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The results of deep reflection profiling studies carried out across the palaeo-meso-Proterozoic Delhi Fold Belt (DFB) and the Archaean Bhilwara Gneissic Complex (BGC) in the northwest Indian platform are discussed in this paper. This region is a zone of Proterozoic collision. The collision appears to be responsible for listric faults in the upper crust, which represent the boundaries of the Delhi exposures. In these blocks the lower crust appears to lie NW of the respective surface exposures and the reflectivity pattern does not correspond to the exposed blocks. A fairly reflective lower crust northwest of the DFB exposures appears to be the downward continuation of the DFB upper crust. The poorly reflective lower crust under the exposed DFB may be the westward extension of the BGC upper crust at depth. Thus, the lower crust in this region can be divided into the fairly reflective Marwar Basin (MB)-DFB crust and a poorly reflective BGC crust. Vertically oriented igneous intrusions may have disturbed the lamellar lower-crustal structure of the BGC, resulting in a dome-shaped poorly reflective lower crust whose base, not traceable in the reflection data, may have a maximum depth of about 50 km, as indicated by the gravity modelling.
The DFB appears to be a zone of thick (45-50 km) crust where the lower crust has doubled in width. This has resulted in three Moho reflection bands, two of which are dipping SE from 12.5 to 15.0 s two-way time (TWT) and from 14.5 to 16.0 s TWT. Another band of subhorizontal Moho reflections, at ≈ 12.5 s TWT, may have developed during the crustal perturbations related to a post-Delhi tectonic orogeny. The signatures of the Proterozoic collision, in the form of strong SE-dipping reflections in the lower crust and Moho, have been preserved in the DFB, indicating that the crust here has not undergone any significant ductile deformation since at least after the Delhi rifting event.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONE丑dhquMes re the result ofsuddenfauting In the ea耐h crust;It Is an expression dstructurafrllust劝ilityinthe ealth.China Is a re9on with active Intraplatefauting and Intn叩late ellhqu吐es.Many resea。hers have studied the genesis and mechanism ofealthop业es In China and neighboringegions fom the vlemplnt Of continental geology(Ma et al,1986;Ding et al,1991;Luo,1979;Zhang,1979;Zhang,1979;Wang et al,1979;Zhang et al,1994).The。search results showthatsome certain relat…  相似文献   
武夷山新元古代蛇绿混杂岩岩石地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
王淼  舒良树 《中国地质》2007,34(4):572-583
岩石地球化学研究表明,华南造山带东段武夷山新元古代蛇绿混杂岩中的玄武岩和安山岩可以分为两种类型:一种为拉斑玄武岩类,TiO2含量为2.26%~2.59%(平均2.43%),轻稀土元素比重稀土元素富集,(La)N/(Yb)N=6.4~9.4(平均7.8),相对富集Nb、Ta和Ti,微量元素特征类似于洋岛玄武岩;另一种岩石属于钙碱系列,TiO2含量为0.69%~0.93%(平均0.83%),表现为轻稀土元素富集,(La)N/(Yb)N=4.2~12.6(平均8.4),略显Eu负异常,并以低Nb、Ta、Ti等元素为特征,富集Ba、Rb、Th、K等大离子亲石元素,具有岛弧玄武岩的特征,属于俯冲作用的产物。蛇绿混杂岩中这两类岩石共生,记录了扬子地块和华夏地块之间古大洋消减闭合和弧-弧碰撞拼贴的历史。  相似文献   
川滇地区地壳上地幔三维速度结构研究   总被引:95,自引:22,他引:95  
根据云南和四川地震台网174个台站记录的4625个区域地震初至P波和S波走时资料,并结合其它深部地球物理资料,确定了川滇地区地壳上地幔三维速度结构.在上地壳速度异常分布中,四川盆地为正异常,川西高原为负异常,龙门山断裂带为正、负异常的边界.龙门山断裂、鲜水河断裂以及红河断裂等,在下地壳和上地幔的速度异常中仍显示出构造分界特征,说明它们可能穿透了莫霍界面.腾冲火山区和攀西构造带在50km深度上呈现负速度异常,与上地幔温度和物质组成的差异相联系.川滇地区地壳结构的总体特征是:地壳和上地幔的低平均速度,地壳厚度变化剧烈,地壳和(或)上地幔存在高导层、高热流值.这些同印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的构造背景有关.川滇菱形块体在地壳内总体上为正常或正异常速度,而其边界的深大走滑断裂存在负速度异常,它有助于地壳块体沿断裂的侧向挤出.在主要的地震带上,中下地壳的负速度异常与地震活动性相关.多数强烈地震发生在具有正速度异常或正常速度分布的上中地壳深度上,而其下方则通常是负速度异常带.   相似文献   
埃达克岩是一种新型的火成岩(Sr/Y值≥20),形成于环太平洋带的大洋岛弧、大陆边缘造山带和陆缘火山弧环境,依据REE配分模式可将其划分为两种成因类型:大洋型(O-型)埃达克岩和大陆型(C-型)埃达克岩。西南太平洋带是世界上新生代埃达克岩和类埃达克岩广泛分布的地区之一。这些中酸性岩浆岩广泛分布于东南亚地区的菲律宾群岛、苏拉威西和加里曼丹中部、印度尼西亚几内亚岛和巴布亚新几内亚至所罗门群岛一带,零星见于班达岛弧、苏门答腊和西爪哇等地。研究结果表明:不同成因类型的埃达克岩具有不同的含矿性,反映各自来源于不同的岩浆岩源区。无论在西南太平洋带还是东太平洋带(智利),C-型埃达克岩(La/Yb值≥12)是俯冲板块的部分熔融作用叠加岩浆上侵过程中MASH(熔融-混染-储存-均一化)和AFC(混染-分异-结晶)作用的产物,与世界级斑岩铜-金矿床共生;而O-型埃达克岩(La/Yb比值≤12)则与俯冲的海洋平缓板块部分熔融作用有关,在西南太平洋带主要与浅成热泉金矿带和喷气型矿床有成因联系。  相似文献   
The Himalayan range is one of the best documented continent-collisional belts and provides a natural laboratory for studying subduction processes. High-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure rocks with origins in a variety of protoliths occur in various settings: accretionary wedge, oceanic subduction zone, subducted continental margin and continental collisional zone. Ages and locations of these high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure rocks along the Himalayan belt allow us to evaluate the evolution of this major convergent zone.

