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天山西部的降雪丰富,伊犁河流域年最大雪深普遍超过60crn,中国科学院天山积雪与雪崩研究站和伊犁的最大雪深分别高达152crn和89cm。因此,天山西部山区风吹雪和雪崩灾害较多,严重影响着当地的交通安全。新疆精(河)-伊(宁)铁路经过的缓坡丘陵区是风吹雪灾害多发区,崇山峻岭区是雪崩灾害多发区。通过对铁路沿线的气象要素进行分析与推算,结果表明,该地区的最大风速平均值14.0m/s,30a-遇的最大风速与最大积雪深度分别为20.3m/S和160cm;平均冬季降水量153.2mm,为风吹雪灾害的发生提供了物质与动力条件。在风吹雪多发区,风吹雪的主要危害类型是路堑型风吹雪沉积,其次为低路堤型风吹雪沉积等。经过野外考察和室内分析,基本上查清了精(河)一伊(宁)铁路沿线风吹雪的发生与分布规律,并且针对性地提出了铁路在雪害多发区的设计原则和雪害防治方法。认为路堤防风吹雪的适宜高度为200~1500cm,路堤若低于200cm,路面上易发生风吹雪沉积;若路堤的边坡较陡,则路面上不易发生风吹雪沉积;路堑边坡的角度越小,路堑越深,路堑走向与主导风向的夹角越小,风吹雪沉积越不易发生;风吹雪的防治应以防风吹雪走廊和下导风板为主,并辅以侧导板、挡雪墙等工程。精-伊铁路雪崩灾害主要发生在崇山峻岭区,主要类型为坡面雪崩和坡面沟槽雪崩。阳坡雪崩多发生在降雪季节,雪崩危害相对较少;阴坡积雪不易融化,雪崩危害大。阴坡雪崩在整个冬季从开始下雪直到次年春季积雪融化以前都可发生,危害时期长。在雪崩灾害的多发区,铁路选线时明线工程最好能选在阳坡,永久性建筑物或设施要尽量避开沟槽雪崩的运动区和堆积区;铁路线横穿河流处,桥梁的桥墩和铁路延伸线一定要避开沟槽雪崩的运动区和堆积区,尽量选在两雪崩之间的山梁或山脊处,隧道出入口也要选在突出的山嘴或山梁等正地貌部位。在其他条件允许的情况下,线路应尽量向坡面的上部抬升。精一伊铁路沿线雪崩灾害治理原则:在所有的隧道出入口,隧道再向外延伸3m,上方再修建导雪堤,可保隧道口的安全;在工程建设过程中,要求尽量少地破坏铁路两侧的植被,特别是树林和灌木。  相似文献   
近年来,在汶川地震等强震区常发生一种特大的高位滑坡地质灾害,它从高陡斜坡上部位置剪出并形成凌空加速坠落,具有撞击粉碎效应和动力侵蚀效应,导致滑体解体碎化,从而转化为高速远程碎屑流滑动或泥石流流动,并铲刮下部岩土体,使体积明显增加。新磨滑坡就是这种典型,它发生于2017年6月24日,滑坡后缘高程约3450m,前缘高程约2250 m,高差1200 m,水平距离2800 m,堆积体体积达1637×10~4m~3,摧毁了新磨村村庄,导致83人死亡。新磨滑坡地处叠溪较场弧形构造带前弧西翼,母岩为中三叠统中厚层变砂岩夹板岩,是1933年叠溪Ms7.5级震中区(烈度X度)和汶川Ms8.0级强震区(烈度IX度),形成震裂山体。滑源区分布多组不连续结构面,将厚层块状岩体分割成碎裂块体,在高程3150~3450 m区间形成明显的压裂鼓胀区,特别是存在2组反倾节理带,具有典型的"锁固段"失稳机理。滑坡体高位剪出滑动,连续加载并堆积于斜坡体上部,体积达390×10~4m~3,导致残坡积岩土层失稳并转化为管道型碎屑流;碎屑流高速流滑至斜坡下部老滑坡堆积体后,因前方地形开阔、坡度变缓,转化为扩散型碎屑流散落堆积,具有"高速远程"成灾模式。据此,可建立强震山区高位滑坡的早期识别方法,当陡倾山脊存在大型岩质高位滑坡时,应当考虑冲击作用带来的动力侵蚀效应和堆积加载效应,特别是沿沟谷赋存丰富的地下水时,发生高速远程滑坡的可能性将明显增加。因此,在地质灾害调查排查中,在高位岩质滑坡剪出口下方的斜坡堆积体上的聚居区等应划定为地质灾害危险区。在强震山区地质灾害研究中,不仅应采用静力学理论分析滑坡的失稳机理,而且应采用动力学方法加强运动过程的成灾模式研究。  相似文献   
Ambiguous landscape histories can arise from equivocal or incomplete geomorphological, sedimentological or geochronological evidence. In this study, we apply quantitative analyses to robustly assess the origin and age of a field of rounded mounds, known as ‘The Hillocks’. Using clast analysis, the sediment is shown to be consistent with a landslide origin but inconsistent with other glacial sediments in the region. Cosmogenic 10Be exposure age dating suggests The Hillocks formed ~8 ka. Ground‐penetrating radar reveals that the deposit rests upon deltaic foreset beds; combined with topographical data, we calculate a deposit volume of ~15–27 M m3, consistent with the estimated volume of the proposed source area. Overall, our data support a rock avalanche origin, indicating that by 8 ka the valley was ice‐free at The Hillocks’ location, and the level of Lake Wakatipu was lower than 340 m asl by this time. The Dart River delta shoreline was situated somewhere between The Hillocks and the present day shoreline at that time, and has prograded at a maximum average rate of 1 m a?1 since ~8 ka. These findings are significant given the lack of landforms by which to constrain glacial or post‐glacial landscape histories in this region of New Zealand. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
