is possible that N(Mi)equals 0 in an interval with large magnitude, so log(N(Mi))loses meaning and has to be ignored, resulting in a low b-value. Therefore, under certain conditions, maximum likelihood method is recommended as an effective substitution or supplementary for least square estimation of b-value. Among numerous previous researches on maximum likelihood estimation of b-value, lots of equations have been provided, based on varied implicit assumptions and different ways of solution. A brief overview is first presented for these equations, and classification and summary are provided based on whether taking account of the effect of binned magnitude, with finite maximum magnitude, using unequal observation periods for different magnitude intervals, and with analytic solution or not. Following this, a total of 6 influential factors are analyzed, such as binning magnitude, measurement errors of magnitude, sample size, magnitude span, minimum completeness magnitude and fore- and aftershocks. At last, reasonable suggestions are provided for using those equations properly. The equations of Aki(1965), Utsu(1965), Page(1968)and Kijko and Smit(2012)are based on assumption that magnitudes are continuous random variables, and have no corrections for this, so these equations are not recommended here. For simplicity, the equations of Utsu(1966)or Tinti and Mulargia(1987)can be used, but magnitude span should be greater than 2.5 due to without finite maximum magnitude in the formulas. For researchers having capability to write code and calculate numerically, Weichert(1980)or Bender(1983)'s algorithm could be utilized. Especially when it is required to apply data with different observation periods for varied magnitudes, the formula of Weichert(1980)is recommended. This study contributes to more accurately understand and use different formulas of estimating b-value by maximum likelihood technique, which can be used as reference for peers.  相似文献   
Iran sits on a region with a high intrinsic level of seismic activity due to its tectonic setting. Through statistical examination of the earthquakes listed in the catalogue from International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), this research attempted to calculate some seismicity factors and find correlation between them. A preliminary analysis indicated changes in the b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter relationship over the study region. Thus, the study area was divided into five zones (Alborz, Zagros, Azerbaijan, Central and East) and b-value was computed for each zone. Considering faulting mechanism styles and the b-values in the region, it was found that the lowest b-values belong to the thrust events and strike-slip faulting earthquakes have intermediate values. These findings support previous studies. Furthermore, results of b-value calculation were used for the estimation of accumulated differential stresses (σ1σ2) over each zone. Overall, the b-value for Iran is averagely low which signifies the high stress tectonic regime in this region. Also, by having calculated fractal dimension (D) in each zone, a correlation obtained showing that in Iran region, the b-value correlates to fractal dimension by D = 4.2b–2 relation which does not support Aki's (1981) speculation of D = 3b/c.  相似文献   
The historical earthquake activity is intense in the North China region. However, no middle-sized earthquakes have occurred in the last decades in the region since the MS6.2 earthquake in the Zhangbei region in 1998. The quiescence of moderate and strong earthquakes is quite prominent in North China. In this paper, we use small earthquake records in 1970~2009 to study background seismic activity in the North China region. The spatial distributions of seismic parameters are presented, including b-value, the maximum magnitude and annual occurrence probability of earthquakes of M≥6.0. Our results show regions with low b-value that include the Yuncheng region in the Shanxi rift, the Suqian region located in the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone and the Shijiazhuang region in the Taihangshan block. Our analysis on the synthetic spatial pattern of seismicity indicate that seismicity in the North China region is mainly affected by the regional dynamic factors of deep structures.  相似文献   
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