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南洞流域东部重点区石漠化现状及治理对策   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
为了探讨南洞流域东部重点区石漠化现状及其治理对策,通过遥感数据分析结果并结合地面实地调查验证,对云南南洞流域东部重点区石漠化分布特征、成因、危害及其区域林地生态环境质量状况进行了分析。结果表明,南洞流域东部重点区石漠化面积占岩溶区面积的17.2%,集中分布于大庄盆地西北部,以轻度石漠化为主,轻度、中度、重度石漠化的面积比例约为7∶3∶1,石漠化与水土流失问题突出,岩溶区林地生态环境质量等级以三级、四级为主,占区域总面积的53.77%,整体水平较低,且明显低于区内的非岩溶地区林地。粗放型畜牧和农耕方式是导致区内石漠化形成和加剧的最重要因素。提出休垦弃焚、恢复次生植被、合理开发利用土地资源、优化农林畜牧产业结构,实施林草建设工程、草食畜牧业工程、水利水保设施工程,建立保障制度和监督机制,开展全面的石漠化综合治理对策,以确保区域生态恢复、农林畜牧经济健康发展及南洞地下河流域生态安全和水资源开发利用。   相似文献   
基于我国南方地区岩溶发育极不均匀、水位水质动态变化快的特点,通过对信息熵法和防污性能法所得结果的对比,分析在缺少系列监测资料条件下,利用岩溶水系统防污性能评价结果快速布设地下河系统水动态监测网的可行性及其布设原则。根据防污性能评价结果,结合水循环特征,桂林海洋-寨底地下河系统水动态监测网需由17个监测站组成;采用信息熵法对现有35个监测站进行优化后,认为只需要12个监测站就可组成最优监测网,但这12个监测站点与采用防污性能评价法得到的点位完全重合,且均位于防污性能差的地区。对比分析认为,以地下水系统防污性能评价结果布设地下水动态监测网是可行性的,因为岩溶发育区既是防污性能差的地区,也是地下水动态变化快的地区,能充分反映地下河系统水质水量变化。采用防污性能评价法布设地下水动态监测网时,需要充分认识和了解地下河系统水文地质条件和地下河管道结构特征,且需要遵循以下原则:(1)在岩溶发育相对较弱的系统中部(基本上不存在防污性能差的地区)不设置监测站点;(2)在距离地下河出口较近的岩溶发育区内(即防污性能差的地区)监测站点可由地下河出口替代;(3)对于多支管道系统,岩溶发育相对较弱且距离较短的小型支管道上可以不布设监测站,由支管道与主管道交汇处的监测站代替。  相似文献   
影响地下水封石油洞库场址条件优劣的因素较多,除了相关的地质环境因素外,同时还应考虑石油运输的经济性和施工的便利性。在我国第一批国家石油储备基地地下储备库调研和勘察工作的基础上,从场址工程地质条件、技术经济条件、施工条件方面提出地质构造、地形地貌、岩体强度等10个影响地下水封石油洞库场址优劣性的因素,并确定了它们对应的量化指标;以这10个影响因素为评价指标,确定了地下水封石油洞库场址优劣等级的评价标准;详细介绍了可拓综合评价方法和程序,并建立了地下水封油库场址优劣等级可拓评价模型。将这套评价方法在惠州地下水封油库工程中进行应用,验证了评价标准和评价方法的可靠性,评价结果表明惠州地下水封油库场址属于优等场址。  相似文献   
龙门山平驿铺组沉积体系及旋回层序研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文首次从龙门山区下泥盆统平驿铺组中,划分出河口湾、三角洲、滨岸和陆棚四个沉积体系和三个Ⅲ级T-R旋回层序。平面上,四个沉积体系组成了扬子板块西侧的古大陆边缘由过渡相区和滨岸相区相间分布的古地理格局;垂向上,两相区中的三个Ⅲ级T—R旋回层序也由不同的沉积体系组成,旋回层序的演化虽然受构造差异沉降影响,但仍以Ⅲ级海平面升降变化为主要控制因素,并具同步演化规律,可分别代表古大陆边缘活动型和相对稳定型的两种Ⅲ级T—R旋回层序模式。  相似文献   
本文以新活动论构造观和系统论为指导,建立了渭北东部区新生代伸展构造系统模式,并以岩体结构控制论为基础,系统地讨论了本区构造网络系统对奥陶系灰岩的空间分布、奥陶系灰岩地下水水文地质单元的边界条件、奥灰水单元的补、径、排特征及其富集等方面的控制作用以及宏观指导意义。最后,系统地提出了导水构造网络系统控水的实质。   相似文献   
A number of ancient charred paddies with a 14C dating of about 5900 a BP were recovered in the sixth excavation at Chuodun Site and are assigned to the Majiabang culture (7–6 ka BP). To understand their formation mechanism, the ancient charred paddies were compared to modern paddies using FT-IR spectrum and thermaogravimetric analysis. At the same time, modern charred paddies were made in helium by the laboratory method, and the structural characteristics of them and the ancient ones were revealed using CP/MAS-13C-NMR. Our results show there are more aromatic moieties in ancient charred paddies compared to modern paddies. The aliphatic components of modern charred paddies decrease continuously, accompanied by the accumulation of aromatic components, when the duration and temperature of oxidation increase, and the structure buildings of modern charred paddies are more similar to ancient ones. Given the planting manner of paddies during Majiabang culture period, these ancient charred paddies might be a result of the original farming mode involving fire. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40571088)  相似文献   
