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浙江省粉土、砂土分布广泛,但使用强夯法处理软弱粉土地基鲜见报道。通过某工程降水强夯结构镇石处理软弱粉土地基的试验研究,笔者认为用该方法处理大面积浅层粉土地基可取得良好的效果,具有很好的社会和经济效益。  相似文献   
杨玉贵  赖远明  李双洋  董元宏 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3505-3510
对不同温度和不同围压下的青藏冻结粉土进行了三轴压缩与加卸载试验,得到冻结粉土应力-应变关系曲线、抗压强度等力学参数随温度与围压变化的关系。结果表明,冻结粉土典型应力-应变曲线在低围压下大致可以分为线弹性、峰前塑性变形与峰后软化3个阶段。当? 3 < 3.0 MPa时,应力-应变曲线具有明显的峰后软化现象,随围压的增大,软化现象逐渐减弱,当? 3 达到14 MPa,应变软化现象重新变得明显;冻结粉土的强度与变形模量均随围压的增加先升后降;低围压作用下冻结粉土体积随轴向应变的增加先缩后胀,而高围压下体积变形只有体缩;低围压下冻结粉土体积塑性变形耗散能先是随着体积塑性变形增大而增大,之后由于剪胀而减少,高围压下体积塑性变形耗散能始终增加;剪切塑性变形耗散能与塑性剪应变之间近似成抛物线的关系。  相似文献   
沈扬  闫俊  张朋举  费仲秋 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):118-123
主应力轴方向旋转变化是地基在波浪、车辆等荷载作用下经受的一种复杂而典型动力路径特征,为研究粉土在不同主应力轴方向变换条件下的强度特性差异,以初始密实度为70%的长江入海口饱和粉土空心试样为对象开展主应力轴旋转、拉压交变动三轴和双幅扭剪三轴试验。试验发现,等压固结条件下3种路径均使试样出现小应变崩塌液化破坏,且崩塌应力状态,可在p’-q空间中用近似平行的一组准不稳定相态线归一。而在液化和崩塌振次上,以同剪应力峰值的动扭剪下最高,动三轴次之,主应力轴旋转最低。在此基础上,提出采用崩塌损耗能对不同路径下土体动强度进行评价,结果表明,崩塌损耗能与剪应力幅值无显著关系,而在上述3种动力路径中,试样崩塌损耗能依次降低,这与3种路径下得到崩塌时刻递增的有效围压特征相匹配。崩塌能强度标准的采用,克服了复杂动力路径下由于剪应力恒定或循环变化造成应力水平无法统一而干扰强度评价的不足  相似文献   
沈细中  张惠  赵寿刚 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):525-530
采用淤背方式加固黄河大堤时,河南、山东一期工程堤身多处出现裂缝。目前尚无淤背对堤身影响的定量研究成果,因而放淤固堤的合理施工速率难以确定。淤背体及堤防土体的水分消散过程实际上是非饱和流固耦合问题;淤背分级施工的变水头边界问题,可等效成多级常水头边界问题。采用非饱和渗流分析方法,计算出每级施工后堤防及淤背体的浸润线;将其作为已知边界条件,考虑堤防土体力学特性、排水条件等影响,进行非饱和流固耦合分析,据此提出相应的淤背施工合理速率。研究表明,该模型计算结果与实际情况相符,因而可为黄河标准化堤防工程设计与施工提供理论依据,并可供其它河流治理时参考。  相似文献   
长江河口位于长江三角洲的核心部位,由于区域高强度的城市化,对水运工程及沿岸工程在长江口水土资源的合理开发利用中提出了更高的要求,由于长江口属典型的沙岛型中等潮汐多级分汉河口,入海汊道冲淤多变,洲滩迁移频繁,泥沙运动复杂,径流潮流相互作用及盐水洪水交汇引起流场、河势变化及河床冲淤部位极不稳定。从流域来水来沙条件变化及河口河床演变规律阐明长江口治理开发的迫切性、复杂性和综合性。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2019,2(3):333-341
ontact area are two main ways to raise the productivity of hydrate. An exploitation technique based on large borehole with multi-lateral branches (LB & MB) was proposed in this paper. This technique is mainly intended for the clayey silt hydrate reservoir in the South China Sea, and its main purpose is to alleviate the sand output from formation for maintaining the stability of the reservoir and to greatly increase the gas productivity of the reservoir. In this paper, the following aspects were mainly expounded: definition of the basic geometric parameters for layout of multi-lateral branches in clayey silt hydrate reservoir, simulation of the stimulation effect of a typical well profile with two branches, and prediction and simulation of the reservoir failure risk in a well profile with eight branches. The results show that the LB & MB effectively improves the flow field in the formation, raises the productivity of the reservoir and may also help to decrease the produced water-gas ratio (WGR). When the lateral branches spacing is too small, the failure zones around adjacent lateral branches overlap each other, possibly causing reservoir failure in a larger range. Therefore, the geometric parameters of multi-lateral branches depend on the dual control of the productivity and geotechnical risk factor of reservoir. Further study is being carried out, so as to obtain the optimal combination of parameters of multi-lateral branches.  相似文献   
汤炀  刘干斌  郑明飞  史世雍 《岩土力学》2022,43(Z2):282-290
长期非稳态的桩土热交换使得桩周土温度不断上升,产生热堆积效应,影响桩土换热效率,甚至也可使能源桩系统失效。为此,利用复合相变材料制备了相变混凝土能源桩,并在饱和粉土中开展了相变桩和普通桩热力响应模型试验,对比研究了相变桩的桩周温度分布、桩身应力−应变、桩顶位移和桩身换热效率的变化规律。结果表明:相变桩土热交换方向以径向交换为主,影响区域在2D范围以内,土体温度变化表现出滞后效应;相变桩的桩土温度变化幅度小于普通桩,具有缓解桩周土体热堆积效应的作用;在温度循环过程中,相变桩体累积了不可恢复的塑性应变。经过多次温度循环后,相变桩比普通桩的塑性累积位移更小;在夏季工况相变桩换热功率比普通桩增长约20%,冬季工况两者换热功率基本一致,随着运行时间增加,两者换热效率趋同。  相似文献   
