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The central, northwestern and western Anatolian magmatic provinces are defined by a large number of late Mesozoic to late Cenozoic collision‐related granitoids. Calc‐alkaline, subalkaline and alkaline intrusive rocks in central Anatolia are mainly metaluminous, shoshonitic, I‐ to A‐types. They cover a petrological range from monzodiorite through quartz monzonite to granite/syenite, and are all enriched in LILE. Their geochemical characteristics are consistent with formation from a subduction‐modified mantle source. Calc‐alkaline plutonic rocks in northwestern Anatolia are mainly metaluminous, medium‐ to high‐K and I‐types. They are monzonite to granite, and all are enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE, showing features of arc‐related intrusive rocks. Geochemical data reveal that these plutons were derived from partial melting of mafic lower crustal sources. Calc‐alkaline intrusive rocks in western Anatolia are metaluminous, high‐K and I‐types. They have a compositional range from granodiorite to granite, and are enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE. Geochemical characteristics of these intrusive rocks indicate that they could have originated by the partial melting of mafic lower crustal source rocks.  相似文献   
A report is presented on the recertification of two certified reference materials (CRMs) initially prepared and certified by the Central Geological Laboratory of Mongolia (CGL), namely serpentinite GAS and alkaline granite OShBO. Subsequent work done in collaboration with the International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG) followed the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) guidelines for certification (ISO Guide 35, 2006) more closely than had been possible originally. The certification protocol followed was that of the International Association of Geoanalysts (IAG). The recertification added to the number of elements that were certified for OShBO (from 21 to 30), but not for GAS (decreased from 15 to 12) because of the greater analytical difficulties posed by that sample matrix in meeting the more stringent metrological requirements for recertification. Further, the uncertainties for these values were established in accordance with the Guide to Measurement Uncertainty ; individual contributions of heterogeneity and bias are reported as appropriate for each of the certified constituents. Traceability of the certified values was demonstrated to the greatest possible extent, based on concurrent analyses of the matrix-matched existing CRMs, SW and GM, by all participating laboratories. The materials are now available from the CGL for use by laboratories in controlling data quality when analysing materials of similar matrices.  相似文献   
河北矾山钾质碱性岩体,由3期侵入岩和脉岩正长岩组成。第1期岩石为层状超镁铁质岩系,具韵律层结构。层状岩系中赋存巨大磁铁磷灰石矿床。碱性岩体全岩225个样品平均含金为7.8×10-9。矾山岩体金的丰度为6.1×10-9,是地壳金丰度(3.5×10-9)的1.74倍。第1期岩石平均金含量为8.8×10-9,第2期岩石为5.1×10-9,第3期岩石为7.4×10-9,正长岩为4.2×10-9。第1期侵入岩中辉石岩平均金含量为9.31×10-9,黑云辉石岩平均为7.78×10-9,伟晶正长黑云辉石岩为7.40×10-9,间隙状正长辉石岩为8.00×10-9,磁铁磷灰石岩为13.78×10-9,磷灰石岩和黑云磷灰石岩为11.80×10-9,黑云母岩为18.63×10-9。在垂直层状岩系的剖面上,岩石金含量呈韵律性变化。在东矿区,岩石金含量由西向东趋于降低。在岩浆液相分离过程中,金倾向富集在含铁、镁、钙和磷的熔体相中,而在岩浆结晶分异过程中,金可能富集在流体相中。  相似文献   
