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The nature decadal variability of the equatorial Pacific subsurface temperature is examined in the control simulation with the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory coupled model CM2.1.The dominant mode of the subsurface temperature variations in the equator Pacific features a 20-40 year period and is North-South asymmetric about the equator.Decadal variations of the thermocline are most pronounced in the southwest of the Tropical Pacific.Decadal variation of the north-south asymmetric Sea Surface wind in the tropical Pacific,especially in the South Pacific Convergence,is the dominant mechanism of the nature decadal variation of the subsurface temperature in the equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   
Mass balance of glaciers in mountain areas varies not only with altitude and regional position but also with aspect, gradient, glacier size, glacier type and detailed topographic position. These factors are combined here in models of how glacier altitude varies, tested with data for the Alps edited from the World Glacier Inventory. An overall northward tendency in glacier numbers (toward 005 ± 4°) and lower altitudes (013 ± 5°) is maintained across a range of glacier sizes, types, altitudes and the major divisions of the Alps. Variation with aspect of glacier altitude (and, by implication, of glacier balance) in the Alps is essentially unimodal, and north‐facing glaciers average 220 m lower in middle altitude than south‐facing: 148 m in the Western Alps, 232 m in the West‐central, 252 m in the East‐central, and 268 m in the Eastern Alps. For smaller subdivisions, confidence intervals on estimates are broader and many differences lack statistical significance. Contrasts are greater in the higher massifs, with greater relief, and lower in cloudy, windward areas. There are small windrelated tendencies east of north along the northern and western fringes, but trends across space are weak: position is thus treated by subdivision into districts and groups. Mid‐altitude averages 2891 m overall and varies from 2552 to 3127 m for 27 glacier districts, and from 2124 to 3209 m for 103 glacier groups. Glacier mid‐altitude varies also with glacier form, nourishment, height range and area, which account for over two‐thirds of variance in combined models.  相似文献   
青海省共和盆地是中国最大的新能源基地之一,大规模光伏设施的建设对区域生态环境必然产生较大的影响。通过在光伏阵列内外建立风况观测断面,架设5套5梯度的自动气象站,实施同步监测,对不同风向条件下光伏阵列对阵内风场的影响进行观测研究。结果表明:(1)光伏阵列具有导向作用,使风向以顺光伏组串长轴方向的偏西风和偏东风为主。当旷野风向与光伏组串长轴方向夹角β≥45°时,光伏阵列内出现围绕光伏串的横向绕流,阵列内存在明显的双风向,且β越大,双风向特征越明显。(2)光伏阵列整体具有减速作用,且减速率随高度呈指数递增关系,但20 cm高度风速减弱作用具有很大的不确定性,甚至出现增强风速的作用。减速率随风向的变化呈三峰三谷的区间分布特征,三峰三谷区间的极大值出现在β=45°或β=67.5°处,极小值多出现在β=22.5°处。(3)受光伏组串北高南低的结构和光伏阵列内风程长度的影响,光伏阵列内风向和风速变化存在非对称性特征。光伏阵列对阵内风场的影响,一方面有利于光伏面板除尘,另一方面会增加阵内地表就地起尘的潜在风险。光伏场建设应更加注重光伏阵列内生态保护和修复,提高地表植被覆盖度,减少起尘量,提高发电效率。  相似文献   
介绍了一种判别热带气旋变性过程的客观方法.此客观方法使用三个判别参数: 对流层低层热力非对称参数B、高低层的热成风、对变性过程进行诊断判别.此方法使用格点的数值预报产品,计算简单、使用方便,便于业务化.同时针对2004年影响我国的0421号热带风暴"海马",使用NCEP再分析资料对其变性过程进行了分析验证,结果表明:此客观方法所定义的三个判别参数B、、在"海马"的变性过程中有很好的指示作用.  相似文献   
利用北京地区1977-2013年18个站点逐小时降水资料,将小时降水分为弱降水(第50百分位值以下)、中等强度降水(第50至90百分位值)以及强降水(第90百分位值以上)3个等级,对北京地区山区、郊区以及城区夏季不同强度等级降水变化特征进行了深入细致的分析。结果表明,北京地区夏季降水量存在显著的减少趋势,这种减少趋势主要是由于弱降水和中等强度降水的显著减少引起的,强降水没有表现出明显的增多或减少趋势;与郊区相比,2004年之后城区的强降水对夏季总降水量的贡献越来越大而弱降水的贡献减小。在降水日变化上,不同地区、不同等级的降水存在差异。弱降水存在清晨和夜间双峰值特征,中等强度和强降水只存在夜间单峰值特征。清晨峰值时刻,山区、郊区和城区弱降水都表现出一致的显著减少趋势;夜间峰值时刻,山区的各等级降水变化不显著,而在2004年之后,城区弱降水少于郊区,强降水则多于郊区。北京地区降水过程不对称性特征(降水过程峰值前后差异性)十分明显,其中以强降水的不对称性最强,相对于郊区和山区来说,城区强降水过程的不对称性有增大的趋势。  相似文献   
