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随着城市的发展和能源需求的增长,污水的热能回收利用越来越受到关注,开发污水源热泵技术对建筑节能降耗具有重要意义。本文就污水源热泵系统的工作原理、特点等方面进行了介绍,阐述了国内外污水源热泵技术的开发利用历程与工程现状,分析了城市污水热能资源潜力以及污水源热泵技术的发展前景,指出利用污水与环境的温差获取热能具有十分巨大的能量资源前景,适宜的热源距离是污水源热泵开发利用的先决条件,开发污水源热泵系统,可以充分利用城市污水处理厂的二级出水或城市污水作为水源,通过合理利用出水的流量和温差为城市住宅供暖。基于我国能源与环境的现状,污水源热泵系统具有良好的市场前景,是一种值得推广的能源开发利用方式。  相似文献   
Formenti  Y.  Druitt  T. H.  Kelfoun  K. 《Bulletin of Volcanology》2003,65(8):587-605
The activity of Convention at Montserrat Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, during the period 1995–1999 included numerous violent explosions. Two major cycles of Vulcanian explosions occurred in 1997: a first of 13 explosions between 4 and 12 August and a second of 75 between 22 September and 21 October. The explosions were short-lived events lasting a few tens of seconds during which partial fountain collapse generated pyroclastic surges and pyroclastic flows, and buoyant plumes ascended 3–15 km into the atmosphere. Each explosion discharged on average 3×105 m3 (dense-rock equivalent, DRE) of magma, draining the conduit to depths of 1–2 km. The paper focuses on the first few seconds of three explosions of the 75 that occurred in September/October 1997: 6 October 1997 at 17:50, 7 October 1997 at 16:02 and 9 October 1997 at 12:32. Physical parameters such as exit velocities, magmatic water contents and magma pressures at fragmentation are estimated by following and modelling the ascent of individual momentum-dominated finger jets visible on videos during the initial stages of each explosion. The model treats each finger jet as an incompressible flow sustained by a steady flux of gas and particles during the few seconds of ascent, and produces results that compare favourably with those using a multiphase compressible code run using similar eruptive parameters. Each explosion reveals a progressive increase in eruptive intensity with time, jet exit velocities increasing from 40 m s–1 at the beginning of the explosion up to 140 m s–1 after a few seconds. Modelling suggests that the first magma to exit was largely degassed, whereas that discharged after a few seconds contained up to 2 wt% water. Magma overpressures up to ~10 MPa are estimated to have existed in the conduit immediately prior to each explosion. Progressive increases in jet exit velocity with time over the first few seconds of each explosion provide direct evidence for strong pre-eruptive gradients in water content and magma pressure in the upper reaches (probably 100–500 m) of the conduit. Fountain collapse occurred during the first 10–20 s of each explosion because the discharging jets had bulk densities up to 100 times that of the atmosphere and were unable to entrain enough air to become buoyant. Such high eruptive densities were due to the presence of partially degassed magma in the conduit.Editorial responsibility: A. Woods  相似文献   
Before the 1980s, El Ni?o was believed as the sea surface warming along the coast of Peru in South America. As the positive anomaly strengths, the warm water expands westward along the equator to form large area of anomalous high sea surface temperature. Rasmusson and Carpenter (1982) summarized the de-velopment process of the sea surface warm water and the corresponding wind field[1] during ENSO cylce. However, this canonical El Ni?o was questioned by 1982-1983 warm episode and later dat…  相似文献   
The authors exploit the remarkable connection between the Chinese climate trends and the annular modes by partitioning the trends into components linearly congruent with and linearly independent of the annular modes. Results show that the winter hemisphere annular mode has closer connection to Chinese climate than the summer one, e.g., the wetting JJA (June-July-August) rainfall trend along the Yangtze River valley and the associated temperature trends are significantly linearly congruent with the trend of the southern annular mode, while the JFM (January-February-March) climate trends are closely linked to the northern annular mode. The seasonal differences of a meridional wave-train-like chain across the equatorial Pacific associated with the annular modes are responsible for the seasonal-dependent connections to Chinese climate. Citation: Zhou, T. J., and J. Li, 2008: Climate change in China congruent with the linear trends of the annular modes, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 1, 1-7  相似文献   
