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郭政  姚士谋  吴常艳 《地理科学》2020,40(12):1949-1957
采用空间分析和空间杜宾模型等方法,研究1999—2017年中国工业烟粉尘排放时空演化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:①中国工业烟粉尘排放空间分布差异明显,其排放的基尼系数和污染物分布指数均呈现下降态势,空间集中程度有所缓和。②中国工业烟粉尘排放空间分布呈东北-西南走向,其排放中心不断由东南向西北方向迁移。③中国工业烟粉尘排放存在空间相关性和空间溢出效应,其冷热点区空间分布发生显著变化。④能源消耗、第二产业比重、人口密度和经济发展水平的提升将会增加工业烟粉尘排放,而外资水平、治理技术水平和环境规制力度的提升则有利于减少工业烟粉尘排放。  相似文献   
中国地理与资源期刊集群化服务平台的发展与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
学术期刊的集群发展已经成为国际趋势,国外出版集团稳居科技期刊的霸主地位,中国科技期刊的集群化发展还处于起步阶段。自2006年起,中国地理与资源期刊及其期刊人经过10年持续不断的努力,积极应对国内外期刊发展的机遇与挑战,勇于创新,已经基本形成中国地理与资源期刊集群化服务平台发展的战略构想,并成功地推出了拥有54家加盟期刊并且模块功能完备的集群化服务平台网站(www.geores.com.cn)、统一的在线采编系统、底层数据的结构化、富媒体出版、手机APP与微信服务公众号、数据出版、科研云助手系统、媒体宣传与推广、中国地理与资源权威专家库、中国地理会议服务系统、中国地理编辑出版年会、不定期的专题性期刊沙龙、《中国地理与资源国情快报》政策版与科普版、“具影响力中国地理期刊优秀论文”等14项具有显示度的期刊多元增值产品,事业思路清晰,行动果敢有力,工作扎实有序,集群功能完备,投入产出比高,极大地推动了中国地理与资源期刊由传统纸质出版向富媒体出版、由文献生产者向学科与社会集成型知识服务提供平台的两大根本性转型,这使得中国地理与资源期刊更加掌握了主动,把握了先机,开启了中国地理与资源期刊集群发展的新局面和新时代。  相似文献   
中国半干旱区城镇众多,风沙灾害频发,开展城镇风沙灾害防治研究势在必行。以毛乌素沙地的乌审旗达布察克镇为例,对其周边沙尘源地和植被进行实地调查;在此基础上,结合单项植物、机械沙障防风原理的风洞模拟结果,提出各种沙尘源地亚类防沙治沙措施的合理配置。根据建立半干旱区城镇防沙工程体系的原则以及城镇周边不同下垫面的防沙治沙措施配置,达布察克镇防沙治沙模式可以概括为城镇周边的“三圈模式”。第一圈是以达布察克镇为核心的绿化景观带,这一圈层大致位于达布察克镇以外600~900 m宽度范围内。第二圈层为沙丘(地)封禁与农牧业生产区,包括两个次级圈层:设施农业次级圈层的宽度约为1 km;远郊沙丘(地)封禁与农牧户独立生产次级圈层的范围较大,这一次级圈层的显著特点是大面积用于生态环境建设和保护,小面积用于农牧业生产。第三圈层是沙丘(地)封禁保护圈。该圈层位于乌审旗的西北位置,圈层内主要包括流动、半流动沙丘链以及平坦流沙地,是达布察克镇上风向主要的沙尘源地,应按照防沙治沙原理对其进行封禁与保护。  相似文献   
On crustal corrections in surface wave tomography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mantle models from surface waves rely on good crustal corrections. We investigated how far ray theoretical and finite frequency approximations can predict crustal corrections for fundamental mode surface waves. Using a spectral element method, we calculated synthetic seismograms in transversely isotropic PREM and in the 3-D crustal model Crust2.0 on top of PREM, and measured the corresponding time-shifts as a function of period. We then applied phase corrections to the PREM seismograms using ray theory and finite frequency theory with exact local phase velocity perturbations from Crust2.0 and looked at the residual time-shifts. After crustal corrections, residuals fall within the uncertainty of measured phase velocities for periods longer than 60 and 80 s for Rayleigh and Love waves, respectively. Rayleigh and Love waves are affected in a highly non-linear way by the crustal type. Oceanic crust affects Love waves stronger, while Rayleigh waves change most in continental crust. As a consequence, we find that the imperfect crustal corrections could have a large impact on our inferences of radial anisotropy. If we want to map anisotropy correctly, we should invert simultaneously for mantle and crust. The latter can only be achieved by using perturbation theory from a good 3-D starting model, or implementing full non-linearity from a 1-D starting model.  相似文献   
季节性冻融是干旱区土壤盐碱化形成的主要驱动因子,但冻融过程中土壤水盐耦合关系及热量调控机理仍不清楚。通过分析2009年11月~2010年5月新疆玛纳斯河流域典型盐荒地季节性冻融过程中土壤剖面160 cm以内的水分、盐分和温度动态变化,探讨了不同土层冻融过程中水热盐的耦合关系。结果表明:土壤最大冻结深度为150 cm左右,表土层(0~40 cm)温度与气温关系密切;土壤剖面水分呈现“C”型垂直分布,表土层和底土层(100~160 cm)含水量较大,而心土层(40~100 cm)含水量不足10%,土层平均含水率在冻融前期增加了12.91%,而在初蒸期减少了10.01%;土壤剖面盐分在冻结期和初蒸期表聚作用明显,心土层和底土层含盐量稳定,土壤剖面含盐量表现为“积盐-脱盐-再积盐”的变化过程。水热盐之间具有高度协同性,心土层和底土层表现为水盐相随、而表土层为水去盐留的耦合特征,热量传输是调控水盐运移的关键因素。  相似文献   
