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A statistical analysis of the peak acceleration demands for nonstructural components (NSCs) supported on a variety of stiff and flexible inelastic regular moment‐resisting frame structures with periods from 0.3 to 3.0 s exposed to 40 far‐field ground motions is presented. Peak component acceleration (PCA) demands were quantified based on the floor response spectrum (FRS) method without considering dynamic interaction effects. This study evaluated the main factors that influence the amplification or decrease of FRS values caused by inelasticity in the primary structure in three distinct spectral regions namely long‐period, fundamental‐period, and short‐period region. The amplification or decrease of peak elastic acceleration demands depends on the location of the NSC in the supporting structure, periods of the component and building, damping ratio of the component, and level of inelasticity of the supporting structure. While FRS values at the initial modal periods of the supporting structure are reduced due to inelastic action in the primary structure, the region between the modal periods experiences an increase in PCA demands. A parameter denoted as acceleration response modification factor (Racc) was proposed to quantify this reduction/increase in PCA demands. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A method is presented to quantify the inelastic seismic resistance of reinforced concrete stack-like structures by non-linear earthquake analysis. The deformed configuration of stack is idealized as an assemblage of beam elements and actual stress–strain relationships of concrete and reinforcing steel are used to evaluate element matrices. Repeated non-linear analyses are performed by gradually increasing the intensity of acceleration time histories to a level where collapse of the stack is observed in primary stresses. The set of time histories thus obtained are then used to define the ultimate intensity of ground motion that the stack can sustain if inelastic deformations are permitted. A procedure is presented to quantify the difference between inelastic seismic resistance and elastic seismic resistance in terms of displacement ductility capacity factors. For seismic design using available inelastic resistance, values of curvature ductility factor demand for the cross-sections of stacks are also presented. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黑北公路冻土路基设计原则及病害特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
依据位于小兴安岭地区的黑北公路沿线退化多年冻土特征,以及地质、水文、气候等工程环境条件,分析了黑北公路路基可能会发生的病害和发展过程,提出了适合于黑经公路的路基设计与病害防治措施,以便比选与优化退化型多年冻土地区的路基稳定性设计原则及结构形式,同时在路基设计形式和病害处理上提出了一些初步设想和建议。  相似文献   
高分三号卫星总体设计与关键技术   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
张庆君 《测绘学报》2017,46(3):269-277
高分三号(GF-3)卫星作为我国首颗自主研制的C频段多极化SAR卫星,突破了多项关键技术。卫星在明确SAR载荷的体制和基本配置的基础上,围绕SAR载荷的需求开展卫星平台适应能力的分析以及载荷与平台之间的匹配性研究,形成了一系列卫星特点和技术创新点,主要技术指标达到或超过国际同类卫星水平。  相似文献   
认述了CFG24型桩机的设计原则,整机结构及工作原理,对该桩机的设计特点进行了重点介绍。  相似文献   
吴晓东 《福建地质》2014,33(4):293-299
根据福建沿海湄洲湾、江阴、可门3条支线港口铁路的工程地质条件、水文地质特征,综合分析认为在工程施工过程中局部出现不良地质现象,主要有软土、块石填土、不均匀地基、地下水的腐蚀性等.总结在施工过程中因工程地质问题导致的设计变更及处理措施.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to describe the lessons learned and actions that have been taken related to the seismic design of bridge structures after the Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake. Much variable near-fault ground motion data was collected from the rupture of Chelungpu fault during the Chi-Chi earthquake, allowing the seismic response of bridge structures subjected to these near-fault ground motions to be carefully examined. To study the near-fault ground motion effect on bridge seismic design codes, a two-level seismic design of bridge structures was developed and implemented. This design code reflects the near-fault factors in the seismic design forces. Finally, a risk assessment methodology, based on bridge vulnerability, is also developed to assist in decisions for reducing seismic risk due to failure of bridges. Director of Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering. Supported by: the Science Council, Chinese Taipei, under grant no. SC 90-2211-E-002-028.  相似文献   
联合国教科文组织创意城市网络“设计之都”神户市在日本率先明确将城市设计运用于创意城市建设,提出涵盖外观形状和颜色设计以及计划与制度体系、意图与思维方式的“大设计”概念,并在此基础上制定了以建设优裕的创意城市为目标的城市发展规划,提出城市发展的方向是建设“高质量生活”,以安全、安心、健康为基础,以多样性交流与融合创造新价值为特征的创意城市.“设计之都”是创意城市建设的步骤之一,其特征是充分利用神户的优势资源,进行空间的设计、经济的设计和文化的设计.  相似文献   
简要阐述了水泥粉喷桩设计要求、施工工艺、效果检测,对地基承载力的影响,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
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