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This paper presents field, geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd,Pb) results on basalts from the Antipodes, Campbell and ChathamIslands, New Zealand. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinations alongwith previous K–Ar dates reveal three major episodes ofvolcanic activity on Chatham Island (85–82, 41–35,5 Ma). Chatham and Antipodes samples comprise basanite, alkaliand transitional basalts that have HIMU-like isotopic (206Pb/204Pb>20·3–20·8, 87Sr/86Sr <0·7033,143Nd/144Nd >0·5128) and trace element affinities(Ce/Pb 28–36, Nb/U 34–66, Ba/Nb 4–7). Thegeochemistry of transitional to Q-normative samples from CampbellIsland is explained by interaction with continental crust. Thevolcanism is part of a long-lived (100 Myr), low-volume, diffusealkaline magmatic province that includes deposits on the Northand South Islands of New Zealand as well as portions of WestAntarctica and SE Australia. All of these continental areaswere juxtaposed on the eastern margin of Gondwanaland at >83Ma. A ubiquitous feature of mafic alkaline rocks from this regionis their depletion in K and Pb relative to other highly incompatibleelements when normalized to primitive mantle values. The inversionof trace element data indicates enriched mantle sources thatcontain variable proportions of hydrous minerals. We proposethat the mantle sources represent continental lithosphere thathost amphibole/phlogopite-rich veins formed by plume- and/orsubduction-related metasomatism between 500 and 100 Ma. Thestrong HIMU signature (206Pb/204Pb >20·5) is consideredto be an in-grown feature generated by partial dehydration andloss of hydrophile elements (Pb, Rb, K) relative to more magmaphileelements (Th, U, Sr) during short-term storage at the base ofthe lithosphere. KEY WORDS: continental alkaline basalts; lithospheric mantle, mantle metasomatism; New Zealand; OIB, HIMU; Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes; West Antarctica  相似文献   
北大巴山志留系滔河口组火山-沉积地层发育有粗粒玄武岩、细粒玄武岩、杏仁构造玄武岩和枕状玄武岩四种斑状玄武岩相。它们都属于碱性玄武岩,并具有相似的地球化学特征,富Ti、贫Si,富集大离子亲石元素(LILE,如Th、Rb、Ba)和LREE,轻重稀土分异明显。稀土和微量元素标准化配分型式具有与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)类似的特征。斑晶主要属于单斜辉石族中的次透辉石-透辉石,具有与全岩相似的微量和稀土元素配分形态,表明四种玄武岩相由同一岩浆源区形成。由单斜辉石-熔体平衡温压计计算获得的初始岩浆深度大于67.65km,表明岩浆源区来自地幔。岩浆在上升过程中在39.93~67.65km、14.52~20.46km、4.62~9.24km三个深度范围发生了储积结晶,最后喷出到地表分别形成粗粒玄武岩、细粒和枕状玄武岩、杏仁构造玄武岩。粗粒玄武岩中富含金云母表明岩浆源区遭受了富不相容元素流体的交代作用。玄武岩全岩、单斜辉石地球化学特征以及火山-沉积序列共同表明,滔河口组碱性玄武岩形成于大洋板内环境。  相似文献   
利用湿碱式化学提取技术和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪,优化样品碱式消解方法,确定仪器最佳工作条件,建立了测定海洋沉积物中不同含量级别生物硅的方法。结果表明,仪器检出限为0.724μmol/L,方法检出限为0.942μmol/L。用于测定硅酸盐-硅溶液成分分析国家一级标准物质(GBW08648和GBW 08649,标准值分别为50.0μmol/L和100.0μmol/L),测定值分别为(49.888±0.275)μmol/L、(99.578±0.651)μmol/L,相对标准偏差为0.443%、0.527%;对于不同生物硅含量级别海洋沉积物样品的平行、独立测量,其相对标准偏差8.9%。方法快速、简便、准确,可满足古海洋学不同时空尺度气候和环境分析的应用。  相似文献   
郗山和龙宝山稀土矿具有相似的成矿地质背景、控矿岩体特征及矿床地质特征。燕山早期碱性侵入岩与稀土矿关系密切,稀土矿体主要赋存于杂岩体内及其附近围岩中;稀土元素和同位素研究表明,含矿质的富碱岩浆可能属壳幔混源型,碱性岩浆及成矿物质最初可能都来源于上地幔同一部位,而在岩浆上侵过程中同化混染了地壳物质。郗山稀土矿为单一富轻稀土矿床,矿脉类型以含稀土石英重晶石碳酸盐脉为主,含稀土矿物以氟碳铈矿和氟碳钙铈矿为主,碳酸铈钠矿和菱钙锶铈矿属国内首次发现。龙宝山稀土矿为稀土、金共生矿,矿脉类型主要为石英脉和硅化角砾岩;含稀土矿物主要有氟碳铈矿、氟碳铈镧矿、氟碳钙铈矿;金矿物有自然金、银金矿等。成矿时代稍晚于岩浆岩形成时代,属中生代燕山晚期;矿床成因类型为碱性岩浆期后中-低温热液稀土矿床。  相似文献   
碾子山晶洞碱性花岗岩矿物-水氧同位素交换反应动力学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对黑龙江碾子山碱性花岗岩的全岩及其主要单矿物进行了氧同位素分析,结果表明,全岩和单矿物不仅δ^18O 值变化范围较大(全岩-2.4-2.0‰,石英0.0-5.8‰,碱性长石-3.8-0.1‰,磁铁矿-8.5-1.0‰),而且强烈亏损^18O。共生矿物之间表现出明显不平衡的氧同位素分馏特征,指示在花岗岩侵位之后与水之间发生了同位素交换,根据锆石和现代大气降水的氧同位素组成,对岩石与外来流体的δ^18O值进行了估计,多维矿水-岩反应时限约为0.3-3Ma,水/岩比(氧摩尔比)介于0.11-1.02之间。水-岩反应温度较高(约400度)和反应时间较长是导致石英δ^18O值降低的主要原因。  相似文献   
The geological setting, petrography and bulk mineral chemistry of a monzodiorite and a presumably consanguineous megaporphyry with large (up to 25 cm) labradorite megacrysts, both intruding the upper Proterozoic Saramuj Conglomerate in south-west Jordan (south eastern shore of the Dead Sea), were examined. The crystallization temperatures of the monzodiorite and the megaporphyry as determined from pyroxene thermometry and supported by contact metamorphic mineralogy are about 700 and 900°C, respectively. The intrusion depth of the monzodiorite is about 3–4 km. The monzodiorite was emplaced in the Saramuj Conglomerate at about 595 + 2 Ma ago according to Rb/Sr and U/Pb age determinations.The stratigraphic positions of the monzodiorite, megaporphyry and their host rock (the Saramuj Conglomerate) were compared with time-equivalent lithologies in the Arabian-Nubian Shield. Correspondence to: H. Wachendorf  相似文献   