The atmospheric stable boundary layer (SBL) with a low-level jet is simulated experimentally using a thermally stratified wind tunnel. The turbulence structure and flow characteristics are investigated by simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fluctuations and by flow visualization. Attention is focused on the effect of strong wind shear due to a low-level jet on stratified boundary layers with strong stability. Occasional bursting of turbulence in the lower portion of the boundary layer can be found in the SBL with strong stability. This bursting originates aloft away from the surface and transports fluid with relatively low velocity and temperature upward and fluid with relatively high velocity and temperature downward. Furthermore, the relationship between the occurrence of turbulence bursting and the local gradient Richardson number (Ri) is investigated. The Ri becomes larger than the critical Ri, Ricr = 0.25, in quiescent periods. On the other hand, the Ri number becomes smaller than Ricr during bursting events.  相似文献   
对1996年12月26~30日阿勒泰地区特大暴雪天气的分析表明,高空急流耦合的次级环流的加强了暴雪区的上升运动,低空急流为暴雪天气输送和集中了充分的水汽,深厚的上升运动和较强的位势不稳定是暴雪天气产生的动力学条件。  相似文献   
海洋碳循环模式的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘瑞芝  张学洪 《大气科学》1992,16(4):494-501
本文综述了两类近年来国外使用的海洋碳循环数值模式.一类是国外通常使用的比较简单的箱模式;另一类是基于大洋环流模式的三维无机碳循环模式,以及在该模式的基础上引进了海洋生物群作用的海洋碳循环模式.后者是目前比较完整的模式,也是本文重点介绍的内容.  相似文献   
《Polar Science》2014,8(4):370-384
An anomalous phytoplankton bloom was recorded in the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic Zone (AZ) of the Southern Ocean (SO) during the austral summer, 2011. Possible mechanisms for the triggering of such a large bloom were analyzed with the help of in situ and satellite data. The bloom, which formed in January 2011, intensified during February and weakened by March. High surface chlorophyll (Chl) concentrations (0.76 mg m−3) were observed in the area of the bloom (60°S, 47°E) with a Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM) of 1.15 mg m−3 at a depth of 40–60 m. During 2011, both the concentration and spatial extent of sea ice were high on the western side of the bloom, between 0°E and 40°E, and enhanced freshwater influx was observed in the study area as a result of melting ice. A positive Southern Annular Mode (SAM) (with a resultant northward horizontal advection) and an intense La Niña during 2010–2011 are possible reasons for the high sea-ice concentrations. The enhanced Chl a observed in the study region, which can be attributed to the phytoplankton bloom, likely resulted from the influx of nutrient-laden freshwater derived from melting sea ice.  相似文献   
亚洲急流与冬季风的关系及其对中国气候的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
姚慧茹  李栋梁 《气象学报》2013,71(3):429-439
利用NCEP\NCAR逐月再分析资料和中国台站逐日观测数据,采用奇异值分解(SVD)、相关分析和合成分析等方法,研究冬季亚洲高空急流的配置与冬季风的关系及其对地面气候的影响.结果表明,青藏高原至亚洲东部沿海的副热带急流强(弱),高纬的温带急流弱(强)时,中国中、东部大范围地区气温偏低(高);中东急流强(弱),东亚副热带急流偏南(北),温带急流东南部较弱(强)时,西南气温偏低(高),东北气温偏高(低),中、东部地区冬季降水偏多(少).结合水平风场的变化,副热带地区出现西风异常弱,温带出现东风异常时,有利于东亚大槽加深并向南扩张,低层偏北风加强,东亚冬季风增强,而青藏高原反气旋环流被削弱,冷高压减弱,相应的高原季风减弱.高、低纬急流区纬向风的差异较大时,加强了急流对低层冷、暖空气交绥的引导和汇聚的作用.东亚季风指数(EAMI)与高原季风指数(PMI)在冬季多呈负相关.冬季风异常期间,若副热带急流偏强,温带急流偏弱,高纬的干冷空气受南侧急流的汇聚作用而南侵,有利于中国大部分地区降温,降水减少;反之,低纬的暖湿气流受到北侧急流引导而向北输送,导致中国大部分地区升温,降水偏多.  相似文献   
浙北梅雨季低空急流特征及其与暴雨的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐娟  陈勇明 《气象科技》2013,41(2):314-319
应用2004-2011年常规探空资料、浙江北部雨量资料和2011年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对梅雨季影响浙北的西南低空急流进行统计,并在此基础上对急流活动与浙北暴雨的关系进行了分析,为浙江北部梅雨期暴雨的预报提供实际参考价值.结果表明:西南风低空急流在700 hPa层上出现次数最多,自上而下减少,其活动有明显的日变化特征,早晨增强,傍晚减弱;在不同类型的低空急流中,以SJ型、DJU型和TJ型居多,而DJL型急流偏少.浙北梅雨季暴雨发生前近90%伴有急流活动,其中DJU型急流较多;夜间暴雨比白天暴雨更依赖于低空急流,夜间暴雨发生前12h即有低空急流建立.2011年6月中旬的暴雨集中期对应着两次西南风低空急流的增强过程,低空急流最大风速出现在600 hPa附近并向低层伸展.  相似文献   
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