1960-2015年青海三江源地区降水时空特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青海三江源地区是中国生态系统最为敏感和脆弱的地区,其降水特别是生长季降水的波动,是影响本区及江河中下游水资源安全、生态系统可持续发展的关键因素。综合线性趋势、Mann-Kendall检验、BG分割算法、R/S、EEMD等多方法细致辨识了1960-2015年研究区降水量序列的时空特征。结果显示:① 三江源降水量总体呈现弱增趋势,21世纪以来降水量显著增加,各子源区气候倾向率不尽相同;② 年、季降水量自东南向西北递减,澜沧江源区夏季降水和黄河源区秋季降水呈弱减趋势,雨量弱减区在空间上呈斑块状分布;③ 年、季降水量年代际变化和增湿率的空间差异较明显,春夏季降水气候倾向率与经纬度、海拔的复相关性显著高于冬季;④ 20世纪90年代中后期,各子源区降水总体显现增强信号,并于2002年前后发生突变;⑤ 年际和低值年代际显著周期是造成降水量变动的主要因素;⑥ 除澜沧江源区夏季降水趋于减少外,其他年、季降水量变化呈现增幅不一的转湿趋势;⑦ 横向比较各子源区可见,长江源区降水变化更能表征高原气候变化。研究结果显示,研究区降水时空序列变化具有明显的区域和季节差异性特征,与以往类似研究存在些许差异,可见为有效提高气候序列演变过程及突变诊断的准确性,仍需进一步融合多方法实施集成分析。  相似文献   

With this paper, I elaborate the use of the movies American History X and Mi Familia in classroom settings to highlight issues of ethnicity and the social construction of identity through families and communities. Taken together, these movies draw attention to racial geographies of Los Angeles but in very different ways. I contrast the ways they involve familial reactions to geographies of exclusion and betrayal, and how racial space is structured through larger community and institutional relations. I speak to how these issues are broached in a large introductory, interdisciplinary class.  相似文献   
为研究真盐生植物矿质营养特征,以北疆荒漠囊果碱蓬群落为对象,通过土壤及植株调查,分析其矿质元素特征。结果显示:(1)囊果碱蓬的生长增加了0~30cm土壤的pH值、水分及盐份含量,并使盐分在土层重新分布。(2)根系相对于土壤,具有优先吸收K+、Mg2+ 养分离子的特点;叶片相对于根系,具有优先运输Cl-、Na+、SO42- 盐分离子的特点,同一离子在吸收和运输的选择不一致,与其在整株的功能相关。(3)Cl-、Na+、SO42- 积累于叶片,含量远大于K+、Mg2+、Ca2+ ,Cl- 和Na+ 可能相伴向上运输,K+、Ca2+、Mg2+ 在根、茎、叶保持基本不变的比例。(4)囊果碱蓬属于SO4 -Cl 盐积累植物,而背景土壤为Cl-SO4 型盐土。  相似文献   
Medicinal plants and fungi play important roles in the health of Maliseet people of northern Maine, USA. A critical aspect of exercising choice in health care for this community is the ability to locate and have access to these plants. Habitat suitability modeling is a form of geospatial technology that can enhance health sovereignty by identifying locations in which populations of medicinal plants can be conserved or established. However, use of this technology within indigenous communities has been limited. Focusing on the medicinal plant muskrat root, Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf., we generate a habitat suitability model for eastern Aroostook County, Maine (1,055,653.659 ha) that also takes community needs into consideration. Drawing on participatory ethnographic data as well as environmental characteristics, our model combines ecological and sociocultural parameters to identify previously unknown populations of A. americanus that are accessible to tribal elders. Our model successfully predicted 95% of A. americanus locations in our field validation data set of ∼71,000 ha. Results suggest that approximately 0.6% of our study area contains suitable habitat to plant muskrat root that could also meet tribal members' gathering needs for the future. Increasing the number of potential collection sites gives communities options for gathering, thereby enhancing health sovereignty. Broadly, our work suggests that, when done in partnership with communities, different forms of geospatial technology can be beneficial tools for efforts to promote health sovereignty.  相似文献   
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