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高重频激光测距数据处理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文探讨了高重频激光测距工作中的数据处理问题。该数据处理采用了屏幕显示以及数学分析方法,以剔除卫星激光测距数据中的观测异常值,提取有效的数据点,并最终生成标准点数据。通过对奥地利GRAZ激光测距站高重频数据资料的处理表明,该数据处理方法是有效的。  相似文献   
杨庆洪  左文喆  祝彬 《地质与资源》2020,29(4):374-379, 362
滦县-滦南县段滦河冲积平原铁矿群司家营铁矿区、马城铁矿区、坎上铁矿区、常裕铁矿、高官营铁矿总储量达几十亿吨,均覆盖有巨厚的第四系含水体,水文地质条件复杂,一直未能开采,成为“大水呆滞金属矿”,被视为开发过程中可能对区域水文地质环境造成较大影响的大水矿区,列为限制开采区,至本世纪初才相继解限投产.通过对司家营铁矿北区、司家营铁矿南区、马城铁矿区、坎上铁矿区、常裕铁矿、高官营铁矿等6处矿山的水文地质条件的分析,论述了滦县-滦南县段滦河冲积平原的水文地质特征.  相似文献   

河流地质考古学是基于地层研究河流和考古遗址之间关系的学科。近年来我们在河南省内黄县开展的河流地质考古研究揭示了黄河复杂的演化历史,在此基础上进一步探讨了古代人类活动与周围环境的相互作用。本文主要介绍了2010~2016年我们在河南省内黄县3个全新世遗址(岸上、三杨庄和大张龙村)的地质考古工作中所取得的成果。研究区域内遗址的地层记录表明,许多考古遗址被深埋于地下,并可能影响了3000 a B.P.以来的河流沉积过程。我们在岸上遗址发掘了A、B、C、D共4处青铜时代的沟渠遗迹,这些沟渠的堆筑可能影响了后期的沉积过程并导致了遗址周边微地貌的改变;在三杨庄遗址识别出了多层不同时期的人为古土壤,包括新石器晚期、战国时期、汉代和唐代;在大张龙村发现了北宋时期黄河泛滥沉积物,其沉积过程可能受周边村落遗址的影响。根据测得的14C年代和沉积层厚度,本研究进一步对这3处遗址的沉积速率进行了估算,并与前人对华北平原沉积速率的相关研究进行了对比。结果表明,这3处遗址所显示的沉积速率自3000 a B.P.开始显著增加,与对早期历史时期黄河河道沉积速率的估算结果相吻合。因此,基于遗址的地质考古研究能够为探索人与环境的互动关系提供大量信息。未来的工作中,我们需要开展更多基于考古遗址的河流地质考古研究,以深入探讨华北平原的自然沉积过程与文明演进过程之间的关系。

随着既有建筑物的增层改造工程的发展和技术的日益成熟 ,为了提高原有建筑物地基土强度和变形能力 ,对其基础加固处理也愈加频繁。如何准确有效地评价其地基加固质量及其空间变化的均匀性是关系此类工程安全可靠的重要保证。本文以某一工程为例 ,讨论既有建筑物增层改造工程的地基加固质量的检测和综合评价方法。该建筑物建于 5 0年代 ,原设计为 5层 ,现增层为 6层 ,采用高压注浆方法进行地基加固处理.  相似文献   
Assuming homogeneity in alluvial aquifers is convenient, but limits our ability to accurately predict stream‐aquifer interactions. Research is needed on (i) identifying the presence of focused, as opposed to diffuse, groundwater discharge/recharge to streams and (ii) the magnitude and role of large‐scale bank and transient storage in alluvial floodplains relative to changes in stream stage. The objective of this research was to document and quantify the effect of stage‐dependent aquifer heterogeneity and bank storage relative to changes in stream stage using groundwater flow divergence and direction. Monitoring was performed in alluvial floodplains adjacent to the Barren Fork Creek and Honey Creek in northeastern Oklahoma. Based on results from subsurface electrical resistivity mapping, observation wells were installed in high and low electrical resistivity subsoils. Water levels in the wells were recorded real time using pressure transducers (August to October 2009). Divergence was used to quantify heterogeneity (i.e. variation in hydraulic conductivity, porosity, and/or aquifer thickness), and flow direction was used to assess the potential for large‐scale (100 m) bank or transient storage. Areas of localized heterogeneity appeared to act as divergence zones allowing stream water to quickly enter the groundwater system, or as flow convergence zones draining a large groundwater area. Maximum divergence or convergence occurred with maximum rates of change in flow rates or stream stage. Flow directions in the groundwater changed considerably between base and high flows, suggesting that the floodplains acted as large‐scale bank storage zones, rapidly storing and releasing water during passage of a storm hydrograph. During storm events at both sites, the average groundwater direction changed by at least 90° from the average groundwater direction during baseflow. Aquifer heterogeneity in floodplains yields hyporheic flows that are more responsive and spatially and temporally complex than would be expected compared to more common assumptions of homogeneity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Alluvial fans develop their semi‐conical