岩石碎屑流运移堆积过程数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩石高速远程崩滑是一种特殊的、危害性很大的地质灾害,崩滑后期形成的高速岩石碎屑流具有很高的运移能力,破坏力极强。以岩石碎屑流为研究对象,重点模拟岩石碎屑流形成后,碎屑流的运移堆积过程和最大运移堆积距离。利用二维颗粒离散元数值模拟方法,建立碎屑流二维运动堆积模型,分析了岩石碎屑流初始高度、体积、加速斜面坡度、堆积底面摩擦系数以及堆积底面地表起伏程度对于岩石碎屑流最大运移堆积距离的影响。实验结果显示:岩石碎屑流运移堆积过程体现出了碎屑流物质的离散性和流动性; 碎屑流最大堆积距离随高度、体积、斜面坡度增大而增大; 随堆积底面摩擦系数、堆积底面地表起伏程度增大而减小。  相似文献   
公路崩塌灾害等级划分初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崩塌灾害等级划分是进行灾情预测和制定应急预案的重要依据。不同领域由于研究目的、研究对象及研究方法等方面的差异,进行崩塌灾害等级划分时采用的主要指标及方法也各有不同。本文针对公路的特点,结合公路交通运输的实际情况,选择崩塌规模与交通量作为评估公路崩塌灾害灾情大小的主要参数和灾害等级划分指标。根据崩塌规模和交通量作用于公路的规律,通过理论研究,建立了崩塌灾害评估指标的分级标准。最终建立了公路崩塌灾害灾度计算公式,提出了以灾度大小作为公路崩塌灾害等级划分的标准。  相似文献   
Rock avalanches destroy and reshape landscapes in only a few minutes and are among the most hazardous processes on Earth. The surface morphology of rock avalanche deposits and the interaction with the underlying material are crucial for runout properties and reach. Water within the travel path is displaced, producing large impact waves and reducing friction, leading to long runouts. We hypothesize that the 0.2 km3 Holocene Eibsee rock avalanche from Mount Zugspitze in the Bavarian Alps overran and destroyed Paleolake Eibsee and left a unique sedimentological legacy of processes active during the landslide. We captured 9.5 km of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles across the rock avalanche deposits, with up to 120 m penetration depth and more than 34 000 datum points. The ERT profiles reveal up to ~50 m thick landslide debris, locally covering up to ~30 m of rock debris with entrained fine-grained sediments on top of isolated remnants of decametre-wide paleolake sediments. The ERT profiles allow us to infer processes involved in the interaction of the rock avalanche with bedrock, lake sediments, and morainal sediments, including shearing, bulging, and bulldozing. Complementary data from drilling, a gravel pit exposure, laboratory tests, and geomorphic features were used for ERT calibration. Sediments overrun by the rock avalanche show water-escape structures. Based on all of these datasets, we reconstructed both position and size of the paleolake prior to the catastrophic event. Our reconstruction of the event contributes to process an understanding of the rock avalanche and future modelling and hazard assessment. Here we show how integrated geomorphic, geophysical, and sedimentological approaches can provide detailed insights into the impact of a rock avalanche on a lake. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