Megacrysts in the Cenozoic basalt of the Tuoyun Basin,Southwest Tianshan   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Abundant megacrysts of clinopyroxene, amphibole, anorthoclase, and phlogopite are found together with deep-seated xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalt of the Tuoyun Basin, Southwest Tianshan. The megacrysts are mainly in the cone sheet formed at the early stage of the volcanic activity. Clinopyrox-ene megacrysts are located in the lower part of the profile, with amphibole and phlogopite megacrysts in the middle part and anorthoclase megacrysts in the upper part. The crystal integrity, absence of de-formation fabric and their relation to the host basalt suggest that they were crystallized from the host magma and quickly transported to the surface. The mineralogical studies imply that the clinopyroxene megacrysts are of Al-augite with higher Al2O3 (>9%). Amphibole megacrysts are kaersutite rich in TiO2 (>4.5%). Sulfide inclusions such as pyrrhotite occur in some clinopyroxene and amphibole megacrysts. Thermodynamic calculations reveal that pyroxene megacrysts formed under the temperature of 1185.85―1199.85℃ and the pressure between 1.53 and 1.64 GPa comparable to the crust-mantle boundary and amphibole megacrysts crystallized under the pressure of around 0.85 GPa, temperature about 1000℃ comparable to the depth of 30 km. Anorthoclase megacrysts crystallized under the pressure between 0.8―1 GPa,temperature about 900℃.The absence of Ti-rich inclusions such as rutile can be considered as an evidence of quick magma ascending. The P-T conditions estimated via py-roxene megacrysts and phenocrysts compose a P-T path with a steep slope. It can be considered as another evidence of quick magma ascending. However, the estimated temperatures for amphibole megacrysts are markedly lower than those for pyroxene megacrysts given the same pressure. It probably shows that the amphiboles have crystallized at the vanguard of magma and under the vola-tile-rich condition. Thus, we can conclude that the Cenozoic basalts are produced in an extensional tectonic setting and the processes governing crystallization and ascending of the megacrysts are very complex.  相似文献   
尹继元  陈文  喻顺  孙敬博  张斌  杨莉  袁霞  张岩 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2355-2364
朱鲁木特石英正长斑岩出露于西准噶尔北部。地球化学研究结果显示,它们的SiO2含量在74.5%~77.6%之间,显示高的K2O(4.60%~5.58%)、全碱(8.14%~9.61%)含量和高的K2O/Na2O比值(1.25~1.38),属于高钾钙碱性岩系列。铝饱和指数(A/CNK)=1.04~1.18,为过铝质岩石系列。稀土元素总量在128×10-6~236×10-6之间。它们显示了轻稀土富集[(La/Yb)N=6.0~10.4],重稀土相对平坦[(Gd/Yb)N=0.96~1.12],强烈的负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.23~0.26)为特征。微量元素显示亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高强场元素,富集Rb、K、U和Th等大离子亲石元素和La、Nd和Zr等元素。岩浆源区可能经历了斜长石,磷灰石,钛铁矿等矿物的分离结晶作用。石英正长斑岩具有正的εNd(t)和εHf(t),年轻的t2DM(Nd)(474~572 Ma)和t2DM(Hf)(357~931Ma)模式年龄,可能是古生代新生地壳物质的部分熔融的产物。它们具有较高的锆石饱和温度(834~865℃),与西准噶尔北部的A型花岗岩几乎同时形成,表明西准噶尔地区在早二叠世处于一种拉张高温的环境。  相似文献   
