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Experiments were carried out on granular flows generated by instantaneous release of gas-fluidised, bidisperse mixtures and propagating into a horizontal channel. The mixture consists of fine (< 100 μm) and coarse (> 100 μm) particles of same density, with corresponding grain size ratios of ∼ 2 to 9. Initial fluidisation of the mixture destroys the interparticle frictional contacts, and the flow behaviour then depends on the initial bed packing and on the timescale required to re-establish strong frictional contacts. At a fines mass fraction (α) below that of optimal packing (∼ 40%), the initial mixtures consist of a continuous network of coarse particles with fines in interstitial voids. Strong frictional contacts between the coarse particles are probably rapidly re-established and the flows steadily decelerate. Some internal friction reduction appears to occur as α and the grain size ratio increases, possibly due to particle rolling and the lower roughness of internal shear surfaces. Segregation only occurs at large grain size ratio due to dynamical sieving with fines concentrated at the flow base. In contrast, at α above that for optimal packing, the initial mixtures consist of coarse particles embedded in a matrix of fines. Flow velocities and run-outs are similar to that of the monodisperse fine end-member, thus showing that the coarse particles are transported passively within the matrix whatever their amount and grain size are. These flows propagate at constant height and velocity as inviscid fluid gravity currents, thus suggesting negligible interparticle friction. We have determined a Froude number of 2.61 ± 0.08 consistent with the dam-break model for fluid flows, and with no significant variation as a function of α, the grain size ratio, and the initial bed expansion. Very little segregation occurs, which suggests low intensity particle interactions during flow propagation and that active fluidisation is not taking place. Strong frictional contacts are only re-established in the final stages of emplacement and stop the flow motion. We infer that fines-rich (i.e. matrix-supported) pyroclastic flows propagate as inviscid fluid gravity currents for most of their emplacement, and this is consistent with some field data.  相似文献   
随着表面热离子质谱(TIMS)和多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICP-MS)的广泛应用以及同位素分析方法的改进,近10年来非传统稳定同位素(Cu、Zn、Fe、Se、Mo、Cr、Hg等)的研究得到迅速发展.其中,由于Mo同位素的分馏明显受氧化还原条件的控制,使其在指示古环境及古气候的变化方面有独特的地球化学指示意义.同时,Mo同位素在指示成矿物质来源和海洋Mo循环等方面也取得较大成果.因此,Mo同位素地球化学研究已成为国际地学领域的一个前沿和热点.本文综合前人的研究成果,结合近期自己的工作,论述了Mo同位素地球化学研究领域的一些重要进展,详细介绍了Mo同位素的化学分离、提纯和质谱分析技术,并对其应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   
流变学:构造地质学和地球动力学的支柱学科   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
地球是一动态系统,其各层圈的构造运动归根到底就是多矿物复合岩石在各种物理条件(例如,温度、围压、差应力、应变速率、应变方式等)下和化学环境(例如,氧逸度和水含量)中的形变。流变学作为研究岩石力学性质和变形行为的科学,现已成为地球动力学和构造地质学的支柱学科。本文对国际上近年来岩石流变学的最新进展做些扼要的介绍,呼吁中国固体地学界加强流变学的研究,做出经得起时间淘洗、实践检验的原创性成果来,使中国的构造地质学研究迈进国际先进的行列。  相似文献   
Alluvial fans and fan deltas can, in principle, have exactly the same upstream conditions, but fan deltas by definition have ponding water at their downstream boundary. This ponding creates effects on the autogenic behaviour of fan deltas, such as backwater adaptation, mouth bars and backward sedimentation, whereas alluvial fans may lack these effects. Hence the present authors hypothesize that morphodynamics on alluvial fans are determined primarily by upstream boundary conditions, whereas morphodynamics on fan deltas are determined by both the upstream and the downstream boundary condition and changes therein. To isolate the effects of the upstream and downstream boundaries, five new alluvial fan experiments are compared with the details of three fan deltas published earlier that were formed under very similar and simple conditions. Similar to the fan deltas, the alluvial fans build up by sheet flow, whilst quasi‐regular periods of incision cause temporary channelized flow. Incision is followed by channel backfilling, after which the fan returns to sheet flow. The channelization and backfilling in alluvial fans is markedly less pronounced and more prone to autogenic disturbance than in fan deltas. The difference is caused by morphodynamics at the downstream boundary. In a fan delta, the flow expansion of the channel causes