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基于ArcIMS与J2EE城市信息发布系统的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了基于ArcIMS和J2EE体系结构集成开发城市信息发布系统的总体框架设计、数据库设计和系统功能设计,并采用此设计方案实现了一个具体实例。  相似文献   
Accurate information on the conditions of road asphalt is necessary for economic development and transportation management. In this study, object-based image analysis (OBIA) rule-sets are proposed based on feature selection technique to extract road asphalt conditions (good and poor) using WorldView-2 (WV-2) satellite data. Different feature selection techniques, including support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF) and chi-square (CHI) are evaluated to indicate the most effective algorithm to identify the best set of OBIA attributes (spatial, spectral, textural and colour). The chi-square algorithm outperformed SVM and RF techniques. The classification result based on CHI algorithm achieved an overall accuracy of 83.19% for the training image (first site). Furthermore, the proposed model was used to examine its performance in different areas; and it achieved accuracy levels of 83.44, 87.80 and 80.26% for the different selected areas. Therefore, the selected method can be potentially useful for detecting road conditions based on WV-2 images.  相似文献   
A laboratory study on rare earth element bearing mine tailings, collected from Bangka Island, Indonesia, reported a new spectral absorption feature at 674 nm associated with Erbium. The present study aims to evaluate the capability of the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 MSI sensors to detect this absorption feature from space. An arithmetic band operation is performed on selected visible and near-infrared spectral bands of a Sentinel-2 image. The results show that Sentinel-2 MSI is capable of detecting the 674 nm Erbium-related absorption feature within the particular environmental setting of the study area.  相似文献   
上海市三甲医院对周边地区住房价格的空间影响效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取上海市区7家三级甲等综合性医院,运用特征价格模型和多元回归分析方法,实证分析它们对周边住宅价格的空间影响效应。研究结果显示:① 总体上,相比其他环境区位因素,三甲医院对周边住宅价格的影响程度较小,而建筑面积、物业管理费、学区房、轨道交通、建筑楼高、至 CBD 的距离等因素的影响程度较大。② 三甲综合医院对周边住宅价格产生负面影响。在相同情况下,住宅离医院距离越近,则价格越低。住宅与医院的距离每缩短50 m,住宅价格平均下浮0.602%。③ 由于三甲综合医院区位各不相同,距离CBD远近不一,对住宅价格的影响也存在空间差异。一般来说,距离CBD越近,住宅价格受医院的负面影响也越小。  相似文献   
通过对具有不同初始含水率和干密度的两种压实黏质砂土的脱湿曲线进行测试、分析和对比,并结合核磁共振技术,探讨了干密度、初始含水率和土样组分对压实黏质砂土脱湿过程的影响规律。利用核磁共振测得了试样在各级吸力下的T2时间(横向弛豫时间)分布曲线,定性地探讨了不同吸力下试样中的水分分布特征,揭示了干密度、初始含水率和土样组分对试样脱湿过程的微观机制影响。试验结果表明:干密度仅在低基质吸力条件下对试样脱湿过程产生重要影响,而在高吸力条件下初始含水率和试样组分起主导作用;核磁共振结果证实在压实黏质砂土中,小孔隙结构主要由初始含水率和试样组分控制,而大孔隙的结构主要取决于干密度;试样组分对压实土的内部结构和孔隙大小分布的影响比初始含水率大。  相似文献   
This research explored the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and radar (i.e., ALOS PALSAR L-band and RADARSAT-2 C-band) data for mapping impervious surface distribution to examine the roles of radar data with different spatial resolutions and wavelengths. The wavelet-merging technique was used to merge TM and radar data to generate a new dataset. A constrained least-squares solution was used to unmix TM multispectral data and multisensor fusion images to four fraction images (high-albedo, low-albedo, vegetation, and soil). The impervious surface image was then extracted from the high-albedo and