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An experiment on evapotranspiration from citrus trees under irrigation with saline waterwas carried out for 4 months. Two lysimeters planted with a citrus tree in the green house wereused. One lysimeter was irrigated with saline water (NaCl and CaCl2 of 2000 mg/L equivalence,EC = 3.8 dS/m, SAR = 5.9) and the other was irrigated with freshwater using drip irrigation. Theapplied irrigation water was 1.2 times that of the evapotranspiration on the previous day.Evapotranspiration was calculated as the change in lysimeter weight recorded every 30 minutes.The lysimeters were filled with soil with 95.8% sand. The results of the experiment were as follows.(i) The evapotranspiration from citrus tree was reduced after irrigation with saline water. Theevapotranspiration returns to normal after leaching. However it takes months to exhaust the saltfrom the tree. ( ii ) To estimate the impact of irrigation with saline water on the evapotranspirationfrom citrus trees, the reduction coefficient due to salt stress (Ks) was used in this experiment.Evapotranspiration under irrigation with saline water (ETs) can be calculated from evapotranspira-tion under irrigation with freshwater (ET) by the equation ETs = Ks× ET. Ks can be expressed as afunction of ECsw. (iii) The critical soil-water electrical conductivity (ECsw) is 9.5 dS/m, beyondwhich adverse effects on evapotranspiration begin to appear. If ECsw can be controlled at below9.5 dS/m, saline water can be safely used for irrigation.  相似文献   
An experimental study on reduction of U (Ⅵ) by anaerobic bacteria, Shewane//a putrefaciens, is first reported here in China. The experimental conditions were: 35℃ and pH =7.0-7.4, corresponding to a physicochemical environments in which the sandstone-hosted interlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposit formed in Northwest China's Xinjiang. Bacteria adopted in the present experiment, Shewanella putrefaciens, occur extensively in natural environment. Our study shows that nano-crystal precipitates of uraninite quickly occurred on the surface of the cells within one week. It was found that the pitchblende was characterized by a random arrangement of uraninite nanocrystals (2-4 nm) in it, significantly different from natural pitchblende in which uraninite nanocrystals are arranged in order. Finally, a possible mechanism of uranium biomineralization by microorganisms in the deposits is discussed. Our investigation may supply a technical train of thoughts for bioremediation of nuclear-contaminated water environments and for underground dissolving extraction of the sandstone-hosted uranium ores.  相似文献   
京津冀地区作为中国重要的能源消费基地,近年在产业转型与发展中对清洁能源的需求不断增加。光伏发电是中国“十四五”期间加速能源结构转型,早日实现碳中和目标的关键举措与重要抓手。本文以京津冀为研究区,通过构建“地形—气象—成本”光伏开发适宜性综合评价指标体系,计算了光伏开发适宜性指数,刻画出京津冀地区2018年光伏开发适宜性的空间格局特征,进而定量评估不同开发适宜性情景下光伏发电潜力与减排效益。研究表明:① 京津冀地区光伏开发适宜区占到区域总面积的22%,一般适宜区面积最广,“燕山—太行山”一线是适宜区与不适宜区的主要分界线,各类适宜区主要分布在承德、张家口和保定市3个市。 ② 京津冀地区光伏发电发展潜力巨大,开发非常适宜区和较适宜区的年发电潜力是2018年京津冀地区电力消耗的3倍。③ 光伏发电节能减排效果显著。在将非常适宜区和较适宜区全部开发情景下碳减排量为京津冀2018年排放量的47%。④ 土地利用限制、大型输电网络和储能系统是制约光伏发展的主要因素。总体来看,虽然大规模光伏开发仍存在一定的限制条件与技术瓶颈,但在全球气候变化加剧和社会经济发展进入“低碳脱碳”新常态的背景下,京津冀地区的大规模光伏开发仍是助力区域早日实现碳中和目标、优化能源结构和提升人民福祉的重要途径。  相似文献   
W.T. Thompson 《Icarus》2009,200(2):351-357
