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The crystal structure of astrophyllite K2Na(Fe, Mn, Mg,□)7[Ti2(Si4O12)2|O3](OH, F)4 has been refined. The dimensions of the triclinic unit cell are: a = 0.5359(2) nm,b = 1.1614(4) nm, c = 1.1861(4) nm, α= 113.16(2)°, β= 103.04(2)°,γ= 94.56(2)°,V = 0.6495(5) nm3, Z= 1, space group P1, R=0.057 for 5308 reflections |Fo|>3σ|Fo|. According to structural and compositional differences the monoclinic astrophyllite K2NaNa(Fe, Mn)4Mg2Ti2[Si4O12]2(OH)4(OH, F)2 and astrophyllite should be considered as two different mineral species. Astrophyllite, monoclinic astrophyllite, bafertisite and lamprophyllite contain heteropolyhedral sheets which topologically are related with Si, O sheets of mica where one or several SiO4 tetrahedra are replaced by TiO n polyhedra. Therefore this heterophyllotitanosilicate series represents a kind of functional substitution in inorganic crystals.  相似文献   
Magnetotelluric sounding data obtalned recently in Manas earthquake area were processed. Inthe result, curves of apparent resistivity, impedance Phase, skewness and optimum rotationangle versus period and the real magnetic induction vectors were obtained. Then the data ofall measuring points were interpreted by 2D automatic inversion. The result indicates thatalong the sounding profile the shallow crust can be divided into 5 segments and the deep crustcan be divided into 3 segments, with faults or deep-seated fault zones as the contactboundaries between them. The sedimentary cover along the profile extents down to depthabout 12 km in maximum and a low-resistivity body exists in the crust in southern section ofthe profile. The interpretation results are well consistent with geological and othergeophysical data. The Manas M7. 7 earthquake occurred near a contact zone where theelectrical structure of the crust sharply changes.  相似文献   
In order to determine typical sizes of ice-supersaturated regions (ISSRs) in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere we set up the frequency distribution of path lengths flown by MOZAIC aircraft within ISSRs. The mean path length is about 150 km with a standard deviation of 250 km. We analyse the influence of a selection bias (viz. that large ISSRs are more often crossed by aircraft than small ones) on the obtained path length statistics and derive a mathematical equation that relates the path length distribution to the underlying size distribution of ISSRs, assuming that they have circular shape. We solve the equation (by trial and error) and test the result using numerical simulations. Surprisingly, we find that there may be many more very small ISSRs than apparent from the data such that the true mean diameter of the ISSRs may be of the order a few kilometres only. The relevance of the result is discussed and dedicated research flights to measure the true extension of ISSRs are recommended.  相似文献   
Ionosonde data from sixteen stations are used to study the semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak, hmF2. The semiannual variation, which peaks shortly after equinox, has an amplitude of about 8 km at an average level of solar activity (10.7 cm flux = 140 units), both at noon and midnight. The annual variation has an amplitude of about 11 km at northern midlatitudes, peaking in early summer; and is larger at southern stations, where it peaks in late summer. Both annual and semiannual amplitudes increase with increasing solar activity by day, but not at night. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is unrelated to the semiannual variation of the peak electron density NmF2, and is not reproduced by the CTIP and TIME-GCM computational models of the quiet-day thermosphere and ionosphere. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is approximately isobaric, in that its amplitude corresponds quite well to the semiannual variation in the height of fixed pressure-levels in the thermosphere, as represented by the MSIS empirical model. The annual variation is not isobaric. The annual mean of hmF2 increases with solar 10.7 cm flux, both by night and by day, on average by about 0.45 km/flux unit, rather smaller than the corresponding increase of height of constant pressure-levels in the MSIS model. The discrepancy may be due to solar-cycle variations of thermospheric winds. Although geomagnetic activity, which affects thermospheric density and temperature and therefore hmF2 also, is greatest at the equinoxes, this seems to account for less than half the semiannual variation of hmF2. The rest may be due to a semiannual variation of tidal and wave energy transmitted to the thermosphere from lower levels in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The implicit time integration scheme of Stott and Harwood (1993) was proposed as an efficient scheme for use in three-dimensional chemical models of the atmosphere. The scheme was designed for chemistry schemes using chemical families, in which species with short lifetimes are grouped into longer-lived families. Further study with more complex chemistry, more species and reactions showed the scheme to be non-convergent and unstable under certain conditions; particularly for the perturbed chemical scenarios of polar stratospheric winters. In this work the scheme has been improved by revising the treatment of families and the convergence properties of the scheme. The new scheme has been named IMPACT (IMPlicit Algorithm for Chemical Time-stepping). It remains easy to implement and produces simulations that compare well with integrations using more accurate higher order schemes.  相似文献   
南北地震带北段速度结构与电阻率特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
建立了南北地震带北段下地壳部分熔融几何形状和分布的模型。熔融的几何分布和连通性由以下3个因素决定:①熔融的位置;②熔融所占总体积的比例;③固-固和固-液界面的最小自由能。熔融形状有薄版形、管道形和椭球包体形。用此模型计算出含有部分溶融岩石的体积、剪切弹性模量和电导率的一般表示式。选择参数并计算出南北地震带北段下地壳的Vp、Vs和电阻率ρs值,即在鄂尔多斯地台下地壳的速度为Vp ≈6.71km/s,Vs≈3.96km/s,电阻率为上百至几百欧姆米。而在祁连、秦岭褶皱系下地壳速率Vp约为6.4~6.6km/s,Vs约为3.72~3.89km/s,电阻率为几至几十欧姆米。数值模拟的结果与地球物理反演结果基本相符,并进行了定性的构造解释。用一个模型对下地壳中的速度特征与电性特性进行了联合数值模拟,说明了此模型在解释下地壳中的Vp、Vs和ρs的有效性。  相似文献   
利用地热学、流变学和重力学方法,计算了南海岩石层温度结构、流变特征及地幔对流格局.南海莫霍面温度在600—1000℃之间.岩石层底界面温度在1150—1300℃之间,有效粘滞系数为1020—1021Pa·s,与冰期回弹资料确定的地幔粘度吻合,表明南海深部具备产生地幔热对流的物理条件.研究认为地幔物质由北西向南东方向的运移以及印澳-欧亚板块的碰撞,导致南海北部大陆边缘向洋扩张、离散和断裂解体.在向洋离散过程中,陆-洋岩石层底部地幔局部对流使中央海盆扩张和北部陆缘发生差异性块断运动.  相似文献   
In a previous study (Kaplan H, Seireg A., Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol., 2000; 13 (1/2): 25–41), the authors proposed a base isolation system for earthquake protection of structures.The system incorporates spherical supports for the base, a specially designed spring‐cam system to keep the base rigidly supported under normal conditions and to allow it to move for the duration of the earthquake under the constraint of a spring with optimized stiffness characteristics. A single‐degree‐of‐freedom structure was considered to investigate the feasibility of the concept. The simulation of the system response shows a 20 times reduction of the transmitted force as a result of using the proposed design in the considered case. This paper extends the previous study to the case of a 40‐storey steel structure subjected to the Taft as well as El Centro earthquakes. A 7.5 and 6 times reduction of the maximum transmitted force was achieved for the considered disturbances, respectively, without any adverse effects due to the tilting moment which is inherent in this type of base isolation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
隔震结构设计与分析软件的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
主要介绍了作者研制的隔震结构设计与分析软件的研制原理、特点和应用范围。结合实例将该软件的分析结果与SAP2000N软件的分析结果进行了比较,结果表明:该软件使用方便,计算结果可靠。  相似文献   
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