low-albedo fraction images. QuickBird imagery was used to develop an impervious surface image for use as reference data to evaluate the results from TM and fusion images. This research indicated that increasing spatial resolution by multisensor fusion improved spatial patterns of impervious surface distribution, but cannot significantly improve the statistical area accuracy. This research also indicated that the fusion image with 10-m spatial resolution was suitable for mapping impervious surface spatial distribution, but TM multispectral image with 30 m was too coarse in a complex urban–rural landscape. On the other hand, this research showed that no significant difference in improving impervious surface mapping performance by using either PALSAR L-band or RADARSAT C-band data with the same spatial resolution when they were used for multi-sensor fusion with the wavelet-based method.  相似文献   
电子探针测年方法应用于粤北长江岩体的铀矿物年龄研究   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
晶质铀矿被认为是花岗岩型铀矿成矿的主要矿源提供者,在评价岩体的含矿性和确定成岩成矿年龄方面有重要意义。长江岩体属于诸广山复式岩体的一部分,是粤北地区重要的产铀花岗岩体,本文利用电子探针对该岩体中的铀矿物进行研究。结果表明:长江岩体中的铀矿物多以充填或被黄铁矿包围的形式存在,或者分布于石英、黑云母、绿泥石等矿物中;铀矿物类型主要有晶质铀矿、沥青铀矿、铀石、铀钍石四种。晶质铀矿/沥青油矿的化学年龄值可分为三组:~155 Ma、~106 Ma和~74 Ma。第一组年龄代表岩体的形成时代,后两组年龄代表铀矿的多期次成矿作用年龄。铀矿物从成岩后到~106 Ma,成分没有发生明显变化,直到~74 Ma后才发生明显的U元素活化、迁移。因此,可以推测长江岩体地区主要的铀矿成矿期应发生在~74 Ma及之后。  相似文献   
三疣梭子蟹HMGR基因的克隆及其在蜕皮中的表达分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶(3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase,HMGR)在甲壳动物蜕皮调控中的作用,采用RT-PCR和c DNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE),克隆得到三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)HMGR基因的c DNA序列(Gen Bank登录号:KF280756)。该序列全长2575bp,包括一个53bp的5′端非编码区,一个686bp的3′端非编码区和一个长度为1836bp的开放阅读框,编码611个氨基酸。该氨基酸序列与已公布的美洲海鳌虾HMGR氨基酸序列相比一致性达65%,具有Ⅰ型HMGR保守催化区域、两个HMG-Co A结合基序和两个NADP(H)结合基序。采用实时荧光定量PCR(q RT-PCR)技术,分析三疣梭子蟹HMGR基因的组织差异表达及在蜕皮周期中的表达水平变化,结果表明HMGR基因在三疣梭子蟹大颚器(MO)中的表达量最高,在其它组织中表达量均极低;在三疣梭子蟹蜕皮周期中,大颚器中HMGR基因的表达量自A期至D0亚期升至最高,然后下降,至D4亚期最低。验证了大颚器是三疣梭子蟹合成甲基法尼酯的唯一器官,表明HMGR在三疣梭子蟹蜕皮调控中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
The clustering of fracture orientations is important for tectonic studies and for geotechnical engineering. In this study, a real‐coded genetic algorithm was adopted to fitting a mixed Bingham distribution to orientation data by maximizing the log‐likelihood function of the distribution. The maximization is a difficult problem, because the function has multimodality and singularity. It was found that the algorithm was effective for this problem. Given the orientations of dilational fractures, the present method determines not only the stress axes and stress ratio of each of the fracture groups but also the maximum non‐dimensionalized fluid pressure at the time of their formation. In addition, the software calculates the 95 % error ellipses of the concentration axes. The present method found that the orientations of ore veins of the Akenobe Mine, SW Japan, should be partitioned into three clusters. It is shown that two of the groups had distinctive Zn and Sn contents, and that the ore fluids had overpressures only slightly greater than the minimum principal stress at the time of the deposition of Zn‐ and Sn‐rich veins.  相似文献   
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