(1) Cretaceous (80–100 Ma) blueschists and possibly amphibolites in the Indus Tsangpo Suture zone represent an accretionary wedge developed during the northward subduction of the Tethys Ocean beneath the Asian margin. Their exhumation occurred during the subduction of the Tethys prior to the collision between the Indian and Asian continents.

(2) Eclogitic rocks with unknown age are reported at one location in the Indus Tsangpo Suture zone, east of the Nanga Parbat syntaxis. They may represent subducted Tethyan oceanic lithosphere.

(3) Ultrahigh-pressure rocks on both sides of the western syntaxis (Kaghan and Tso Morari massifs) formed during the early stage of subduction/exhumation of the Indian northern margin at the time of the Paleocene–Eocene boundary.

(4) Granulitized eclogites in the Lesser Himalaya Sequence in southern Tibet formed during the Paleogene underthrusting of the Indian margin beneath southern Tibet, and were exhumed in the Miocene.

These metamorphic rocks provide important constraints on the geometry and evolution of the India–Asia convergent zone during the closure of the Tethys Ocean. The timing of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Tso Morari massif indicates that the initial contact between the Indian and Asian continents likely occurred in the western syntaxis at 57 ± 1 Ma. West of the western syntaxis, the Higher Himalayan Crystallines were thinned. Rocks equivalent to the Lesser Himalayan Sequence are present north of the Main Central Thrust. Moreover, the pressure metamorphism in the Kaghan massif in the western part of the syntaxis took place later, 7 m.y. after the metamorphism in the eastern part, suggesting that the geometry of the initial contact between the Indian and Asian continents was not linear. The northern edge of the Indian continent in the western part was 300 to 350 km farther south than the area east of the Nanga Parbat syntaxis. Such “en baionnette” geometry is probably produced by north-trending transform faults that initially formed during the Late Paleozoic to Cretaceous Gondwana rifting. Farther east in the southern Tibet, the collision occurred before 50.6 ± 0.2 Ma. Finally, high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure rocks in the western Himalaya formed and exhumed in steep subduction compared to what is now shown in tomographic images and seismologic data.  相似文献   