地幔柱大辩论及如何验证地幔柱假说   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
目前关于地幔柱存在与否的争论主要集中在地幔柱学说的三个假设上:(1)起源于地球核幔边界缓慢上升的细长柱状热物质流;(2)热点下具有异常高温地幔;(3)地幔柱是相对静止的。这三个方面的验证需要今后深部地球物理探测、岩石学和古地磁等学科的综合运用和进一步的工作。文中认为,地幔柱学说依然能合理地解释地球上一级地质现象,反对地幔柱的学者过分强调了一些小尺度的与地幔柱理论不符的细节,而小尺度地壳特征显然还受到其他许多因素的影响。可以从以下5个方面来鉴别老地幔柱:(1)大规模火山作用前的地壳抬升;(2)放射状岩墙群;(3)火山作用的物理特征;(4)火山链的年代学变化;(5)地幔柱产出岩浆的化学组成。研究表明,峨眉山大火成岩省满足其中的3到4个指标,因此地幔柱是形成峨眉山玄武岩的主要动力学机制。  相似文献   
洁净煤技术应用现状综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
我国是煤炭生产和消费大国 ,大力开发应用适合我国国情的煤炭地下气化技术、工业型煤技术、水煤浆气化技术、煤液化技术、洁净煤联合循环发电技术、煤系废弃物的综合利用技术等洁净煤技术 ,对提高煤炭利用率 ,改善环境状况 ,实现能源工业 (也包括化工及其它相关行业 )的可持续发展 ,有重要意义并具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
作者将鲁南地区一水文观测孔的92次地下水水位月平均监测数据,划分了10种状态范围,运用马尔可夫链模型,对未来地下水水位进行状态范围预测。在与实际监测资料进行对比的基础上,验证了马尔可夫链理论在地下水水位预测中的可行性及可靠性,并对运用中的具体问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
In this study, a systematic survey of cultural airborne fungi was carried out in the occurrence environments of wall paintings that are preserved in the Tiantishan Grottoes and the Western Xia Museum, China. A bio-aerosol sampler was used for sampling in four seasons in 2016. Culture-dependent and -independent methods were taken to acquire airborne fungal concentration and purified strains; by the extraction of genomic DNA, amplification of fungal ITS rRNA gene region, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis, thereafter the fungal community composition and distribution characteristics of different study sites were clarified. We disclosure the main environmental factors which may be responsible for dynamic changes of airborne fungi at the sampling sites. The concentration of cultural airborne fungi was in a range from 13 to 1,576 CFU/m3, no significant difference between the two sites at the Tiantishan Grottoes, with obvious characteristics of seasonal variation, in winter and spring were higher than in summer and autumn. Also, there was a significant difference in fungal concentration between the inside and outside of the Western Xia Museum, the outside of the museum was far more than the inside of the museum in the four seasons, particularly in the winter. Eight fungal genera were detected, including Cladosporium, Penicillium, Alternaria, and Filobasidium as the dominant groups. The airborne fungal community structures of the Tiantishan Grottoes show a distinct characteristic of seasonal variation and spatial distribution. Relative humidity, temperature and seasonal rainfall influence airborne fungal distribution. Some of the isolated strains have the potential to cause biodeterioration of ancient wall paintings. This study provides supporting information for the pre-warning conservation of cultural relics that are preserved at local sites and inside museums.  相似文献   
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