The bright Kreutz Comet C/2007 L3 (SOHO) entered the fields of view of the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) COR1 telescopes on 7–8 June 2007. The 12° separation between the two spacecraft at the time afforded the opportunity to derive the position of the comet's tail in three-dimensional space using direct triangulation. The track of the comet's orbit is compared against more traditional orbital calculations using observations from the STEREO COR2 telescopes, and from the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The shape of the comet's tail shows that it is composed of dust particles released when the comet was between 18 and 22 solar radii, with no significant dust production after that. The comet did not survive perihelion passage, but a rare faint remnant of the comet tail persisted for several hours after the break-up, and was seen by both the SOHO and STEREO coronagraphs to drift slowly away from the Sun. This tail remnant was found to be composed of particles far back from the head of the comet. The motion of the tail remnant shows a loss of angular momentum during the passage through the solar corona. Atmospheric drag is estimated to account for a significant fraction of this change in angular momentum, but indications are that other mechanisms may be required to completely account for the total amount of change.  相似文献   
经济层面和技术层面的碳减排研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相关资料和事实表明,全球气候发生了很大的变化。二氧化碳是温室效应中最重要的温室气体,碳减排工作是缓解温室效应的一项重要措施,为当前科学研究热点之一。本文主要从经济和技术两个方面,较为系统和全面地介绍了当前碳减排方面的研究进展。经济层面的研究,包括数量化模型、碳税机制和碳减排附加效应几个方面。专业技术方面的研究,包括对碳行为的源汇和贮量的计算研究、碳循环研究、以及减少碳排放的工业技术的运用等。文章还简要提出了中国在碳减排研究方面应采取的几点措施。  相似文献   
有限元强度折减法的有效性及结果评价决定该方法是否能在工程上得到认可及推广的关键。本文基于有理论解的地基承载力问题和澳大利亚计算机应用协会(ACADS)边坡稳定性典型考题,通过计算值与理论解的对比以及塑性贯通区结果,对有限元强度折减法用于边坡稳定分析的有效性、失稳判据以及结果评价等问题进行了系统研究,提出了以塑性带宽度与长度之比检验计算结果的方法。结果发现,在足够且合理的网格密度下,有限元强度折减法分析边坡稳定性是有效的,不同类型的临界状态判据差异不大,而塑性区贯通判据最为客观;临界状态时塑性带的宽度与长度之比与安全系数的计算精度有很高的相关性,其值越小,精度越高,当塑性区相对宽度b/L小于0.05时,安全系数相对误差一般小于5%;对于强度折减法计算结果的精度评价,只要所得的等效塑性应变分布能确定滑动机制和大致的滑动面位置,其安全系数计算结果与更细密的网格的结果差异一般也在5%以内,精度就是足够的。  相似文献   
基于2005年深圳市0.3 m分辨率的航片与梧桐山8个林地样方数据,通过ArcView软件平台,利用CITYgreen生态价值评估模型,计算2005年梧桐山林地削减径流的生态效益。并以2005年为初始年,以10年为周期,预测2015—2055年林地生长趋势与生态效益。结果表明:2015年、2025年、2035年、2045年与2055年梧桐山林地增长率分别为14.23%、12.27%、12.09%、11.68%、12.85%;2005年削减径流的生态效益为3.74亿元,2015年、2025年、2035年、2045年与2055年预测值分别为3.89亿元、4.03亿元、4.19亿元、4.35亿元与4.52亿元。林地生长与生态效益增长态势不均衡与不同树木的生命周期及其特性相关。  相似文献   
通过模拟气候变化,探究短期增温和降水减少对沙质草地土壤微生物量碳氮及酶活性的影响,揭示沙质草地土壤微生物量碳氮和酶活性对短期气候变化的响应规律。结果表明:(1)短期增温和降水减少对土壤微生物量碳氮和酶活性均产生显著影响。(2)在自然温度下,与自然降水相比,降水减少40%时土壤微生物量碳(MBC)和微生物氮(MBN)含量最高,增幅分别为87.9%和98.8%;降水减少60%时土壤碱性蛋白酶(S-ALPT)活性最低,降幅达32.8%。(3)在增温条件下,与自然降水相比,降水减少40%时土壤MBC和MBN含量最低,降幅分别为25.67%和48.16%,土壤脲酶(S-UE)活性最高,增幅20.42%。(4)土壤pH与3种土壤酶活性正相关,与土壤微生物量碳氮负相关。土壤微生物量碳氮与土壤纤维素酶(S-CL)活性负相关,与S-UE、S-ALPT活性正相关。  相似文献   
热带气旋对广州经济建设的影响及其减灾对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重分析热带气旋的活动规律,热带气旋灾害的气候特点以及对经济建设的影响.提出热带气旋的减灾对策:气象部门应建立热带气旋防灾减灾系统,加强卫星遥感技术在热带气旋灾害监测中的应用,积极开展气象工程服务;政府和社会应做好防御工程建设,制定和完善防御台风、暴雨等灾害的具体措施,积极发展保险事业,加强城郊防御热带气旋和宣传等防灾减灾工作.  相似文献   
将土石坝渗流的有限元计算和坝坡稳定分析的强度折减有限元法相结合,对土石坝坝坡的稳定性进行分析。考虑渗流作用时,首先采用有限元法计算坝体渗流场,通过迭代计算出稳定渗流的逸出点和浸润线位置,并根据水力梯度计算坝体所受的渗透力;然后将渗流分析所确定的渗流力与土体自重、浮力、地震力等荷载共同施加在坝体上,采用温控参数折减有限元法计算土石坝坝坡的临界失稳状态及其所对应的安全系数。分析结果表明,采用此方法进行土石坝坝坡稳定分析是合理的,且大大提高了计算效率  相似文献   
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