The lengths and widths have been measured for 69 component bodies of composite plutons along the Cobequid Shear Zone. Plutons on major fault strands, those with mylonite zones >0.1 km wide, exhibit evidence of multiple intrusion of magma batches. Small plutons along short faults in stepover zones appear related to rapid emplacement of magma in bodies 1.5–4 km long by 0.1–2 km wide. Such small plutons show low enrichment in incompatible elements in older component bodies, but increasing amounts in younger bodies as a result of progressive magma expulsion from crystal mush during crystallization and shear-enhanced compaction in fault zones. Wider plutons generally occur along longer fault strands accommodating more strain and penetrating deeper into the crust and show enrichment in incompatible elements. The width of the mylonitic fault zone is about 15% of the width of these plutons. The length-to-width ratio of component bodies and composite plutons varies between 2 and 11. The best-fit line describing these data has a slope of 1.056, which implies scaling behavior between plutonism and tectonic processes. Scalar properties of plutonic bodies are similar to those of faults, but scalar relationships observed in component bodies do not apply to composite plutons.  相似文献   
Four soluble inorganic salts were used to examine their influences upon cadmium forms in the alkaline soil and the contents of cadmium absorbed by plants. After KCl solution added in the soil, the contents of effective form of cadmium in the soil increased from 28% to 122%, carbonate form decreased from 2% to 47%, iron-manganese oxidation form increased from 20% to 150%. As to the organic combination form, when the KCl solution of lower concentration was added in the soils, the organic combination form contents of cadmium would decrease, while the KCl solution of higher concentration was added in the soils, the organic combination form contents of cadmium would increase. After CaCl2 solution was added in the soils, the contents of effective form of cadmium in the soils increased from 7% to 33%, the carbonate form contents of cadmium decreased from 10% to 60%, the contents of the iron-manganese oxidation form of cadmium increased from 5% to 90%, the organic combination form of cadmium increased from 5% to 73%. After KH2PO4 solution was added in the soils, the contents of effective form of cadmium in the soils decreased from 20% to 46%, the carbonate form contents of cadmium decreased from 14% to39%, the contents of the iron-manganese oxidation form of cadmium increased from14% to 95%, the organic combination form of cadmium increased from 5% to 65%. After K2CO3 solution was added in the soil, the effective form contents of cadmium decreased from 5% to 22%, the carbonate form contents of cadmium increased from 12% to 64%, the contents of organic combination form of cadmium in the soils were similar to those of the carbonate form, increasing by 3%-38%. The content variation of the iron-manganese oxidation form of cadmium was slight after K2CO3 solution was added in the soils.  相似文献   
