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富春江顶管工程为例,介绍了一种可快速拆卸的用于深埋顶管隧道对管节局部破损进行修复的装置。装置结构简单、紧凑,易于在圆形截面的隧道中进行快速拼装。该装置最高耐水压力0.8 MPa,可对地下水位以下30~80 m顶管隧道中出现沿轴线长<0.4 m环状破损的管节进行注浆修复。这种设计能够有效解决深埋顶管隧道小面积局部破损、小范围漏水涌砂等问题,为深埋顶管等方法构筑的圆形隧道提供应急修复保障。  相似文献   
应用经典塑性力学理论确定的圆形巷道围岩弹塑性应力场存在一些问题,这影响深部圆形巷道的稳定性评价及支护设计的合理性。应用塑性力学求解新体系确定的圆形巷道围岩弹塑性应力场准确解,进行了各向同性均质地层中圆形巷道破损区、地层残余强度与支护压力关系方面的研究,取得了如下成果:(1)破损区随开采深度的增加而增大,它们基本呈线性关系。(2)建立了支护压力与巷道埋深、围岩强度、围岩破坏后残余强度、围岩泊松比和重度之间的关系。研究成果可为支护设计提供重要参考。  相似文献   
复杂岩质边坡主要受结构面发育状态控制形成多种类型的变形破坏模式,与土质边坡迥异。本文以招商局漳州开发区11号山西段边坡为例,基于现场地质调查,对其主要节理面进行统计分析和变形模式评判,并对圆弧滑动破坏、楔形体破坏、平面滑动破坏及滚石破坏等各种破坏类型进行定量化评价,进而对边坡整体稳定性进行分析评价,为治理该复杂岩质边坡提出合理化建议,并总结形成复杂岩质边坡稳定性分析的评价思路和基本流程。  相似文献   
在回线源瞬变电磁发展的早期,往往使用圆回线产生的场来近似模拟多边形回线的场。为了对这种近似的影响进行分析,本文以矩形回线为例,对圆回线近似模拟多边形回线的误差进行计算。首先,根据给出的圆回线和矩形回线内外任一点的感生电动势新的计算方法,对两种回线装置内的感生电动势分布进行对比。研究结果表明:在扩散场早期,圆回线和矩形回线场的等值线分布形态存在较大的差别,而在扩散场中晚期,两种回线感生电动势相对误差较小。两种回线感生电动势相对误差的变化特征可以用感应电流烟圈扩散的理论进行解释。通过理论模型的分析可知,圆回线近似矩形回线会对浅层电性结构分析带来较大影响。  相似文献   
张丙强  王启云  卢晓颖 《岩土力学》2018,39(12):4377-4384
软土在低水力坡降下的渗流会偏离达西定律,即为非达西渗流模式。假设孔隙水渗透服从指数渗流模式,采用镜像法原理推导了浅埋单孔和双孔圆形隧道非达西渗流场的解析解。结合算例,对浅埋圆形隧道非达西渗流解析解与达西渗流解析解进行了对比分析与验证,并对非达西渗流指数、隧道周围土体与衬砌渗流系数比值对隧道渗流场的影响进行了讨论。结果表明:非达西渗流指数、渗流系数比值对隧道渗流量和周围土体孔压均有较大的影响;随着渗流指数逐渐增大,土体内水头损失加快,隧道周围土体孔压及渗流量逐渐减小;随着土体与衬砌渗流系数比值逐渐增大,衬砌排水能力增强,隧道渗流量逐渐增大,隧道周围土体孔压减小更大。  相似文献   
Fluvial flood events have substantial impacts on humans, both socially and economically, as well as on ecosystems (e.g., hydroecology and pollutant transport). Concurrent with climate change, the seasonality of flooding in cold environments is expected to shift from a snowmelt‐dominated to a rainfall‐dominated flow regime. This would have profound impacts on water management strategies, that is, flood risk mitigation, drinking water supply, and hydro power. In addition, cold climate hydrological systems exhibit complex interactions with catchment properties and large‐scale climate fluctuations making the manifestation of changes difficult to detect and predict. Understanding a possible change in flood seasonality and defining related key drivers therefore is essential to mitigate risk and to keep management strategies viable under a changing climate. This study explores changes in flood seasonality across near‐natural catchments in Scandinavia using circular statistics and trend tests. Results indicate strong seasonality in flooding for snowmelt‐dominated catchments with a single peak occurring in spring and early summer (March through June), whereas flood peaks are more equally distributed throughout the year for catchments located close to the Atlantic coast and in the south of the study area. Flood seasonality has changed over the past century seen as decreasing trends in summer maximum daily flows and increasing winter and spring maximum daily flows with 5–35% of the catchments showing significant changes at the 5% significance level. Seasonal mean daily flows corroborate those findings with higher percentages (5–60%) of the catchments showing statistically significant changes. Alterations in annual flood occurrence also point towards a shift in flow regime from snowmelt‐dominated to rainfall‐dominated with consistent changes towards earlier timing of the flood peak (significant for 25% of the catchments). Regionally consistent patterns suggest a first‐order climate control as well as a local second‐order catchment control, which causes inter‐seasonal variability in the streamflow response.  相似文献   
