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湄洲湾重矿物组合及分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈华胄 《台湾海峡》1992,11(3):211-217
湄洲湾重矿物平均含量5.67%,高于台湾海峡中北部的(0.96%),>10%的高值区分布于湾内深槽的岛屿附近,<3%的低值区见于近岸海域。重矿物37种,以磁铁矿、角闪石、绿帘石、褐铁矿等为主。根据重矿物的含量可将其分为6个矿物区。湾内物质来源于河沙、岸边、岛屿和海底蚀沙及台湾海峡来沙。湾内与海峡之间进行物质交换,磁铁矿、锆石等颗粒状矿物由湾内向海峡方向扩散,而黑云母等片状矿物则由海峡向湾内扩散。湄洲湾处于较氧化的高能环境。  相似文献   
广西恭城地区的额头村组珊瑚化石极为丰富,自上往下共有20余层之多,共建立了Cystophrentis、Caninia dorlodoti及Ceriphyllum elegantum 3个珊瑚组合带,如此连续及完整的珊瑚组合带在广西同类地层中尚属首次发现.  相似文献   
显微镜下矿石薄片鉴定和铀矿物电子探针分析显示,白兴吐铀矿床发育高岭石化、碳酸盐化、黄铁矿化、水云母-绢云母化和赤铁矿化等中低温热液蚀变;矿石的铀矿物主要为铀石,少量沥青铀矿,以及部分含钛铀矿物,矿石普遍富含磷和钛。铀矿物与热液成因的胶状、团块状和莓状黄铁矿、铁白云石、赤铁矿等共生。这些特征表明,该矿床的工业铀矿化与热液作用关系密切。  相似文献   
剖面测自陕西省宁强县二郎坝乡景家沟,共鉴定各类化石约160个属种。依据岩性、岩相和化石特征,将该剖面划分为龙马溪组、崔家沟组、王家湾组和宁强组.并对王家湾组、宁强组的划分、对比及时代提出了新的意见。  相似文献   
秀水盆地下白垩统义县组的油气发现,使义县组成为辽宁省西北地区重要的油气勘探目的层系。通过开展钻孔岩芯编录、路线地质调查、有机地球化学测试分析,综合应用电法、二维地震和钻探等资料,分析了秀水盆地下白垩统发育特征、生烃条件及盆地形成发展史等。结果表明: 义县组三段泥岩分布范围广,沉积厚度大,有机质丰度、类型及成熟度适宜,具有良好的生烃条件,为中等—好的烃源岩; 秀水盆地早白垩世发育4期不同的构造演化阶段,使其具备了一定的生、储、盖油气地质条件,具有油气勘探潜力。该研究可为区内进一步油气资源勘探提供支撑。  相似文献   
Effective conservation requires knowledge of the effects of habitat on distribution and abundance of organisms. Although the structure of coral reef fish assemblages is strongly correlated with attributes of reef structure, data relating reef types to fish assemblages are scarce. In this study we describe the influence of gross habitat characteristics and seasonality on coral reef fish assemblages of fringing and patch reefs in Kenya. Results showed that total fish abundance was not significantly different between the reefs; however, the fringing reef had higher species diversity during both the northeast (42 spp.) and southeast (36 spp.) monsoon seasons when compared to the patch reef. The more fished species (e.g. Siganus sutor and Lethrinus mahsena) were more abundant on the patch reef in both seasons. Statistical analysis indicated common species between the reefs were more abundant on the fringing reef. Seasons affected abundance of the more vagile species (S. sutor), whereas the reef‐attached sky emperor, L. mahsena was affected more by reef type than by seasons. No significant interaction effects of habitat and seasons were found, indicating independence of habitat and environmental variability in affecting fish assemblages on the reefs. Smaller sized fish dominated the fringing reef more than the patch reef, whereas the skewness index (Sk) indicated a normal‐sized frequency distribution on the patch reef. Trophic structure of the fishes varied more within than between reefs, whereas fish assemblage structure was affected more by seasons on the fringing reef. These results suggest that conservation measures such as marine protected area (MPA) design and setting should consider effects of reef morphology and environmental variability on coral‐reef fish assemblage structure.  相似文献   
宋运红  刘凯  戴慧敏  许江  张哲寰  梁帅 《地质通报》2022,41(9):1528-1538
自然黑土区是环境演化和气候变化的重要地质记录。研究黑土区形成的时代及古气候环境演变, 清楚黑土的形成机制, 对黑土资源的可持续利用、保护东北大粮仓具有重要的意义。在松嫩平原东部海伦地区典型黑土剖面中采集15件孢粉样品进行孢粉学研究, 并对相同层位土壤样品中总有机碳进行了AMS14C测年。系统的分析、鉴定和研究表明, 典型黑土剖面自下而上可划分为2个孢粉组合, 下部孢粉组合以Echinate Asteraceae-Artemisia-Boraginaceae-Pinus为代表, 上部孢粉组合以Pinus-Amaranthaceae-Artemisia为代表。通过AMS14C测年认为, 松嫩平原东部海伦地区典型黑土为中全新世及晚全新世早期的产物。综合元素地球化学、古植物、孢粉分析表明, 松嫩平原东部典型黑土主要形成于中全新世7400 a B.P.以来的大暖期, 形成于松嫩平原温暖半湿润的气候环境, 植被为以草本灌木为主的草原植被。  相似文献   
通过基准面旋回结构、叠加样式的沉积动力学分析.结合地表露头、钻井岩芯、测井资料的综合研究,运用高分辨率层序地层学理论和技术方法将米仓山-大巴山前陆盆地中侏罗统下沙溪庙组划分为1个长期、2个中期和10余个短期旋回层序;较为详细地讨论了短期、中期和长期旋回层序的结构类型、沉积序列和叠加样式;建立以长期旋回层序界面和最大洪泛面为等时地层格架,以中期旋回层序为等时地层单元的层序地层格架,以及地层格架中生储盖组合特征,认为下沙溪庙组下部具备良好的油气储、盖组合和形成大、中型次生油气藏的务件。  相似文献   
