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针对钢筋混凝土梁与钢管混凝土柱的穿筋连接形式,研究了钢管开穿筋小孔及加固对钢管混凝土柱抗震性能的影响。对于未开孔、开孔和开孔并加固三种情况,进行了3个直径为610 mm的足尺钢管混凝土柱试件的低周反复荷载试验。试验结果表明:未开孔试件在距根部100 mm处发生钢管屈曲破坏;开孔试件的破坏主要是开孔处屈曲撕裂,开孔对钢管混凝土柱初期刚度和峰值承载力影响不大,但在峰值承载力后受孔边撕裂破坏影响,开孔试件的刚度和强度退化较快、延性和耗能能力降低;开孔并加固试件的破坏位置上移至加固段上部约90 mm处,与未开孔试件表现出相似的抗震性能。  相似文献   
Similar to plane strain, axisymmetric stress problem is also highly kinematics constrained. Standard displacement‐based finite element exhibits volumetric locking issue in simulating nearly/fully incompressible material or isochoric plasticity under axisymmetric loading conditions, which severely underestimates the deformation and overestimates the bearing capacity for structural/geotechnical engineering problems. The aim of this paper is to apply variational multiscale method to produce a stabilized mixed displacement–pressure formulation, which can effectively alleviate the volumetric locking issue for axisymmetric stress problem. Both nearly incompressible elasticity and isochoric J2 elastoplasticity are investigated. First‐order 3‐node triangular and 4‐node quadrilateral elements are tested for locking issues. Several representative simulations are provided to demonstrate the performance of the linear elements, which include the convergence study and comparison with closed‐form solutions. A comparative study with pressure Laplacian stabilized formulation is also presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A numerically efficient and stable method is developed to analyze Biot's consolidation of multilayered soils subjected to non‐axisymmetric loading in arbitrary depth. By the application of a Laplace–Hankel transform and a Fourier expansion, the governing equations are solved analytically. Then, the analytical layer‐element (i.e. a symmetric stiffness matrix) describing the relationship between generalized displacements and stresses of a layer is exactly derived in the transformed domain. Considering the continuity conditions between adjacent layers, the global stiffness matrix of multilayered soils is obtained by assembling the inter‐related layer‐elements. Once the solution in the Laplace–Hankel transformed domain that satisfies the boundary conditions has been obtained, the actual solution can be derived by the inversion of the Laplace–Hankel transform. Finally, numerical examples are presented to verify the theory and to study the influence of the layered soil properties and time history on the consolidation behavior. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
河南省西部的熊耳山地区是重要的金成矿集中区,区内环形-线性构造与成矿存在耦合关系。本研究中对最新高分SPOT-5图像和Aster的遥感地质解译发现,熊耳山北部上观周围区域存在多个环形构造,主要发育于太华群古老变质岩和熊耳群火山岩中,南部附近为中生代花山岩体。环形构造集中分布,大环套小环、线性和环形构造交切。影像蚀变信息提取研究发现,环形构造周围及其内部发育较好的铁染异常和羟基异常,具有良好的找矿前景。附近和周围已知的金矿床和金矿点零星分布,但其遥感图像与熊耳山其他类似环形构造发育地区相比,影像特征更为典型,且成矿条件似更为优越,有可能成为熊耳山地区又一个金银成矿集中区。  相似文献   
影响任何一个地下废物处置场所长期行为的一个重要因素是进入地下废物贮置洞室内的渗流量的大小,预测地下洞室中的渗流量是困难的,特别是当地下废物贮置洞室位于非均质非饱和带中,三维数值模型用于研究地下非均质中非饱和流动及流入地下洞室中的渗流量,讨论了非均质模型与均质模型的比较以及数值剖分尺度对计算结果的影响,进入洞室中的渗漏率随着引入系统中入渗量的增加而增大,选用4个参数来衡量渗流场的非均质程度:(1)介质的平均渗透率K0;(2)Van Genuchten参数α;(3)渗透率空间分布相关尺度;(4)渗透率空间分布变化的标准差σ,根据一个随机实现的渗透率分布,通过改变平均渗透率来研究其对流入洞室中渗透量的影响,对一个固定的入渗率而言,流入洞室中的渗漏率将随着Van Genuchten参数α的减小而减小,模拟结果表明流入洞室的渗漏率与介质的平均渗透率相关,即随平均渗透率的增大,流入洞室的渗漏率亦增大,流入洞室的渗漏率还高度依赖于非均质渗透率场的空间分布相关长度与标准差,一个大的相关长度或高的标准差均能导致流入洞室的渗漏率增大。  相似文献   
云南绿春地区遥感地质特征与找矿远景综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对云南绿春地区地质背景复杂、地形崎岖、植被稠密、传统地面调查方法实施区域地质填图比较困难的问题,利用TM,ETM+和SPOT5多源遥感数据,采用三维可视化等技术提取了该区域地层、岩体和构造的岩性组合、线性构造和环形构造等特征,分析了地质背景,依据构造关系和遥感影像特征分析了区域应力状态;提取了与矿化有关的构造、岩性及羟基、铁染蚀变遥感异常信息,在剖析典型矿床的基础上,进行了找矿预测.取得的研究成果为区域地质填图和矿产勘查工作部署提供了基础地质信息及找矿线索.  相似文献   
徐福军  马俊杰 《地下水》2011,(1):158-159,167
以物流分析为基础,兼顾循环经济的3R原则,利用循环经济发展中涉及的物质流分析指标,以及物质流指标与人、经济、单位投入、产出等外延领域的结合衍生指标构建循环经济评价指标体系,并对各指标作了解释,对数据来源途径做了分析.  相似文献   
In this paper, we develop an exact closed form solution for a circular entry point located at the interface between an impermeable material and a stratified porous medium, where the principal plane of hydraulic isotropy is inclined to the interface. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
我国每年产生的铜尾渣超过1 500万吨,持续堆存会造成严重的环境危害,而资源化处理则通常能够充分利用铜渣当中的资源并一定程度上降低环境危害。通过生命周期评价方法,对铜尾渣资源化利用制取蒸压砖并副产铜精矿、铁精矿和重介质的工艺过程的环境影响进行了分析。结果表明,该技术方案最主要的环境影响为人体毒性(33 886 kg 1,4-二氯苯当量 /资源化1 000吨铜尾渣);水泥生产阶段环境负荷最高,在7种环境影响类别中均有最高的贡献;贡献最明显的关键物质为氮氧化物,其对富营养化、酸化、光化学污染贡献占比分别为94.1%、42.0%和24.3%。将生产蒸压砖和副产的铜精矿、铁精矿、重介质所避免的环境影响纳入考虑范围之后,发现该铜尾渣资源化方案能够取得明显的环境效益。  相似文献   
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