塔什库尔干新生代碱性杂岩造岩矿物化学成分及成因意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆塔什库尔干碱性杂岩体主要由苦子干碱性正长岩体和卡日巴生碱性花岗岩体组成,是帕米尔地区最大的新生代碱性杂岩体。本文在岩相学和矿物化学的基础上,着重研究了苦子干岩体主要造岩矿物的种属、共生关系和结晶顺序。研究表明,苦子干岩体中的不同岩石类型系同源岩浆演化的产物;岩浆在整个演化过程中平衡结晶作用占主导,分离结晶作用的影响极小。据岩浆房中矿物结晶时的温度和压力条件、矿物的结晶特征及演化趋势,推测岩浆上升速度较快,侵位较浅。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Alpine Orogen contains in South East Europe, from the Carpathians to the Balkans–Srednogorie, an Upper Cretaceous, ore bearing igneous belt: a narrow elongated body which runs discontinously from the Apuseni Mountains in the North, to the western part of the South Carpathians (Banat) in Romania, and further South to the Carpathians of East Serbia and still further East to Srednogorie (Bulgaria). This results in a belt of 750 km/30–70 km, bending from N-S in Romania and Serbia, to E-W in Bulgaria. Using the well established century-old terminology of this region, we describe it in this paper as the Banatitic Magmatic and Metallogenetic Belt (BMMB). Plate tectonics models of the Alpine evolution of South East Europe involve Mesozoic rifting, spreading and thinning of the continental crust or formation of oceanic crust in the Tethian trench system, followed by Cretaceous-Tertiary convergence of Africa with Europe and opening of Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea troughs. The result of successive stages in the collision process is not only the continental growth of Europe from N to S by the docking of several microplates formerly separated from it by Mesozoic palaeo–oceans, but also the rise of mountain belts by overthickening of the crust, followed by orogenic collapse, lateral extrusion, exhumation of metamorphic core complexes and post-collisional magmatism connected to strike-slip or normal faulting. The BMMB of the Carpathian-Balkan fold belt is rich in ore deposits related to plutons and/or volcano-plutonic complexes. Serbian authors have proposed an Upper Cretaceous Paleorift in Eastern Serbia for the Timok zone and some Bulgarian geologists have furnished geologic, petrological and metallogenetic support for this extensional model along the entire BMMB. The existence and importance of previous westwards directed subductions of Transilvanides (=South Apuseni = Mure? Zone) and Severin-Krajina palaeo–oceans, popular in Roman ian literature, seems to have little relevance to BMMB generation, but the well documented northwards directed subduction of the Vardar-Axios palaeo–ocean during Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous is a good pre-condition for the generation, during the Upper Cretaceous, of banatitic magmas in extensional regime, by mantle delamination due to slab break–off. Four magmatic trends are found: a tholeiitic trend, a calc-alkaline trend, a calc-alkaline high–K to shoshonitic trend and, restricted to East Srednogorie, a peralkaline trend. For acid intrusives, the typology is clearly I-type and magnetite–series, pointing to sources in the deep crust or the mantle; however, some high 87Sr/86Sr ratios recorded in banatites prove important contamination from the upper crust. The calc-alkaline hydrated magmas, most common for banatitic plutons, can be considered as recording three stages of evolution: more primitive – the monzodioritic, dioritic to granodioritic trend (S Apuseni, S Ba–nat, Timok, C and W Srednogorie); more evolved – the granodioritic-granitic trend (N Apuseni, N Banat, Ridanj–Krepoljin); the alkaline trend (E and W Srednogorie, western part of N Banat). Correlating the composition of the host plutons with the types of mineralisation, several environments can be found in the BMMB, function of timing of fluid separation (porphyry versus non-porphyry environments), depth of emplacement, size of intrusion and geology of intruded rock pile, biotite versus hornblende crystallisation, involving the evolution of K/Na ratio in fluids, i. e. development of potassic and phyllic alteration zones: a) non-porphyry environment with granodioritic to granitic magmas, plutonic level, skarn mineralisation prevails; b) porphyry environment with monzodioritic or dioritic to granodioritic magmas, subvolcanic–hypabyssal–plutonic level; porphyry Cu with skarn halo at hypabyssal-subvolcanic level; c) porphyry environment with monzodioritic or dioritic to granodioritic magmas, volcano-plutonic complexes with porphyry copper plus massive sulfide mineralisation at subvolcanic-volcanic level; d) non-porphyry environment with magmas of alkaline tendency, volcanic level, vein (“mesothermal” and “epithermal”) mineralisation.  相似文献   
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