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Geochemical and petrological studies of the well-preserved greywacke horizon of the ‘Middle Aravalli Group’ were carried out to constrain the early evolution of the Aravalli basin. Petrological and geochemical attributes of Middle Aravalli greywackes (MAGs) such as very poor sorting, high angularity of framework grains, presence of fresh plagioclase and K-feldspars, variable Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) index (46.7–74.5, avg. 61), and high Index of Compositional Variability (ICV) value (~1.05) suggest rapid physical erosion accompanying an active tectonic regime. The sediments record post-depositional K-metasomatism and extraneous addition of 0–25% (avg. ~10%) K is indicated. Assuming close system behaviour of immobile elements during sedimentation, various diagnostic element ratios such as Th/Sc, La/Sc, Zr/Sc, and Co/Th, Eu anomaly and rare earth element patterns of MAG suggest that the Archaean Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) basement was not the major source of sediments. In conjunction with the dominant 1.8–1.6 Ga detrital zircon age peaks of Middle Aravalli clastic rocks, these data rather indicate that the sediments were derived from a young differentiated continental margin-type arc of andesite–dacite–rhyodacite composition. A highly fractionated mid-oceanic-ridge-basalt-normalized trace element pattern of MAGs, with characteristic enrichment of large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs), depletion of heavy rare earth elements, negative Nb-Ta, Ti and P anomalies, positive Pb anomaly, and distinctive Nb/Ta, Zr/Sm, Th/Yb, and Ta/Yb, Ce/Pb ratios envelop the composition of modern continental arc magmas (andesite–dacite) of the Andes, suggesting a subduction zone tectonic setting for precursor magma. High magnitude of LILE enrichment and high Th/Yb ratios in these sediments indicate that thick continental crust (~70 km) underlay the ‘Middle Aravalli’ continental arc, similar to the Central Volcanic Zone of the modern Andes. We propose that eastward subduction of Delwara oceanic crust beneath the BGC continent led to the formation of a continental volcanic arc, which supplied detritus to the forearc basin situated to the west. This model also explains the opening of linear ensialic basins in the Bhilwara terrain, such as in Rajpura–Dariba and Rampura–Agucha in a classical back-arc extension regime, similar to the Andean continental margin of the Mesozoic. On the basis of the recent 207Pb/206Pb detrital zircon age of Middle Aravalli sediment, a time frame between 1772 and 1586 Ma can be assigned for Middle Aravalli continental arc magmatism.  相似文献   
喀喇昆仑山北坡明铁盖地区早二叠世的基性火山岩岩石化学和地球化学特征表明,它是一种既具有在硅铝质基底上扩张的洋脊玄武岩性质,又具有钙碱性岛弧拉斑玄武岩特点的弧后盆地火山岩。这一弧后盆地的形成与沿西金乌兰湖—空喀山口至乔戈里峰一线的古特提斯洋盆的扩张及向北俯冲、消减相联系,构成了塔里木板块南部晚古生代活动大陆边缘。  相似文献   
地理信息技术在地籍管理系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
徐世武 《地球科学》1998,23(4):424-426
利用地理信息技术实现图形数据与属性数据完美的结合,维持图形数据和属性数据的一致,可以使建立在其之上的地籍管理系统使用方便、操作直观、快速准确.  相似文献   
The arc-front volcanoes of Sumisu (31·5°N, 140°E)and Torishima (30·5°N, 140·3°E) in thecentral Izu–Bonin arc are similar in size and rise asrelatively isolated edifices from the seafloor. Together theyprovide valuable along-arc information about magma generationprocesses. The volcanoes have erupted low-K basalts originatingfrom both wet and dry parental basaltic magmas (low-Zr basaltsand high-Zr basalts, respectively). Based on models involvingfluid-immobile incompatible element ratios (La/Sm), the parentalbasalts appear to result from different degrees of partial meltingof the same source mantle (20% and 10% for wet and dry basaltmagmas, respectively). Assuming that the wet basalts containgreater abundances of slab-derived components than their drycounterparts, geochemical comparison of these two basalt typespermits the identification