Correct and precise age determination of prehistorical catastrophic rock‐slope failures prerequisites any hypotheses relating this type of mass wasting to past climatic regimes or palaeo‐seismic records. Despite good exposure, easy accessibility and a long tradition of absolute dating, the age of the 230 million m3 carbonate‐lithic Tschirgant rock avalanche event of the Eastern Alps (Austria) still is relatively poorly constrained. We herein review the age of mass‐wasting based on a total of 17 absolute ages produced with three different methods (14C, 36Cl, 234U/230Th). Chlorine‐36 (36Cl) cosmogenic surface exposure dating of five boulders of the rock avalanche deposit indicates a mean event age of 3.06 ± 0.62 ka. Uranium‐234/thorium‐230 (234U/230Th) dating of soda‐straw stalactites formed in microcaves beneath boulders indicate mean precipitation ages of three individual soda straws at 3.20 ± 0.26 ka, 3.04 ± 0.10 ka and 2.81 ± 0.15 ka; notwithstanding potential internal errors, these ages provide an ‘older‐than’ (ante quam) proxy for mass‐wasting. Based on radiocarbon ages (nine sites) only, it was previously suggested that the present rock avalanche deposit represents two successive failures (3.75 ± 0.19 ka bp , 3.15 ± 0.19 ka bp ). There is, however, no evidence for two events neither in surface outcrops nor in LiDAR derived imagery and drill logs. The temporal distribution of all absolute ages (14C, 36Cl, 234U/230Th) also does not necessarily indicate two successive events but suggest that a single catastrophic mass‐wasting took place between 3.4 and 2.4 ka bp . Taking into account the maximum age boundary given by reinterpreted radiocarbon datings and the minimum U/Th‐ages of calcite precipitations within the rock avalanche deposits, a most probable event age of 3.01 ± 0.10 ka bp can be proposed. Our results underscore the difficulty to accurately date catastrophic rock slope failures, but also the potential to increase the accuracy of age determination by combining methods. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Deposits of very large rock avalanches were identified at the southern foot of the Rocky Range of the Northern Caucasus. Cliffs facing the Ardon River are 1–1.5 km high and composed of Cretaceous and upper Jurassic, hard, crystaline limestone, underlain by softer, middle Jurassic shale, siltstone and sandstone flysh. The largest rock avalanche, at Karivhoh, is ~2×109 m3 in volume, travelled more than 7 km, and covered about 18 km2 with deposits up to 200–300 m thick. All rock-avalanche bodies are composed of intensively crushed debris overlain by a blocky carapace. Numerous subsequent landslides develop within these deposits, and pose a threat to villages built on them.  相似文献   
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