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The height of widespread tsunami runup about the Bay of Plenty from various volcanic scenarios involving eruptions at White Island is shown to be insignificant in all cases considered, except for Krakatoa‐type explosions. The problem of localised inundation remains unanswered. Some definitions describing volcanic tsunami risk, introduced recently by J. Latter (Bulletin volcanologique 1982), are briefly mentioned. All numerical calculations assumed cylindrical symmetry and used a flux‐corrected Lax‐Wendroff algorithm to solve the modified shallow water equations of Peregrine.  相似文献   
中国古代太阳中天观测及二至点测算精度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李勇 《天文学进展》2005,23(1):70-79
研究了元代《授时历议))所保存的天象观测和推步资料,得出:(1)在AD1277—1280年问所作的98次太阳中天观测的时刻及地平高度的绝对值平均误差分别为2.64min和6.78′.(2)6部古历——《大衍历》、《宣明历》、《纪元历》、《统天历》、《重修大明历》和《授时历》推步BC522年前的3个冬至时刻的误差范围为0.97—3.51d;而AD435—1280年间的45个冬至时刻的绝对值平均误差则分别为9.35、10.42、5.54、2.97、5.68、3.36h.(3)古代确定的AD442—1280年间的16个二至时刻的绝对值平均误差为199.59min,其中元代的误差为27.89min.  相似文献   
A 3000 km2 multibeam survey was carried out on the eastern Anaximander Mountains (Mts), (Eastern Mediterranean). The objective was to obtain detailed bathymetry of known mud volcanoes and identify new sites of active mud volcanism in the area. N-NW of the Amsterdam Mud-Volcano (MV) several mounds and cone-like morphological irregularities with a height of few tens of meters to about one hundred meters were detected and considered as potential MVs on the basis of their distinctive backscattered character. A group of two mounds was selected, the northern mound was sampled, documented as active, and named accordingly Athina MV. These new findings strongly support the presence of extensive active mud volcanism in the Anaximander Mountains especially in the area north of the Amsterdam MV.GEM  相似文献   
The mud volcanoes of Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine-geologic investigations on the Arabian Sea by Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) in 1995 and 1998, and land expeditions in 1998 and 1999 to the coastal regions of the Makran Desert/Pakistan have extended the knowledge of the aerial distribution of mud volcanoes. These structures rise from under-compacted formations within the regional accretionary prism, which is built by the subduction of the oceanic crust of the Arabian Sea and its km-thick sedimentary load. The occurrence of mud volcanoes is limited to the abyssal plain near the accretionary front, to the coastal region of the Makran Desert and to a region in the interior of the Desert to the south to southeast of the so-called Hinglay Synform. The location of mud volcanoes in Pakistan is clearly tied to fault systems. Mud volcanoes are conspicuously absent on the lower slope of the accretionary prism, where thick gas hydrate layers have developed. The presence of large gas plumes emerging from the seafloor landward of the gas hydrate stability zone at water depths of less than 800 m points to a redirection of fluids from depth, which might explain the absence of mud volcanoes along the lower slope.  相似文献   
天津七里海古泻湖湿地环境演变研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦磊 《湿地科学》2012,10(2):181-187
七里海古泻湖湿地位于天津市宁河县西南部,是全新世以来海退过程在天津平原留下的众多古泻湖湿地之一。分析了七里海古泻湖湿地形成、演变的区域地质背景,指出七里海古泻湖至少经历了3次大规模萎缩,其西南部萎缩较快,东北部萎缩相对较慢。利用历史资料研究了近5000a七里海古泻湖湿地的形成、演变过程,并以1950年航空照片和1976年、1981年、1987年、2000年、2005年的MSS、TM和ETM+影像数据为主要数据源,用遥感和地理信息系统技术研究了近百年七里海古泻湖湿地的环境变化。结果表明,距今5000a,七里海地区为海相沉积环境,海岸线穿越宁河的潘庄镇、大海北、小海北一带;距今3800~3000a,海岸线退至造甲城、七里海镇一带;到清朝乾隆年间,七里海湿地逐渐被分割成前海、后海、曲里海3部分,湖底不断淤积,水面不断萎缩,逐渐演变为湖泊、沼泽湿地;1926~2005年间,七里海湿地大致经历了3个变化阶段:1926~1950年为自然变化阶段,七里海湿地的变化主要受自然因素的影响,该阶段七里海湿地仍由前海、后海、曲里海3部分组成;1951~1981年为改造治理阶段,七里海被潮白河拦腰截断,分为东、西七里海,后海被改造为农田;1982~2005年为围垦和水产养殖阶段,东、西七里海的大面积水域以及湿地周围的大片农田都被改建为养殖池,自然湿地在减少,人工湿地在不断增加,导致七里海湿地景观类型日趋单一,生物多样性明显减少。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地南缘策勒绿洲近4000年来的环境变化   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