of the specific elements involvedin fluid transport from the subducting slab. Using an extensiveset of new geochemical data from Torishima, where the top ofthe downgoing slab is about 100 km deep, we find that Cs, Pb,and Sr are variably enriched in the low-Zr basalts, which cannotbe accounted for by fractional crystallization or by differencesin the degree of mantle melting. These elements are interpretedto be selectively concentrated in slab-derived metasomatic fluids.Variations in K, high field strength element and rare earthelement concentrations are readily explained by variations inthe degree of melting between the low- and high-Zr basalts;these elements are not contained in the slab-derived fluids.Rb and Ba exhibit variable behaviour in the low-Zr basalts,ranging from immobile, similar to K, to mildly enriched in somelow-Zr basalts. We suggest that the K-rich mica, phengite, playsan important role in determining the composition of fluids releasedfrom the downgoing slab. In arc-front settings, where slab depthis 100 km, phengite is stable, and the fluids released fromthe slab contain little K. In back-arc settings, however, wherethe slab is at 100–140 km depth, phengite is unstable,and K-rich fluids are released. We conclude that cross-arc variationsin the K content of arc basalts are probably related to differingcompositions of released fluids or melts rather than the widelyheld view that such variations are controlled by the degreeof partial melting. KEY WORDS: arc volcano; degrees of melting; mantle wedge; water; wet and dry basalts  相似文献   
The Nanyuan Formation contains information related to the Mesozoic tectonic transformation. In this study, three representative profiles were surveyed from the Nanyuan Formation, and multiple analyses were conducted. Zircon U-Pb dating yielded their ages as approximately 158–146 Ma. The volcanic rocks are enriched in Rb, Th, U, K, and Pb and depleted in Nb, Ta, P, and Ti, implying their affinity for I-type granites. The εNd(t) values(-8.3 to-6.0),(87Sr/86Sr)...  相似文献   
Deep-water gravity depositional processes and evolution in arc systems have become topics of intense research focus in recent years. This study discusses the co-evolution of volcanism and deep-water gravity flow deposits at the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, based on petrology, geochronology and geochemical analyses. The results show that a massive collapse of unstable sediments from the slope was triggered by volcanism, resulting in the formation of slumping gravity flows. The occurrence...  相似文献   
南冈底斯岩浆岩带出露的一套早—中侏罗世火山-沉积建造经历了多期构造变形,致使这套火山-沉积层序发生了强烈的面理置换,形成了典型的构造-岩石地层。依据造山带地层划分方法将叶巴火山弧厘定为叶巴岩群,并根据内部岩性组合特征和构造变形特征将其进一步划分为邦堆岩组、叶巴岩组、甲玛岩组。运用构造解析原理划分了3期构造变形事件。第一期构造变形为脆-韧性剪切变形,剪切方式为纯剪占优的一般剪切变形,透入性面理S1普遍置换层理S0(S1∥S0),伴生倾伏向85°~100°陡倾的拉伸线理,运动学指示顶面朝西运动,存在左行和右行两个方向的剪切旋转碎斑共存的现象;EBSD实验结果显示变形的温度≤380 ℃,石英颗粒细粒化明显,重结晶方式为亚颗粒旋转重结晶;40Ar-39Ar年代学结果表明该期构造变形时代约为79 Ma,其可能代表新特提斯洋板片低角度(平板式)俯冲引起在弧后挤压背景下形成的挤出构造。第二期构造变形表现为S1面理发生纵弯褶皱变形形成的轴面劈理S2,轴面产状倾向北或南,倾角40°~70°,枢纽向西或北西西倾伏;结合区域地质演化特征,认为其可能是在晚白垩世(79~68 Ma)南北向持续的挤压应力条件下,南冈底斯弧后盆地整体向上挤出,引发上地壳缩短、加厚进而导致褶皱作用的发生。第三期主要为浅层次膝折构造和近东西向正断层,最大主压应力方向为铅直向,最小主压应力方向(伸展方向)为近南北向;结合区域构造演化特征,认为该期变形可能代表渐新世末—中新世初期(23.74~21.1 Ma),印度岩石圈或青藏高原岩石圈或两者组合的拆沉作用引起冈底斯岩基隆升(主要动力学机制)和GCT活动并共同作用导致近南北向伸展滑覆事件发生。  相似文献   
台湾造山带是中新世晚期以来相邻菲律宾海板块往北西方向移动,导致北吕宋岛弧系统及弧前增生楔与欧亚大陆边缘斜碰撞形成的。目前该造山带仍在活动,虽然规模很小,但形成了多数大型碰撞造山带中的所有构造单元,是研究年轻造山系统的理想野外实验室,为理解西太平洋弧-陆碰撞过程和边缘海演化提供了一个独特的窗口。本文总结了二十一世纪以来对台湾造山带的诸多研究进展,讨论了其构造单元划分及演化过程。我们将台湾造山带重新划分为6个构造单元,由西至东分依次为:(1)西部前陆盆地;(2)中央山脉褶皱逆冲带;(3)太鲁阁带;(4)玉里-利吉蛇绿混杂岩带;(5)纵谷磨拉石盆地;(6)海岸山脉岛弧系统。其中,西部前陆盆地为6.5Ma以来伴随台湾造山带的隆升剥蚀形成沉积盆地。中央山脉褶皱逆冲带为新生代(57~5.3Ma)欧亚大陆东缘伸展盆地沉积物由于弧-陆碰撞受褶皱、逆冲及变质作用改造形成的。太鲁阁带是造山带中的古老陆块,主要记录中生代古太平洋俯冲在欧亚大陆活动边缘形成的岩浆、沉积和变质岩作用。玉里-利吉蛇绿混杂岩带和海岸山脉岛弧系统分别为中新世中期(~18Ma)以来南中国海板块向菲律宾海板块之下俯冲形成的岛弧和弧前增生楔,其中玉里混杂岩中有典型低温高压变质作用记录,变质年龄为11~9Ma;岛弧火山作用的主要时限为9.2~4.2Ma。纵谷磨拉石盆地记录1.1Ma以来的山间盆地沉积。台湾造山带的构造演化可划分为4个阶段:(a)古太平洋板块俯冲与欧亚大陆边缘增生阶段(200~60Ma);(b)欧亚大陆东缘伸展和南中国海扩张阶段(60~18Ma);(c)南中国海俯冲阶段(18~4Ma);(d)弧-陆碰撞阶段(<6Ma)。台湾弧-陆碰撞造山带是一个特殊案例,其弧-陆碰撞并不伴随着弧-陆之间的洋盆消亡,而是由于北吕宋岛弧及弧前增生楔伴随菲律宾海板块运动向西北方走滑,仰冲到欧亚大陆边缘,形成现今的台湾造山带。  相似文献   