华北地台北缘是我国一个巨型金成矿带。成矿作用主要受控于前寒武纪的结晶基底、区域性的深大断裂带和火山-岩浆活动。海西晚期-燕山期的构造岩浆活动是本区的最重要控矿因素。与构造岩浆活动有关的金矿类型,尤其是其中的特殊类型和新类型,具有巨大的找矿潜力。以下三种分布广泛、类型特殊、工作程度不足的金矿床会在将来的勘查工作中有更多的发现:1.浅成低温热液型金矿床(与花岗斑岩有关);2.斑岩型金矿床,矿体赋存于花岗斑岩和花岗质侵入岩中;3.与碱性岩有关的金矿床。  相似文献   
Sm-Nd isotopic compositions were determined for the peralkaline Ilímaussaq Complex of the Gardar Province of southern Greenland. The majority of the samples in the agpaitic and augite syenitic units have near chondritic initial Nd(≈ 0), whereas a few samples trend towards Nd values as low as − 6 at the time of intrusion (1143 Ma). This latter value, from a sample taken from the margin of the complex, lying on the evolutionary trend for Ketilidian country-rock granitoids, suggests that large-scale contamination took place only at the margins of the complex. The similarity of the Nd isotopic compositions of the augite syenite and agpaitic units suggests that their parental magmas were derived from the same reservoir. A comparison of the Nd with existing Sr and Hf isotopic data for the complex suggests an origin by combined assimilation fractionation processes. Assimilation-fractional crystallization modeling of the isotopic compositions indicates that the Ilímaussaq magmas could have formed through fractional crystallization of a basaltic melt while assimilating granitic crust. The model requires initially higher assimilation rates from basalt to augite syenite composition with subsequent decreasing assimilation rates from augite syenite to agpaitic compositions. Alkali granites, which formed after the intrusion of the augite syenites, have isotopic compositions intermediate between those of the augite syenites and the surrounding Ketilidian basement. This implies even greater amounts of assimilation and is interpreted as evidence for an origin through fractionation of a basaltic or augite syenite magma with concurrent assimilation of Ketilidian crust.  相似文献   
辽西凌源河坎子碱性杂岩体地球化学特征及地质意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
分析测定了河坎子碱性杂岩体的稀土、微量元素和Sr、Nd、Pb同位素数据 ,对该杂岩体形成的构造背景、源区特征及意义进行了讨论。河坎子碱性杂岩体稀土元素总量较高 ,富集LREE和大离子亲石元素 ,Eu呈弱负异常或异常不明显 ,Nb、Ta、K、P、Ti和Y呈负异常 ,过渡族元素含量偏低。稀土和微量元素分布模式与辽东凤城碱性杂岩体相似。主侵入期 4个全岩加 1个黑云母样品的全岩矿物Rb_Sr等时线年龄为 2 2 1.4± 8.5 (2σ)Ma ,属于印支期碱性岩浆活动。该岩体的εSr(t)均为正值 ,平均 7.2 3,ISr=0 .70 4 77± 0 .0 0 0 15 ,εNd(t)均为负值。微量元素和Sr、Nd及Pb示踪同位素特征显示其源区与EMⅠ型富集地幔端员有关。河坎子碱性杂岩体地球化学特征不仅揭示了华北地台北缘东部上地幔在三叠纪时具有富集性 ,而且也显示了辽东地区比辽西地区更富集的特点。河坎子碱性杂岩体形成于板内拉张环境 ,岩浆作用以批式部分熔融占主导地位。  相似文献   
石准立  谢广东 《现代地质》1998,12(4):477-484
摘  要  着重研究了东伙房金矿床矿物包裹体的空间分布, 并将其用于解释矿床成因。 研究 了成矿压力场、 温度场和热液沸腾与矿质沉淀的关系, 利用矿物包裹体气相和液相成分测定 结果讨论了金的搬运形式。 论述了碱性潜火山岩正长斑岩体与成矿的关系, 指出矿床形成于 印支期地幔热柱引发的张性成矿动力学背景之下, 矿床属于和碱性岩有关的中浅成高中温热 液矿床。  相似文献   
呼勒德稀土元素矿化区位于蒙古国中戈壁省南部,区内稀土元素和金矿(化)点星罗棋布,为蒙古中南部最重要的金属矿化集中区之一.在所有上述矿床(点)中,稀土元素矿化在下二叠统火山-沉积岩内呈似层状、脉状和透镜体状产出,并且与呼勒德碱性正长岩株具有密切空间分布关系.本次研究对呼勒德正长岩进行了锆石SHRIMP铀-铅同位素年龄测定,所获同位素年龄值为(214.3±2.5)Ma,MSWD值为0.52,属中生代印支期.根据上述同位素年代学数值,同时结合其他地质与地球化学证据,可以推测,中生代时期,受古陆块内部构造应力调整作用影响,呼勒德地区一带及东西两侧曾发生过强烈构造-岩浆活动,并且形成碱性正长岩株及相关的稀土元素矿(化)点.印支期碱性岩浆活动不仅为稀土元素矿(化)点的形成提供了物质、动力和热力来源,而且是成矿流体对流循环的"发动机".对比分析结果表明,呼勒德碱性正长岩体的形成时间与南蒙古鲁金郭勒碱性花岗斑岩脉及相关稀土元素矿床形成时代大体相似,它们均是地壳演化特定阶段混源(壳、幔源)岩浆活动的产物.  相似文献   
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