Natural gas hydrates (NGHs) are globally recognized as an important type of strategic alternative energy due to their high combustion efficiency, cleanness, and large amounts of resources. The NGHs reservoirs in the South China Sea (SCS) mainly consist of clayey silts. NGHs reservoirs of this type boast the largest distribution range and the highest percentage of resources among NGHs reservoirs in the world. However, they are more difficult to exploit than sandy reservoirs. The China Geological Survey successfully carried out two NGHs production tests in the Shenhu Area in the northern SCS in 2017 and 2020, setting multiple world records, such as the longest gas production time, the highest total gas production, and the highest average daily gas production, as well as achieving a series of innovative theoretical results. As suggested by the in-depth research on the two production tests, key factors that restrict the gas production efficiency of hydrate dissociation include reservoir structure characterization, hydrate phase transition, multiphase seepage and permeability enhancement, and the simulation and regulation of production capacity, among which the hydrate phase transition and seepage mechanism are crucial. Study results reveal that the hydrate phase transition in the SCS is characterized by low dissociation temperature, is prone to produce secondary hydrates in the reservoirs, and is a complex process under the combined effects of the seepage, stress, temperature, and chemical fields. The multiphase seepage is controlled by multiple factors such as the physical properties of unconsolidated reservoirs, the hydrate phase transition, and exploitation methods and is characterized by strong methane adsorption, abrupt changes in absolute permeability, and the weak flow capacity of gas. To ensure the long-term, stable, and efficient NGHs exploitation in the SCS, it is necessary to further enhance the reservoir seepage capacity and increase gas production through secondary reservoir stimulation based on initial reservoir stimulation. With the constant progress in the NGHs industrialization, great efforts should be made to tackle the difficulties, such as determining the micro-change in temperature and pressure, the response mechanisms of material-energy exchange, the methods for efficient NGHs dissociation, and the boundary conditions for the formation of secondary hydrates in the large-scale, long-term gas production.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
Stress–strain modeling of sand–silt mixtures is important in the analysis and design of earth structures. In this paper, we develop a stress–strain model that can predict the behavior of sand–silt mixtures with any amount of fines content. This model is based on a micromechanics approach, which involves mean‐field assumptions. For the mixtures with low amount of fines, the mechanical behavior is dominated by sand grains network. On the other hand, for the mixtures with high amount of fines, the mechanical behavior is dominated by silt grains network. Using this concept of dominant grains network, the behavior of mixtures with any amount of fines can be predicted from knowing the behavior of sand and silt, alone. We also modeled the critical state friction angle, critical state void ratio, and elastic stiffness for the mixtures as a function of fines content. The applicability of this developed stress–strain model is shown by comparing the simulated and measured results for two different types of sand–silt mixtures with full range of fines content. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
金沙江中游云南龙街粉砂层沉积环境演化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沿金沙江攀枝花三堆子至武定县白马口段河谷两岸分布一套以灰黑色、灰黄色、灰白色粉砂、粘土质粉砂和粘土为主的湖相地层,尤以云南省元谋县龙街盆地内最为发育,被称为龙街粉砂层。通过龙街YA钻孔和龙街、白泥湾剖面的磁性地层学和光释光年代学的研究,探讨龙街粉砂层的时代与归属。龙街YA钻孔地层厚度101.18m,其中龙街粉砂层厚92.96m,上覆7.5m的红棕色细砂和砂砾石层,下伏厚度大于0.72m的灰绿色含角砾粗砂。综合分析YA钻孔的磁性地层学和光释光年龄,认为获取龙街粉砂层的沉积时代为150~30ka BP,属于晚更新世。通过地层沉积特征变化,反演晚更新世以来湖泊的形成及沉积环境变化,探讨晚更新世以来区域新构造的活动阶段及其对河流演化过程的控制作用。  相似文献   
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