吐木休克断裂位于塔里木盆地西部,巴楚隆起和阿瓦提凹陷之间,是一条大型基底卷入型冲断构造。走向NW‐SE,呈弧形向NEE凸出;倾向巴楚隆起。根据构造变形特征,断裂自NW向SE可以划分为4段。Ⅰ和Ⅲ段为简单基底卷入型冲断构造段;Ⅱ段发育背冲断层,与主干断层呈“y”字型剖面组合关系;Ⅳ段为基底卷入型楔状构造,主冲断层顶部出现一条向巴楚隆起逆冲的反冲断层。断裂上盘发育背斜,下盘有明显的“牵引构造”,显示吐木休克断裂可能是由吐木休克背斜北翼突破形成的,是一条褶皱相关断层。吐木休克断裂形成于中新世晚期至上新世初,持续演化至第四纪。断裂带上发育的上新世末—第四纪初正断层代表印度—亚洲碰撞脉动式远程效应的一个构造间歇期。吐木休克断裂东侧的巴东断裂是巴楚隆起与塔中隆起的过渡构造带,雏形形成于奥陶纪晚期—志留纪,晚新生代复活。  相似文献   
Unravelling early Cenozoic basin development in northern Tibetan Plateau remains crucial to understanding continental deformation mechanisms and to assessing models of plateau growth. We target coarse-grained red beds from the Cenozoic basal Lulehe Formation in the Qaidam basin by combining conglomerate clast compositions, paleocurrent determinations, sandstone petrography, heavy mineral analysis and detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology to characterize sediment provenance and the relationship between deformation and deposition. The red beds are dominated by matrix-supported, poorly sorted clastic rocks, implying low compositional and textural maturity and short transport distances. Although most sandstones have high (meta)sedimentary lithic fragment contents and abundant heavy minerals of metamorphic origin (e.g., garnet, epidote and chlorite), spatiotemporal differences in detrital compositions are evident. Detrital zircon grains mainly have Phanerozoic ages (210–280 Ma and 390–480 Ma), but Proterozoic ages (750–1000 Ma, 1700–2000 Ma and 2300–2500 Ma) are also prominent in some samples. Analysed strata display dissimilar (including south-, north- and west-directed) paleocurrent orientations. These results demonstrate that the Cenozoic basal deposits were derived from localized, spatially diverse sources with small drainage networks. We advocate that initial sedimentary filling in the northern Qaidam basin was fed by parent-rocks from the North Qaidam-South Qilian belts and the pre-Cenozoic basement within the Qaidam terrane interior, rather than southern distant Eastern Kunlun regions. Seismic and drilling well stratigraphic data indicate the presence of paleohighs and syn-sedimentary reverse faults and noteworthy diversity in sediment thickness of the Lulehe Formation, revealing that the Qaidam terrane exhibited as several isolated depocenters, rather than a coherent basin, in the early stage of the Cenozoic deposition. We suggest the Cenozoic Qaidam basin to have developed in a contractional deformation regime, which supports models with synchronous deformation throughout most of Tibet shortly after the India-Eurasia collision.  相似文献   
拉萨地块林周盆地白垩系红层的古地磁数据一直都有较大争议.过去认为磁倾角变浅可能是造成这些分歧的主要原因.我们在林周盆地设兴组背斜两翼进行了系统的古地磁采样,15个采样点的特征剩磁分量在倾斜校正和倾伏褶皱校正后平均方向为D=339.3°,I=22.9°(α_(95)=5.1°).特征剩磁分量在大约69%展开时获得最大集中,表明其为同褶皱重磁化;此时平均方向为D=339.1°,I=27.3°(α_(95)=4.1°),对应的古地磁极为65.4°N,327.5°E(A_(95)=3.5°),参考点29.3°N/88.5°E的古纬度为15.0°N±3.5°.薄片镜下分析显示赤铁矿为次生矿物,岩石磁组构(AMS)也表现为过渡型构造变形组构.样品的特征剩磁方向应为重磁化的结果,E/I(elongation vs inclination)校正法显示特征剩磁方向并没有发生倾角变浅.根据区域构造,重磁化时代约为72.4±1.8 Ma到64.4±0.6 Ma.综合考虑拉萨地块东西部的古地磁数据以及地震层析成像资料后我们认为,碰撞前拉萨地块大约呈NW-SE向准线性分布,并处于~10°N-15.0°N;自~70 Ma以来,拉萨地块与稳定欧亚大陆之间至少存在1200±400 km(11.1°±3.5°)的南北向构造缩短量;印度大陆与欧亚大陆的碰撞不应晚于55 Ma.  相似文献   
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