shape by quasi‐cyclic avulsions of their geomorphologically active sector from a fixed fan apex. On debris‐flow fans, these quasi‐cyclic avulsions are poorly understood, partly because physical scale experiments on the formation of fans have been limited largely to turbidite and fluvial fans and deltas. In this study, debris‐flow fans were experimentally created under constant extrinsic forcing, and autogenic sequences of backfilling, avulsion and channelization were observed. Backfilling, avulsion and channelization were gradual processes that required multiple successive debris‐flow events. Debris flows avulsed along preferential flow paths given by the balance between steepest descent and flow inertia. In the channelization phase, debris flows became progressively longer and narrower because momentum increasingly focused on the flow front as flow narrowed, resulting in longer run‐out and deeper channels. Backfilling commenced when debris flows reached their maximum possible length and channel depth, as defined by channel slope and debris‐flow volume and composition, after which they progressively shortened and widened until the entire channel was filled and avulsion was initiated. The terminus of deposition moved upstream because the frontal lobe deposits of previous debris flows created a low‐gradient zone forcing deposition. Consequently, the next debris flow was shorter which led to more in‐channel sedimentation, causing more overbank flow in the next debris flow and resulting in reduced momentum to the flow front and shorter runout. This topographic feedback is similar to the interaction between flow and mouth bars forcing backfilling and transitions from channelized to sheet flow in turbidite and fluvial fans and deltas. Debris‐flow avulsion cycles are governed by the same large‐scale topographic compensation that drives avulsion cycles on fluvial and turbidite fans, although the detailed processes are unique to debris‐flow fans. This novel result provides a basis for modelling of debris‐flow fans with applications in hazards and stratigraphy.  相似文献   
张陶  蒲俊兵  袁道先  李建鸿 《地质学报》2016,90(8):1965-1976
为了解岩溶区控制溪流中溶解无机碳(DIC)和NO_3~-昼夜变化的生物地球化学过程以及DIC和NO_3~-日变化量,于2014-07-22~2014-07-24期间,在广西壮族自治区融安县官村溪流中包括地下河出口(CK)和下游雷崖村(LY)设置两个监测点同时对水体物理化学参数以及C、N同位素(δ~(13) CDIC、δ~(15) N-NO_3~-和δ~(18) O-NO_3~-)展开了为期2d的高分辨率昼夜监测采样工作。结果发现CK点各物理化学参数没有表现出昼夜变化,但是LY点Ca2+、DIC以及PCO2表现出明显的昼夜变化规律,即白天下降夜间上升且与DO和pH表现出明显的负相关关系。相对于CK点,在白天水生光合生物光合作用导致LY点DIC下降的同时δ~(13) CDIC上升,而在夜间呼吸作用导致LY点DIC上升的同时δ~(13) CDIC下降且部分时间段要低于CK点δ~(13) CDIC值。溪流中的NH4+在监测期间基本上都在下降而NO_3~-离子在夜间和上午时间段都在上升,δ~(15) N-NO_3~-却表现出下降的趋势,且比较接近δ~(15) N-NO_3~-初始值,而NO_3~-离子在下午时间段出现下降的趋势。结果表明溪流中DIC昼夜变化主要受到水生植物的光合作用和呼吸作用控制,且通过质量平衡方程计算得知溪流中由于光合作用吸收无机碳而转为有机碳的量为0.94kgC/d,这部分有机碳可以形成相对长期稳定的自然C汇。溪流在夜间和上午时间段发生了N的硝化作用,增长量为2.08kgN/d,但在下午时间段(12:00~18:00)发生了N的同化作用,损失量为0.42kgN/d。溪流输出的NO_3~--N的量为1.66kgN/d,表明在富碳、富钙的岩溶溪流中,有利于水生光合生物的生长,促进N的同化作用的发生,从而减少溪流输出NO_3~--N的量,说明岩溶区溪流N的生物地球化学过程可能在昼夜尺度上改变水质。  相似文献   
周娟  罗荣涛  陈杰 《江苏地质》2016,40(1):107-112
目前,东营凹陷南坡沙三段已钻遇到坡移扇这一新型的岩性油气藏类型,但是对坡移扇的地质认识较浅,且其识别特征尚不明确,从而制约了坡移扇勘探的进程。通过大量的岩芯精细观察和描述,统计分析了大量实验数据,在结合地震资料分析的基础上,系统总结坡移扇有别于浊积岩的沉积特征等识别标志。分析认为,坡移扇的形成受三角洲的规模和建设性、构造坡度或沉积坡度、构造运动及湖平面变化等因素所控制。  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区察右后旗乌兰哈达苏木地热勘探井井深2006.87 m。采用石油30型钻机施工,钻遇地层大部分为变质岩,达1500 m以上,对牙轮钻头损坏严重,同时施工要求进行18次岩心采取。经过对钻头的试用、选择,最后选用HJ637G型牙轮钻头,钻进时效可达0.8~1.2 m,使用寿命可达到80~100 h。取心段采用川7-4型双管单动取心筒配合金刚石钻头,岩心采取率可达70%~95%。  相似文献   
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