利用美国NOAA海表温度资料,重点分析了北太平洋海温异常EOF第二模态Victoria模态(VM)与ENSO年际关系的非对称特征.研究发现,VM和ENSO在年代际尺度上相关性较弱,而在年际尺度上有很好的相关关系,两者同期为负相关,VM超前1 a为正相关.然而,正负VM事件与ENSO冷暖位相在年际尺度上的联系存在着一定的...  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of neglecting off‐diagonal terms of the transformed damping matrix on the seismic response of non‐proportionally damped asymmetric‐plan systems with the specific aim of identifying the range of system parameters for which this simplification can be used without introducing significant errors in the response. For this purpose, a procedure is presented in which modal damping ratios computed by neglecting off‐diagonal terms of the transformed damping matrix are used in the traditional modal analysis. The effects of the simplification are evaluated first by comparing the aforementioned modal damping ratios with the apparent damping ratios obtained from the complex‐valued eigenanalysis. The variation of a parameter that was defined by Warburton and Soni as an indicator of the errors introduced by the simplification is examined next. Finally, edge deformations obtained from the simplified procedure are compared with those obtained from the direct integration of the equations of motion. It is found that the simplified procedure may be used without introducing significant errors in response for most practical values of the system parameters. Furthermore, estimates of the edge deformations, in general, tend to be on the conservative side. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
洋岛玄武岩 (OIB)氦同位素组成 (3 He 4 He)在地理分布上具有非均匀性特征。3 He 4 He值为 5~ 6Ra 的OIB主要分布在南半球 ,而分布于冰岛和夏威夷 (包括Loihi)等地的OIB3 He 4 He值为 10~ 35Ra。低3 He 4 He值OIB具有富集大离子亲石元素U、Th的源区 ,由于U、Th衰变释放的4He同位素的积累导致其3 He 4 He值降低。该源区的形成是俯冲作用导致深海沉积物与地幔混合 ,其地理分布受Pangea大陆周边的古俯冲带制约。高3 He 4 He值OIB的源区则是亏损U、Th的地幔胞 (mantleblob) ,该地幔胞是由极度亏损U、Th的再循环洋壳或大陆下地壳与未排气的地幔胞混合形成的。经过 1~ 2Ga的演化形成即相对亏损4He同位素而3 He 4 He值高的源区。同时 ,这种地幔胞富集难融组分 ,所以较洋中脊玄武岩 (MORB)的源区更为稳定 ,即高3 He 4 He值源区的部分熔融需要更高的地幔温度。超级地幔柱上升可以导致地幔升温和高3 He 4 He值源区的熔融。3 He 4 He值OIB地理分布的非均匀性反映出全球地幔对流系统复杂的半球非对称性格局。  相似文献   
通过对 2 0 0 1年 11月 14日发生的东昆仑地震 (Ms=8.1)地表破裂带的野外考察 ,发现沿东昆仑断裂带发育一类不对称的同震地表破裂构造 :单侧垂直破裂带的张裂隙构造、不对称式拉分构造以及冻土层范围内的低角度逆冲构造。这些不对称的同震地表破裂构造不仅指示发震断裂为左行走滑 ,而且表明以断裂南侧块体向东运动为主、北侧块体向西甚微运动 (以地震前同地为参照系 )的运动学特征。与 GPS的观测数据结果所反映的运动特征基本一致 ,同时与不对称的区域稳定性相吻合。这种反映单侧块体运动为主的不对称同震地表破裂构造在大陆地震破裂带中是少有的 ,它的发现不仅表明东昆仑断裂以南的青藏高原内部物质向东滑移 ,而且由此认为自全新世以来其向东滑移的速率有可能约略小于 10~ 12 m m/ a,并同时指示断裂南侧相对于北侧为地震地质灾害更严重地域。  相似文献   
Tidal propagation in estuaries is affected by friction and fresh water discharge, besides changes in the depth and morphology of the channel. Main distortions imply variations in the mean water level and asymmetry. Tidal asymmetry can be important as a mechanism for sediment accumulation and turbidity maximum formation in estuaries, while mean water level changes can affect navigation depths. Data from several gauges stations from the Amazon estuary and the adjacent coast were analyzed and a 2DH hydrodynamic model was configured in a domain covering the continental shelf up to the last section of the river where the tidal signature is observed. Based on data, theoretical and numerical results, the various influences in the generation of estuarine harmonics are presented, including that of fresh water discharge. It is shown that the main overtide, M4, derived from the most important astronomic component in the Amazon estuary, M2, is responsible for the tidal wave asymmetry. This harmonic has its maximum amplitude at the mouth, where minimum depths are found, and then decreases while tide propagates inside the estuary. Also, the numerical results show that the discharge does not affect water level asymmetry; however, the Amazon river discharge plays an important role in the behavior of the horizontal tide. The main compound tide in Amazon estuary, Msf, generated from the combination of the M2 and S2, can be strong enough to provoke neap low waters lower than spring ones. The results show this component increasing while going upstream in the estuary, reaching a maximum and then slightly decaying.  相似文献   
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