为简单且快速地查看地质研究过程中所获得地质数据属性信息的分布特征,用VC++6.0实现了常用的基于几何坐标法的多维数据可视化方法,即平行坐标法和圆形平行坐标法。这两个方法融合了直方图和等值线图各自的优点,可以同时查看数据的频数分布及其对应的坐标,还可以通过多个坐标轴显示数据,拓宽了一个图所能承载的数据信息,因此可以用这样的一个图形总体把握数据的分布特征。该方法在澳大利亚新南威尔士州Mandamah地区铜金矿床钻孔数据的应用中,通过折线密度可以看出Au、Cu、Pb和Zn等元素都有高值突出,即高值附近折线密度稀疏,而大量数据聚集在低值附近,即低值附近折线分布密度高。  相似文献   

The scour phenomena around vertical piles in oceans and under waves may influence the structure stability. Therefore, accurately predicting the scour depth is an important task in the design of piles. Empirical approaches often do not provide the required accuracy compared with data mining methods for modeling such complex processes. The main objective of this study is to develop three data-driven methods, locally weighted linear regression (LWLR), support vector machine (SVR), and multivariate linear regression (MLR) to predict the scour depth around vertical piles due to waves in a sand bed. It is the first effort to develop the LWLR to predict scour depth around vertical piles. The models simulate the scour depth mainly based on Shields parameter, pile Reynolds number, grain Reynolds number, Keulegan–Carpenter number, and sediment number. 111 laboratory datasets, derived from several experimental studies, were used for the modeling. The results indicated that the LWLR provided highly accurate predictions of the scour depths around piles (R?=?0.939 and RMSE = 0.075). Overall, this study demonstrated that the LWLR can be used as a valuable tool to predict the wave-induced scour around piles.  相似文献   
基于Fluent流体计算平台,运用大涡模拟方法对亚临界雷诺数Re=3900下“X”形排列五圆柱体结构群三维绕流特性进行研究,主要分析来流攻角α与间距比L/D两个关键参数对五圆柱体结构群的尾流区三维涡结构演化与流体力系数的影响,并揭示其内在流动互扰机理。研究表明:来流攻角和间距比的变化对五圆柱体结构群流动控制及互扰效应的影响显著。在小间距比工况下,观察到柱体群间隙区域内流体高速流动的现象,导致五圆柱体之间的互扰作用十分强烈。间隙流对中间圆柱体和下游圆柱体有较强的冲击作用,对其表面的流体力分布特性有显著的影响。另外,大间距比工况下,当α=0°与L/D≥5.0工况时,柱体群尾流效应强于其间隙流效应。当α=22.5°与L/D=7.0时,位于下游与中间处的圆柱体流体绕流特性存在较大差异。而当α=45°与L/D≥6.0时,位于上游与中间处的圆柱体尾流区均会产生正负交替的漩涡结构。  相似文献   
赵明  滕斌 《中国海洋工程》2004,18(2):267-280
The incompressible viscous uniform and shear flow past a circular cylinder is studied. The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a finite element method. The governing equations are discretized by a weighted residual method in space. The stable three-step scheme is applied to the momentum equations in the time integration. The numerical model is firstly applied to the computation of the lid-driven cavity flow for its validation. The computed results agree well with the measured data and other numerical results. Then, it is used to simulate the viscous uniform and shear flow over a circular cylinder for Reynolds numbers from lO0 to lO00. The transient time interval before the vortex shedding occurs is shortened considerably by introduction of artificial perturbation. The computed Strouhal number, drag and lift coefficients agree well with the experimental data. The computation shows that the finite element model can be successfully applied to the viscous flow problem.  相似文献   
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