根据位于塔里木盆地南缘的策勒绿洲两个剖面的孢粉和化学元素的古气候意义的研究,恢复了近4.0 ka B.P.以来此地区环境变化的历史,揭示出了4个相对湿润期,分别发生于约4.0~2.0 ka B.P.、约2.0~1.0 ka B.P.、550~300 a B.P.、100 a B.P.前后.研究还揭示了1 500 a B.P.、1 000 aB.P.和200 a B.P.前后可能是此地区环境变化的重要时间界线.塔里木盆地古城废弃事件与环境变化记录之间的耦合表明,环境变化对此地区人地关系的内容及其演化具有重要的内在影响.  相似文献   
杨文采 《地质论评》2019,65(5):1039-1053
大陆动力学研究地球内能量和物质的运动和伴随的信息传播,上地幔中的软流圈是地球内部的物质运动的关键部位之一。由于观测的技术方法少,人类对软流圈内部的地质作用过程所知甚少。在青藏高原,过去地震波三维层析成像的分辨率不高,难以对地壳上地幔构造进行准确的定位。我们收集和整理了地方地震台的数字化观测数据,使地震体波三维层析成像的准确度大大提高,为解决软流圈的地质构造准确成像提供了新的可能性。根据地震体波三维层析的成像结果,在古特提斯洋和特提斯洋俯冲板块前沿的软流圈底部410 km间断面上方,存在反映古大洋俯冲板块的高速体,它们在青藏高原、苏鲁和伊朗都有出现。清晰和稳定的高波速异常的位置表明,特提斯洋俯冲板块现在已经拆沉在软流圈的底部,古特提斯洋俯冲板块也可能曾经拆沉在软流圈的底部。对比青藏高原和苏鲁的地壳上地幔波速结构推测,拆沉造成软流圈中的轻元素物质上涌,进入大陆岩石圈,造成岩浆活动。上涌还使碰撞造山带地壳厚度减小,而岩石圈厚度增加。大约100 Ma后,俯冲下去的大洋残块会被软流圈物质磨蚀交代,使岩石圈厚度增加, 形成大陆下方的大陆根,造成大陆克拉通化和体积增生。大洋板块俯冲后在软流圈拆沉是岩石圈—软流圈物质循环的一种重要方式,对软流圈中物质均衡和体积稳定也起重要作用。  相似文献   
为了揭示鄂尔多斯盆地北部杭锦旗断裂带在晚石炭世—中三叠世逆冲断层生长的位移模式和位移—长度关系,本文通过地震剖面解释、地层回剥分析和断层古位移测算来厘定古断层的末端位置,明确断裂生长连接历史,并结合幂律关系,探究了断层生长模式以及断裂带岩性组合、运动学、反转和断层系统内在特征等方面的影响。研究表明,杭锦旗断裂带的构造演化受基底断裂的分段性制约。其北东走向的分段(泊尔江海子断裂东段)形成较早;在垂向上,断裂中部的位移大,向两端递减;在平面上,断裂末端与东西走向的分段(泊尔江海子断裂西段)叠覆,导致局部位移增大,最终发生硬连接。东西走向的三眼井断裂形成于晚石炭世,先后经历了断层分段、横向扩展和连接的演化阶段。乌兰吉林庙断裂作为调节带断裂,其活动相对较弱且局部发生反转。根据断层位移—长度剖面的几何形态和断层演化阶段分析,可将杭锦旗断裂带的逆冲阶段的位移模式分为4种类型:①近对称的三角状或椭圆状,代表独立断层;②左右极不对称的锯齿状或双峰状,代表断层之间发生软连接作用;③不规则波状,反映多条小型断层的连接作用;④异常尖峰状,代表大型断裂后期位移的调整。杭锦旗断裂带的D_(max)/L数据集与全球其他地区比较,要低一个数量级,可能与断裂带的后期反转有关。最后,针对杭锦旗断裂带在不同时期的构造演化和D_(max)/L变化特征,提出了断裂带逆冲阶段演化的路径模式。  相似文献   
 The Citlaltépetl Ignimbrite records one of the largest explosive events during the Holocene activity of Citlaltépetl Volcano (Pico de Orizaba). Multiple pyroclastic flow units, a fall deposit, and some lahar units were emplaced between 8500–9000 y B.P. as a result of repetitive but discrete explosive events. The whole ignimbrite resulted from discrete fluctuations in eruptive intensity that decreased with time. The initial pyroclastic flow pulse was by far the most violent and widespread event, and its deposits show conspicuous variations in structure and texture that could be associated with different mechanisms of transport and emplacement. Subpopulation Sequential Fragmentation Transport (SFT) analyses were carried out in order to determine the physical mechanisms that selectively concentrate or remove particles in the moving flows. We suggest that lateral and temporal changes in the flow rheology, in which fluidization, yield strength, entrainment of atmospheric air, and sedimentation played a dominant role in flow propagation and emplacement, may imprint a unique signature in the grain-size spectra. The lowermost unit of the Citlaltépetl Ignimbrite can be envisaged by a model in which progressive aggradation near the vent became replaced by en masse emplacement farther outward. Received: 24 March 1998 / Accepted: 9 October 1998  相似文献   
巴丹吉林沙漠季节冻土特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宁凯  王乃昂  胡文峰  张洵赫  孙杰  王旭 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1209-1216
通过巴丹吉林沙漠腹地连续的地温观测和2014年1月的专题考察,发现巴丹吉林沙漠属于季节冻土区,年冻结时间长达4个月.沙漠内部的局地地形和湖泊分布是影响季节冻土分布差异的重要因素.迎风坡和背风坡冻土冻结深度显著大于丘间地冻结深度,湖泊的存在使湖泊周边地区最大冻结深度显著变浅.通过沙漠及其周边地区地温、气温、地气温差的分析,结合我们在巴丹吉林沙漠外围发现的末次冰期砂楔群,表明我国北方沙漠在末次冰期属于不连续的多年冻土区.  相似文献   
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