马星华  陈斌  王超  鄢雪龙 《岩石学报》2015,31(1):89-104
新疆哈尔里克造山带的形成时间(早古生代/晚古生代)及其构造属性(岛弧/弧后盆地)一直是有争议的问题。本文选择位于哈尔里克带内的奥尔达乌台克侵入体,对其成因及所揭示的地质意义进行了探讨。奥尔达乌台克岩体由一套成份连续的岩石组合构成,包括辉长岩、辉长闪长岩、闪长岩和花岗闪长岩。对闪长岩及其内部暗色包体进行的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示两者同时形成于~450Ma,为晚奥陶世岩浆活动的产物。岩石学和地球化学证据反映奥尔达乌台克岩体普遍具有富H2O、高fO2的湿岩浆性质,富集LREE、Sr、Ba等大离子亲石元素(LILE)而亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素(HFSE),与典型的岛弧岩浆岩类似。高放射成因Nd(εNd(t)=+4.4~+5.9)和低初始Sr(0.7032~0.7044)同位素组成表明偏基性的岩浆很可能起源于年轻的俯冲带岩石圈地幔,生成的镁铁质岩浆一部分与壳源长英质熔体发生混合形成各类岩浆,另一部分则是经历演化后(分离结晶)直接添加到地壳中。因此,壳幔岩浆混合作用和幔源物质的直接加入是古亚洲洋俯冲阶段陆壳增生的两种主要方式。Sr-Nd同位素模拟排除了区内存在古老前寒武纪陆壳的可能,陆壳主体应该是年轻的古生代大洋岛弧和洋壳。哈尔里克早古生代岛弧的确立改变了该带是泥盆纪岛弧或弧后盆地的原有认识,将古亚洲洋俯冲作用的时间追溯至奥陶纪。  相似文献   
Precise in situ zircon U-Pb dating and Lu–Hf isotopic measurement using an LA-ICP-MS system, whole-rock major and trace element geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope geochemistry were conducted on the volcanic host rocks of the Tongyu copper deposit on the basis of further understanding of its geological characteristics. Three zircon samples from the volcanic host rocks yielded 206Pb/238 U weighted average ages ranging from 436±4 Ma to 440±5 Ma, which are statistically indistinguishable and coeval with the ca. 440 Ma northward subduction event of the Paleo-Qinling oceanic slab. The volcanic host rocks were products of magmatic differentiation that evolved from basalt to andesite to dacite to rhyolite, forming an integrated tholeiitic island arc volcanic rock suite. The primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns for most samples show characteristics of island arc volcanic rocks, such as relative enrichment of LILE(e.g. Th, U, Pb and La) and depletion of HFSE(e.g. Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr and Hf). Discrimination diagrams of Ta/Yb vs Th/Yb, Ta vs Th, Yb vs Th/Ta, Ta/Hf vs Th/Hf, Hf/3 vs Th vs Nb/16, La vs La/Nb and Nb vs Nb/Th all suggest that both the volcanic host rocks from the Tongyu copper deposit and the volcanic rocks from the regional Xieyuguan Group were formed in an island arc environment related to subduction of an oceanic slab. Values of ISr(0.703457 to 0.708218) and εNd(t)(-2 to 5.8) indicate that the source materials of volcanic rocks from the Tongyu copper deposit and the Xieyuguan Group originated from the metasomatised mantle wedge with possible crustal material assimilation. Most of the volcanic rock samples show good agreement with the values of typical island arc volcanic rocks in the ISr-εNd(t) diagram. The involvement of crustal-derived material in the magma of the volcanic rocks from the Tongyu copper deposit was also reflected in the zircon εHf(t) values, which range from-3.08 to 10.7, and the existence of inherited ancient xenocrystic zircon cores(2616±39 Ma and 1297±22 Ma). The mineralization of the Tongyu copper deposit shows syn-volcanic characteristics such as layered orebodies interbedded with the volcanic rock strata, thus, the zircon U-Pb age of the volcanic host rocks can approximately represent the mineralization age of the Tongyu copper deposit. Both the Meigou pluton and the volcanic host rocks were formed during the ca. 440 Ma northward subduction of the Paleo-Qinling Ocean when high oxygen fugacity aqueous hydrothermal fluid released by dehydration of the slab and the overlying sediments fluxed into the mantle wedge, triggered partial melting of the mantle wedge, and activated and extracted Cu and other ore-forming elements. The magma and ore-bearing fluid upwelled and erupted, and consequently formed the island arc volcanic rock suite and the Tongyu VHMS-type copper deposit.  相似文献   
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