张新虎等人在区域成矿地质背景研究过程中,根据近年区域地质调查新成果,对甘肃省火山岩的时空分布进行梳理,认为甘肃是中国大陆造山带发育的地区之一,火山岩浆活动频繁、强烈,持续时间长。根据火山岩特征,结合同一地域、同一地质时代的侵入岩分布进行甘肃省构造岩浆岩带划分,建立构造岩浆岩省3个,论述了北山、祁连、秦岭构造岩浆带特征。本文重点将甘肃省火山岩岩石构造组合类型划分为2大类,即与稳定陆块有关岩石构造组合和与大陆伸展及后造山有关岩石构造组合,并厘定出7个亚类,建立了与大洋环境有关的岩石构造组合和与洋俯冲有关的岩石构造组合类型。分析了火山作用特征和形成的大地构造环境,对深化认识甘肃区域成矿背景具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Abstract. Medium‐ and large‐scaled skarn Cu‐Au±Mo deposits, e.g. Kelu, Liebu, Chongmuda and Chenba among others, are distributed in Shannan area of the Gangdese Cu‐Au metallogenic belt. Intrusions‐related skarn copper mineralization belongs to high K and calc‐alkaline rock series, located in late collision volcano‐magmatic arc and formed between 20 to 30 Ma. Copper mineralization occurs at exocontact zone of the lower Cretaceous Bima Group carbonate and other calcareous‐bearing sedimentary rocks with intrusions. At present, three main mineralization types are identified, including skarn type, hydrothermal vein type and porphyry type. Mineralizing associations are Cu‐Mo, Cu‐Au and Cu. In ore districts, those mineralization types form an entire porphyry‐skarn Cu‐Au±Mo ore‐forming system. Alterations of the exocontact are mainly skarnization and hornfelsization, while the alterations of the endocontact are mainly sericitization, silicification, and chloritization of intrusion. In the study area, the endoskarn is not well developed. Copper mineralization occurs mainly in the exocontact in the form of stratoid, lenticular and pockety ore body. Veined mineralization can be seen in marblized and hornfelsed siltstone, being away from the contact zone. In the endocontact, the mineralization is mainly veinlet‐like and disseminated. In Shannan area, skarnization can be divided into early skarnization stage and late hydrous silicate stage. The early skarnization stage is featured by mainly andradite and grossular skarn, containing minor diopside, hedenbergite, magnetite and some copper minerals; and the late hydrous silicate stage is of replacement of garnet skarn by chlorite, epidote, quartz and calcite together with sulfides precipitation. The latter is the main stage of copper mineralization. Bornite is the dominant ore mineral associated with minor chalcopyrite and pyrite; and gold as well as silver are distributed in bornite and wittichenite. Results of microthermometry study of fluid inclusions in quartz of late hydrous silicate stage from different deposits show intermediate temperature and low to intermediate‐salinity features for all samples. The dominant inclusion type is composed of two phases, being about 4 to 15 % vapor and 85 to 96 % liquid at room temperature. Homogenization temperatures range from 232 to 335d?C. Salinities have been recorded between 4.2 and 15.5 wt% NaCl equivalent. Boiling fluid inclusions are not identified and it indicates that metal deposition mainly resulted from water‐rock reactions. The results of sulfur isotope analysis indicate that the sulfur isotope values (δ34S 1.29–1.68 %o) of the samples collected from skarns are similar with that from the endocontact (δ34S 1–1.75 %o). Both of them have very close sulfur isotope values (near δ34S 0 %o), which indicate the sulfur of both the skarn type and the porphyry type mineralization was from deep sources. Ages determined on biotite from ore‐bearing intermediate porphyries by Ar‐Ar methods range from 23.77±0.29 to 29.88±0.56 Ma, showing that skarn copper mineralization in the study area evidently is older than the porphyry Cu(‐Mo) mineralization in Gangdese, and likely representing another metallogenic event. The Cu‐Au skarn deposits in the Kelu‐Liebu‐Chongmuda belt are interpreted as the shallow level, skarn‐related deposits in a porphyry‐skarn mineralization. Appearance of porphyry copper mineralization in some skarn deposits implies that skarn copper mineralization of the study area resemble to those in northern sub‐metallogenic belt, having uniform porphyry‐skarn ore‐forming system. Therefore, it is presumed there should be potential to find deep level porphyry‐type Cu‐Au mineralization targets.  相似文献   
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