deposition of all the sediment, which forms a mouth bar and causes strong backfilling. In an alluvial fan, on the other hand, the slope break at the fan perimeter causes some deposition, but transport is not reduced to zero. Consequently, the backfilling in alluvial fans is less pronounced than in fan deltas. Other published experiments support this trend: removal of the mouth bar by a river leads to permanent channelization, whilst pronounced mouth‐bar formation in highly channelized deltas promotes backward sedimentation. The experimental results for this study predict that, when alluvial fans prograde into lakes or deep rivers, they transition to fan deltas with increasingly deeper channels and thicker backfill deposits.  相似文献   
冯东  陈多福 《现代地质》2008,22(3):390-396
黑海西北部罗马尼亚大陆架(水深120m)和乌克兰陆坡(水深190m)发育冷泉碳酸盐岩结壳。XRD测试表明此结壳主要由高镁方解石和文石组成。结壳中与渗漏系统微生物活动有关的凝块和葡萄状文石等特殊的沉积组构非常发育。冷泉碳酸盐岩酸可溶部分(碳酸盐岩相矿物)的稀土元素含量很低(0.068×10-6~2.817×10-6),稀土元素页岩标准化配分模式显示罗马尼亚大陆架冷泉碳酸盐岩具有明显的Ce负异常,乌克兰陆坡冷泉碳酸盐岩具Ce的正异常,表明它们是分别在氧化和还原环境中沉积的。稀土元素和V、Cd和U等微量元素的含量在泥晶中最高,亮晶中最低,可能反映成岩过程对元素含量有控制作用。  相似文献   
The Proterozoic (950 Ma) Lyngdal granodiorite of southern Norwaybelongs to a series of hornblende–biotite metaluminousferroan granitoids (HBG suite) coeval with the post-collisionalRogaland Anorthosite–Mangerite–Charnockite (AMC)suite. This granitoid massif shares many geochemical characteristicswith rapakivi granitoids, yet granodiorites dominate over granites.To constrain both crystallization (P, T, fO2, H2O in melt) andmagma generation conditions, we performed crystallization experimentson two samples of the Lyngdal granodiorite (with 60 and 65 wt% SiO2) at 4–2 kbar, mainly at fO2 of NNO (nickel–nickeloxide) to NNO + 1, and under fluid-saturated conditions withvarious H2O–CO2 ratios for each temperature. Comparisonbetween experimental phase equilibria and the mineral assemblagein the Lyngdal granodiorite indicates that it crystallized between4 and 2 kbar, from a magma with 5–6 wt % H2O at an fO2of NNO to NNO + 1. These oxidized and wet conditions sharplycontrast with the dry and reduced conditions inferred for thepetrogenesis of the AMC suite and many other rapakivi granitesworldwide. The high liquidus temperature and H2O content ofthe Lyngdal granodiorite imply that it is not a primary magmaproduced by the partial melting of the crust but is derivedby the fractionation of a mafic magma. Lyngdal-type magmas appearto have volcanic equivalents in the geological record. In particular,our results show that oxidized high-silica rhyolites, such asthe Bishop Tuff, could be derived via fractionation of oxidizedintermediate magmas and do not necessarily represent primarycrustal melts. This study underlines the great variability ofcrystallization conditions (from anhydrous to hydrous and reducedto oxidized) and petrogenetic processes among the metaluminousferroan magmas of intermediate compositions (granodiorites,quartz mangerites, quartz latites), suggesting that there isnot a single model to explain these rocks. KEY WORDS: ferroan granitoids; crystallization conditions; experiments; Norway; Sveconorwegian; Bishop Tuff  相似文献   
介绍了人工冻结法在玄武湖水下交通隧道中的应用方案以及冻结法的施工工艺,分析了采用人工冻结法的特点及优势。  相似文献   
应用人工神经网络方法 ,以航磁数据为样本 ,建立了航磁信息关联的BP人工神经网络模型。对山东省 1∶5 0万航磁水平一阶导数轴向图进行计算机自动关联叠置、提取航磁解释构造轴线的研究。经与垂向二阶导数对比分析 ,证实了该方法给出的模型具有较强的非线性、自适应和学习能力。  相似文献   
湘南骑田岭矿集区是我国重要的有色金属基地之一,具有断裂构造异常发育,存在多期次岩浆活动、多类型矿床和矿种组合的特点。为了揭示深部地壳结构对区域成矿特征的制约,本文布置了穿越黄沙坪铅锌矿床和骑田岭花岗岩体的人工地震剖面,数据采集采用了直线多次叠加的技术方法,采取大炮和小炮相结合的激发方式进行实验工作,共完成物理点651个。实验结果表明,骑田岭矿集区深、中、浅部存在着比较明显的地震构造波组,莫霍面深度约为33~38km;在骑田岭岩体深部存在明显的莫霍面不连续性,呈现出类似于"逆断层"的构造特征和无反射波组或弱波组异常;反射速度反演结果也表明骑田岭岩体深部存在着下凹状低速度异常。这些深部构造特征说明区域存在幔源物质上涌和参与成岩成矿作用的通道,该构造通道可对应于茶陵-郴州-临武深大断裂带,暗示地幔物质的混入可能是湘南骑田岭矿集区发生大规模成矿作用的内在原因之一。而且,莫霍面"逆断层"构造特征显示区域上曾遭受较强烈的构造挤压作用,是区域中生代多次构造挤压作用的体现。这种构造挤压作用致使岩石圈增厚,发生较大规模的拆沉作用和深部岩浆上侵活动,为区域成矿作用提供必要的物质和能量。  相似文献   
基于改进BP网络算法的隧洞围岩分类   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
周翠英  张亮  黄显艺 《地球科学》2005,30(4):480-486
围岩分类对指导地下工程的设计和施工具有非常重要的意义.引入人工神经网络的方法, 进行隧洞围岩分类, 在传统BP算法的基础上, 通过改进学习算法、优化传递函数和网络结构进行神经网络方法优化.采用附加动量法和学习速率自适应调整的策略改进学习算法, 使得当误差大于上临界值时, 则降低学习率, 当误差小于下临界值时, 则适当提高学习率, 这样可加快网络的训练速度, 确保网络的稳定性; 通过引入调整学习率参数, 使得传递过程更加敏感, 加快了传递函数的收敛速度, 提高了训练函数的计算精度; 通过给定隐含层节点模型的取值范围, 对网络结构进行优化, 提高了泛化精度.将改进的BP网络模型应用于广东省东深供水改造工程的隧洞围岩分类中, 分类结果与根据《水工隧洞设计规范(SL279-2002) 》的分类结果完全一致, 表明该方法具有良好的工程实用性.   相似文献   
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